ORDINANCE 797ORDINANCE NO. 797 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 (THE COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE "EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL. CODE" BY ADDING CHAPTER 20.41 (MOBILEHOME PARK STAN- DARDS) TO, AND REPEALING PARAGRAPH (5) OF SECTION 20.40. 010 OF, SAID CODE, AS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C TY OF' ELF SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 20.41 entitled "Mobilehome Park Standards" is added to the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" to read as follows: "CHAPTER 20.41 MOBILEHOME PARK STANDARDS 1120.41.010 INTENT. These standards are provided to insure a method whereby mobilehome parks designated in the M -1 districts under a conditional use permit may he developed, designed and controlled in such a manner that the use will riot only be compatible with surrounding uses but complementary to the entire community. 1120.41.020 DEFINITIONS. Unless otherwise specified, certain words and phrases in this section shall have a special meaning as defined herein: (1) "Mobilehome park" shall mean any area or tract of land where mobilehome lots or spaces are rented or leased to accommodate mobilehomes used for human habitation; (2) "Lot" or "space" shall mean a plot of ground designed for the location of one mobilehome and automobile parking spaces and other accessory uses enumerated herein. (3) "Roadway" shall mean the vehicular path within any mobile- home park. "20.41.030 EXISTING MOBILEHOME PARKS -- DEVELOPMENT. All mobilehome parks established within the City of E1 Segundo shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, the State Mobilehome Act, and all other City, County and State regulations. No building permit shall be issued until the appli- cant has submitted plans and evidence to the Director of Building Safety that his proposal complies with the requirements of this Chapter. � " 1. Ez ` "20.41.040 LOCATION. All mobilehome parks hereinafter established in the City shall. be located in the light manufacturing (M -1) zone only and shall 'have direct access to an arterial or collector street as designated by the "Circulation Element of the General Plan, El Segundo, California, March, 1.969" as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 22ij i oi! Mall 12, 1969, or as hereafter adopted. "20.41.050 PARKING UNOCCUPIED RE CREATIONAL VEHICLE. No person shall park or occupy any mobilehome, camper, house trailer or other vehicle designed for human habitation on any premises or any lot situated outside of an approved mobilehome park, except the parking of one unoccupied mobi.lehome, camper, house trailer, automobile trailer or other recreational vehicle, shall be permitted on any premises provided that no living quarters shall be maintained or any business practiced in said trailers or vehicles while such trailers or vehicles are parked or stored. "20.41.060 TEMPORARY PERMIT --- SINGLE MOBILEHOME -- TRAILER. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Chapter the City Council shall have the right and power to grant special temporary permits for a period not to exceed one year for the location and use of a single mobilehome or trailer in a residential zone upon such terms and conditions and subject to special. limitations as the City Council may, from time to time, prescribe or impose. No person shall violate any of the terms, conditions or limitations imposed by the City Council in granting the permit. 1120.41.070 TEMPORARY The applicant for a temporary permit shall file an application with the Director of Building Safety setting forth the particular facts relating to the particular mobilehome or trailer referred to stating where such mobilehome or trailer is to be located, the period in which the permit is requested, the nature of the. proposed use thereof and any other facts or data which may be pertinent to the application. The City Council, in its discretion, reserves the right to grant or refuse to grant any such special temporary permit. 1120.41.080 TEMPORARY PERMIT EXHIBITED. Any special temporary permit granted hereunder shall be kept in the mobilehome or trailer for which the same is used, and must be exhibited to the Director of Building Safety, the Chief of Police, the Health Officer or any of their respective authorized representatives upon demand. 1120.41.090 TEMPORARY PERMIT' --- NONRESIDENTIAL. All trailers proposed for temporary nonresidential purposes and located outside of an approved mobilehome park, shall conform to the requirements of Section 16.04.160 of this Code. 1120.41.100 APPLICATION. Applications for a conditional use permit to establish a mobilehome park shall be made on a form provided by the Director of Planning and shall be accompanied by a site or plot plan drawn to scale on 24 inch by 36 inch reprodu- cible sheets on which all necessary details may be clearly shown as well as the following: -2- 4 (3 ?:� tf(1) Name of the mobilehome park, ownership, name of developer, scale, north arrow, date, and key map showing the location of the development; (2) Sufficient legal description of the land to clearly define the boundaries of the mobilehome park; (3) The location, names and el-:isting widths of all adjoining highways, streets or alleys; (4) Name and address of licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer who prepared the plan; (5) The widths and approximate locations of all existing or proposed rights of way, whether public or private, for streets, drainage, sewers or public utility purposes; (6) Lot or space layout and dimensions of each lot or space with identification of such area by number or letter; (7) Approximate location of all areas or storm water overflow and the location, flow of: A. Water courses; B. Water supply; C. Method of sewage disposal; D. Flood control or drainage; subject to inundation width and direction of (8) Approximate location and use of all other buildings, structures, or open spaces proposed within the mobilehome park; (9) Any other information the Director of Planning may deem necessary to properly describe the proposal. "20.41.110 APPROVAL. A conditional use permit shall be required for every mobilehome park hereinafter established in the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The Director of Planning shall submit to the Planning Commission a report indicating conformity of such proposal to all regulations enumerated herein along with the comments and recommendations of the Department Heads of all City departments. "20.41.120 FEE. Proceedings for a conditional. use permit for a mobilehome park may be initiated by the filing of a verified application with the Director of Planning by a property owner, together with a fee of $100.00 to cover the cost of examining and processing the application and conditional use permit and other costs incidental to the proceedings. M11 4f? "20.41.130 SIZE. All mobilehome parks in the City shall provide a milzimum contiguous gross area of five acres. "20.41.140 REQUIREMENTS. All mobilehome parks in the City shall be subject to the requirements hereinafter set forth. 1120.41.150 PERMITTED USES. (1) No more than one mobilehome shall be permitted to locate on each lot or space. (2) Accessory uses may be, but are not limited to, surface automobile parking, carports, sto,-� =,je a-)uildi.ngs, recreational facilities, sanitary and laundry facilities, as required, and walls, all constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and all applicable City, cotiiity and State regulations. (3) Any uses required by law including, b(at not limited to, the State Mobilehome Act. "20.41.160 LOT OR SPACE. In all mobilehome parks in the City there shall be provided for each mobilehome a lot or space containing a minimum of 2,400 square feet of land area. Said lot or space shall maintain a minimum of 30 feet frontage on a roadway for each mobilehome used for human occupancy except when said lot or space maintains diagonal side lot lines in which case the actual roadway frontage shall be determined by the Director of Planning; but in no case shall the width of said lot or space, measured at right angles from the diagonal having the greatest divergence from perpendicular to the street, through the midpoint of the rear line of the required front yard, to the opposite side lot line or extension thereof, be less than 30 feet. "20.41.170 STREETS. (1) All private streets providing access to a mobilehome park shall be developed in accordance with the following: A. A minimum right of way of forty feet with a minimum of thirty feet of paving, face of curb to face of curb; B. On- street parking shall be prohibited on all access streets; C. Graded the full width of the dedication and shall include construction of integral curbs and gutters, base and pavement, with concrete sidewalks on both sides, and shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of the City for public streets. (2) All private streets providing access to individual lots or sites in a mobilehome park shall.. be developed in accordance with the following: A. A minimum right of way of thirty -five feet with a minimum of twenty -five feet of paving, face of curb to face of curb; 4f, 12:� "B. Minimum radii on street curves shall be thirty feet; cul -de -sac radii shall be fifty feet; C. Graded the full width of the dedication and shall include construction of integral curbs and gutters, base and pavement, and shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of the City for public streets. 1120.41.180 YARD REQUIREMENTS. (1) A front yard, two side yards and a rear yard shall be provided on every lot or site in a mobilehome park, the depth of which shall not be less than five feet. (2) The front, side or rear yard requirements shall riot be used for the off - street parking spaces required in this title. (3) The front, side or rear yard shall not be paved, nor shall any building or structure be permitted therein, but said yard areas shall be maintained as landscaped or open grass areas with the exception of that land needed for the purpose of a driveway or pedestrian access to the mobilehome. (4) A recreation or open space area of not less than five percent of the total gross area of the park shall be provided for open space or recreational purposes. "20.41.190 OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS. A car space shall be provided for each trailer space not less than nine feet by twenty feet in size, the location of said space to be approved by the Director of Planning. Visitor parking area shall be paved and provided on the same parcel of land as the park at a ratio of not less than one space for each five mobilehome spaces. "20.41.200 SANITARY TRASH PICK UP AREA. In every mobil.ehome park there shall be provided a minimum of one sanitary trash pick up area on a site maintained by the owner and in accordance with the following: (1) Trash and refuse areas shall riot be located in any yard requirements, except as may be approved by the Director of Planning; (2) Trash and refuse areas shall be enclosed on three sides by a masonry wall a minimum height of five feet with appropriate gates or doors to insure maximum sanitation and screening; "(3) The trash and refuse pick up area shall be placed in an area accessible to the City's pick up or contract operator and in cases where a City contractor is utilized, such areas shall be approved and developed in accordance with the standards as set forth by the Director of Public Works. -5- 41C J,?ii "20.41.210 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. All electrical, telephone, CATV and similar service wires, cables and appurtenances which provide direct service to the property being developed within the exterior boundary lines of such property, shall be installed underground. Risers on poles and buildings are permitted and shall be provided by the developer or owner onto the pole which provides service to said property. Utility service poles may be placed on the rear of the property to be developed only for the purpose of terminating underground facilities. The developer or owner is responsible for complying with the requirements of this section and shall make the necessary ar,-angairtent.s utility companies for the installation of such facilities.. For the purpose of thi <; equipment such as, but not fact-- ( -(ai ,-rjrl ,tormers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes an aijti c.t.;rncea.led ducts in an underground system> r such appurtenances and assoc-iated from view through the use of walls or approl),- �. -it e i an,�1sc,ap-1 1tci nr COMbi nation of each. "20.41.220 WALLS. Every i I,,,! ent- 'losed on all sides with a six foci_ n.',fit wz :; :'i :;?1: i 't:'? f_ "1 i)I u2i;C� ?lr concrete or decorative block mat :eri_a'_ as t-he Director of Planning, however: (1) Every mobilehome park 1( 11 street shall provide a flvc l:uoi a planted and maintained along the i :-onta(j -� ,rid s Jhl a 1 ? c-ontain adequate irrigation facilities to of the area; (2) The required six foot inches in height when paralleling (3) All walls shall be con -:t: t i 1)' requirements set forth by the Director:, - o F Bui id i, r F_ "20.41.230 SIGNS. No signs s is i 1 lay perrni i te,i i t- home park except signs that comply iv- 1, i.1,e (1) One double face identifi c-iw� t ton i ci ? 11-1 r four square square feet each face; (2) The sign shall be station,,, j;:,, : it :; (3) The location shall comp1,,, i t l: lklie is eqt t. Chapter 5.32 and Chapter 16.24 of t 1. -ode eariri k i t:l the Director of Planning and the Di r- =et:o.r of F3u i 1 di n'A "20.41. 240 LIGHTING SYSTEM, I i ghtinq z .'tit '!1 0 l 1 ?nohi le -- home parks shall comply with the ul.f.:ct.ri.cal. co(-J(2 ,a t : t,urr:ar.ds as approved by the Director of Building Safety. Ali ;t:ing shall be designed to reflect away from surrounding property. 6 -- Fl [ t .J "20.41.250 REQUIREMENTS-- DENSIII -Z. All mobilehome parks heretofore or hereafter established shall be permitted not to exceed one mobilehome for each 3,000 square feet of gross area or major fraction thereof. The gross area of a mobilehome park shall include all areas devoted to mobilehome spaces, landscaping, setbacks, private roads and inci- dental facilities but shall not include any area dedicated for a public road. 1120.41.260 REQUIREMENTS -- ADDITIONAL. The Planning Commission in granting a conditional use permit for any mobilehome park may also impose such other conditions as it may deem necessary to achieve these purposes in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the conditional use permit chapter of this Code. 1120.41.270 GUARANTEES. The Planning Commission or City Council may require reasonable guarantees that all conditions will be complied with. 1120.41.280 EXISTING MOBILEHOME PARK EXCEPTION. Notwith- standing the provisions of Section 20.41.250 a mobilehome park established prior to October 1, 1972 may continue to operate until December 31, 1973 without complying with the requirements of Section 20.41.250. "20.41.290 EXISTING MOBILEHOME PARK EXCEPTION. Notwith- standing the provisions of Section 20.41.130 through 20.41.240, a mobilehome park established prior to October 1, 1972 may continue to operate until December 31, 1975 without complying with the requirements of Section 20.41.130 through 20.41.240. "20.41.300 EXISTING MOBILEHOME PARK-- CONDITIONAT: USE PERMIT. In granting a conditional use permit for a mobilehome park established prior to October 1, 1972, the Planning Commission or City Council may modify the requirements of Sections 20.41.130 through 20.41.240 if they find that it would be unreasonable to require compliance with a particular condition; provided, however, that no conditional use permit granted for a mobilehome park not meeting in full the requirements of Sections 20.41.140 through 20.41.240 shall be granted for any period beyond December 31, 1977." SECTION 2. That paragraph (5) of Section 20. 40. 010 of the "E1 Segundo Municipal Code" is repealed. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective at mid- night on the thirtieth day from and after the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 4. That the Cil -y Clerk slit ill. ;W p,a,;sage and adoption of this ordinance; shall causc al -.Ic tf; origi- nal ordinances of said city; shall i,d <<<i,_�ht.ion there- of in the records of the meeting at whip lh Ilia same is tmta :,( -d r,ri,l ;jdi)pted; and and shall within fifteen days after the l�a:�:� ge acid adohtiut� �iicrc()C, -ause the ...l same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of E1 Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 27th day of November, 1972. ATTEST: qty Clerk (SEAL) Mayor Pro Tempore of the City o E egun o, C alifornia. - • 1VA a •*a STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, JANE D. HOUGH .... , , , , City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. . ?97 . is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No. ...797 ...... of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 29 (THE COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE "EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL DOLE" BY ADDING CHAPTER 20.41 (MOBILEHOME PARK STAN- DARDS) TO, AND REPEALING PARAGRAPH (5) OF SECTION 20.40. 010 OF SAID CODE, AS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH. which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the . ,27th . , day of ... November 1972........ , and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen .McGill , Morgan, .Stephens, and . .... . .. . Mayor pro tem Nagel ............ ............................... NOES: Councilmen . ..................................... ABSENT: . Mayor. I3almer........................................ I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. ...797.. was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within said City and that the same was so published therein on the following date, to wit: ity Clerk of the City'" l Segundo, California (SEAL) By......................................... Deputy