ORDINANCE 8014 f, .> ORDINANCE NO. 801 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTIONS 16.04. 142, 16. 04. 144, 16. 04. 146, 16. 04. 147 AND 16. 04. 149 TO CHAPTER 16.04 (THE BUILDING CODE) OF THE "EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE" RELA- TING TO SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS AND AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISH- ING SYSTEMS AND DECLARING THIS TO BE AN URGENCY MEASURE NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 16. 04. 142 is added to the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" to read as follows: "16.04.142 SECTION 1807 ADDED -- SPECIAL PROVI- SIONS FOR HIGH RISE GROUP H AND F -2 OFFICE BUILD- INGS IN TYPE I CONSTRUCTION. Section 1807 is added to the Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition, to read as follows: 'Sec. 1807. Special Provisions for High Rise Group H and F -2 Office Buildings in Type I -Construction. a Scope. T ese re- quirements apply to bui ings, any portion -f wnic7FTFouse Group F, Division 2 occupancies used as offices and to Group H occupancies. 'Such buildings having floors used for human occupancy located more than seventy -five feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall conform to the require- ments of this Section in addition to other applicable require- ments of this Code. Fire department vehicle access is here- by defined as an accessible area within twenty -five feet of the wall of a building. '(b) Fire Alarm. A manual fire alarm box shall be loca- ted adjacent to exits into stairway shafts and in every elevator lobby. The box shall be conne(ara to the Central Control Station and to the voice communication system as required by Section 1807 (e) and (f). The system shall be designed in accordance with UBC Staidards or applicable provisions of NFPA 71, 72A or 72B. '(c) Fire Detectors. An approved system which will pro- vide for automatic detection of products of combustion other than heat shall be installed in every mechanical equipment room and in the return air portion of every air condititioning and mechanical ventilation system that serves floors other than the floor on which the equipment is located. Detectors set to operate within the limi- tations of UBC Standard No. 43 -6 or for greater sensitivity shall be located at each opening into the vertical shaft. 1(d) Voice Alarm System. Both the detection system and the fire alarm system shall activate a voice alarm system capable of being operated from the Central Control Station on both a general and selective basis. The alarm shall be designed to be heard by all occupants within the building or designated portions thereof, as speci- fied for public communication system. The elevator lobby detector required by Chapter 51 shall be connected to the system. '(e) Voice Communication System. There shall be two separate, approved, continuously electrically supervised, voice communication systems One system for Fire Department two -way communication between the central control station and the elevators, elevator lobbies, corridors and each floor level of each stairway; and The other, a public address system between the central control station and the following areas: (1) Elevators, elevator lobbies, corridors and stairways. (2) In every office area exceeding 1, 000 square feet in area. (3) In each dwelling unit and hotel guest room. The Fire Department system may be combined with the public voice communi- cation system when approved by the Fire Chief. '(f) Central Control Station. A central control station for Fire Department operations shalne provided in a location approved by the Fire Department. It shall contain the voice communication systems panel; fire detection and alarm system panels; status indi- cators and controls for elevators and air handling systems, a pub- lic telephone and sprinkler valve and water flow detectors and stand- by power controls. ' (g) Smoke Control. Natural or mechanical ventilation for the removal of e pro ucts of combustion shall be provided in every story and shall consist of one or more of the following: (1) Panels or windows in the exterior wall which can be opened from an approved location other than fire floor. Such vent- ing facilities shall be provided at the rate of at least twenty square feet per fifty lineal feet of exterior wall in each story, and distrib- uted around the perimeter at not more than fifty foot intervals. Such panels shall be clearly identified as required by the Fire Chief. (2) Tempered glass may be used in lieu of openable panels. Such glass shall be clearly identified as required by the Fire Chief. (3) When fire sprinklers are installed in compliance with Section 1807 ( 1), the mechanical air handling equipment may be designed to assist smoke removal. Under fire conditions, the re- turn and exhaust air shall be moved directly to the outside without recirculation to the other sections of the building. (4) A shaft through which smoke and heat can be mechanically vented to the outdoors. The size of the shaft shall be uniform through- out and of such dimensions as to provide sixty air changes per hour in the largest compartment served anywhere in the building. Openings into the shaft shall be protected with an automatic single piece shutter located as high in the room as possible and designed to vent the entire compartment. (5) Any other design which will produce equivalent results. '(h) Elevators. At least one elevator for Fire Department access to any floor shall be provided. The elevator shall open into a lobby, which may serve additional elevators, and shall be separated from the remainder of the building by construction as required for corridors. The elevator may be within a smoke - proof enclosure. See Chapter 51 for additional requirements. -2- ' (i) Stand -by Power and Light. A permanently installed stand -by power generation system conforming to UBC Standard No. 18 -1 or NFPA 70 -1971 shall be provided. The system shall be equipped with suitable means for automatically starting the generator set upon failure of the normal electrical service and for automatic transfer and operation of all required electrical functions at full power within sixty seconds of such normal ser- vice failure. System supervision with manual start and transfer features, shall be provided at the Central Control Station. 'An on- premises fuel supply sufficient for not less than two hours full demand operation of the system shall be provided. All power, lighting, signal, and communication facilities provided under the requirements of this section shall be transferable to the stand -by power system. 'The power requirement shall be determined so as to provide service to, but not limited to, the following: (1) Fire alarm system. (2) Exit and other emergency lighting. (3) Fire protection equipment. (4) Mechanical ventilation, required by this section. (5) Fire Department elevator. (6) Voice communication system. ' (j) Seismic Considerations. In Seismic Zones 2 and 3, the anchorage of the following mechanical and electrical equipment re- quired by the Section shall be designed in accordance with Section 2314 for a lateral force based on a "Cp" value of 0. 5 unless data substantiating a lesser value is furnished. (1) Elevator drive and suspension systems. (2) Stand -by power and lighting facilities. (3) Fire pumps and other fire protection equipment. '(k) Exits. All stairway doors which are to be locked from the stairway 7 side shall have electric strikes which can be automati- cally unlocked upon a signal from the Central Control Station. 'Emergency telephones shall be provided at not less than every fifth floor in each required stairway. '(1) Fire Sprinkler Requirements. Sprinkler protection con- forming tot the following shall be provi ed: (1) The sprinkler system is to be hydraulically designed using the parameters set forth in UBC Standard No. 38 -1 or Chapter 8 of NFPA 13 -1972 and the following: A. Shut off valves and waterflow devices on each floor. In addition to actuating a local alarm on the floor upon which the water flow is detected, such valves shall be supervised by a continuously manned control station or by a central station. -3- "B. The sprinkler system shall be looped between standpipe risers at the bottom, top and mid - height of all buildings with a maxi- mum of twenty stories served by any loop. At each loop level there shall be check valves. C. Piping may be copper or steel with no minimum size of pipe required. Solder connections may be used if not less than ninety - five percent tin and five percent antimony. D. Pitching of lines is not required. E. A minimum of two fire pumps independently driven shall be provided and sized for the sprinkler demand and for a minimum five hundred gallons per minute Fire Department standpipe operations. F. An on -site supply of water equal to a twenty minute demand or 15, 000 gallons on a combined sprinkler and standpipe, whichever is the smaller, shall be provided. This supply shall be available auto- matically if the prinicipal supply fails. G. Operation of the sprinkler system shall activate the voice communication system. ' (2) When the automatic sprinkler system described above is installed, the following reductions from this code are permitted: A. The fire - resistive time periods set forth in Table No. 17 -A may be reduced by one hour for interior bearing walls, exter- ior bearing and non - bearing walls, roofs, and the beams supporting roofs, provided they do not frame into columns. All office building partitions required to be of one -hour fire - resistive construction by Table No. 17 -A and Section 3304 (g) may be of non - combustible con- struction without a fire - resistive time period, providing that open- ings shall have tight fitting, self- closing doors. In Group H occu- pancies, corridor and dwelling unit or guest room separations may be reduced to one -half hour. B. The one and one -half inch hose lines and nozzles may be omitted. C. Travel distance to a horizontal exit or to an enclosed stairway may be three hundred feet. D. Smokeproof enclosures may be eliminated if each re- quired stairway is pressurized as provided in Section 3309 (h) to 0. 15 inches of water column. ' " SECTION 2. Section 16. 04. 144 is added to the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" to read as follows: ''16.04.144 SECTION 1907 ADDED -- SPECIAL PROVI- SIONS FOR HIGH RISE GROUP H AND F -2 OFFICE BUILDING IN TYPE II CONSTRUCTION. Section 1907 is added to the Uni- form Building Code, 1970 Edition, to read as follows: 'Sec. 1907. Special Provisions for High Rise Group H and F -2 Office Buildings of Type II Construction. Special provi- sions for high rise Group H an F-2 office buildings of Type II construction shall be the same as required in Section 1807 of this Code. ' " SECTION 6. Pursuant to Section 36937 of the Government Code this ordinance is declared to be an urgency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public safety, health and welfare and shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, and the facts constituting such emergency are as follows: It is anticipated that there will be one or more applica- tions submitted to the City for high rise buildings with- in the next thirty days. Such high rise buildings, if con- structed under the present law, would not have adequate fire protection facilities and, such buildings when con- structed would have an economic life of many years; it is necessary, therefore, that this ordinance become effec- tive at once so that adequate fire protection will be avail- able during the economic life of all such buildings upon which construction is started in the next thirty days. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall, within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of E1 Segundo, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 26th day of Febru- ary , 1973. PZ190*0a, Mayor C)f the City of E1 Segun o, California. ATTEST: JANE D. HOUGH C ity rk (SEAL)By.�'��^� t` Deputy M 46 Set -A STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. . . . . . is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No. ...801 ...... of the said City of E1 Segundo, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTIONS 16.04. 142, 16. 04. 144, 16. 04. 146, 16. 04. 147 and 16. 04. 149 TO CHAPTER 16.04 (THE BUILDING CODE) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE" RELA- TING TO SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS AND AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISH- ING SYSTEMS AND DECLARING THIS TO BE AN URGENCY MEASURE NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE. which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the . ,26th... day of Februarx ........ 19. 73....... , and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen . Morgan; ,1Vage1,, Stephens and Mayor B41mep. . NOES: Councilmen ... M.ggill .................................. ABSENT: Councilmen.... None .... ............................... I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. ..841 ... was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within said C and that the same was so published therein on the following date, to wit:...4/.7-7-z .� .......... JANE D. HOUGH ........... ............................... City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California (SEAL) eputy