ORDINANCE 6914274 ORDINANCE NO. 691 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE PUBLIC HEALTH CODE OF "THE CODE OF THE CITY OF EL SE- GUNDO, CALIFORNIA, 1958. " THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 14 of "The Code of the City of El Segundo, California, 1958, " is amended by adding thereto Sections. 14. 2 and 14. 3 which shall read as follows: "SEC. 14.2. Sections 308, 309, 370, 383, 384, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 525, 552, 561, 1000, 1003, 1004, 1011 and 1018 of the Public Health Code adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, August 25, 1959 (Ordinance No. 7583 as amended), which said Public Health Code adopted by reference as set forth in Section 14. 1 of this Code, are amended to read, respectively, as follows; "Sec. 308. Itinerant Restaurant Defined. 'Itinerant Restau- rant' means any restaurant operating for a temporary period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days at any onelvcation on any one premises and shall include any stand or facility which is portable and used for the preparation and service of foods, other than a 'Temporary Refreshment Stand.' Itinerant restaurant may include a vehicle, provided it is maintained in a mobile condition and current- ly registered by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. "Sec.. 309. Temporary Refreshment Stand. 'Temporary Refresh- ment Stand' means any 7ood - preparation or Jispensing operation con- ducted in connection with a fair, circus, or public exhibition or gather- ing offering food for sale or gift to the general public for a temporary period of time in one location. I'Sec. 370. Lunch Service Dating and Labeling Requirements. (a) Every box lunch or sandwich prepared for sale, gift or distribu- tion, at a place other than on the premises where prepared, shall be securely wrapped, labeled and dated at the place where pre- pared. The container of every box lunch and the wrapper of every sandwich to be sold or offered for sale, must have printed thereon, or stamped, fastened, or otherwise affixed thereto, so as to be readily visible and legible from the top and outside thereof, in dimensions not smaller than ten - point, bold face, upper case letters, the name of the day, or abbreviation thereof as set forth in subsection (c), following the day on which said box lunch or sandwich was prepared, which shall be known as 'day prepared for' and the name and the address of the establishment preparing such box lunch or sandwich. (b) Exemptions: Box lurches and sandwiches need not be dated, as required herein finder. the following circumstances: 1. When sold from a fixed location where they are held until sold in a frozen condition in a refrigerator. 2. When kept in and sold from a refrigerated unit, other than a vending machine, in a fixed location in which the food is kept at a temperature below 50° F. 4275 3. When sold from a vending machine with refrigeration facilities meeting requirements for such machines which maintain temperatures below 50°F. However, when such sandwich is not dated as required herein it shall be code - dated in such a manner as will clearly indicate to the Health Officer or to officially concerned vending machine operators the 'day prepared for. ' Such code - dating shall be as approved by the Health Officer. The Health Officer may adopt rules and regulations specifying the maximum numbers of days after the ' day prepared for' that various types of code -dated sandwiches may be sold. No such code -dated sandwich shall be kept for sale from such vend- ing machine after suchdate established by the Health Officer's rules and regulations. (c) The phrase 'DAY PREPARED FOR' shall appear in legible print in dimensions not smaller than six -point type, bold -face, upper case letters immediately above the name of the day or the abbrevi- ation thereof. The name of the day shall be written out or abbrevi- ated Sun., Mon. , Tues., Wed. , Thurs. , Fri. , Sat. in legible print not smaller than 6- point type or abbreviated by putting the first letter of all of the days of the week consecutively as follows: S M T W T F S jr-not smaller than 10 -point type. If abbreviated, S M T W T F S, the letter signifying the 'DAY PREPARED FOR' shall be punched, perforated or otherwise marked as approved by the Health Officer, at the time of preparation, to clearly show the one ' day pre- pared for. ' (d) Packaged foods intended to be heated and sold hot from an indus- trial catering vehicle, including; meat pies, stews, T. V. dinners and similar foods, shall be dated in a manner approved by the Health Officer, prior to being placed in a heating or warming de- vice, to show the name of the day when placed in such warming unit. Such day shall be known as the ' day prepared for. ; (e) No foods or components of foods whose packages or containers are required by this section to be dated shall be rewrapped or reused for human consumption; nor shall such packages or con- tainers be dated for more than one day; nor shall the date placed thereon be removed or obliterated. (f) No food whose packages or containers are required by this sec- tion to be dated shall, except as provided in paragraph (b), be in any way disposed of for human consumption on any day other than the day on which prepared or on the day originally inscribed upon said container or package. "Sec. 383. Equipment Standards. The Health Officer may adopt rules and regulations interpreting health and sanitation requirements for equipment to be installed in restaurants, itinerant restaturants and food establishments and for vending machines, and in doing so shall consider and may adopt nationally recognized standards. When the Health Officer- requires that equipment shall comply with such speci- fied standards, no person shall install or use newly installed equip- ment which does not comply with such standards, or their equivalent. "Sec. 384. Food E uipment and Its Installation- -New Construc- tion and Remodeling. The Health Officer may require from the owner or operator suTmission of the following data pertaining to construction, remodeling, or installation of new equipment in restaurants, itinerant restaurants and food establishments: -2- 426?(; (a) Two copies of a scale drawing or dimensioned sketch showing the location of all fixed food storage, preparation and process- ing equipment, furnishings and machinery, and the location of floor drains and floor sinks. (b) Such specifications, forms, data, drawings and sketches, in duplicate, as are necessary to indicate that the design, materials, method of construction, and installation of equipment for food processing, preparation, storage or utensil washing meet applica- ble sanitation standards and requirements. When the Health Officer requires submission of plans and data concern- ing food equipment, no person shall install or use any equipment in a new or reconstructed establishment until the plans and specifications have been approved in writing by the Health Officer.. All such equipment and its installation shall be in accordance with the approved plans and speci- fications unless modifications and changes therefrom have been approved by the Health Officer, in which case the equipment and its installation shall be in accordance with such approved modified plans and specifica- tions. "Sec. 513. Wells and Water Supplies to be Protected. All domestic water wells and springs shall be sealed with concrete or other impervi- ous material, so as to protect against surface or subsurface contamina- tion or pollution. "Sec. 514. Reservoirs and Tanks to be Covered. Durable protec- tion and substantial covers shall be provided and maintained for each reservoir, tank, cistern, standpipe or other structure used for distribu- tion or storage of domestic water. Covers shall be watertight and shall be constructed se as tc provide drainage away from the structure. All openings for ventila *i.on shall be screened with corrosion resistant screen not coarser, than 1 /4 inch mesh to exclude rodents and birds or with 16 mesh screen when such screen is necessary to control mosquito or in- sect breeding in such reservoir. All manholes shall be constructed with curbs raised above the surrounding surface and installed in a manner to prevent roof or surface drainage from entering the structure. When it is determined by the Health Officer that it is impractical due to size, shape or other unusual conditions, to provide and maintain a cover as provided for in this Section, adequate treatment and protection of the water shall be provided as required and approved by the Health Officer. Any reservoir, standpipe, cistern, fcrebay, tank, weir box, receptacle, or any bther form of installation used for the production, distribution or storage of any domestic water supply or water used for human consump- tion shall be securely protected against pollution or contamination. "Sec.. 515. Log of Water Well. Any person who has drilled, dug, excavated, or bored a water well shall, within thirty (30) days after completion of the drilling, digging, excavating, or boring of such water well, furnish the Health Officer with a complete log of such water well. This log shall include the type of casing, the depth of the well, the num- ber and location of the perforations in the casing and any other data re- quired by the Health Officer. A copy of the log providing such informa- tion submitted to State agencies shall satisfy this requirement. "Sec. 516. General Location of Water Wells. It shall be unlawful for any person to drill, dig, excavate, or bore any water well in any location in which sources of pollution or contamination are known to exist at such location whereby such water may become contaminated or polluted when the well is properly constructed and maintained. -3- "Sec. 517. Distance of Water Wells from Sewage Disposal Systems, Animals and Fowl. It sFiall be unlawful for a person to drill., dig, excavate, or Bore a water well within one hundred (100) feet of a seepage pit or cesspool, within fifty (50) feet of a sewage disposal field, a private or public sewer, privy, or place where animals or fowl are kept. Where special hazards are involved, the distance required may be increased or special construction required as may be directed by the Health Officer. Where perforations or screens are located at or over one hundred (100) feet below the ground surface and where sealed and maintained in accordance with Section 519 of this Chapter or in such other cir- cumstances as he determines lesser distances will not subject the water to contamination or pollution, the Health Officer may autho- rize lesser distances than those specified in this Section. "Sec. 519. Water Well SealinE All water wells shall be kept sealed and maintained ire a manner that will prevent the entrance of pump leakage, surface drainage, or any other contamination or pollution into the well or the aquifer. "Sec. 520. Construction of Water Wells. (a) All water wells hereafter drilled, dug, or bored shall have a durable, water -tight casing which shall extend to a depth that will exclude contamination or pollution by surface drainage and undesirable ground water and extend at least eighteen (18) inches above the surrounding natural ground level at the well site after drilling and until the pump is permanently mounted. (b) All gravel- packed wells shall have an outside water -tight cas- ing meeting the requirements of subsection (a) hereof. The top of the space between the outer and inner casings shall be closed or sealed to exclude surface drainage. The space between the outer casing and the drill hole shall be sealed as required by Section 513 of this Chapter. When an additional pipe is provided for a "gravel chute.," the top thereof shall extend above the floor or ground level and be fitted with a tight cap or lid unless in a locked room or an enclosure which is locked, bolted or screwed on tightly. "Sec. 521. Construction of Water Wells, Slab, Curtain, and Pedestal. All water wel s ere ter dri le , ug, excavate , or bore —s- all be provided with: (a) A water -tight reinforced concrete slab of a minimum thick- ness of six (6) inches shall extend horizontally at least three (3) feet from the well casing in all directions. The concrete slab shall adequately slope so as to drain water away from the well casing. The top surface of the slab at its outer edge shall be at least four (4) inches above the surrounding ground level. This slab need not be provided, or the size and method of con- struction thereof may be modified when the protection intended by this requirement or the exception of subsection (d) hereof is provided by an alternate method approved by the Health Officer. (b) For pumps or pump motors installed above the well casing, the pump or motor shall be mounted on a concrete pedestal constructed around the well casing and sealed thereto, the top of which is at least 8" above the finished grade at the well site and at least 4" above the slab surrounding such well. 4.0A (c) The pedestal, slab (and curtain wall, if required to protect an existing well) shall be poured monolithically or otherwise constructed as approved by the Health Officer to effectively prevent leakage between the pedestal and the slab. (d) Exemptions: Means or methods other than those specified in (b) and (c) hereof may be used to provide the required protection when the Health Officer determines such alternates are necessary and that they provide equivalent protection. A submersible type pump may be installed with subsurface discharge and access when all subsurface entrances to the well or casing, other than into the aquifer, are effectively sealed, the en- closure is designed and constructed to exclude surface water or drainage, the area around the casing is provided with effec- tive drainage and other protective features are provided which the Health Officer determines will effectively prevent contamina- tion or pollution from entering the well or the aquifer. "Sec. 522. Water Well Sanitizatioh Pipe. All domestic water wells shall be provlUe—T—with a pipe or other effective means through which chlorine or other disinfecting agents may be introduced directly into the well. The pipe, if provided, shall be extended to a height equal to the pump pedestal or at least 8" above the finished grade, shall be kept sealed and shall be provided with a threaded or equiva- lently secure cap. Equivalent protection for excluding contamina- tion from the well shall be provided for subsurface pump discharge installations. If an air relief vent is used, it shall terminate down- ward and be screened and protected against the possibility of con- taminating material entering the vent. "Sec. 523. Processin& of Application for Water_ Well Drilling. Upon receipt of an application the Health Officer shall make an in- vestigation. If the applicant has complied with all applicable laws and regulations and the proposed well location will comply with this Chapter, and the drilling, digging, boring, deepening, excavating, converting, destruction or design of the well will not create a condi- tion which can pollute or contaminate the underground water or the water produced by the well, the Health Officer shall issue the permit. "Sec. 525. Construction Features for Existing or Converted Water Wells. All water wells used to supply domestic water s all conform to the requirements of anew water well except the Health Officer may accept substitute methods when he finds it is impracti- cal to fully meet such requirements and if he determines the sub- stitute methods satisfactorily accomplish the intended purpose. Existing wells shall meet requirements for new wells regarding protection from flooding or contamination or such protection which the Health Officer determines to be equivalent. "Sec. 552. Public Swimming Area Defined. 'Public swimming area' shall mean any portion of a body of water owned, operated or under the control of any person which is permitted to be used for swimming and bathing except: (a) A swimming pool (b) A wading pool (c) Any portion of the Pacific Ocean (d) Swimming areas owned and controlled by a single family and used only by that family and its guests. -5- If a body of water other than described in (a), (b), (c), or (d), above is of such size, shape and depth that it can be used for swim- ming or recreative bathing, it shall be presumed that such is per- mitted therein unless it is clearly and plainly posted, in a manner acceptable to the Health Officer, warning that swimming or recrea- tive bathing is prohibited. Ap roval and Fees. "Sec. 561. Swimming Pool Equipment Review, / , ett. 5 -8 -64) All recirculation and purification equipment shall be sub- ject to review and approval by the Health Officer before installation in connection with a swimming pool. It shall be unlawful for any person to install any recirculation and purification equipment related to a swimming pool unless such equip- ment has first been reviewed and approved by the Health Officer. Any person desiring to have recirculation or purification equipment reviewed shall submit said equipment to the Health Officer and pay the following fees which are payable to the County Tax Collector prior to the time of submission of each piece of equipment: (a) Filters (1) First basic individual unit of each manufacturer or of each series of similar design .................... $50. 00 (2) Each additional unit of the same make of different filter area in a series for which the fee required in (a) was paid ..... ............................... $10.00 (b) Chlorinators--for each make unit of the same general de- sign regardless of capacity .......... . ............... $30.00 (c) Hypochlorinat.ors- -for each type unit of each manufacturer. ................... ............................... $20.00 (d) Surface skimmers - -for each type unit of each manufac- turer............................................. $50.00 (e) Rate -of -flow indicators- -for each series of similar units ofeach manufacturer ............................... $45.00 (f) Test kits for chlorine or other approved disinfectant and pH................ ............................... $20.00 (g) Pumps (1) First basic individual unit of each series of each manufacturer....... ...... $25.00 (2) Each additional. unit of same series but different horsepower..... ............................... $ 5.00 (h) Separation Tanks (1) Fi -st basic individual unit of each series of each manufacturer .................................. $20.00 (2) Each additional unit of the same design but different volume......... ............................... $ 5.00 "Sec. 1000. Registration and Certification Requirements. (8588, eff. 5 -8 -64) No person may engage either in the business or in the occupation of treating swimming pool waters, or of cleaning filters used or useable in connection therewith, or of maintaining swimming pools or facilities or appurtenances thereof unless he is certified or registrated according to the terms hereof, cr unless he is expressly excused from such require- ment by Section_ 1010 hereof. Persons registered or certified hereunder may lawfully engage in said business or occupation only to the extent permitted pursuant to said regis- tration or certification. 4 090 Every person required to be registered or certified by the terms hereof and before engaging in the business or activity shall make application therefor and shall, within time limitations established by rules of the Health Officer, become registered or certified. "Sec. 1003. Registration as a Switniniing Pool Service Company, (8588, eff. 5 -8 -64 ) Every person who engages in the business of maintaining or servicing swimming pools shall be registered here- under as a swimming pool service company. Exemption: A Swimming Pool Service Technician who operates alone and who does not employ any swimming pool service techni- cian, apprentice or applicant for certification shall be exempt from paying a registration fee as a Swimming Pool Service Company. "Sec. 1004. Application for Registration as a Swimming Pool Service Company. Every person desiring to be registered as a swim- ming pool service company shall file an application with the Health Officer and shall then pay an application fee to the Tax Collector of twenty -five dollars ($25. 00) which is charged to cover the cost of processing the application. No part of said fee is refundable. The applicant shall pay a penalty equal to 2516 of the fee if application is not made within thirty -one days after commencement of the business. The applicant shall designate upon his application by address the principal office of the applicant which is located within the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and if the applicant has no office within the County of Los Angeles, then he shall designate upon his application his principal office wherever located. "Sec. 1011. Application for Certification as a Swimming Pool Service Technician or as a Swimming Pool Service Technician rentice. Every person desiring certification as a swimming pool service technician or as a swimming pool service technician appren- tice shall file with the Health Officer an application for certification, and shall then pay an application fee to the Tax Collector of fifteen dollars ($15. 00) for a swimming pool service technician or ten dollars ($10. 00) for a swimming pool service technician apprentice to cover the cost of giving the examination and processing the application. No portion of said fee is refundable. The applicant shall pay a penalty equal to 2516 of the fee if application is not made within thirty -one days after commencement of the activity. The applicant shall designate upon his application by address the principal office of the applicant which is located within the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and if the applicant has no office within the County of Los Angeles, then he shall designate upon his application his principal office wherever located. "Sec. 1018. Effective Period of Registration or Certification; Renewal of Registration and Certification. Registration as a swim- ming pool service company, certification as a swimming pool ser- vice technician and certification as a swimming pool service techni- cian apprentice are each effective to December 31 of the year in which said registration or certification was received. Every per- son desiring to renew such registration or certification shall pay a renewal fee to the Tax Collector for renewal before December 31 in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) for each registration or certifica- tion for the following calendar year. A penalty equal to 2516 of the renewal fee shall be submitted on or after January 1 for the renewal of the annual registration or certification. -7- 4281 "SEC. 14. 3. Sections 385, 386, 387, 504. 1, 504. 2, 504. 3, 504. 4, 523. 1, 523. 2, 523. 3, 525. 2, 525. 3, 561. 1, 561. 2, 562 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, and 1000. 1 are added to said Ordinance No. 7583 adopted by reference as hereinabove set forth, to provide, respectively, as follows: "Sec. 385. Itinerant Restaurant and Temporary Refreshment Stand Time Limit and Place of era ion, An itinerant restaurant or temporary refreshment stand shall not be operated at any loca- tion on any one premise for more than thirty (30) days in any one year unless it complies with all of the provisions of this code applica- ble to restaurants. Except for itinerant restaurants or temporary refreshment stands operating from vehicles which do not do business at any location for over thirty (30) minutes at any one time and during any one (1) day, all such businesses shall be provided with adequate, convenient toilet facilities, as approved by the Health Officer. No such business shall be conducted except at temporary events, such as carnivals, festivals, circuses, special temporary attractions or events, or on park property when authorized by a public agency in charge of such park. No such business shall be operated on any prop- erty where such operation or business is prohibited by any other appli- cable code or regulation. The person responsible for such business which is to be operated at any location for more than thirty (30) minutes at any one time shall not commence or continue such operation until he has received written authorization from the Health Officer for the speci- fic location where such business is to be conducted. "Sec. 386. Itinerant Restaurant Special Requirements. Itinerant restaurants shall comply with applicable requirements of this Chap- ter except toilet room and dressing rooms, or when specifically ex- empted by the Health Officer. "Sec. 387. Temporary Refreshment Stand Special Requirements. The Health Officer shall make an investigation of the premises, equip- ment and facilities to be used in the operation of the temporary refresh- ment stand, and shall, when he deems it necessary for the protection of public health, restrict the operation to the preparation and servicing of those foods which in his opinion would not be injurious to public health when prepared and served with such facilities as the operator intends to use. "Sec. 504. 1. Water Wells Defined. 'Water well' means any drilled, excavated, jetted or otherwise constructed well which is used or in- tended to be used as a source of water for any purpose, but not including sea water barrier wells or salt water wells. "Sec. 504. 2 . Abandoned Water Well Defined. 'Abandoned water well' is a nonoperati.ng well which is not maintainea in conformity with Section 519 of this Chapter. "Sec. 504. 3. Destroyed Water Well Defined. 'Destroyed water well' means a well which is not intended for Auture use and which has been filled in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter for destroying an abandoned well. "Sec. 504.4. Non - Active Water Well Defined. 'Non- active water well' is one which is not in active use but which is maintained in conformance with the provisions of Sec. 519 of this Chapter. "Sec. 523. 1. Validity of Application Permit for Water -Well Drilling. An application and /or permit shall be valid only for t location ed s- cribed on the application. Construction, reconstruction or destruction of a water well shall be carried out in compliance with all applicable regu- 42)41> lations and requirements of the Health Officer and shall comply with the terms and conditions specified in the application, together with any corrections specified by the Health Officer. If any of such conditions specified by the Health Officer are not complied with, he may suspend or revoke the permit. "Sec. 523. 2. Hearings. Any person whose application for a per- mit has been suspended, denied or revoked may apply to the Health Officer for a hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given the appli- cant not less than five (5) days prior to such hearing, either by registered mail, or in the manner required for the service of sum- mons in civil actions. At the time and place set for the hearing, the Health Officer will give the applicant and other interested person an adequate opportunity to present any facts pertinent to the matter at ha=rd. The Health Officer may place any person involved in the matter, including the applicant, under oath. The Health Officer may, when he deems it necessary, continue any hearing by setting a new time and place and by giving notice to the applicant of such action. At the close of the hearing, or at any time within ten (10) days thereafter, the Health Officer will order such dispostion of the application or permit as he has determined to be proper and will make such dis- position known to the applicant. "Sec. 523. 3. Destruction of Wells. All wells, unless made to comply with Section 513 and 519 hereDT,—shall be destroyed to the satisfaction of the Health Officer by filling with cement grout, puddled clay or similar impervious material to thoroughly seal the well for its entire depth including all voids, annular spaces, gravel envelopes or other spaces, as =necessary to protect the aquifers or as approved by the Health Officer. "Sec. 525. 2. Disinfection and Chemical Quality of Water Wells. Every new, repaired or reconstructed domestic water well, after completion of construction, repair or reconstruction, and before being placed in service, shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign substances. The well., including the gravel used in gravel - packed wells, the pump, and all portions of equipment coming in contact with well water shall be disinfected with a solution containing at least fifty (50) parrs per millio x available chlorine, which shall remain in the well for a period cf at least twenty -four (24) hours or by an equiva- lent method of disinfection satisfactory to the Health Officer, and such procedure shall be repeated, as necessary, to produce water meeting bacteriological standards as set forth in the United States Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards. No well water from a new or reconstructed well shall be used for domestic pur- poses until the water meets such bacteriological requirements. "Sec. 525. 3. Water Wells -- Drilling and Destroying. No person shall drill, dig, bore, deepen or excavate any water well, or destroy an existing water well without first making application_ and securing a permit -from the Health Officer. The application shall be made on a form prepared by the Health Offi- cer- which shall include the location of the proposed or existing well, the type of casing, the manner of sealing and any other data required by the Health Officer. "Sec. 561. 1. Exemption from Swimming Pool Equipment Review Fees. Any swimming pool equipment which as been approved by the National Sanitation Foundation or other national testing agency found by the Health Officer to apply equivalent standards, which is currently listed by said foundatic -n or agency as equipment permitted to carry its seal of approval or equivalent and which conforms to all applicable State and local requirements, shall be exempt from payment of the above fees. -9- 4983 "Sec. 561. 2. Swimming Pool Equipment Approval Period. Swimming pool equipment which the Health Officer determines to acceptably perform the function for which intended shall be approved for a period not to exceed three (3) years after which it shall be sub- mitted for re- examination. The fees for such re- examinations shall be 50% of the above listed fees. Upon the expiration of the approval period granted for any device, it shall be unlawful to install any such device in a swimming pool until after an application has been submitted, the device has been found acceptable and a new period of approval has been established by the Health Officer. Periods of approval shall be subject to review by the Health Officer at any time should there be evidence of failure or inadequate per- formance of the device; if after investigation and hearing it is found that the unit is unsatisfactory to perform the function for which in- tended, approval may be immediately withdrawn. "Sec. 562. Accredited Lifeguard Defined. 'Accredited Lifeguard' shall be a person who holds a current American Red Cross Senior lifesaving certificate or equivalent and a current American Red Cross Standard First Aid Certificate or equivalent. In addition, he shall have had satisfactory experience as a beach lifeguard for at least one swim- ming season or an equivalent record of performance. "Sec. 563. Lifeguard In Training Defined. 'A lifeguard in train- ing' shall be a person who performs lifeguard duty under the direct supervision of an accredited lifeguard during a training program, preparatory to becoming an accredited lifeguard. "Sec. 564. Lifeguards -- Public Swimming Area. One or more accredited lifeguards, having no other duty to perform at the time than to superintend the safety of the bathers, shall be on lifeguard duty at each public swimming area as defined above when it is open or in use. All lifeguards shall show their life saving certificates and first aid certificates to the Health Officer, upon his request. "See. 565. Life Saving Equipment and First Aid Kit -- Public Swim- ming Are a. (a) Every public swimming area shall be provided with a mini- mum of one approved life ring, buoy or equivalent approxi- mately fifteen inches in diameter, and where so required, one rescue pole at least twelve (12) feet long with hook. Such life rings, buoys or equivalent and rescue hook shall be readily accessible to each lifeguard, the location and spacing thereof to be determined by consideration of the area to be covered, configuration of water area and related factors and approved by the Health Officer. Such life rings, buoys or equivalent shall have attached to them, seventy - five ('75) feet of sound 3! 16 inch line which shall be stored, when not in use, in such a way as to prevent kinking or fouling. (b) When, in the opinion of the Health Officer, any public swim - ming area is of such size that unaided swimming rescues by lifeguards does not, in his opinion, offer sufficient protec- tion to swimmers, one or more square - sterned boats equip- ped with oars, oarlocks, life rings, or hollow type paddle boards, as the Health Officer approves, shall be provided. -10- 4JR4 (c) A standard twenty -four (24) unit or larger first aid kit shall be provided and properly maintained and kept readily available at all public areas. "Sec. 566. Water Supply Public Swimming Areas, Wadinga Pools and Spray Pools. (a) All water supplied to a wading pool or spray pool shall be from a source approved by the Health Officer. (b) The water supply for all showers, toilets, lavatories, and drinking facilities, provided or maintained in connection wth public swimming areas, spray pools and wading pools shall be adequate in quantity and shall meet the Health Offi- cers requi.rements for drinking water. "Sec. 567. Toilet Requi.rements-- Public Swimming Areas. (a) Adequate toilets for each sex shall be provided and main- tained not over three hundred (300) feet distant from any bor *.ion of public swimming areas. (b) All toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condi- tion, well lighted and ventilated, and shall be kept supplied with toilet paper at all times. (c) The type and location for such existing toilets shall be accept- able to the Health Officer and plans for new toilet facilities shall be approved by the Health Officer prior to construction. "Sec. 568. Dressing Room - -If Provided for Public Swimming Areas. If dressing rooms are provided at a public swimming area, they shall comply with the following: (a) Public swimming areas used simultaneously by both sexes shall be provided with separate dressing rooms with separate entrances to and exits from the dressing rooms. (b) All dressing room walls and partitions shall have smooth surfaces which are impervious to moisture and free from cracks or open joints. Walls of compartments within a dressing room shall be constructed in such a manner that there is a clear, intervening space of not less than eight (8) inches between the bottom of the partition and the floor unless otherwise approved by the Health Officer. (c) Floors in the dressing rooms, toilet rooms, and shower rooms shall be impervious and rough enough (but not abra- sive to the feet) so as to be non skid, similar to a 'rough rotary, raised rubber, or wood float,' finish and shall be free from cracks or, open joints. Floors shall pitch not less than 1/4 inch per foot to floor drains or surface water disposal areas. All junctures of floors with walls and partitions shall be coved. Wood floors or wooden slats over concrete floors shall not be permitted. (d) When lockers are provided, they shall be kept clean and free from vermin, properly ventilated, and shall be fas- tened firmly to concrete islands or shall be installed with at least a six (6) inch high clear space beneath to permit flushing of the floor-. age 42841' (e) All dressing rooms, 'shower rooms, toilet and lavatory rcoms, and all other rooms in a bathhouse shall be ade- quately ventilated and lighted. A minimum light intensity of 3 foot candles shall be provided in all parts of said rooms. (f) Toilets shall be provided in close proximity to any dress- ing rooms in addition to requirements specified in Section 567. "Sec. 569. Drinking Fountains Public Swimming Areas and Wading Pools. A, least one approved drinking fountain snail be installed anTmaintained in each wading pool area and each public swimming area, for the use of the persons using the public swim- ming area or wading pool. "Sec. 570. Health Requisites Public Swimming Areas and Wad- ing Pools. No person having a communicable disease shall be em- pTye�ic in any capacity at any wading pool or public swimming area. All persons known to be, or suspected by the Health Officer or the management of being afflicted with an infectious disease, or suffer- ing from a cough, cold, fever, sores, or wearing bands or bandages, shall be excluded from the public swimming area or the wading pool except on presentation of a written statement, from a physician, of current date acceptable to the Health Officer. "Sec. 1000. 1. Actions. The Tax Collector shall, in the name of the County of Los-Angel es as plaintiff, bring suit for the recovery of registration or certification fees against any swimming pool ser- vice company or against any person required to have this registra- tion or certification who carries on or attempts to carry on such business or activity without first being certified or registered." SECTION 2. That this crdirance shall become effective at mid- night on the thirtieth day from and after the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall, within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of El Segundo, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24th day of June 1968. ATTEST: 2e6o .. - L .- - .1 U ayor o t e City of e n o, California. City Clerk (SEAL) -12 - ,$Xg,S. A STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, � CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, i, a a .EUNICE.U. a CREASON o 0 0 0 0 , City Clem of the City of El Segundo, CaI ifornia, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the CP'ty Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance Noo 0 0 691 ... o is a fUhl, true and correct original of Ordinance Noo o a6910 o 0 oof the saved City of El Segundo, California, entitled-. "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE PUBLIC HEALTH CODE OF ' THE CODE OF THE CITY OF EL SE- GUNDO, CALIFORNIA, 1958''; which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of soid City, a6 at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the, � 24th o 0 o day cf� .. Jt1r1q. � � o � o 0 0 0 , 19_6A and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote-. AYES: Councilrir.eno P4M, r,o Frederick,° Nagela o Stephens,° and o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..MugF.,q, r ......... ....... ..................... NOES: Ccuncilmen..W. ne ;oa °0000000 Dove°° ......................... ABSENT: Councilmen None,... 00 o ...... 00000000000000o ............ I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of Californio, that the foregoing Ordinance No. 0 691 0 0 was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City in the El Segundo Herold, a weedy newspaper of general circulatiori, printed, published and circulated within the said City and that the same was so pub - Iished therein on the following date, to wit.-,. o o. o o. a o 0 o 0 0 0 o�t000��L���,00 City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California. (SEAL) By��0000000000000000a0000a00000aoa000000ao Deputy 4�8� -t3 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) as CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) s!..:...;. 4.....: ;... ::.. ... ................. _................. being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is, and at all of the times hereinafter mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California; that he was, at, and during all of the time of the publication of the instrument hereunto attached the ............ Z ,_ r_ ................... ...... ..... .. � a ..:�J.r ........ ......... -.... ....................................................... ............................... Editor of EL SEGUNDO HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated weekly in the City of El Segundo, in said County and State; that said newspaper has been so published and circulated at regular intervals of one week for more than one year immediately preceding the publication of the instrument hereunto annexed; that said newspaper is, and was, at all of the times herein mentioned, & newspaper of general circulation within the meaning of Section 4460 of the Political Code of the State of California; that as provided by said section, said newspaper is published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that said newspaper is not and was not at any of the times herein referred to, devoted to the interests, or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, 'trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, and that said newspaper is not devoted to or published for, nor was it at any of the times herein mentioned devoted to or published for the purpose, whether avowed or otherwise, of entertaining or instructing such classes, professions, trades, eallings, races or denomin- ations, or any of such clzmes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations. That the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument hereunto attached on page ............ numbered hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and size and arrangement of type, is a full true and correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, in words and figures exactly as published; that the same was set and printed in type not smaller than nonpareil and that the body of the same was preceded with words printed in black -face type not smaller than nonpareil, describing and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument intended to be published, as will appear from an inspection of the said annexed instru- ment; that the - _ :...Vl .:0. ■.._........1 ....... .. . .... - ol which the annexed is a printed copy as hereinabove stated, was published and printed in said news- paper at least ....... week 1.j .. by ......... -:' + :............... consecutive publication ........, commencing on the ......... ........... day of ..................... . ................................. -, A. D. _ �.: �., and ending on the .................v.r ...... day of ........................J' ! ...................... A. D. 19 ..6 ..., and as often during said time as said newspaper was regu- larlyissued, to -wit: ........ Jd s - -- .......... .: ..... .......................................................... ----......._....---.. ............................... .... ­_ . .......... ..................................... - -------- ......... ----------------- 2� ---- --- ------ --- -------- ............ ................................................. .............. .. . ... . .. '4:;Lo� .... - - ---------- - --------------------- ------------ ............................. ......... 1(/ ...... ......................................................... ............................................................... Subscribe d sworn to before me this ....0...'t.�i....... dayof .... ^ .... ............................... A. D. 19.6... Lr�� - - L ................................ ............................... City clerk of the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California. ByA ... � .... . ....... .............................. Deputy City C k of said City.