SECTION 1. Chapter 16.12 of the "E1 Segundo Municipal
Code" is repealed.
SECTION 2. Chapter 16.12 is added to the "E1 Segundo
Municipal Code" to read as follows:
"CHAPTER 16.12
1116.12.010 Administration Purpose. The purpose of
this Chapter is to provide for the protection of the public
health and safety; requiring a permit and inspection for
the installation or alteration of plumbing and drainage
systems; prescribing the duties of the Director of Building
Safety and Board of Examiners and Appeals; defining certain
terms; establishing minimum regulations for the installation,
alteration or repair of plumbing and drainage systems and
the inspection thereof and providing penalties for its violation.
"16.12.020 Code Citation. This Chapter shall be
known as the 'Uniform Plumbing Code,' may be cited as such
and will be referred to in this Chapter as 'This Code.'
"16.12,030 Application and Scope. The provisions
of this Code shall apply to all new construction, relocated
buildings, and to any alterations, repairs or reconstruction,
except as provided for otherwise in this Code.
"16.12.040 Department Having Jurisdiction. Unless
otherwise provided for by law, the office of the Administrative
Authority shall be part of the Building Safety Department.
"16.12.050 Duties of the Administrative Authority.
The Administrative Authority shall maintain public office
hours necessary to efficiently administer the provisions of
this Code and amendments thereto and shall perform the
following duties:
1. Require submission of, examine and check plans
and specifications, drawings, descriptions,
and /or diagrams necessary to show clearly the
character, kind and extent of work covered by
applications for a permit and upon approval
thereof shall issue the permit applied for.
2. Keep a permanent, accurate account of all fees
for permits issued and other monies collected
and received as provided by this Code, the names
of the persons upon whose account the same were
paid, the date and amount thereof, together with
the location or premises to which they relate.
3. Administer and enforce the provisions of this
code in a manner consistent with the intent
thereof and shall inspect all plumbing and drainage
work authorized by any permit to assure compliance
with provisions of this code or amendments thereto,
approving or condemning said work in whole or in
part as conditions require.
4. Issue upon request a Certificate of Approval for
any work approved by him
5. Condemn and reject all work done or being done
or materials used or being used which do not in
all respects comply with the provisions of this
code and amendments thereto.
6. Order changes in workmanship and /or materials
essential to obtain compliance with all provisions
of this code.
7. Investigate any construction or work regulated
by this code and issue such notices and orders
as provided in Section 16.12.070.
8. Keep a complete record of all the essential
transactions of his office.
9. Transfer all fees collected by him to the proper
authority provided by law to receive such funds.
10. Maintain an
firms or co
carry on or
or to labor
a Plumber's
been issued
this Code.
official register of all persons,
rporations lawfully entitled to
engage in the business of plumbing
at the trade of plumbing to whom
Certificate of Qualification has
in accordance with provisions of
"16.12.060 Right of Entry. (a) The Administrative
Authority, or his duly authorized representative, shall
have the authority to enter any building or premises for
the purpose of investigating the existence of suspected or
reported damage or defects which constitute an immediate
danger to human life or an immediate hazard to public
safety or health.
'(b) Except in emergency situations as defined in
paragraph (a) of this Section, the Administrative Authority,
or his authorized representative, shall not enter any
building or premises without the consent of the owner or
occupant thereof, unless he possesses a reasonable search
warrant: authorizing entry and search of the premises.
- 2 -
'(c) No person shall hinder or prevent the Adminis -'
trative Authority, or his authorized representative, while
in the performance of the duties described in paragraph
(a) and (b), from entering upon and into any and all
premises under his jurisdiction, at all reasonable hours,
for the purpose of inspecting the same to determine whether
or not the provisions of this Code and all other applicable
laws or ordinances pertaining to the protection of persons
or property, are observed therein.'
"16.12.070 Dangerous and Insanitary Construction.
(a) Any portion of a plumbing system found by the
Administrative Authority to be insanitary as defined herein
is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
'(b) Whenever brought to the attention of the
department having jurisdiction that any insanitary conditions
exist or that any construction or work regulated by this
code is dangerous, unsafe, insanitary, a nuisance or a
menace to life, health or property or otherwise in violation
of this code, the said department may request an investigation
by the Administrative Authority or his assistants, who,
upon determining such information to be fact, shall order any
person, firm or corporation using or maintaining any such
condition or responsible for the use or maintenance thereof
to discontinue the use or maintenance thereof or to repair,
alter, change, remove or demolish same as he may consider
necessary for the proper protection of life, health, or
property and in the case of any gas piping or gas appliance
may order any person firm or corporation, supplying gas to
such piping or appliance to discontinue supplying gas thereto
until such piping or appliance is made safe to life, health
or property.
Every such order shall be in writing, addressed to the
owner, agent or person responsible for the premises in
which such condition exists and shall specify the date or
time for compliance with such order.
'I;c) Refusal, failure or neglect to comply with any
such notice or order shall be considered a violation of
this code.
'(d) When any plumbing system is maintained in
violation of this code and in violation of any notice issued
pursuant to the provisions of this section of where a
nuisance exists in any building or on a lot on which a
building is situated, the Administrative Authority shall
institute any appropriate action or proceeding in any court
of competent jurisdiction to prevent, restrain, correct,
or abate the violation or nuisance.
"16.12.080 Violations and Penalties. Any person
firm or corporation violating any provision of this code
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof_ shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed
$500.00 or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not to
exceed six months, or by both fine and imprisonment. Each
separate day or any portion thereof during which any
violation of this code occurs or continues shall be deemed
to constitute a separate offense, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punishable as herein provided.
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'The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of,
plans and specifications shall not be deemed or construed
to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any
of the provisions of this code. No permit presuming to
give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this
code shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use which
it authorized is lawful.
'The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of
plans shall not prevent the Administrative Authority from
thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and
specifications or from preventing construction operations
being carried on thereunder when in violation of this code
or of any other ordinance or from revoking any certificate
of approval when issued in error.
'Every permit issued by the Administrative Authority
under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation
and become null and void, if the work authorized by such
permit is not commenced within sixty days from the date of
such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit
is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is
commenced for a period of one hundred twenty days. Before
such work can be recommenced a new permit shall be first
obtained so to do, and the fee therefore shall be one -
half the amount required for a new permit for such work,
provided no changes have been made, or will be made in
the original plans and specifications for such work;
and provided, further that such suspension or abandonment
has not exceeded one year.
"16.12.090 Permit Required. (a) It shall be
unlawful for any person to.install, remove, alter, repair
or replace or cause to be installed, removed, altered,
repaired or replaced any plumbing, gas or drainage piping
work or any fixture or water heating or treating equipment
in a building or premises without first obtaining a permit
to do such work from the Administrative Authority, or his
'(b) A separate permit shall be obtained for each
building or structure.
'(c) No person shall allow any other person to do or
cause to be done any work under a permit secured by a
Permittee except persons in his employ.
"16.12.100 Permit Not Required. (a) No permit shall
be required for any repair work, stopping of leaks, clearing
of stoppages, when such repair work does not involve or require
the alteration, or rearrangement of traps, valves, pipes,
fixtures, drains, soil, waste or vent pipes.
(b) In single family residences only, no permit shall
be required for in -kind replacements of faucets and traps
provided such work is performed by the bona fide owner of such
property; and provided further that said owner shall personally
purchase all material and shall personally perform all labor
in connection therewith. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any
such work installed in non - compliance with this code shall be
immediately replaced in compliance by the current owner upon
direction of the Administrative Authority or his assistants.
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"16.12.110 To Whom Permits May Be Issued. (a) No
permit shall be issued to any person to do or cause to be,
done any work regulated by this code, except to a person
holding a valid unexpired and unrevoked Plumbing Contractor's
Certificate of Qualification or Registration as required
by Section 16.12.180, except when and as otherwise hereinafter
provided in this Part One.
'(b) A permit may be issued to a properly licensed
person not acting in violation of any current contractor
licensing law.
'(c) Any permit required by-this code may be issued
to any person to downy work regulated by this code on
any property, provided such person is the bona fide owner
of such property; and provided further that said owner
shall personally purchase all material and shall personally
perform all labor in connection therewith.
1116.12.120 Application for Permit. Any person
legally entitled to apply for and receive a permit shall
make such application on forms provided for that purpose.
He shall give a description of the character of the work
proposed to be done, and the location, ownership, occupancy
and use of the premises in connection therewith. The
Administrative Authority may require plans, specifications
or drawings and such other information as he may deem
'If the Administrative Authority determines that the
plans, specifications, drawings, descriptions or information
furnished by the applicant is in compliance with this code,
he shall issue the permit applied for upon payment of the
required fee as hereinafter fixed.
"16.12.130 Cost of Permit. Every applicant for
a permit to do work regulated by this code shall state in
writing on the application form provided for that purpose,
the character of work proposed to be done and the amount
and kind in connection therewith, together with such
information, pertinent thereto as may be required.
'Such applicant shall pay for each permit issued at
the time of issuance, a fee in accordance with the following
schedule, and at the rate provided for each classification
shown herein.
'Any person who shall commence any work for which a
permit is required by this code without first having
obtained a permit therefor shall, if subsequently permitted
to obtain a permit, pay double the permit fee fixed by
this section for such work, provided, however, that this
provision shall not apply to emergency work when it shall
be proved to the satisfaction of the Administrative Authority
that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not
practical to obtain a permit therefor before the commencement
of the work. In all such cases a permit must be obtained as
soon as it is practical to do so, and if there be an
unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, a double fee
as herein provided shall be charged.
'For the purpose of this section a sanitary plumbing
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outlet on or to which a plumbing fixture or appliance may
be set or attached shall be construed to be a fixture. Fees
for reconnection and retest of existing plumbing systems
in relocated buildings shall be based on the number of
plumbing fixtures, gas systems, water heaters, etc.,
'When interceptor traps or house trailer site traps
are installed at the same time as a building sewer on any
lot, no sewer permit shall be required for the connection
of any such trap to an appropriate inlet fitting provided
in the building sewer by the permittee constructing such
'When a permit has been obtained to connect an
existing building or existing work to the public sewer or
to connect to a new private disposal facility, backfilling
or private sewage disposal facilities abandoned consequent
to such connection is included in the building sewer permit.
For issuing each permit . . . . . . . . $ 2.00
In addition
For each plumbing fixture or
trap or set of fixtures on
one trap (including water,
drainage piping and backflow
protection therefor) . . . . . . . 2.00
For each building sewer and
each trailer park sewer. . . . .
. 5.00
Rainwater systems - per drain. .
. 2.00
For each cesspool. . . . . . . .
. 5.00
For each private sewage
disposal system . . . . . . . .
. 10.00
For each water heater
and /or vent. . . . . . . . . . .
. 2.00
For each gas piping system
of one to five outlets . . . . .
. 2.00
For each gas piping system
of six or more, per outlet . . .
. .40
For each industrial waste
pre- treatment interceptor,
including its trap and vent,
excepting kitchen type grease
interceptors functioning as
fixture traps. . . . . . . . . .
. 2.00
For installation, alteration or
repair of water piping and /or
water treating equipment . . . . . 2.00
For repair or alteration of
drainage or vent piping . . . . . 2.00
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For each lawn sprinkler system
on any one meter including
backflow protection devices
therefor . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
For vacuum breakers or backflow
protective devices on tanks, vats,
etc. or for installation on
unprotected plumbing fixtures
including necessary water piping
one to five . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
Over five each . . . . . . . . . . .30
For reinspection . . . . . . . . . 10.00
For inspection of plumbing work
for which no fee is herein set
forth and for emergency inspection
for the time consumed, per hour 15.00
'Plan Retention Fees. Before issuing a plumbing
permit the City shall collect a fee for retaining plumbing
plans and the related documents which the Administrative
Authority determines shall be kept as permanent records
by the City. The amount of the plan retention fee shall be:
Each sheet larger than 8 1/2" x 11" .$ .50
Each sheet 8 1/2" x 11" or smaller .30
In no case shall the charge be less than 1.00
'Refunds. In the event any person shall have obtained
a plumbs gn permit and no portion of the work or construction
covered by such permit shall have been commenced, and such
permit is surrendered, or in the further event there has been
a surrender of said permit because of the abandonment of
the contemplated project with no portion of the work or
construction covered by the permit issued by the Administrative
Authority, under the provisions of this Code having been
commenced, the person to whom such permit has been issued may
deliver- such permit to the Administrative Authority with a
written request that such permit be cancelled. The
Administrative Authority shall thereupon stamp or write on
the face of such permit the words "Cancelled at the request
of the permittee ", or "Expired by time limitation ". There-
upon such permit shall be null and void and of no effect.
Upon such presentation to said Administrative Authority
of a written request for refund, the permittee shall be
entitled to a refund of eighty percent of the plumbing
permit fee actually paid. When such refund is granted, a
subsequent reapplication for the same project will require
the payment of a full plumbing permit fee.
'The Administrative Authority, upon verifying that no
work involving city inspections has been done, shall approve
such claim to be paid as provided by law for the payment
of claims against the City.
".16.12.140 All Work to be Inspected. All plumbing
and drainage systems shall be inspected by the Administrative
Authority to insure compliance with all the requirements
of this Code.
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"16.12.150 Notification. It shall be the duty of
the person doing the work authorized by the permit to notify
the Administrative Authority orally or in writing, that said
work is ready for inspection. Such notification shall be
given not less than twenty -four hours before the work is to
be inspected.
'It shall be the duty of the person doing the work
authorized by the permit, to make sure that the work will
stand the tests prescribed elsewhere in this code, before
giving the above notification.
1116.12.160 Reinspections. A reinspection fee may
be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such
portion of work for which inspection is called is not
complete or when corrections called for are not made.
'This section is not to be interpreted as requiring
reinspection fees the first time a job is rejected for
failure to comply with the requirements of this Code, but as
controlling the practice of calling for inspections before
the job is ready for such inspection or reinspection.
'R.einspection fees may be assessed when the permit card
is not properly posted on the work site, the approved plans
are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to
provide access on the date for which inspection is requested,
or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the
Administrative Authority.
'To obtain a reinspection the applicant shall file an
application therefor in writing upon a form furnished for
that purpose and pay the reinspection fee in accordance with
Section 16.12.130.
'In instances where reinspection fees have been assessed
no additional inspection of the work will be performed
until the required fees have been paid.
"16.12.170 Definitions - Plumbers and Contractors.
(a) A Plumbing Contractor is a person who may conduct, carry
on or engage in the business of plumbing.
'(b) A sewer or Sewage Disposal Contractor is a person
who may conduct, carry on or engage in the business of
installing, altering or repairing sewers and private sewage
disposal systems.
'(c) A Journeyman Plumber is a person who labors at
the trade of plumbing as an employee.
'(d) An Apprentice Plumber is a person who labors at
the trade of plumbing as an employee under the direct
supervision and in the immediate presence of a plumbing
contractor or journeyman plumber.
"16.12.180 Annual Comprehensive Maintenance
Plumbing Permit. a) Any firm regularly employing a state
licensed plumbing contractor who has been certified by the
Administrative Authority as such, may apply for an Annual
Comprehensive Maintenance Plumbing Permit for the purpose
of installing, altering, or repairing plumbing systems or
equipment on its own premises.
4 5;
'(b) Application for Annual Comprehensive Maintenance
Plumbing Permits shall be made by completing City forms
provided for such purpose. Each application shall recite
all conditions under which such permit is granted and shall
carry the name of each person who is certified to perform
work under said permit.
'(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct,
carry on or engage in the business of annual comprehensive
maintenance plumbing without first having had issued to
him a valid Plumbing Contractor's Certificate of Qualification
by the Administrative Authority.
'(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to perform
work under the Annual Comprehensive Maintenance Permit
in the capacity of a Journeyman Plumber without first being
issued a valid Journeyman Plumber's Certificate of
Qualification by the Administrative Authority.
"16.12.190 Application for Certificate of
Qualification. (a) Any person who is required by this
Code to possess a plumber's Certificate of Qualification
shall make application therefor to the Administrative
Authority on application blanks provided for that purpose by
the Administrative Authority and pay the fee as hereinafter
'(b) The Administrative Authority shall issue Plumber's
Certificates of Qualification to such persons as may be
entitled thereto, and conduct examinations for the purpose
of determining the competency and knowledge of plumbing
and drainage work of persons who are required by this code
to take such examination. The Administrative Authority shall
determine the character of the examination to be given any
applicant and accept or reject such applicant upon his
showing as the case may be.
'(c) The Administrative Authority shall make final
determination of any appeal arising from interpretations on
code enforcement.
'(d) The Administrative Authority shall keep an
accurate record of his official transactions and render such
reports and statistics as the City Manager may require and
"16.12.200 Application Fee. Every person applying
for a Plumber's Certificate of Qualification or Registration
shall pay to the Administrative Authority at the time he makes
such application the following fees:
Plumbing Contractor's Certificate .
Journeyman Plumber's Certificate. .
Apprentice Plumber's Certificate. .
"16.12.210 Issuance of Certificate
or Registration. The Administrative Auth,
Certificates of Qualification pursuant to
. $100.00
. 25.00
of Qualification
Drity shall issue
the following
1.. Plumbing Contractors' Certificates of
Qualification shall be issued to every person
who makes application for such certificate,
pays the required fee and successfully passes
ti,�; 1�*
the examination conducted by the Administrative
Authority, provided however, that in lieu of
an examination the Administrative Authority
may issue such a Certificate to any person
who makes application therefor, pays the
required fee and possesses and presents to
the Administrative Authority a valid
Certificate of Qualification or Registration
issued to him by any other governmental
agency giving an examination the scope and
character of which, in the opinion of the
Administrative Authority, is at least equal
to that given by the Administrative Authority.
International Conference of Building officials
certification may also be accepted at the
discretion of the Administrative Authority.
2. Journeyman Plumber's Certificates of Qualification
shall be issued to every person who makes
application for such certificate, pays the
required fee and successfully passes the
examination conducted by the Administrative
Authority, provided however, that the
Administrative Authority may issue such a
Certificate to any person who makes application
therefor, pays the required fee and possesses
and presents to the Administrative Authority a
valid Journeyman Plumber's Certificate of
Qualification or Registration issued to him by
any other governmental agency giving an
examination the scope and character of which,
in the opinion of the Administrative Authority,
is at least equal to that given by the
Administrative Authority. International Conference
of Building Officials certification may also be
accepted at the discretion of the Administrative
"16.12.220 Re- Examination. Any person who fails to
pass the examination as prescribed by the Administrative
Authority may apply for re- examination after the expiration
of thirty days. Should such person fail to pass the second
time, the Administrative Authority may refuse a third
application until after the expiration of six months.
"16.12.230 Expiration of Certificates of
Qualification. Every Certificate of Qualification shall
remain in force and effect until its expiration date unless
cancelled or revoked. The expiration date shall be December
31 of each year.
"16.12.240 Fees for Renewal of Certificates of
Qualification or Registration. All Certificates of
Qualification, except certificates which have been
cancelled or revoked, may be renewed from year to year upon
request and payment of the required renewal fee. If a
renewal of a certificate be requested and the required fee
paid within thirty days of the expiration date of such
certificate, the renewal fee shall be fifty percent of the
original amount.
"16.12.250 Revocation of Certificates of
Qualification. (a) The Administrative Authority may cancel
or revoke any Certificate of Qualification issued by him
- 10 -
any person, if such person later shows incompetency or
lack of knowledge in matters relevant to such certificate
or if such certificate was obtained by fraud. If the Certificate
of Qualification of any person be so cancelled or revoked
another such Certificate shall not be granted to such person
within twelve months after the date of cancellation or
'(b) Certificates of Qualification are not transferable
from one person to another and the lending of any certificate
or the obtaining of permits thereunder for any other person
shall be deemed cause for revocation.
'(c) The holder of the Plumbing Contractor's
Certificate of Qualification must submit to the Administrative
Authority at the end of each quarter a written statement
certifying that all work performed during such quarter under
the Annual Comprehensive Maintenance Plumbing Permit, pursuant
to which he is acting, conforms to the regulations of the
applicable codes, and a description of the work performed
on forms provided for that purpose.
"16.12.260 Board of examiners and appeals created.
In order to determine the suitability of altetnate
materials and construction and to provide for reasonable
interpretations of the provisions of this Code and for
reasonable variances therefrom where same are found
necessary in order to provide for unusual or extraordinary
conditions which may arise, there shall be and there is
hereby created a Board of Examiners and Appeals, consisting
of five members. The membership of said Board of Examiners
and Appeals shall be composed of the Mayor and the other
members of the City Council. Said members shall hold their
respective memberships on said Board of Examiners and
Appeals by reason of, and concurrently with their terms of
service in their respective city offices above referred to
and shall cease to be such members upon their ceasing
to be such officers. The Administrative Authority shall be the
Secretary to the Board. The Board may adopt reasonable
rules and regulations for conducting its investigations
and shall render all its decisions and findings on
contested matters, in writing to the Administrative Authority,
with a duplicate copy thereof to any appellant or contestant
affected by any such decision or finding, and may recommend
to the City Council such new legislation, if any, as is
consistent therewith.
'The Board of Examiners and Appeals may interpret
the provisions of this Code to cover a special case, if
it appears that the provisions of this Code do not definitely
cover the point raised or that a manifest injustice might
be done or unnecessary hardship or inconvenience be
suffered by a strict adherence to the provisions hereof;
provided that every such decision shall be by at least
two - third's vote of all of the members of the Board of
Examiners and Appeals who are present at the meeting at
which any such matter is considered and decided.
'Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of the Board and
in his absence the Board shall select a temporary chairman.
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{ Notices of meetings of the Board shall be given by at
least three hours notice delivered to each member personally
or by registered mail; provided, however, that any meeting
of the Board shall be legal for any purpose if the written
concent of all of the members of the Board to such meeting
is executed and filed in the records of the Board.
'The Board shall have the right, subject to such limits
as the City Council may prescribe by resolution, to employ
at the cost and expense of the City, such practicing
architects, competent builders, attorneys and structural
engineers as the Board, in its discretion, may deem
reasonably necessary in order to assist it in its
investigations and in making its findings and decisions.
'Uniform Plumbing Code, 1973 Edition,' including Appendices
A,B,C,D,E,F, and G thereof, promulgated and published by
the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
Officials; three copies of which have been filed and are
on file in the office of the City Clerk, for public inspection,
hereby are adopted with the same force and effect as though
set out herein in full.
'Uniform Plumbing Code' is amended by changing, adding
or deleting the chapters, sections and portions of sections
designated in Sections 16.12.290 through 16.12.330.
AUTHORITY. Section 102 (c) is amended to read as follows:
'(c) Administrative Author. The Administrative
Authority is the individual official, board, department,
or agency established and authorized by a state, county, city
or other political subdivision created by law to administer
and enforce the provisions of the plumbing code as adopted
or amended. Administrative Authority shall mean the Director
of Building Safety.
"16.12.300 SECTION 102 (cc) ADDED - ASSISTANTS. Section
102 (cc) is added to read as follows:
'(cc) Assistants. Whenever the term "assistants" is
used in this Code it shall be construed to mean the Assistants
of the Director of Building Safety.
Section 613 is hereby deleted.
"16.12.320 SECTION 1101 (c) AMENDED. Section 1101 (c)
is amended to read as follows:
'(c) Within the limits prescribed by subsection (d)
hereof, the rearrangement or subdivision into smaller parcels
of a lot which abuts and is served by a public sewer shall
not be deemed cause to permit the construction of a private
sewage disposal system, and all plumbing or drainage systems
on any such smaller parcel or parcels shall connect to the
public sewer. The connections shall be made by extending a
public sewer so that all buildings served thereby can connect
without crossing intervening private property. The public
sewer shall be installed at the expense of the benefited
property and in accordance with plans and specifications
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approved by the City Engineer and shall lie in public
'EXCEPTION: The requirement for extending a public
sewer may be waived if separate house connections to the
public sewer are provided for each separate lot or parcel.
1116.12.330 SECTION G1 (APPENDIX G) AMENDED. Section
G1 is amended to read as follows:
'G1 Swimming pool water shall be disposed of only by
means of an approved plumbing and drainage system, subject
to permit first obtained from the Director of Public Works
and during the hours designated in the permit."
SECTION 3. All changes and modifications in the
Uniform Plumbing Code, 1973 Edition, including Appendices A,B,
C,D,E,F, and G, as amended by this ordinance, are reasonably
necessary because of local conditions. This finding is made
pursuant to Section 17958.7 of the Health and Safety Code of
the State of California.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective at
midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the
final passage and adoption thereof.
SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered
in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute
of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting
at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall within fifteen
days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be
published once in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation, published and circulated within said City
of El Segundo, and which is hereby designated for that purpose.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 18th day of Novem-
ber , 1975
City Clerk
cZ '✓ czAwi �
Mayor of the City of El Segundo, California
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q 5 st7 a
I, VALERIE . A...BURROWES .. , . , . , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo,
California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council
of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. .8$6. . .
is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No. .....886 .... of the said City of
El Segundo, California, entitled:
which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed
by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a
regular meeting of the said Council held on the ...18th, . day of .November . , .... .
19.75 ........ and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen ...Nagel, Rockhold,, Stephens. .... . .... . ..... .
,Vap,�Iranken, and 1Vlayor.Balmer;. , .. , , .. , ,
NOES: Councilmen ... None ....................................
ABSENT„ .............. None..... ...............................
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933
of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance
No. .. 886... was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of
the City Council of said City in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation, printed, published and circulated within said City and that the
same was so published therein on the following date, to wit: . .7� ........ .
........... ...............................
City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California
By......................... ............