ORDINANCE 1017F,440 (, ORDINANCE NO. 1017 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 5.08.526 TO CHAPTER 5.08 AND ADDING CHAPTER 5.42 THERETO RELATING TO MOTION PICTURE, RADIO, AND TELE- VISION REGULATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 5.08.526 is added to Chapter 5.08 of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" to read as follows: 5.08.526. MOTION PICTURE OR TELEVISION - COMMERCIAL USE. The license referred to in Section 5.08.525 requires the issuance of a permit pursuant to Chapter 5.42 of this Code. SECTION 2. Chapter 5.42 consisting of Sections 5.42.010 through 5.42.100 is added to Title 5 of the "El Segundo Municipal Code" to read as follows: CHAPTER 5.42 MOTION PICTURE, RADIO, AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION REGULATIONS 5.42.010 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and phrases shall be construed herein as set forth in this section, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended: (1) "Motion picture, radio, or television productions" shall include all activity attendant to staging or shooting commercial motion pictures, television shows or programs, and commercially prepared radio broadcasts. (2) "Still photography" shall mean and include all activity attendant to staging or shooting commercial still photographs. 5.42.020 PERMITS AND EXEMPTIONS. (a) PERMIT REQUIRED. No person shall use any public or private property, facility, or residence for the purpose of taking commercial motion pictures or television pictures or commercial still photography or for the purpose of any radio broadcast or telecast without first applying for and receiving a permit therefor from the Director of Finance. (b) EXEMPTIONS. (1) Current news. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to or affect reporters, photographers, or cameramen in the employ of a newspaper, news service, radio broadcasting station, or similar entity engaged in on- the -spot broadcasting of news events concerning those persons, scenes, or occurrences F;441 which are in the news and of general public interest. (2) Studios. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to or affect a motion picture, television, or radio broadcasting studio operating at an established or fixed place of business in the city. (3) Charitable purposes. No permit fee shall be required for any motion picture, radio, or television production when found by the Director of Finance to be conducted or carried on wholly for a charitable or non - profit purpose either directly or indirectly, by any individual; provided, however, a permit as provided for in this chapter shall be required. 5.42.030. REQUIREMENTS AND DUTIES: RULES. (a) PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO BUSINESS LICENSE REGULATIONS. The provisions of this chapter are intended to augment and be in addition to the provisions of Section 5.08.525 of Chapter 5.08 of this title. Whenever the provisions of this chapter impose a greater restriction upon persons premises, or practices than is imposed by the general business license regulations, the provisions of this chapter shall control. (b) CHANGE OF DATE. Upon permittee, the issuing authority upon a showing of good cause, to which the permit has been issued limitations are complied with in location. :he request of the shall have the power, change the date for provided established respect to time and (c) RULES. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to promulgate rules and regulations governing the form, time, and location within the city of any activity set forth in Section 5.42.010 of this chapter. The Director of Finance shall provide for the issuance of permits and shall collect the permit and application fees and the license fee required by Section 5.08.525 of this Code. The rules and regulations shall be based upon the following criteria: (1) Traffic congestion at particular locations within the city; (2) The written consent of all affected property owners or occupants in possession of property, as determined by the Director of Finance; (3) The safety and convenience of all persons; (4) The disruption of normal activities of all persons at particular locations within the city; (5) The safety of property within the city; and (6) The submission of evidence that the applicant has adequate comprehensive general liability insurance to protect the City and its officers and employees and the permittee. The insurance shall be in a form approved by the City Attorney and in an amount and with a carrier approved by the City Manager. 5.42.040 PROHIBITIONS. No person shall engage in any motion picture, radio, or television production or still photography activity which would constitute a hazard to public safety or interfere with or endanger -2- ,44'; the public peace or rights of residents and other occupants of property to the quiet, peaceful, unmolested enjoyment of their property. 5.42.050 APPLICATIONS AND ISSUANCE. (a) ISSUING AUTHORITY. The issuing authority shall be the Director of Finance. (b) No application shall be considered unless it is filed together with all the necessary supporting documents not less than ten full working days before the date for which the permit is first sought. (c) APPLICATIONS. The following information shall be included in the application; (1) The address or place at which the activity is to be conducted; (2) The specific location at such address or place; (3) The inclusive times and dates such activity will transpire; (4) A general statement of the character or nature of the proposed activity; (5) The number of personnel to be involved; (6) The food servicing arrangements; (7) The amount and type of equipment to be involved; and (S) Such other information the Director of Finance deems appropriate. (d) ISSUANCE OF PERMITS. Upon a finding by the Director of Finance that the applicant has complied with the rules and regulations referred to in subsection (c) of Section 5.42.030 of this chapter, a permit shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter 5.42.060 APPLICATION -- PERMIT - -FEES. (a) MOTION PICTURE, RADIO, OR TELEVISION PRODUCTIONS. A non - refundable application fee for motion picture, radio or television productions in the amount of $100.00 shall be paid. A permit fee of $500.00 per day shall be paid whenever the permittee uses any portion of any public street. road, right -of -way or building, other than a building located in a public park, owned or controlled by the city. The use of public parks and buildings located in public parks to the exclusion of the general public shall be discouraged, however, when such permit is granted the permit fee shall be fixed by the City Council after considering the recommendation of the Recreation and Parks Commission. (b) STILL PHOTOGRAPHY. No fees for still photography shall be required. 5.42.070 COSTS AND DIRECT OVERHEAD EXPENSES. In addition to the fees and charges hereinabove established, the permittee shall pay all costs and direct overhead of the City for supervising, controlling, and managing permittee's operation. This shall include, but not be limited to, all personnel costs, all material and -3- 5443 supply costs, and all other direct costs and expenses of the City. These costs and expenses shall be computed at the conclusion of the project and shall be deducted from the deposit hereinafter required. 5.42.080 CASH DEPOSIT FOR FEES AND SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED. After the application fee is paid and the application approved and before any permit is issued, permittee shall deposit with the Director of Finance a cash deposit computed as follows: Twice the amount determined by the Director of Finance to be the total cost to the City plus a sum equal to all permit and license fees. At the conclusion of the project the total of the deposit shall be appl.le^ to the City's permit and license fees and to the City's costs and direct over- head of administering and supervising the permit; and the balance, if any, shall be deemed a security deposit. The security deposit shall be refunded by the City to the permittee if the permittee has fully complied with all of the conditions of the permit and all requirements of law. If the permittee has not complied with all conditions of the permit and all requirements of law the security deposit shall be retained by the City. 5.42.090. SECURITY DEPOSIT RETENTION -- APPEAL. Any person aggrieved by the determination of the Director of Finance concerning the amount of the deposit or the amount of any refund, may file a written appeal as provided in Section 5.42.130. 5.42.100. MISREPRESENTATION. No person shall knowingly or intentionally misrepresent to any officer or employee of the City any material fact in procuring the permit provided for in this chapter. 5.42.110. GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION. Any permit granted or issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may be revoked or suspended at any time for the following reasons: (1) A material false statement contained in the application; (2) Failure to comply with any regulatory provision contained in the statutes of the State or in the laws of the City regulating such business; (3) Failure to operate such business in an orderly and businesslike manner, in obedience to such orders, rules, and regulations as may be applicable thereto under the provisions of this Code or statutes of this State; or (4) The conduct of such business in an illegal, improper, or disorderly manner or in a manner which endangers the public welfare. 5.42.120. PROCEDURE FOR REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF PERMITS. (a) AUTHORITY OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. (1) The Director of Finance shall give the permittee at least five days', and not more than ten days' prior -4- 5444 notice in writing of the grounds for the revocation or suspension of his permit and the time and place of a hearing and shall require him to show cause why his permit shall not be revoked. The service of such grounds and notice of tle hearing shall be done by depositing the same in the United States mail, addressed to the applicant at his address given in the application. At any such hearing the permittee shall be given an opportunity to be heard and defend himself, and he may call witnesses on his behalf. After conducting such hearing, the Director of Finance may revoke or suspend any permit held by such permittee. The Director of Finance shall notify the permittee thereof in writing within three days after the decision. (2) If the violation which forms the grounds for the proposed revocation or suspension continues after the original notification of such violation to the permittee, the Director of Finance may suspend the permit until the time of the hearing. Such suspension shall be effective immediately upon giving written notice thereof to the applicant or the person in charge at the business activity. During such suspension, no person shall conduct any business activity of a type covered by this chapter. (b) APPEALS TO COUNCIL. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Director of Finance may appeal therefrom to the Council in the manner provided in Section 5.42.100 of this chapter. (c) FAILURE TO APPEAL. In the event no appeal is taken by the permittee, the decision of the Director of Finance revoking or suspending such permit shall become final and conclusive on the expiration of the time fixed for the appeal in Section 5.42.100 of this chapter. 5.42.130. APPEALS. (a) PROCEDURES. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Director of Finance or of any other officer of the City made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may appeal therefrom to the Council within fifteen days after notice thereof by filing with the City Clerk a written notice of appeal, briefly stating in such notice the grounds relied upon for appeal. I£ such appeal is made within the time prescribed, the City Clerk shall cause the matter to be set for a hearing before the Council within thirty days after the date of the receipt of such notice of appeal, giving the appellant not less than ten days' notice in writing of the time and place of the hearing. The findings and determinations of the Council at such hearing shall be final and conclusive and within three days after such findings and determinations are made, the City Clerk shall give notice thereof to the appellant. (b) COUNCIL'S DETERMINATION - EFFECTIVE. For appeals relating to the suspension or revocation of permits issued pursuant to this chapter the Council's determination shall become effective on the second day after the City Clerk gives notice thereof to the 5fl appellant, unless otherwise stipulated by the Council. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of El Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 15th day of DECEMBER , 1981. ATTEST: �j 1 CLGr4.e.( 2/ (�LvLh- eZGK.a/ City Clerk (SEAL) Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo, California 544,7; Fi44E; STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, V,,.Yalgrie,&, PpVxwggs, e o,,,, e , City Clerk of the C9ty of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the C'ty Council of the said Ofy is five; that the foregoirg o,dinance, being Ordlrance No, 1j0170. � a o � , is a fuel, tare arid co,-ect odglna' of O-dinance No, 1017. � �.,.of the said City of El Segundo, Cal- farc!a, entitled- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 5.08.526 TO CHAPTER 5.08 AND ADDING CHAPTER 5.42 THERETO RELATING TO MOTION PICTURE, RADIO, AND TELE- VISION REGULATIONS. which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, app -owed and s'g ,,ed by the Mayo, of soid C -ty, and attested by the Clty Clerk of soid G.ry, oii of a segulaf meeting of the said Ceundl held on the, 15th _day of, ,Decemberpa p 19 Sla and that the some was so passed and adopted by the following yore. AYES. Courcilr:eh',DUE,,dOHNSON, SLADEK, AND.MAYORa VAN, VRANKEN NOES. Courciimen_ ARMSTRONG .,. ...e.o.....eoo..o,oaao....oe. �. e, e.... o. e.,e.. �.o. ABSENT. NONE I do hereby furrrhe, certify that puts. o,t to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of Calcforr ;o, that the foregoing Ordirance Nc,LOL7 was duly and regularly published occo• ding to low and the o�. °de* of the City Ccuo,cil of said City In. the El Segurdo Herald, a weekly newspaper of generai circulotic ,,, printed, publ shed and circulated withic the said City and that the same was so pub - llshed therein on the following date, to wiS...e ,,.e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,.,. �. ... .. oea.00a000000a.o�vo..�e.,. e,...�..o�000 City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, Cal iforria, (SEAL) By,.ee.,a >oo .aoaaooaoao.o.o.e,e.e..,o Deputy