which, because of the application of this ordinance to it, no
longer conforms to the use regulations of the zone in which it is
located. A nonconforming building, or nonconforming portion of
the building shall be deemed to constitute a nonconforming use of
the land upon which it is located.
vertising display" means any card, paper, cloth, metal, glass,
wooden or other display or device of any kind or character whatso-
ever placed for outdoor advertising purposes on the ground or on
any tree, wall, rock, structure or thing whatsoever.
advertising structure" means a structure of any kind or character
erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which
any outdoor advertising display may be placed.
SECTION 270: PRECISE PLAN. "Precise plan" means an
amendment to the zoning map which is a part of this ordinance, in
which is included the detailed application of all of the applicable
matters contained in this ordinance, as well as other features es-
sential to complete development but which may be defined and regu-
lated by other legislative controls.
fices" means offices maintained and used as a place of business
conducted by persons engaged in the recognized professions, and
others whose business activity consists principally of services
to the person as distinguished from the handling of commodities.
SECTION 272: RECLASSIFICATION. "Reclassification" means
a change in zone boundaries upcn the zoning map, which map is a
part of this ordinance, when adopted by ordinance passed by the
City Council in the manner prescribed by law.
"Rest home ", "convalescent home" or "guest home's means a home
operated as a boarding house and in which nursing, dietary and
- 13 -
3". 92
R -1 - One- family Residential Zone
R -2 - Two-family Residential Zone
R -3 - Multiple-family Residential Zone
P - Automobile Parking Zone
C -1 - Service Commercial - Professional Zone
C -2 - General Commercial Zone
C -M - Commercial - Manufacturing Zone
M -1 - Light Manufacturing Zone
M -2 - Heavy Manufacturing Zone
tive uses" as employed in this ordinance means the following:
(1) Those uses first permitted inuthe R -1 Zone are the most
(2) All other uses are less restrictive in the order they are
first permitted in the zones in the sequence shown, R -2, R -3, P,
C -119 C -2, C -M.9 1VI -1, and TAI -2.
tion and boundaries of the various zones are such as are shown and
delineated on the Zcning Map of the City of El Segundo, which map is
a part of this ordinance when adopted by ordinance passed by the
City Council in the manner prescribed by law.
SECTION 303: DIVISION OF ZONING MAP. The zoning map may,
for convenience be divided into parts and each such part may, for
purposes of more readily identifying areas within such zoning
be subdivided into units and such parts and units may be separately
employed for purposes of amending the zoning map or for any offici-
al reference to the zoning map.
boundaries of the zones shall be made by ordinance adopting an
amended zoning map, or part of said map, or unit of a part of said
zoning map, which said amended maps, or parts or units of parts,
when so adopted shall be published in the manner prescribed by law
and become a part of this ordinance.
- 19 -
tainty exists as to the boundaries of any zone shown upon a zoning
map or any part or unit thereof, the following rules shall apply:
(1) Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately
following street and alley lines or lot lines, such lines shall be
construed to be such boundaries.
(2) In the case of unsubdivided property, and where a zone
boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundaries, unless
the same are indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use
of the scale appearing on said zoning map.
(3) Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or
abandoned, the area comprising such vacated street or alley shall
acquire the classification of the property to which it reverts.
(4) Areas of dedicated streets or alleys and railroad rights-
of -way, other than such as are designated on the zoning map as being
classified in one of the zones provided in this ordinance, shall be
deemed to be unclassified and, in the case of streets, permitted
to be used only for purposes lawfully allowed and, in the case of
railroad right -of -way, permitted to be used solely for the purpose
of accomodating tracks, signals, other operative devices and the
movement of rolling stock.
FIED PROPERTY. Any land hereafter annexed to or consolidated with
the City of E1 Segundo, or any land which, for any reason, is not
designated on the zoning map as being classified in any of the
zones established hereby shall be deemed to be temporarily zoned
R -1 (single family residential) until said land is reclassified af-
ter being processed as an amendment to the land -use plan pursuant
to this ordinance and Chapter 1, Title 7 of the Government Code of
the State of California.
SECTION 307: LIMITATION OF LAND USE. Except as provided
in this ordinance, no building shall be erected, reconstructed or
- 20 -
structurally altered, now shall any building or land be used for
any purpose except as hereinafter specifically provided and allowed
in the same zone in which such building and land is located.
SECTION 400: PERMITTED USES. In an R -1 Zone the follow-
ing uses only are permitted, and as hereinafter specifically pro-
vided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of
Article 14 governing off - street parking requirements and other con-
ditions and exceptions set forth therein.
(1) One- family dwellings, provided that where a dwelling con-
taining seven hundred (700) square feet or less exists on the rear
portion of the lot and was placed thereon prior to, or for which a
building permit was issued prior to, December 26, 1947, in confor-
mance to the requirements of Ordinance No. 293 of this City, and no
additions or enlargements have been made which increase the floor
space in such dwellings, a second one - family dwelling may be erected
on the front portion of the lot, whereupon the said dwelling on the
rear portion of the lot shall assume the status of a nonconforming
use as defined herein.
(2) Accessory buildings and structures, including private
garages to accomodate not more than three (3) cars.
(3) Chickens (hens only and not to exceed twenty -four (24).
(4) Parks, playgrounds, recreational areas (publicly -owned
and operated) but excluding ball parks, bleachers, swimming pools,
or other types of facilities where racing or contests are conducted,
or public amusement devices for hire.
(5) The renting of not more than two (2) rooms to not more
than four (4) persons, or providing for table board to not more than
four (4) boarders, or both, but not to exceed a total of four (4)
in any combination thereof.
(6) Dogs and cats as household pets, not to exceed three (3)
in any combination thereof.
- 21 -
(7) Home occupations.
(8) Twenty -four hour foster care homes.
(9) Two - family dwellings, when the lot upon which it is lo-
cated has a side line abutting a lot or lots zoned for R -3, P, C -1,
C -2, C -M, M -1 or M -2, but in no case shall the property used for
such two - family dwelling consist of more than one (1) lot nor be
more than fifty (50) feet in width, whichever is the least.
(10) The following signs:
(a) One (1) unlighted sign not exceeding six (6) square
feet in area pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of only the
particular building, property or premises upon which displayed.
(b) Signs identifying persons engaged in construction on
a site shall be permitted as long as construction is in progress,
but not to exceed a six -month period.
(c) Signs not exceeding an aggregate size of one hundred
(100)square feet in surface area advertising the sale of subdivi-
sions and tract homes shall be permitted during the initial period
of the development project, which period shall be defined as begin-
ning with the recording date of the subdivision map and terminating
twelve (12) months thereafter.
(d) Name plates not exceeding 12x3 inches in size, con-
taining the name and occupation of occupant of premises when re-
quired by law or for physicians when used as an accessory, and when
so used shall be attached to the building.
(11) Maintaining mail address for commercial and business li-
cense purposes only, provided no stock in trade, supplies, profes-
sional equipment apparatus or business equipment are kept on the
premises, and provided that no employees or assistants in connection
therewith are engaged for services on the premises.
SECTION 401: HEIGHT. In the R -1 Zone no building shall
exceed a height of two and one -half stories or thirty -five (35)
feet, whichever is the lesser.
- 22 -
SECTION 402: FRONT YARD. In the R -1 Zone every lot
shall have a front yard of not less than twenty -five per cent (25%)
of the depth of the lot, provided such front yard need not exceed
twenty -five (25) feet.
SECTION 403: SIDE YARDS. In the R -1 Zone every lot
shall have side yards as follows:
(1) Interior lots and corner lots shall have a side yard on
each side of the lot which side yard has a width of ten per cent
(lOf) of the width of the lot, but shall never be less than three
(3) feet and need not be more than five (5) feet.
(2) Reverse corner lots (Plate 5) shall have the following
side yards:
(a) On the side lot line which adjoins another lot, the
side yard shall be determined in the same manner as for an interior
(b) On the side street side the width of the required side
yard shall be the same as for the interior side yard on the lot ex-
cept that the size and shape of such required side yard nearest the
lot rear line shall be increased to include all of that portion, if
any, of the triangle formed in the following manner:
(1) A point shall be established on the key lot
at the rear of the reverse corner lot at the intersection
of the rear line of the required front yard with the com-
mon lot line of the reverse corner lot.
(2) A point shall be established on the side
street side line of the reversed corner lot distant from
the common street corner of the key lot and the reverse
corner lot equal to the depth of the required front yard
on the key lot.
(3) The third side of the triangle shall be a
straight line connecting points (1) and (2) above. If an
alley intervenes between the key lot and the reverse corner
- 23 -
31 ' 9 7
lot, the width of the alley shall be included in deter-
mining the length of the line on the side street side
line of the reverse corner lot.
(c) If the rear of the reversed corner lot abuts upon
property classified by "C" or "M" purposes, or if the rear of such
reversed corner lot abuts upon property occupied by a nonconforming
licit or "M" use having an unamortized life of more than ten (10)
years as defined by this ordinance for the abatement of nonconform-
ing uses in "R" Zones, then the provisions governing side yards on
a corner lot shall apply to the reversed corner lot.
the R -1 Zone, placement of buildings and structures on any lot
shall conform to the following:
(a) A building or structure may not occupy any portion
of a required yard.
(b) Any building, any portion of which is used for dwell-
ing purposes shall observe a distance from any side or rear prop-
erty line the equivalent of the required side yard on such lot.
(c) The distance between buildings used for human habi-
tation and between buildings used for human habitation and acces-
sory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet.
(d) A non - dwelling
accessory building on the rear third
of the lot may be built to one side line and the rear lot line,
provided if the lot rears upon an alley and the vehicular entrance
is from the alley such accessory building shall maintain a distance
not less than five (5) feet from the rear line of such lot.
(a) A building or structure may not occupy any portion
of a required yard.
(b) The distance between buildings used for human habi-
tation and between buildings used for human habitation and acces-
sory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet.
- 24 -
(c) Any building, any portion of which is used for
dwelling purposes shall observe a distance from the interior side
lot line and the rear property line the equivalent of the interior
side yard on such lot.
(d) On the rear third of a corner lot an accessory
building may be built to the interior side lot line and the rear
lot line, provided if the lot rears upon an alley such accessory
building shall maintain a distance not less than five (5) feet
from the rear line of such lot unless the vehicular entrance to
such accessory building is directly from the side street side.
(e) On the rear third of a reversed corner lot an acces-
sory building may be built to the interior lot side line, but no
buildingshall be erected closer than five (5) feet to the property
line of any abutting lot to the rear provided, however, if an alley
intervenes and the vehicular entrance to the accessory building is
directly from the side street side, an accessory building may be
built to the rear lot line.
SECTION 405: LOT AREA. The minimum required area of a
lot in the R -1 Zone shall be five thousand (5,000) square feet.
per dwelling unit shall be not less than the minimum required lot
SECTION 407: LOT WIDTH. Every lot created after the ef-
fective date of this ordinance shall maintain a width of not less
than fifty (50) feet at the rear line of the required front yard,
unless otherwise provided by a precise plan or variance; provided,
however, that any lot or parcel of land of record on May 14, 1954,
may be divided into separate parcels in accordance with the follow-
ing schedule:
(1) Lots having a frontage of at least eighty (80) feet but
not to exceed eight -eight (88) feet -- two (2) parcels having a
frontage of not less than forty (40) feet each, and an area of
not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet each.
- 25 -
(2) Lots having a frontage in excess of eighty -eight (88)
feet but not to exceed two hundred (200) feet may be divided into
lots provided no such resulting lot shall have a frontage of less
than forty -four (44) feet nor an area of less than five thousand
5,000) square feet.
(3) If any lot having a frontage of more than two hundred
(200) feet is divided, the resultant parcels shall conform to the
fifty -foot minimum frontage established by this ordinance.
including accessory buildings, shall not cover more than forty
(40%) per cent of the area of a lot.
SECTION 500: PERMITTED USES. In the R -2 Zone the fol-
lowing uses only are permitted and as hereinafter specifically pro-
vided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of
Article 14 governing off - street parking requirements and other con-
ditions and exceptions set forth therein.
(1) Any use permitted in the R -1 Single- family Zone and under
the same conditions prescribed therein, except that the dimensions
of required yards as set forth in this zone shall apply, and the
capacity of garages shall be limited to four (4) cars.
(2) Two - family dwellings, or two one - family dwellings.
(3) A three- family or a four- family dwelling when the side
line of the lot upon which it is located in the R -2 Zone forms a
common boundary with a lot or lots zoned for C -1, C -2, C -M, M -1 or
M -2, but in no case shall the property used for such three - family
or four - family dwelling consist of more than one (1) lot or be more
than fifty (50) feet in width, whichever is•the least.
(4) Churches, subject to the issuance of a conditional use
(5) Foster family day care homes, provided there is established
on the lot or adjacent to the premises a single play lot not less
- 26 -
than six hundred (600) square feet in area. Such play lot shall
not be located in any required front or side yard. A foster family
day care horde may be considered to include a day nursery conducted
on a half -day basis, when such home is licensed by the State of
(6) Schools, Elementary, Junior High and High, provided:
(a) All buildings shall maintain a distance of twenty -
five (25) feet from all property lines abutting residential
(b) A chain link fence not less than six (6) feet in
height shall be maintained on all property lines abutting
residential property.
SECTION 501: HEIGHT. In the R -2 Zone no building shall
exceed a height of two and one -half stories or thirty -five (35)
feet, whichever is the lesser.
SECTIOAi 502: FRONT YARD. Every lot in the R -2 Zone
shall have a front yard of not less than twenty -five per cent (25%)
of the depth of the lot, provided such front yard need not exceed
twenty (20) feet in depth.
SECTION 503: SIDE YARDS. In the R -2 Zone every lot shall
have side yards as follows:
(1) Interior lots and corner lots shall have a side yard on
each side of the lot which side yard has a width of ten per cent
(loo) of the width of the lot, but shall never be less than three
(3) feet and need not be more than five (5) feet.
(2) Reverse corner lots (Plate 5) shall have the following
side yards:
(a) On the lot side line which adjoins another lot,
the side yard shall be determined in the same manner as for
an interior lot.
(b) On the side street side the width of the required
side yard shall be the same as for the interior side yard on
- 27 -
other personal services are furnished to convalescents, invalids
and aged persons, but in which are kept no persons suffering from
a mental sickness, disease, disorder or ailment or from a contagi-
ous or communicable disease, and in which are performed no surgery,
maternity or other primary treatments such as are customarily pro-
vided in sanitariums or hospitals, or in which no persons are kept
or served who normally would be admittable to a mental hospital.
SECTION 274: RUMPUS ROOM. "Rumpus room" means a room or
an area within a dwelling, or in a building accessory to a dwelling,
designed, equipped or used as a recreation room, including but not
limited to, games, refreshments and facilities for serving, music and
similar general utility purposes.
SECTION 275: SANITARIUM. "Sanitarium" means a health
station or retreat or other place where resident patients are kept,
and which specializes in giving clinical, temporary and emergency
services of a medical or surgical nature to patients and injured
persons and licensed by State agencies under provisions of law to
provide facilities and services in surgery, obstetrics and general
medical practice as distinguished from treatment of mental and ner-
vous disorders, but not excluding surgical and post - surgical treat-
ment of mental cases.
"Schools". "elementary school", "junior high school" and "high
school" means an institution of learning which offers instruction
in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught
in the public schools by the Education Code of the State of Cali-
SECTION 277: SERVICE STATION. "Service station" means
a filling station to supply motor fuel and oil to motor vehicles
and including grease racks or elevators and providing minor tire
and battery servicing and sales of motor vehicle accessories.
SECTION 278: SIGN. "Sign" means any outdoor advertising
display or outdoor advertising structure or any indoor advertising
- 14 -
SECTION 287: STRUCTURE. "Structure" means anything con-
structed in the ground, or anything erected which requires location
on the ground, or which is attached to something having location on
or in the ground, but not including fences or walls used as fences
less than six (6) feet in height.
ations" means any change in the supporting members of a building
such as foundations, bearing walls, columns, beams, floor or roof
joists, girders or rafters, or changes in the exterior dimensions
of the building.
SECTION 289: SUPER SERVICE STATION. "Super service sta-
tion" means a service station which supplies any or all of the motor
fuel and oil to motor vehicles; more than two (2) grease racks or
elevators, wash racks or pits, tire repairs, battery servicing and
repairing, ignition service, sales of motor vehicle accessories and
other customary services for automobiles, including tire recapping
where the equipment for such recapping does not exceed four (4)
molds, but excluding painting, body works and repairs and steam
SECTION 290: TO PLACE. The verb "to place" and any of
its variants as applied to advertising displays and outdoor adver-
tising structures, includes maintaining, erecting, constructing,
posting, painting, printing, nailing, glueing or otherwise fasten-
ing, affixing or making visible in any manner whatsoever.
SECTION 291: TRAILER, AUTOMOBILE. "Automobile trailerrt
means a vehicle without motor power, designed to be drawn by a
motor vehicle and to be used for human habitation or for carrying
persons and property, including a trailer coach and any self -pro-
pelled vehicle having a body designed for the same uses as an auto-
mobile trailer without motor power.
"Trailer parkrt, "trailer court" and "public camp" means any area or
- 16 -
tract of land used or designed to accomodate two (2) or more auto-
mobile trailers, and including trailer camp as defined by law.
"twenty -four hour foster care home" means a dwelling occupied by a
family who, for compensation or otherwise, accepts and cares for
children as full -time residents as a part of the family, and which
children are assigned by authorized public authorities, providing
the number of such foster children shall not exceed three (3) at
any one time.
SECTION 294: USE. "Use" means the purpose for which
land or building is arranged, designed or intended, or for which
either is or may be occupied or maintained. When applied to a
building, the definition of "conforming building" as contained
herein shall be employed.
SECTION 295: VARIANCE. "Variance" means a modification
of the specific regulations of this ordinance granted by resolution
of the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council in ac-
cordance with the terms of this ordinance for the purpose of assur-
ing that no property, because of special circumstances applicable to
it, shall be deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other prop-
erties in the same vicinity and zone.
A variance may involve modifications of permissible uses
for special periods of time when related to initial land develop-
ment, or for essential public purposes or for purposes of interpret-
ing intent of this ordinance where specific provisions are lacking.
SECTION 296: YARD. "Yard" means an open space other
than a court on a lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground
upward, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance.
SECTION 297: YARD, FRONT. "Front yard" means an area
extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the
lot front line and a line parallel thereto, and having a distance
between them equal to the required front yard depth as prescribed
- 17 -
in each zone. Front yards shall be measured by a line at right
angles to the lot front line, or by the radial line in the case of
a curved lot front line. When a lot lies partially within a planned
street indicated on a precise plan for such a street, and where such
planned street is of the type that will afford legal access to such
lot, the depth of the front yard shall be measured from the contigu-
ous edge of such planned street in the manner prescribed in this
definition (Plate 4).
line of the required front yard" means a line parallel to the lot
front line and at a distance therefrom equal to the depth of the
required front yard, and extending across the full width of the
lot ( Plate 4) .
SECTION 299: YARD, SIDE. "Side yard" means a yard be-
tween the main building and the lot side line extending from the
rear line of the required front yard toward the lot rear line to a
point measuring two - thirds (2/3rds) of the depth of the lot, or
sixty (60) feet, whichever is the Greater, except that on the side
street side of corner lots and reversed corner lots the required
side yard shall extend to the rear line of the lot. The width of
the side yard shall be measured horizontally from, and at right
angles to, the nearest point of a lot side line towards the nearest
part of a main building (Plate 4).
SECTION 300: NAMES OF ZONES. In order to classify, regu-
late, restrict and segregate the uses of lands and buildings, to
regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings and to regu-
late the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings, and
to regulate the density of population, nine (9) classes of use zones
are by this ordinance established, to be known as follows:
- 18 -
U, A8
display or indoor advertising structure designed and placed so as
to be readable principally from the outside.
SECTION 279: STABLE, PRIVATE. "Private stable" means a
detached accessory building in which horses owned by the occupants
of the premises are kept, and in which no horses are kept for hire
or sale.
SECTION 280: STABLE, PUBLIC. "Public stable" means a
stable other than a private stable.
SECTION 281: STAND. "Stand" means a structure for the
display and sale of products with no space for customers within the
structure itself.
SECTION 282: STATE FREEWAY. "State Freeway" means any
section of a State Highway which has been declared to be a Freeway
by resolution of the California Highway Commission pursuant to the
Streets and Highways Code.
SECTION 283: STORY. "Story" means that portion of a
building included between the surface of any floor and the surface
of the floor next above it. If there be no floor above it, then
the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it shall be
considered a story. If the finished floor level directly above the
basement or cellar is more than six feet above grade, such basement
or cellar shall be considered a story.
SECTION 284: STREET. "Street" means a public or recorded
private thoroughfare which affords primary means of access to abut-
ting property (Plate 4).
SECTION 285: STREET LINE. "Street line" means the boun-
dary line between a street and the abutting property.
SECTION 286: STREET, SIDE. "Side street" means a street
which is adjacent to a corner lot or a reversed corner lot, and
which extends in the general direction of the line determining the
depth of the lot.
- 15 -