ORDINANCE 507GSECTION 1905: ?10T ICES. Notice of time and place of pub- lic hearings shall be ;even in the followinla manner: (1) Fotice of any public hearin- upon a proposed amendment to this ordinance, or to the map which is a part of this ordinance, or a precise plan, or an unclassified use permit shall be liven by at least one (1) publication in a newspaper of ,ereral circulation in the City of El Se-,undo not less than ten (10) days before the date of said public hearing. (2) Notice of public hearing to consider a variance or con- ditional use permit shall be given by mailing a written -iotic not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such rra'rin,,s to :,he owners of property within a radius of three hwldred (300) feel. o." the exterior boundaries or the property to be cnan�ea, usinr for this purpose the last la:own name and address oL' such owners as are shown upon t.ie latest available lot books of the County Assessor of the County of Los Anmeles, State of California. (3) Bot': such methods may be employed at the direction of the Planning Commission or, the City Council. SECTICY 1906: REQUIRED WORDING OF NOTICES. Such public notice of hearings or reclassification, amendment, precise plan, variance, unclassified use permit or conditional use permit shall consist of the words "Notice of Proposed Change of Zone Boundaries or Classification" or "Pjotice of Proposed Precise Plan" or "Notice of Proposed Variance" or "Notice of Proposed Conditional Use Per- mit" or "Notice of Proposed Unclassified Use Permit" as the case may be, settir,l forth the description of the properly u__der con- sideration, the nature of the proposed char ;e or use, a:id the time and place at which the public hearl-, or hearLri =s on the matter will be held. SESfIO",I 1901: IilVESTIGATIO "S. The Plannin;r Commission shall cause to be made by its own members, or members of its staff, such in estimation of facts bearing, upon an application set for hearing that will assure action on each case consistent with the purpose of this ordinance and precious amendments or variances. - 89 - .,i� �' SECTIOW 190�­ ESTABLISHIJ"11T OP ;ULES FOR COyiDUC'Z OF HEAPINSIS. _ "he Planninm Co.mnission may establish rules overnsn the conduct oi public hearin-s conducted by it. SECTIOtT 1909: iEARINGS ITAY BE COIdTINUED uVITHOUP RECOURSE TO PUBLIC 7OTICE. If, for any reasor, testimony on any case set I or ;ublic hearing, cannot be completed on the date set for such heariny, the person presldln at such public hearing may, before ad',ournment or recess thereof, publicly announce the time and place to, and at ,Thich said hearintr will be continued and no further no- tice is required. SECTION 1910: PERMANETJT FILES SHALL INCLUDE SUI�IiARY OF TESTItiONY. A summary of all pertinent testimony offered at pabllc hearin ,-s held in connection with an application filed pursuant to this ordinance, and the names of persons testlfyinr shall be re- corded and made a part of the permanent files of the case. ARTICLE 20 IPiTE3PRETi,PI0id - PUdPOSE - CCidFLICT - SE`I�3dFILITV SI,CTICA 2000: INrERPRETaTIO,,. In lnterpreti °i- and ap- plyinH the provisions of this ordinance they shall be neld to be the minimum requirerneit for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and - eneral welfare. It is not in- t -nded by this ordinance to interfere with or abromate or annul any easement, covenant or other a- reement between parties. When this ordinance imposes a treater restriction upon the use of build- inn's or land, or upon the height of buildinT)s, or regaires lamer open spaces than are imposed or required by other ordinances, rules, relulatzons, or by easements, covenants or aTreements, the provisi- ons of this ordinance shall control. SECTI014 2001: CO:SYITUTIOI,rALITY OR I1I11ALIDITY. I" "11'- sectiol, sub - seeder., clause or, pl•ras- of t'iis ordinance is for u ;- reasor held ',o be invalid or _inconotitutioial, sacra I al di y or unconstitut> o allt y s,iall ,io_ affect t:ie aI 1> t-r or co,i3t11,ut1o'1- ality of t'_F remai -nln,, portic is (,= triis or�l>ra ice; it, beln _ercby -90- " expressly declared teat t,tis ordlna-ice, and each section, sub - sectiot, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been pre- pared, proposed, adopted, approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invulid or unconstitutional. ARTICLE 21 REVOCATIO - EXPIRATION SECTION 2100: PEREIITS OR VARIAIICES 10AY BE REVOKED. After a public hearinm held in the manner prescribed in Article 17;overn- ink variances and conditional use permits and Article 1( -< ,overrl,. unclassified use permits, the Plaunin- Commission ,r o C, IC or more of Ghe folloWlr_ ';rounds, reVoke Cr NO(' 1L'j' a,iv rFr L or Ja-i- ."ce issued: (1) °ie approval was obtained b� Crcald. (2) That the use for w?,icn such approval is ;ranted. 2s not bcinr, exercised. (3) 'hat the use for which such approval was yralted has ceased to exist or has been suspended for cne (1) Year or more. (q) TI_at the permit or variance *ranted is betia�r, or rece,t- ly has bee., exercised contrary to the teri,is or conditions of such approval, or in violation of any Statute, Ord _Lnance, Law or Re ^,u- la-c i on . (11) That the use for which the approval was (ranted was so exercised as to be detrimental to t%ie public health or safety, or so as to constitute a nuisance. SE'Cf U 2101: EXPIRATIO'V. A.iy perr.il, or �a ^lance run - ea '-)y _Le Plan-iii , Coninasion beco,,ios n,ll a-d Tuid i" ( '=cisod t'.[o time slieclr9ec 1- such nr varla)ce or, _LC pro dune 19 speci"�. ^,d, wi'„nic o­c (1) year fror,I hne da *e of approval of said permit or variance. - 91 - ,1r_9 L J � ARTICLE 22 PERIi ITS - LICENSES - EAFORCEI=i'1' SECTIO 2200: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAiICY PERP:IT: To assure co- pliance with the parki,i; requirements and other prml ors o' o£ the zonin_= ordinance, a Certificate or Cccupaocy shall be obtainci ('rcm t're Buildtinm Departr•ier,t, beE'ore: (1) Any now buildi,i­, be init,iallr occupi_ed or used; (2) Auy buildin-, be alirred or a a c o or class o; use be i,ad,�; and (3) A c,ii.,' -(, o� i1Se u' a,y iqi- pr0 ✓C1 pre]�iSes be �de. S CL'i0' 2207_: I10 C0,17LICTIA -, LIC1.1"SES OR PE11ITS SHALL BE ISSUED. All depa t�nnrl,s, officials or public eriployees vested with the dut,r or autnorlt, 'c, issue Permits or licenses where re- quired by law small con£orti to the provisions of this ordinance. �, o such license or perllit for uses, buildin­)s or purposes .where the same �woald be iI° conflict with the prova sons of this ordnance s}-all be issued. Any suc' license or permit, if issued �z conflict with the provisions he ^eof, shall be null and void. SECTION 2202: ENFORCEHEI,'T. The Buildin,, Official, or his duly desi,nated representative is hereby desi-pated as the en- forctn, a=,ent of this ordinance, and any amend {cents -_hereto. Anq appeals frow the decision of the en"orcin,­ anent i-i :.he ud,.iris- tration of the zcniri- ordinance shall be -,ade t,o ti'oe Clue Plan _Y, C071711s sl Oi I, afi Ca �,'1G deCl iiOri Of ,. i7 r� �i 1':." P1aY litl is OC'7I "LSGir I .t suc_" ',a.tte—s s''all Jc Anal a "1d GO�C11'_91eC 1�1CSS (Alirr,,12si, d?si -- `1dt 8C1 b -,' ,_ 1_1 er�i roar CP. ARTICLE 23 P3,'ALTY SECTION 2300: VIOLATORS PUdISHADLE 'PY FINE AND ITIPRISO'd- r'' .`IT. Art« - erson, fir., or corpora�,ion viclatin- any of tree provisi- ons o£ this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a n>sdemeanor, a�Id upon convicbron thereof shall be pu,Iishable by a fine of not .gore than Five :Iundred Dollars (,500.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not none than Six ( ) months, or bot'= such fine dnd imprisonment. - n2 - SECTION 2301: EAC:I DAY A SEPARATE OFFENSE. Each person, firm or corporation found guilty of a violation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during- any portion of which any violation of any provision of this ordinance is committee, continued or permitted by such person, iirn or corporation., and shall be punishable therefor as provided for in this ordiia•1ce, and any use, occupation or buildin- or structure zaintained com,rary to the provisions hereof shall constitutc a public nuisance. ARTICLE 2L ENACTMENT AND REPEAL SECTION 2400: REPEALLdG CLAUSE. That all ordinances or, parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance shall be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 2401: EFFECTIVE DATE. That this ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 2402: ENACTING CLAUSE. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoptioh of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a minute of the passax,)e and adoption th —cof in the records of the ir_eetin^ at which the same is passed amd adopted; and shall, within fifteen days after the passa -e and adoptio�l there- of, cause the same uo be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald; a weekly newspaper of r-eneral circulation, published and circulated within said City of El Se -undo aid which is hereby designated for that purpose. Passed, approved and adopted this 22xO day of JULY , 1957. ATTEST: ity Clerk (SEAL) Mayor of the City of El Segundo, Californi - 93 -