ORDINANCE 507DSECTION 901: LIMITATIONS 09 PERMITTED USE. Every use per- mitted in the C -2 Zone shall be sabject to the following conditions and limitations: (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except such uses as: (a) Auto trailer sales areas (b) Used car sales areas (c) Miniature golf courses (d) Service stations (e) Nurseries (f) Dri�re -in restaurants (g) Similar permitted enterprises customarily conducted in the open (2) All products incident to a permitted use which are manu- factured or processed on the premises shall be sold on the premises and at retail only, and not more than five (5) persons may be em- ployed in such manufacturing, processing and treatment of products. (3) All operations conducted on the premises shall not be ob- jectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibration or other similar causes. (4) Storage shall be limited to accessory storage of comrnodi- ties sold at retail on the premises. (5) any building having an entrance opening onto an alley shall be located not closer than twenty (20) feet from uhe center line of such alley, provided that such setback need not extend more than forty (40) lineal feet measured alonm any portion of the com- mon alley property line that will include the location of the build- ing entrance. (5) If the use above the around floor be residential, other than hotels, the R -3 Zone minimum of five hundred (500) square foot of lot area per dwelling unit shall govern. (7) Any exterior sign which is attached to a building shall not project more than two (2) feet measured at right angles to the face of the building. SECTION 902: HEIGHT. In the C -2 Zone no building shall exceed a height of four (4) stories or forty -five (45) feet, which- ever is the lesser. - 42 - SECTION 903: FRONT YARD. No front yard need be provided except as may be required by a precise plan, variance or condition- al use permit. SECTION 904: SIDE YARDS. No side yards need be provided except as may be required by a precise plan, variance or condition- a1 use permit. ARTICLE 10 C -M - COMMERCIAL- MANUFACTURING ZONE (C -hI ZONE) SECTION 1000: PERMITTED USES. In the C -M Zone the fol- lowing uses only are permitted, and as hereinafter specifically provided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of this ordinance governing; off - street parking and loading space re- quirements. (1) Any use permitted in the C -2 Zone, except: (a) Residential uses (b) Churches (c) Educational institutions (d) Motels (2) Assembly of electrical appliances such as: (a) Electronic instruments and devices (b) Radios, phonographs and televisions, including; manufacture of small parts, such as coils (3) Cabinet shops or carpenter shops (4) Ceramic products, manufacture of, including figurines usinT only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by elec- tricity or low pressure gas (5) Electric distributing substations (6) Glass edging, beveling and silvering- in connection with the sale of mirrors and glass decoratin- furniture (7) Glass studios - stained, etc. (9) Hand laundries (9) Laboratories, experimental, motion picuure, testing; - 43 - (10) 14achine shops (11) Parcel service deliveries (12) Photo engravin- �:��7 (13) Plumbing; supply yard, provided if not within an enclosed building; it shall be within an area enclosed on all sides with a solid wall or uniformly painted fence not less than six (6) feet high. (14) Upholstering; shops (15) Wholesale businesses, storage buildings and warehouses (16) Other commercial and industrial enterprises or businesses when processed in the manner specified in Section 1402 of this or- dinance SECTION 1001: LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USES. Every use permitted in the C -M Zone shall be subject to the followin; con- ditions and limitations: (1) All uses shall be conducted w;,olly within an enclosed building, except pluimbin- supply yards and such uses first permitted in the C -2 Zone which are not required to be entirely contained within a buildin,,. (2) All operations conducted on the premises shall not be objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibration or other similar causes. SECTION 1002: HEIGHT. No buildin; or structure shall exceed a height of four (4) stories or forty -five (45) feet, which- ever is the lesser. SECTION 1003: FRONT YARD. Every lot in a C -ICY Zone shall provide a front yard only when required by a precise plan or vari- ance or conditional use permit. SECTION 1004 SIDE YARDS. Every lot in a C -DT Zone, when devoted Lo a use permitted in the C -iii Zone but not peri,iitted in the R -3 Zone, need provide no side yards except such as may be re- quired by a precise plan,, variance or conditional use permit. - 44 - 17 518 ARTICLE 11 M -1 - LIGHT MANUFACTURING ZONE (M -1 ZONE) SECTION 1100: PERMITTED USES. In the M -1 Zone the fol- lowing uses only are permitted and as hereinafter provided and al- lowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of this ordinance governing off- street parking and loading space requirements. (1) Any use permitted in the C -M Zone, except: (a) Dwellings, provided, however, a dwelllnn shall be permitted on the same lot or site on which a factory is lo- Gated, which dwelling is used exclusively by a caretaker or superintendent of such factory and his family. (b) Hospitals (industrial emergency hospitals are permitted) (c) Institations or homes for the treatment of convales- cent persons, children, aged persons, alcoholics, the wounded or the mentally infirm (2) Auction houses or stores (3) Automobile assembly, body and fender works, dismantling and used parts storage when operated and maintained wholly within an entirely enclosed building (4) Automobile painting, provided all painting, sanding and baking shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building (5) Automobile trailer parks in the M -1 Zone easterly of Se- pulveda Boulevard only, subject to Ordinance No. 223 as amended (6) Battery rebuilding (7) Boat building, except ship building (3) Bottling plants (9) Breweries (10) Building materials stora -e yards (11) Carpet cleaning plants (12) Casting, die, aluminum, investment (13) Cleaning and dyeing plant (14) Contractorrs storage yard - 45 - (15) Cosmetics, manufacture of (16) Creameries and dairy products manufacturin, (17) D,stributing plants (18) Draying, freighting or trucking yards or terminals (19) Electric or neon sign manufacturing (20) Equestrian establishments, including academies, schools, amusements, and ridinj stables (21) Feed and fuel yards (22) Flour mills (23) Food products manufacturing, storage and processing of, except lard, pickles, sauerkraut, sausages or vine,ar (24) Frozen food lockers (25) Fruit and vegetable canning, preserving; and freezing (26) Garment manufacture (27) Hatcheries, and sale of baby chicks (28) Tee and cold storage plants (29) Laundries (30) Lumber yards (31) Manufacture of prefabricated buildings (32) Mills, planing, except that burning operations shall require a conditional use permit as set forth in Article 17. (33) Newspapers, printers (34) Paint mixing, provided a boiling, process is not employed, no tank farm is permitted and above - surface thinner storage is limited to two hundred (200) gallons. (35) Pipe line booster or pumping plant in connection with water, oil, petroleum, gas, gasoline or other petroleum products (36) Plastics, fabrication from (37) Poultry and rabbit slaughter, includins custom aressia° (31) Public utility service yards or electric transmission sub - station (39) Rubber, fabrication of products made from finished rubber (40) Sheet metal shops - 46 - (41) Shoe manufacture (42) Soap manufacture, cold mix only (43) StoraFre space for transit and transportation equipment except free ,-ht classification yards (44) Stone monuments, and tombstone works (45) Textile manufacture (46) Tile, manufacture of wall and Floor the and related small tale products (47) Tire rebuilding, recapping and retreading (48) Tinsmiths goods (49) Transfer, movin; and storage of furniture and household (50) Truck repairing, overhauling and rental (51) Vacuum Metalization SECTION 1101: LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USES IN 11i -1 ZONES. Every use permitted in the M -1 Zone shall be subject to the follow - inc conditions and limitations: (1) No operations and uses conducted on the premises shall be objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibration or other similar causes. SECTION 3.102: HEIGHT. INo building or structure in an T11 -1 Zone shall exceed a height of six (6) stories or seventy -five (75) feet, whichever is the lesser. SECTION 1103: FRONT YARD. Every lot in an M -1 Zone need provide a front yard only when required by a precise plan, variance or conditional use permit. SECTION 1104: SIDE YARDS. Every lot in an M -1 Zone need provide side yards only when required by a precise plan, vari- ance or conditional use permit. ARTICLE 12 M -2 - HEAVY MANUFACTURING ZONE (M -2 ZONE) SECTION 1200: PERMITTED USES. In an 1', -2 Zone only the followlnr uses are permitted, and as hereinafter provided and allowed - 47 - Z�1 bar this Article, subject to the provisions of tnis Ordinance overninm off- street parkins_ and loading space requirements. (1) Any use permitted in the PST -1 Zone, except that trailer camps are prohibited. (2) Gas manufacture or storage (3) Aircraft factories (4) Alcohol manufacture (,) ammonia, bleachin, power or chlorine rna,,ufaeture (6) Boilar works (7) Brick, tile, cement block or terra cotta manufacture (8) Concrete and concrete products manufacture (9) Iron, steel, brass or copper fabrication plants (10) Lamp Black manufacture (11) gatural gasoline processing and absorption plants (12) Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture (13) Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture (14) Paper pulp manufacture (15) Petroleum, or its fluid products, wholesale storage of (16) Petroleum refineries, together with all plants and facill- ties incidental to the operation thereof in connection with the manufacutre of all present and future by- products of oil, petroleum, ,;as, gasoline and other hydrocarbon substances (17) Petroleum; stora e, prccessin -, transportation and distri- bution of oil, petroleum, -as, =,,asoline a.1d other hydrocarbon sub- stances (18) Petroleum.; drillin,r, operation and maintenance of oil and/or gas wells (19) Plastics, manufacture of (20) Roofinl- material manufacture (21) Soap manufacture (22) Soda and compound manufacture (23) Steam electric generating station (24) Stove or shoe polish manufacture (25) Wool pulling or scouring - 48 - (26) Accessory buildinr -s and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, when located on the same site with the main buildin -. SECTION 1201: M -2 USES REQUIRING A CONDITIONAL USE PER- MTT. Because of considerations of smoke, fumes, dust, odor, vibra- tion or hazard, the establishment or operation of the followin; uses in the M -2 Zone shall not be permitted unless a conditional use permit authorizing such use has been ,granted. (1) Acid manufacture (2) Asphalt refining or asphalt m,xin- plants (3) Blast furnaces or coke ovens (4) Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of pares manufacture (5) Distallation of bones (6) Drop for=e industries (7) Explosives, manufacture or storage (8) Fat renderin? (9) Fertilizer manufacture (10) Fish smoking, curing or canning (11) Freight classification yard (12) Garbag=e, offal or dead animal reduction or dumping (13) Gas processing plants (14) Glue, manufacture of (15) Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry (16) Oil extraction plants, other than petroleum products (17) Refuse, disposal of (18) Rock crusher or distribution of rocks, sand or -,ravel other than quarries or other sources of raw materials (19) Rubber, reclalmin , or the manufacture of synthetic rub- ber or iLs constituents (20) Slau -hter houses or stock yards (21) Smeltin,; of tin, copper, zinc or iron ores (22) Stora -e or balin„ of rags, paper, iron or ,junk -1 +9- (23) Tanneries (24) Tar distillation or tar products manufacture (25) Used car �Iurlc areas (25) Wineries SECTION 1202: LIMITATIONS ON PERP.ITTED USES IN M -2 ZONE. Every use permitted shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: (1) Conditions stipulated in connection with conditional use permits (2) Any lot, the rear line of which abuts upon property in any "R" Zone shall provide a five (5) foot solid wall on such rear property line for screening purposes. (3) All operations conducted on the premises shall riot be ob- jectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, smoke, mud, vibration, refuse or other similar causes. SECTION 1203: FRONT YARD. Every lot in an Is -2 Zone shall have a front yard only when required by a precise plan, vari- ance or conditional use permit. SECTION 1204: SIDE YARDS. Every lot in an 1 -2 Zone shall have side yards only when required by a precise plan, variance or conditional use permit. ARTICLE 13 UNCLASSIFIED USES SECTION 1300: All of the following, and all matters direct- ly related thereto, are declared to be uses possessing characteris- tics of such unique and special form as to make impractical their being included automatically in any classes of use as set forth in the various zones herein defined, and the authority for the location and operation thereof shall be subject to review and the issuance of an unclassified use permit. The purpose of review shall be to determine that the characteristics of any such use shall not be unreasonably incompatible with the type of use permitted in sur- roundinc areas and for the further purpose or stipulating such conditions as may reasonably assure that the basic purpose of this - 50 - ordinance shall be served. Factors to be considered are set forth in Section 1402 of this ordinance. Unclassified Use Permits shall be processed in the manner specified in Article 18 of this ordinan- ce. (1) Airports or landing fields (2) Borrow pits to a depth of over three (3) feet (3) Establisliments or enterprises involvin7 lame assemblaees of people or automobiles as follows, providea these uses shall be specifically excluded from the "R" Zones: (a) Amusement parks (b) Circuses, carnivals or fair - rounds (c) Open air theatres (d) Race tracks and rodeos (e) Recreational centers privately operated (4) Hospitals, sanitariums and mental hospitals, provided these uses shall be specifically excluded from the R -1 and R -2 Zones (5) Hospitals, small animal (5) Kennels, but excluded from any "R", "P", "CIO Zones, or an "M -1" Zone west of Sepulveda Boulevard (7) Natural mineral resources, the development of, to-ether with the necessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenances incidenr, thereto, provided that no review or permit shall be required for the exploration of oil, rock, sand, gavel or clay if this or any other ordinance makes separate provisions with respect thereto. (3) Puolic utilities or utilities operated by mutual atTencies consistinF; of water wells, electric transmission substations, -as metering stations, power booster or conversion plants within the necessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenances incident thereto, but not includin, distribution mains provided these uses shall be specifically excluded from the R -1 and R -2 Zones, provided further that these uses are permitted in the M -1 and MI -2 Zones without re- view. - 51 - n ° -325 (9) Seware disposal plants, provided they shall be excluded from the "R" Zones. SECTION 1301: YARD REQUIREMENTS. The provisions for required front and side yards which any such use is proposed in the findings and conditions with each such matter specific with respect thereto. applicable to the particular zone In to be located shall prevail, unless recited in the resolution dealin; exemptions or additions are made SECTION 1302: HEIGHT AND AREA REQUIREMENTS. The pro- visions for height and area applicable to the particular zone in which any such use is proposed to be located shall prevail, unless in the findings and conditions recited in the resolution dealin,, wztl^ each such matter specific exemptions or additions are ,r.ado with respect thereto. SECTION 1303: OFF - STREEP PARKING AND LOADING SPACE RE- QUIREMEATS. The requirements for provision of off-street parkin^ and loadin,; space requirements applicable to the particular use shall prevail unless in the findings and conditions recited in the resolution dealing with each such matter specific exemptions or requirements are made with respect thereto. ARTICLE 14 GENERAL PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS USE SECTION 1400: FOREGOING REGULATIONS SUBJECT TO THIS ARTICLE. The foregoing regulations pertaininT to the several zones shall be subject to the general provisions, conditions and exceptions contained in this Article. SECTION 1401: LIMITATION ON LAND USE. Except as pro- vided in this Article and Articles 15 and 16, no buildin shall be erected, reco-structed or structurally altered, nor shall ai.y building or laid be used for any purpose other than is specifical- ly permitted in the zone in whic'_i such buildin7 or land is located. - 52 - SECTION 1402: CLARIFICATION OF AMBIGUITY. If ambi'cuity arises concernin,, the appropriate classification of a particular use within the ineanin and intent of c'iis ordinance, or if arnbi_uihy exists with respect to natters of heighrp yard requirements, area requirements or zone coundaries, as set for +,h in this ordinance and as they ma; pertain to unforseer circumstances, includins technolc -ical changes in orocessin of materials, it shall be the duty of the Planning, Commission to ascertain all pertinent facts and by Resolution of Record set forth its £indinos and its inter- pretations, and such Resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council, and if approved by the City Council thereafter such in- terpretation shall govern. For purposes of arriving at determinations under this Section, or to meet any other need for classifyin„ any use as first permissible in any of the zone classifications defined by this or- dinance, the dezree of compatibility of any use to any other use shall be evaluated. So far as technical evidence and scientific means of measurement are available they shall be considered in de- terminir- t.ne fond and intensity of performance standards typically associated wich a•iy identifiable type of use. Tne terns perforrianco standards as -,ere employed refers to such conditions, effects or results which flow from the maintenance or operation of any primary use including, but not limited to, the flow of sound measured in decibels; ambient level of sound; vibrations above and below the auditory ranee; odors, fumes, smoke or other emissions whether toxic or non - toxic; incidence of hazard, includin- explosion or contamination; the identification and classification in terms of chemical composition of the emissions from any type of use whether industrial, commercial or domestic; the traffic - venerating capacity, both in terms of freight and passengers, the volume of either or both, and the time or times of daily cycle that represent peak flow or minimum flow; the consuminm capacity of and need for electrical energy, natural gas, oil, water, sewaee disposal and transportation facilities, botn hi7hway, water, rail and air. - 53 - SECTION 103: PURPOSE OF PRECISE PLAN. Wherein the zoning map establishes only zone boundaries, and the text of the ordinance established the permitted use of land in the various zones and the conditions applicable to such use, a precise plan, as the term is employed in this ordinance, has a two -fold purpose; (1) to apply the provisions and requirements of the ordinance in precise detail by means of a map, including possible streets, alleys and other public dedications, the establishment of which would be accomplished in the manner otherwise provided by law; the design and placement of essential related facilities such as off - street parking, loading and unloadln; areas, points of iLi*ress and egress, particularly related to berderin -, t -aifle flow; placement and arran�,e:nent of buildin7s; and other subjects not, included in this ordinance but which are essential to public safety and general welfare such as controllin the pattern and flow of traffic and such other related details as represent modern specialized land development and use, (2) similar plans for the consolidated use of subdivided property the dimensions, shape and size of which do not individu- ally lend themselves advantageously to any form of modern land utilization. Such precise plans shall be adopted in the manner pre- scribed for amending the zoning map, and such precise plans, when so adopted, shall constitute an amendment of the zoning map as to zone classification, where involved, and the details of such pre- cise plan shall supercede and shall take the place of, the require- ments and conditions upon the use of land as established by this ordinance, insofar as the property contained in the precise plan is concerned. A precise plan, when adopted as herein provided, shall be considered as bean; a precise plan within the full meaning; of the State Conservation and Planning Act and, because the adoption - 54 - 1] _8 of such precise plan accomplishes both the amendment of the zo,zin, map and the establishment of detailed subjects ocher tnai 700in, matters, separate but concurrent; proceedin,s shall be etiployed. The resultin precise plan shall be separately recorded both as a component of the comprehensive master plan and as an amendment to the zonin, ordinance. SECTIO'1 1104; USE CONTROL IN RECLASSIFIED PRECISE PLAN, In order to assure that the purpose and provisions of a formally adopted precise plan of record shall be conformed to, t }.e land re- classified within any precise plan of record shall be limited ex- clusively to such uses as are first permitted in the zone to which it is classifies. Uses shown on such precise plan, includln,-T auto- mobile parking, shall conform to such precise plan, even though such use, or uses, are not otherwise specifically classified by this ordinance as permissible in any given zone. SECTION 1405: OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAYS OR OUTDCOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURES ON STATE OR COU_;TY FREEWAYS. (A) NotwiLnstar�dr. , any of ner provlslors of Y.-,is ordnance, no outdoor adv =tisui- structure or outdoor advertlsln-, display shall be placed within five hundred (500) feet of either side of a State or County Freeway or Highway in a man.ier that makes the mat- ter displayed thereon_ visible to persons or passen,ers upon any such thoroughfare. (D) This section shall have no application to the following,: (1) Signs used exclusively (a) for the display of official notices used by any court or public body or official, or for the post- ing of notices by any public officer in the performance of a public duty, or by any person in giving, legal no- tice; and (b) for directional warnin7 or informational pur- poses of a public or semi - public na�ure, established and maintained by an official body. - 55 - .3 -99 0:. (2) Signs which are used exclusively to advertise the ownership, sale or lease of the property upon which such sign as placed, or to advertise a business conducted, or services rendered, or Focds produced or sold upon such premises, or any other lawful activity conducted upon such premises, pro- vided: (a) signs shall not rotate or ot'_ierNise hove, nor shall they be so located that any �,reen, yellow or red li�x t thereon will materially or practically tend to inter °ere with approachln, drivers readily distinvuish- ing them from a traffic si ^,nal. SECTION 1406: PUBLIC UTILITIES. The provisions of this ordinance s,,all not be construed to limit or interfere with the in- stallation, maintenance and operation of public utility pipe lines and electric or telephone transmission lines, or railroads, when located in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of tre Public Utilities Commission of the State of California within rights -cf -way, easements, franchises or ownerships of such public utilities. SECTION 1ZP0 7: TEMPORARY REAL ESTATE OFFICE. One tempo- rary real estate office may be located or any new subdivision in any zone, provided that such office, if in any 11R11 Lone, shall be removed at the end of a twelve -month oerzod measured from the dote of th- recordin- of the map of tho subdivision upon which sand of- fice is located. SECTION 1408: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION BUILDINGS. Tempo- rary structures for the housin7 of tools and equipment, or con - tainln,,; supervisory offices in connection with major construction on ma,lor construction projects may be established and maintained durinv the progress of such construction on such prodects, and shall be abated within sixty (60) days after completion, or sixty (60) days after cessation of work. - 56 - SECTI&d 1' +09: REQUI' ED OFF- ST.,=T PaRKI:iC. Eaor,l build- tT, or portion of bn ldin- l,cre�fter erected, shall be provj_de,t with permanently rialntained parking space as provided in this Ar- ticle, and such parkin space shall be made permanently available and be permanently maintained for parkins; purposes. SECPION 1410: PARKING SPACES REQUIRED. The number of off - street par!csnn spaces required shall be no less than as set forth In the following,: Use 1. tiutomobile courts (motels) 2. 'Banks Business offices 4. Bowling- alleys 5. Churches 6. Dwellin,rs, one, two, and multiple - family Parking Spaces Required 1 for each sleepinm unit or dwelling, unit 1 for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area 1 for each 400 sq. ft. of x,ross floor area 4 -or each alley 1 for each �+ fixed seats and I for each 100 sq. -L. of floor space used for assembly pur- 00se3 al.d container__ no fixed seats 1 for each dwellin,T unit 7. Establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of food and beverages: -- having less than 4,000 sq. I of floor area -- having 4,000 sq. ft. of floor area or more 8. Furniture and appliance stores, hardware stores, household equipment, ser- vice shops, clothing or slice repair or personal service shops 9. Hospitals 10. hotels - 57 - 1 for each 100 sq. ft. of cross ' floor area 40, plus 1 for each 50 sq. £t. of gross floor area in excess of 4,000 sq. ft. 1 for each 600 sq. ft. of gross floor area 2 for each bed 1 for each of the first 40 rooms 1 for each 2 -rooms in the hex. 40 1 for eaclr 4 rooms above �O 11. Libraries 12. Library stations and museums .. a5 1 for each 250 sq. £t. of gross floor area 1 for each 500 sq. ft. of .,rocs floor area 13. Planufacturin� uses, research 1 for each 3 employees o.i t,ne and testin,r laboratories, maxirunm wor,cinrr shift, or noti creameries, bottling estab- not less than 1 Con eacri s lishmen,s, bakeries, canneries, sq. ft. of ross °loo. area, nrintiri- and en-raving, shops k'iiche,,er a,noini- is t,,,r roater 14. Medical or dental clinics and 1 for eaci: 200 sq. f,. c' ross medical or other pro"essional floor area offices 15. 111ortuaries 1 :or each 50 sq. ft. of floor area of assembly rooms used for service 15. Notor vehicle, machinery sales 1 for each 1,000 sq. ft. of gross or wholesale stores floor area or 1 for each 5 em- ployees, whichever amount is greater 17. Offices not providinrr customer 1 for each 4 employees or for services on the premises each 800 sq. ft. of gross floor area, whichever amount is the greater 13. Retail stores, except as other- wise specified herein: -- having not more than 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area -- haven-' more than 5,000 ft. but not more than 20,000 sq. ft. of floor area -- having more than 20,000 ft. of floor area sq. 1 for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area 17 plus 1 for each 150 sq. ft. of gross floor area in excess of 5,000 sq. ft. sq. 17 plus 1 fcr each 150 sq. ft. of ,ross floor area in excess of 5,000 sq. ft., plus 1 :or eacli 100 sq. t5. oC ,ross floor area in excess of 20,000 sq. ft. 19. Roornin! houses, lodr-inm 1 fcr ;acn 2 sleepinm roo,rs rouses, clubs and fraternity houses having sleepin- rooms 20. Sanitariums, children's homes 1 for each 3 beds homes for axed, asylums, nursing homes 21. Schools 1 for each 2 employees 22. Stadiums, sports arenas, au- 1 for each 5 fixed seats, and 1 ditoriums (including; school for each 100 sq. ft. of gross auditoriums) and other floor area used for assembly places of public assembly, purposes and not containing; and clubs and lodges having fixed seats ro sleeping quarters - 58 - "' -ran/ V : 2 4i 23• Theatres 1 for each 5 seats up to $00 seats, plus 1 for each 8 seats over 800 seats 24. Transporation terminal facil- Adequate number as 3eteriined by ities the Planning C010Lrll SslOff 25. udarehouses and storage build- 1 fcr eac'� 3 employees or I for inns each 100 sq. ft. of -ross floor space, w'Iichever a!nount is the greater SECTIO11 1411: PARKING PROVISIONS MAY BE WAIVED BY CO 413- SION. Upon the presentation of evidence s'-iowln�r facts, the llonmis- Sion may, by resolution, waive or modify the provisions as set forth herein establishing required parking areas for uses such as electri- cal power generating plants, electrical transformer stations, utili- ty or corporation storage yards, or other uses of a similar or like nature requirino� a very limited number of persons. SECTIO>J 1412: PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR USES NOT SPECIFIED. Where the parkin_, requirements for a use are not specifically de- fined herein, the parking requirements for such use shall be deter- mined by the Planning Commission. Such derermination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified herein, provided the findings in such matters shall be set forth by resolu- tion settin,, forth the considerations upon which the decision is based. Such resolutioi shall not become effective until referred to and approved by tr:e City Council. SECTION 1413: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO PARKING. The following general requirements shall apply. (1) Size and access: (a) For non- residential uses, each off- street parking space shall have an area of not less than one hundred and seventy (170) square feet exclusive of drives or aisles, and a width of not less than eight and one -half (8 -1/2) feet. Each such space shall be provided with adequate ingress and egress. - 59 - :33 (b) For residential uses parking facilities shall be in a building, enclosed on at least three (3) sides and, in the case of single- family dwellings each parkin; space shall be not less than ten (10) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long; in the case of two - family dwellings, such parkin; space shall be not less than eighteen (18) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long; in the case of multiple- family dwellings, not less than nine (9) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long for each unit, except where there is a partition or partitions, in which event one (1) foot of additional width shall be provided for each such partition, and all of such parkin] spaces shall have adequate provision for ingress and egress. (2) Location: Off- street parkin: facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified. Where a distance is specified, such dis- tance shall be the walking, distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve: (a) For one, two or multiple family dwellings, parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or buildin- site as the buildings they are required to serve; (b) For hotels, hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, asylums, orphanages, rooming houses, lodging houses, club rooms, fraternity and sorority houses, not more than one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the buildings they are re- quired to serve; and (c) For uses other than those specified above, not over three hundred (300) feet from the building they are required to serve. (3) Mixed occupancies: In the case of mixed uses in a build - ing or on a lot, the total requirements for off - street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off- street parking facilities for one use - 60 - �- `, t shall not be considered as providln,; required parkin- facilities for any other use except as hereinafter specified for common fa- cilities. (L4,) Common facilities: Common parkin; facilities, public or private, may be provided in lieu of the individual requirements con- tained herein, provided the total of such off - street parking spaces, when used together, shall not be less than the sum of the various uses computed separately, but such facilities shall be approved by the Planning Conunisslon as to size, shape and relationship to busi- ness sues to be served. When any such common facility is to occupy a site of five thousand (5,000) square feet or more, then the park - ine requirements as specified herein for each of two or more par - ticipatino buildings or uses may be reduced net more than fiftee�z per cent (15; >) upon approval of plans by the Plannin- Condnissio�-i in the manner prescribed for a variance. (5) Plans: The plan of the proposed parkin- area shall be submitted to the Buildin; Department at the time of the application for the building permit for the buildin- to which the parting area is accessory. The plans shall clearly indicate the proposed devel- opment,, includini, location, size, shape, desi -n, curb cuts, light- ing, landscapinu and other features and appurtenances of the pro- posed parkin- lot. Any buildings in parking areas shall be subject to the same restrict, ions ;overning accessory buildings as defined in the zone in which said parking area is located. SECTION 1414: CCIv'IPREHENSIVE PLANNED FACILITIES. Areas may be exempted from the parkin; requirements as otherwise set up in this Article, provided: (1) Such area shall be accurately defined by the Planni --1r Comrnissio_7. (2) 7do suc}- district may be established and exempted from th,- provistons of Section 1410 uriless sixty per cent (60`') or more of all recora lots corr:prlsin', such proposed district are devoted to uses first permitted in a "C" or "M" Zone. - 61 -