ORDINANCE 552ORDINANCE N0. 55_ 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE SAID HTY OF EL SEGUNDO OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "IMPERIAL STRIP TERRITORY" IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE "ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY ACT OF 1939•" WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the "Annex- ation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939," and all Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, the City Council has initiated proceedings for the annexation to said city of uninhabited territory contiguous to said city; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that said territory is uninhabited within the meaning of said Act, and that a reso- lution declaring that said proceedings have been initiated under said Act by said City Council setting forth its reasons for desiring to annex said uninhabited territory and stating the intention to annex said territory, and giving notice of such proposed annexation, has been duly passed and adopted by said City Council and published and posted in the manner re- quired by law; and WHEREAS, the 26th day of October, 1959, at the hour of 7 :00 otclock P. M., in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of E1 Segundo, was set as the time and place of hearing of protests relative to said annexation; and WHEREAS, at said hearing no protests, either written or oral, were received or filed; WHEREAS, said Territory is owned in its entirety by and is contiguous to said City and is logically situated so as to constitute a desirable component part of said Cityq and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest and to the interest of both the City of E1 Segundo and the City of Los Angeles that said territory be detached from the City of Los Angeles and annexed to the City of E1 Segundo, and WHEREAS, the requisite consent to detachment of at - 1 - 37Z! 37 7 3 least two- thirds of the freeholders within the territory, holding at least two - thirds in value of the real property therein has been givens and WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles, pursuant to Section 35304 of the Government Code, has consented to the detachment of said territory upon condition that said terri- tory be annexed to the City of E1 Segundo; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the annexation to the City of El Segundo of the hereinafter described property is hereby approved, and said property is hereby annexed to and made a part of said City of E1 Segundo: IMPERIAL STRIP TERRITORY All those portions of Sections 1 and 20 Township 3 South, Range 15 West in the Rancho Sausal Redondo as per map filed in Case No. 11929, of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the northeast 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 3 South, Range 15 west, in said Rancho Sausal Redondo, said corner being an angle point in the common boundary of the Cities of Los Angeles and El Segundo as the same existed March 1, 1959; thence North $9054'49" East, along the southerly line of said Section 2, a distance of 154..68 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 9005111" West 22.92 feet; thence North 80054149" East 524.53 feet; thence easterly, along a tangent curve, concave to the South, and having a radius of 2949 feet, an arc distance of 463.23 feet to a point of tangency in a line parallel with and distant 141 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from said southerly line; thence North 89 54149" East, along said parallel line, 2755.23 feet, more or less, to a line parallel with and distant 1+0 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the easterly line of Lot 1, Tract 3690, as per map recorded in Book 40, page 55, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence southerly, along said last mentioned parallel line, 12 feet to a line parallel with and dis- tant 129 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from said southerly line; thence North 89054149" East, along said last men- tioned parallel line, 281.16 feet; thence North 86005149" East 180.40 feet to a line parallel with and distant 141 feet_norther- ly, measured at right angles, from said southerly line; thence North 89054149" East along said last mentioned parallel line, 268.68 feet more or Tess, to the westerly line of said Section 1; thence North 89055140" East, parallel with the southerly line of said Section 1, a distance of 3334.50 feet; thence easterly, along a tangent curve, concave to the South, and having a radius of - 2 - 3774 3943 feet, an are distance of 562.02 fget; thence, tangent to said last mentioned curve, South $1 54t2O" East to a point in a line parallel with and distant 36.$7 feet northerly, measured at right angl8s from the southerly line of said Sec- tion 1; thence South 9 04120" East 36.87 feet; thence South 89055140„ West, along the southerly line of said Section 1 (being in the common boundary of the Cities of Los Angeles and E1 Segundo as the same existed March 1, 1959) to the southwesterly corner of said Section 1; thence South 89054149" West, along said common boundary to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SECTION 2. That the City Clerk is hereby author- ized and directed to make, certify under the seal of the City of E1 Segundo, and transmit to the Secretary of State of the State of California, a copy of this ordinance as required by Section 35316 of the Government Code of the State of California. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after the date of its adoption. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is Passed and adopted; and shall, within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of El Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of November , 1959- ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California yor of 'the Ci of E1 Segundo, California - 3 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I� Eunice__ --- _Creason______________ __ __ __ City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ..... rdinance ----------------------------------------- - being__ardinance --- NQ. ... 552--------------------------- was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the --------- 9th ____day of ----------- Xavemher ------------------------ 195-9 and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen...13_apex',...1`'1e ch l ..end..Al YCZx..l3.en£xeld.;- - - - - -- NOES: Councilmen --- N- one-;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABSENT:_Councilmen Frederick and Gordon. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this _____._9th -------------- day of ------------- Xovemher-------------- - - - - -- 19 - 5 L- - - - - -u. -------- -------------------------- City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California (SEAL) X77 i 3776 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, _ EitNICE Ttt CREASON___ _____, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No..5.59 --------- is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No --------- 55.2 ....... of the said City of El Segundo, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDOI CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE SAID CITY OF EL , SEGUNDO OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "IMPERIAL STRIP TERRITORY" IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE "ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY ACT OF 1939.", which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the .... g_th ....... day of --- Nov.ewb_er------------ 19.5.9_, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Tiaker }__i!i�ch�k__ and__ r_ I�or__I3en�ld__________________ NOES: Councilmen clone;--------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ABSENT: Coi_zncilmen. Frederick- __and. Gordlon. - - - - - Go rd-on - ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No._5.52____ was duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within the said City and that the same was so pub- lished therein on the following date, to wit: _ NQVemhex__ Y2_,_ __J.959_ _______________________ City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California. By-------------------------------------------------------------- (SEAL) Deputy. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) as CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) ... Wr on...NNew mb ....... being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That She is, and at all of the times hereinafter mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California; thailhe was, at, and during all of the time of the publication of the instrument hereunto attached the ............ .... prinei al.... clerk ..... .............. .. . . . .. ............................. ............................... MW of EL SEGUNDO HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated weekly in the City of El Segundo, in said County and State; that said newspaper has been so published and circulated at regular intervals of one week for more than one year immediately preceding the publication of the instrument hereunto annexed; that said newspaper is, and was, at all of the times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation within the meaning of Section 4460 of the Political Code of the State of California; that as provided by -said section, said newspaper is published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that said newspaper is not and was not at any of the times herein referred to, devoted to the interests, or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, and that said newspaper is not devoted to or published for, nor was it at any of the times herein mentioned devoted to or published for the purpose, whether avowed or otherwise, of entertaining or instructing such classes, professions, trades, ealiings, races or denomin- ations, or any of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations. That the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument hereunto attached on page ............ numbered _ ............................................................... --- --- --- ...... ............................... - ----..... -- ............................... - -----......_........... - ............ hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and size and arrangement of type, is a full true and correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, in words and figures exactly as published; that the same was set and printed in type not smaller than nonpareil and that the body of the same was preceded with words printed in black -face type not smaller than nonpareil, describing and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument intended to be published, as will appear from an inspection of the said annexed instru- ment; that the .......... Ordinance .... N.q._..55S of which the annexed is a printed copy as hereinabove stated, was published and printed in said news- paper r at least ................ .3..... week ......... by .................................. consecutive publication ......... commencing on the .... 12th.•. day of ........... ....................N00•....... A. D.3.959.., and ending on the .............1.,.$.+.tk*... day of .............. ............I=................. A. D. 19.�a�...., and as often during said time as said newspaper was regu- larlyissued, to-wit: .......................................... ................. _-......................................... - ......... ............................................... NOV.R.-.12, 1959................-------- ......------- •................ Subscribed and sworn to before me this .....1.6......... day of ...... . -..... .. .......... A. D. 19..J_; .. ` ......... 7r.. . ............................ ... City clerk of the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California. By...................... --............ ............................... ............--- - Deputy City Clerk of said City.