ORDINANCE 507C3502 (b) Any building, any portion of which is used for dwelling purposes shall observe a distance from any side or rear property line the equivalent of the required side yard on such lot. (c) The distance between buildings used for human hab- itation and between buildings used for human habitation and accessory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet. (d) A non - dwelling accessory building on the rear third of the lot may be built to one side line and the rear lot line, provided if the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance is from the alley such accessory building shall main- tain a distance not less than five (5) feet from the rear line of such lot. (2) CORNER LOTS AND REVERSED CORNER LOTS. (a) A buildin- or structure may not occupy any portion of a required yard. (b) The distance between buildings used for human habi- tation and between buildings used for human habitation and ac- cessory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet. (c) Any building, any portion of which is used for dwell- ing purposes, shall observe a distance from the interior side lot line and the rear property line the equivalent of the in- terior side yard on such lot. (d) On the rear third of a corner lot an accessory build- ing may be built to the interior lot side line and the lot rear line, provided if the lot rears upon an alley such accessory buildin7, shall maintain a distance not less than five (5) feet fro: the rear line of such lot unless the vehicular entrance to such accessory building is directly from the side street side . (e) On the rear third of a reversed corner lot an acces- sory building may be built to the interior lot side line, but - 29 - A. the lot except that the size and shape of such required side yard nearest the lot rear line shall be increased to include all of that portion, if any, of a triangle formed in the fol- lowing manner: (1) A point shall be established on the key lot at the rear of the reversed corner lot at the intersection of the rear line of the required front yard with the common lot line of the reverse corner lot. (2) A point shall be established on the side street side line of the reversed corner lot distant from the com- mon street corner of the key lot and the reverse corner lot equal to the depth of the required front yard on the key lot. (3) The third side of the triangle shall be a straight line connecting points (1) and(2) above. If an alley intervenes between the key lot and the reverse corner lot, the width of the alley shall be included in determining the length of the lire on the side street side line of the reverse corner lot. (c) If the rear of a reversed corner lot abuts upon property classified for "C" or I'M" purposes, or if the rear of such reversed corner lot abuts upon property occupied by a non- conforming 'IC" or I'M" use having an unamortized life of more than ten (10) years as defined by this ordinance for the abate- ment of nonconforming uses in nR't Zones, then the provisions governing side yards on a corner lot shall apply to the re- versed corner lot. SECTION 504: PLACEMENT OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. Place- ment of buildings and structures on any lot shall conform to the fol- lowing: (1) INTERIOR LOTS. (a) A building or structure may not occupy any portion of a required yard. - 28 - 4504 SECTION 508: PERMISSIBLE LOT COVERAGE. All buildings, including accessory buildings, shall not cover more than fifty per cent (50o) of the area of the lot. ARTICLE 6 R -3 - MULTIPLE RESIDENCE ZONE (R -3 ZONE) SECTION 600: PERMITTED USES. In the R -3 Zone only the following uses are permitted and as hereinafter specifically pro- vided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of Article 14 governing; off - street parking requirements and other con- ditions and exceptions set forth therein. (1) Any use permitted in the R -2 Zone and under the same con- ditions prescribed therein, except that the dimensions of required yards as set forth in this zone shall apply. (2) Boarding and lodging houses. (3) Day nurseries. (4) Educational institutions. (5) Group houses (6) Hotels, subject to the issuance of a conditional use per- mit as set forth in Article 17.�' (7) Libraries (publicly- owned) (8) Multiple dwellings (9) Private clubs, fraternities, sororities and lodges, ex- cepting those the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business. (10) Rest homes. (11) Public parking areas, developed and maintained as required by this ordinance, when the side line of the lot or parcel on which it is located forms a common boundary with a lot or parcel zoned for commercial or industrial purposes, but in no case shall the property so used consist of morethan two (2) lots or parcels or be more than fifty (50) feet in width, whichever is the lesser. (12) The following signs: - 31 - J L: (a) Name plates not exceeding two (2) square feet in area containing the name of the occupant of the premises. (b) One (1) identification sign not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area for multiple dwellings, hotels, clubs, lodges and similar permitted uses, provided such sign is sta- tionery and non - flashing and is placed on the wall of the building and does not extend above or out from the front wall, and contains no advertising matter except the name and street address of the building upon which placed. (c) One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of only the particular building, property or premises upon which displayed. (d) Signs identifying persons engaged in construction on a site shall be permitted as long as construction is in progress, but not to exceed a six -month period. (e) Signs not exceeding an aggregate size of one hundred (100) square feet of surface area advertising the sale of sub- divisions and tract homes shall be permitted during the initial period of the development project, which period shall be de- fined as beginning with the recording date of the subdivision map and terminating twelve (12) months thereafter. SECTION 601; HEIGHT. In the R -3 Zone no building shall exceed a height of four (4) stories or forty -five (45) feet, which- ever is the lesser height. SECTION 602: FRONT YARD. Every lot in the R -3 Zone shall have a front yard not less than fifteen (15) feet in depth. SECTION 603: SIDE YARDS. In the R -3 Zone every lot shall have side yards as follows: (1) Interior lots and corner lots shall have a side yard on each side of the lot which side yard has a width of ten per cent (10 %) of the width of the lot, but shall never be less than three (3) feet and need not be more than five (5) feet. - 32 - () 6 (2) Reverse corner lots (Plate 5) shall have the following side yards: (a) On the lot side line which adjoins another lot, the side yard shall be determined in the same manner as for an in- terior lot. (b) On the side street side the width of the required side yard shall be the same as for the interior side yard on the lot except that the size and shape of such required side yard nearest the lot rear line shall be increased to include all of that portion, if any, of a triangle formed in the fol- lowing manner: (1) A point shall be established on the key lot at the rear of the reverse corner lot at the intersection of the rear line of the required front yard with the common lot line of the reverse corner lot. (2) A point shall be established on the side street side line of the reversed corner lot distant from the common street corner of the key lot and the reverse corner lot equal to the depth of the required front yard on the key lot. (3) The third side of the triangle shall be a straight line connecting points (1) and (2) above. If an alley intervenes between the key lot and the reverse corner lot, the width of the alley shall be included in determining the length of the line on the side street side line of the reverse corner lot. (c) If the rear of a reverse corner lot abuts upon prop- erty classified for "C" or "I'" purposes, or if the rear of such reversed corner lot abuts upon property occupied by a nonconformin ; "C" or i'M" use having; an unamoritzed life of more than ten (10) years as defined by this ordiiance for the abatement of nonconforming uses in "R" Zones, then the pro- visions governing side yards on a corner lot shall apply to the reversed corner lot. - 33 - *1 5­Q? SECTIO ?'d 604: PLACEIVIENT OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. Placement of buildings and structures on any lot shall conform to the following: (1) INTERIOR LOTS. (a) A building or structure may not occupy any portion Of -0 a required yard. (b) Any building; any portion of which is used for dwell- ing purposes, shall observe a distance from any side or rear property line the equivalent of the required side yard on such lot. (c) The distance between buildings used for human habi- tation and between buildings used for human habitation and accessory buildin,s shall be not less than ten (10) feet. (d) A non - dwelling accessory building on the rear third of the lot may be built to one side line and the rear lot line, provided if the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicu- lar entrance is from the alley such accessory building shall maintain a distance not less than five (5) feet from the rear line of such lot. (2) CORNER LOTS AND REVERSED CORNER LOTS. (a) A building or structure may not occupy any portion of a required yard. (b) The distance between buildings used for human habi- tation and between buildings used for human habitation and ac- cessory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet. (c) Any building, any portion of which is used for dwel- ling purposes, shall observe a distance from the interior side lot line and the rear property line the equivalent of the interior side yard on such lot. (d) On the rear third of a corner lot an accessory build- ing may be built to the interior lot side line and the lot rear line, provided if the lot rears upon an alley such accessory - 34 - '2508 buildinT shall maintain a distance not less than five (5) feet from the rear line of such lot unless the vehicular en- trance to such accessory building is directly from the side street side. (e) On the rear third of a reversed corner lot an ac- cessory building may be built to the interior lot side line, but no building shall be erected closer than five (5) feet to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear provided, however, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the accessory building is directly from the side street side, an accessory building may be built to the rear lot line. SECTION 605: LOT AREA. The minimum required area of a lot in the R -3 Zone shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet. SECTION 006: LOT AREA PER DWELLING UNIT. In the R -3 Zone the lot area per dwelling unit shall not be less than five hundred (500) square feet, provided this regulation shall not apply to ho- CD tels or apartment hotels where no cooking is done in any individual room, suite or apartment. SECTIOTd 607: LOT ViTIDTH. Every lot created after the ef- festive date of this ordinance shall maintain a width of not less than fifty (50) feet at the rear of the required front yard, unless otherwise provided by ap�,ecise plan or variance; provided, however, that any lot or parcel of land of record at the time this ordinance becomes effective may be divided into separate parcels in accord- ance with the following schedule: (1) Lots having a frontage of at least eighty ($0) feet, but not to exceed eighty -eight (88) feet -- two (2) parcels Navin; a frontage of not less than forty (40) feet each, and an area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet each. (2) Lots havinm a frontage in excess of eighty -eight (88) CD feet, but not to exceed two hundred (200) feet may be divided into lots provided no such resulting,; lot shall have a frontage of less than forty -four (44) feet or an area less than five thousand (5,000) square feet. - 35 - '543 no building shall be erected closer than five (5) feet to the property line of any abutting lot to the rear provided, however, if an alley intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the accessory building is directly from the side street side, an accessory building may be built to the rear lot line. SECTION 505: LOT AREA. The minimum required area of a lot in the R -2 Zone shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet. SECTION 506: LOT AREA PER DWELLING UNIT. In the R -2 Zone the lot area per dwelling unit shall not be less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet, provided if a lot having less than five thousand (5,000) square feet of area but not less than 4,000 square feet was of record on May 14, 1954, such lot may be occupied by two (2) dwelling units, provided all other requirements of the ordinance are met. SECTION 507: LOT WIDTH. Every lot created after the ef- fective date of this ordinance shall maintain a width of not less than fifty (50) feet at the rear line of the required front yard, unless otherwise provided by a precise plan or variance; provided, however, that any lot or parcel of land of record at the time this ordinance becomes effective may be divided into separate parcels in accordance with the following schedule: (1) Lots having a frontage of at least eighty (80) feet but not to exceed eighty -eight (88) feet -- two (2) parcels having a frontage of not less than forty (40) feet each, and an area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet each. (2) Lots having a frontage in excess of eighty -eight ($8) feet, but not to exceed two hundred (200) feet may be divided into lots, provided no such resulting lot shall have a frontage of less than forty -four (44) feet or an area of less than five thousand (5,000) square feet. (3) If any lot having a frontage of more than two hundred (200) feet is divided, the resultant parcels shall conform to the fifty - foot minimum frontage established by this ordinance. - 30 - AW `D�9 _ (3) If any lot having a frontage of more than two hundred (200) feet is divided, the resultant lots shall conform to the fifty foot minimum frontage established by this ordinance. SECTIOi11 60,,II: PERMISSIBLE LOT COVERAGE. All buildings, including; accessory buildin -s, shall not cover more than sixty per cent (601,b) of the area of the lot. ARTICLE 7 P - AUTOMOBILE PARKING ZONE (P ZONE) SECTION 700: PERMITTED USES. In a "Plt Zone the follow - in uses only are permitted, and as hereinafter specifically pro- vided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of Article 14 governing off - street parking requirements. (1) Any use permitted in the R -3 Zone, and when a lot is so used, it shall be subject to all of the provisions and requirements of the ordinance applicable to lots in an R -3 Zone. (2) Open air, temporary parking of automobiles without mone- tary charge, except when operated by or for a public authority; provided that any area so used shall be improved and maintained in the manner required by Section 1415, and provided further that no such area shall be used for a car sales area. SECTIO``1 701: HEIGHT, YARD AND AREA REQUIREMENTS. Every lot in a 11P" Zone shall be subject to the same requirements, condi- tions and restrictions that are applicable to lots in an R -3 Zone as to area height of buildings and structures, and yards; provided that when such lot is used exclusively for open air, temporary park- ing of transient automobiles and no structure is erected or main- tained thereon except such as is required by this ordinance for a public parking area or semi - public parking area, no front or side yards shall be required. ARTICLE 8 C -1 - SERVICE COMMERICAL ZONE (C -1 ZONE) SECTION 800: PERMITTED USES. In the C -1 Zone the follow- ing uses only are permitted, and as hereinafter specifically provided - 36 - and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of this ordi- nance requiring off - street parking and loading space. (1) Any use permitted in the R -3 Zone, and when so used shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Ordinance applicable to lots in the R -3 Zone. (2) Banks (3) Barber shops, beauty shops, and other commercial estab- lishments specializing, in the renderin�7 of services to the person rather than the dispensing of commodities, excepting mortuaries. (4 ) Churches (5) Fire and Police Stations (5) The followinc; professional services: (a) Accountants (b) Attorneys (c) Doctors, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and others practicing the healing arts of human beings, and re- lated uses such as occulists, pharmacies (prescription only), biochemical laboratories, X -ray laboratories and medical laboratories. (d) Engineers, architects and planners (e) Real estate brokers (f) Other services of a similar nature (7) Telephone exchan7es and public utilities commercial of- fices (8) The following signs: (a) Name plates not exceeding two (2) square feet in area containing the name of the occupant of the premises. (b) A double-faced sign pertaining only to the rental, lease or sale of the premises upon which it is displayed, provided such sign shall not be illuminated nor shall it ex- ceed twelve (12) square feet in area per face. (c) Two identification signs, each having only one face not exceeding an area of forty -two (42) square feet, or one - 37 - identification sign having only one _face not exceeding eighty -four (84) square feet in area for multiple dwellings, hotels, clubs, lodges and other permitted uses. SECTION 801: LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USES. Every use permitted shall be subject to the following conditions and limita- tions: (1) All uses, excepting parking; lots, shall be conducted wholly within a buildin - ~. (2) If the use be residential, the minimum lot area, the lot area per dwellin:r% unit, yard requirements, distance between buildings and percentage of coverage required or permitted in Zone R -3 shall govern. (3) Any exterior sign displayed shall be attached to the building, provided it shall not project more than two (2) feet mea- sured at right angles to the face of the building. (4) Any building having an entrance fronting on an alley shall be located not closer than twenty (20) feet to the center line of such alley, provided that such setback need not extend more than forty (40) lineal feet measured along any portion of the com- mon alley property line that will include the location of the build- ing entrance. SECTION 802: HEIGHT. In the C -1 Zone no building shall exceed a height of four (4) stories or forty -five (45) feet, which- ever is the lesser. SECTION 803: FRONT YARD. In the C -1 Zone no front yard need be provided unless one or more of the following conditions apply: (1) When required by a precise plan, variance or conditional use permit. (2) If the use is residential, in which case the front yard requirement of the R -3 Zone shall apply. (3) If the property classified as C -1 comprises part of the frontage in a block on one side of a street between intersecting -38- U ; streets and the remainder of the fronta_,e in the same block are classified for "R" purposes, then the front yard requirei,zent of the R -3 Zone shall apply. SECTION 304: SIDE YARDS. In the C -1 Zone no side yards need be provided unless one or more of the following conditions apply: (1) Any use permitted in the R -3 Zone, in which case the side yard requirement of the R -3 Zone shall apply. (2) When dwelling units are located on the ground floor. (3) When fifty per cent (50?o) or more of the floor space in the building or buildings on the lot is devoted to residential pur- poses. In computing floor area devoted to such use, the total floor space of each room wholly or partly so employed shall be used. (4) When required by precise plan, variance or conditional use permit. ARTICLE 9 C -2 - GE_!'vERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE (C -2 ZONE) SECTIO N 900: PER &PIT'I'ED USES. In the C -2 Zone the follow- ink uses only are permitted, and as hereinafter specifically pro- vided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of this ordinance governing off- street parking and loading space requirements. (1) Any use permitted in the C -1 Zone, provided that only that portion of a buildin7 located above the ,ground floor may be used for dwelling purposes, except motels which shall conform to the provisi- ons of the R -3 Zone governing dwellings. (2) Antique shops (not including second -hand stores) (3) Automobile sales, new and used (including servicing) (4) Automobile trailer sales, new and used. (5) Bakeries (6) Bars, cafes and restaurants (including dancing and en- tertainment) (7) Billiard hall, pool hall and bowling alleys. (3) Bird and pet shops — 39 — Mc (9) Blueprinting; (10) Commercial carnivals, provided the premises are occupied for such purpose not more than once for not more than one (1) week in any six (6) month period, and provided further that such use may not locate within three hundred (300) feet of any school or residen- tial zone. (11) Cleaning and pressing establishment (sponging, pressing and spotting only), using non - inflammable and non - explosive cleaning fluids. (12) Clubs (13) Confectionery stores (14) Conservatories of music (instrument and vocal instruction) (15) Dressmaking or millinery shops (16) Drive -in restaurants (17) Drug stores (18) Fine Arts Galleries (commercial) (19) Florist shops (20) Food markets (21) Furniture and appliance stores, furniture repair and cus- tom upholstery. (22) Garage, (public, including repairing and storage) (23) Gas distribution, meter and control stations of a public Utility. (24) Golf, miniature courses (25) Gymnasium, public commercial (26) Hardware stores (27) Ice, packaged, storage and retail dispensing not exceed- ing five (5) ton capacity. (28) Jewelry stores (29) Laundries, (30) Liquor stores (off -sale only) (31) Locksmiths - 40 - (32) MassaFe parlors and reducin- salons (33) Meats, retail (34) Missions, temporary revival and services, provided the premises are occupied for such purposes not more than once for not more than one (1) weer in any six (6) month period, and further provided that such use may not locate within three hundred (300) feet of any school, public park or any residential zone (35) Mortuaries, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. (36) Motels (37) News stands (38) Notion stores and dry goods (39) Nurseries, flower and plants (40) Outdoor advertising displays or outdoor advertising structures, provided they conform to the provisions of Section 1.405 (41) Parking lots, when improved and maintained as provided in Section 1415 (42) Pet food catering services (43 ) Plumbing- shops (44) Poultry (dressed only, and no live poultry on premises) (45) Printing and newspaper establishments (46) Shoe store and repair shops (47) Stationery and book stores (48) Studios, such as interior decorating studios, record recording studios, stores or shops (49) Super service stations (50) Swimming pools (commercial) (51) Tailors, clothing or wearing apparel shops (52) Theatres or auditoriums (53) Trade schools (54) Similar retail or service business catering directly to the consumer - 41 -