ORDINANCE 485ORDINANCE NO. 485 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING WITH CERTAIN AMEND- MENTS AND DELETIONS WHICH ARE SET FORTH IN SAID ORDINANCE, THE RULES, REGULATIONS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THAT CERTAIN CODE, ENTITLED "WESTERN PLUMBING OFFICIALS UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1955 EDITION ", PROMULGATED AND PUBLISHED BY WESTERN PLUMBING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. PLUMBING CODE. ESTABLISHED. That subject to the particular amendments and deletions hereinafter set forth in this Ordinance, the rules, regulations, provisions and condi- tions set forth in that certain Code, entitled: "WESTERN PLUMB- ING OFFICIALS UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1955 EDITION", including ap- pendixes "A ", "B ", "C ", "D ", "E ", and "F" therein contained, promulgated and published by Western Plumbing Officials Associa- tion (a private association which has been in existence for a period of more than five years last past), three full printed copies of which, printed as a Code in book form, were by the City Council ordered filed and which have been actually filed in the office of the City Clerk and which as so on file are hereby re- ferred to and by this reference expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof as fully and for all intents and purposes as though set forth herein at length, shall be and the same are here- by established and adopted as the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions to be observed and followed in the protection of the public health and safety; licensing of persons engaged in the business of plumbing, or laboring at the trade of plumbing; - 1 - requiring a permit for the installation or alteration of plumb- ing and drainage systems; creating of an Administrative Office and prescribing its duties; defining certain terms; establishing min- imum regulations for the installation, alteration or repair of plumbing and drainage systems and the inspection thereof in the City of E1 Segundo, California; and subject to said amendments and deletions hereinafter set forth, said Code with its said Ap- pendixes is hereby established and adopted. The same shall be designated, known and referred to as the "PLUMBING CODE" of and for the said City of E1 Segundo, California. SECTION 2. AMENDMENTS. That the amendments to said Plumbing Code hereinabove referred to in Section 1 of this Ordi- nance are hereby established and adopted as follows, to wit: (a) That "Sec. 1.1" of "PART ONE" shall be amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 1.1 - ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY AND ASSISTANTS Whene�'er the term 'administrative authority' is used in this code it shall be construed to mean the Building Su- perintendent." (b) That "Sec. 1.2" of said "PART ONE" shall be amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 1.2 - ASSISTANTS Whenever the term 'assistants' is used in this code it shall be construed to mean the assistants of said Building Superintendent." (c) That "Sec. 1.4" of said "PART ONE" shall be amended so as to read as follows: "SEC. 1.4 - DEPARTMENT HAVING JURISDICTION Unless otherwise provided for by law, the office of the Administrative Authority shall be a part of the Building Department." (d) That paragraph "(a)" of "Sec. 1.11" of said "PART ONE" shall be amended so as to read as follows: "(a) No permit shall be issued to any person, to do, or cause to be done any plumbing or drainage work regulated by this Code except to a person holding a valid, unexpired and unrevoked State Contractor's License covering the work contemplated under the permit applied for and any license required by any Ordinance of this City, except when and as otherwise hereinafter provided in this Section." - 2 - 3371 SECTION 3. DELETIONS. That the deletions from said Plumbing Code referred to in Section 1 of this Ordinance are as follows, to wit: (a) nSec. 1.3 - Qualifications" of "PART ONE" shall be and the same is hereby deleted. (b) Paragraph "(10) of "Sec. 1.5" of said "PART ONE" shall be and the same is hereby deleted. (c) Paragraph "(d)" of "Sec. 1.11" of said "PART ONE" shall be and the same is hereby deleted. (d) "PART TWO, BOARD OF PLUMBER EXAMINERS AND CERTIFICATES OF QUALIFICATION" shall be and the same is hereby deleted. SECTION 4. PENALTIES. That as set forth in "Sec. 1.8 of said "PART ONE" of said Plumbing Code, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate any of the provisions of said Plumbing Code or its Appendixes. Any person, firm, as- sociation or corporation violating any of the provisions of said Plumbing Code or its Appendixes shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of any such violation such person, firm, as- sociation or corporation shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of El Segundo, California, for a period of not to exceed 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Every such person, firm, association or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during which, or during any portion of which, any of the pro- visions of said Plumbing Code or its Appendixes is violated and shall be punishable therefor as herein provided. SECTION 5. REPEALS. That Ordinance No. 398 of said City, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances insofar as the same conflict with the provisions of said Plumbing Code and its Appendixes, which is hereby adopted, are hereby repealed. mm } 72 SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. that this ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original ordinances of said City; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall, within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause the same to be published once in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within said City of El Segundo and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of June, 1956. ATTEST: NEVA M. ELSEY City C er (SEAL) - 4 - Mayor of the CAty of E1 Segundo, California j STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) SS. I, Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing or- dinance, being Ordinance No. 485 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regu- lar meeting of the said Council held on the 2�th day of June, 1956, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Frederick, Gordon, Meschuk and Mayor Benfield; NOES: Councilmen None; ABSENT: Councilmen None. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 1:45th day of June, 1956. (SEAL) - 5 - ?1k,. N M. ELSEY City Clerk o the i.ty o El Segundo, California. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ss CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, ...Ju1.is..Jac.Qb &................................... being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is, and at all of the times hereinafter mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California ; that he was, at, and during all of the time of the publication of the instrument hereunto attached the........ ............................................................................. ............................... Editor of EL SEGUNDO HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated weekly in the City of EL Segundo, in said County and State; that said newspaper has been so published and circulated at regular intervals of one week for more than one year immediately preceding the nublication of the instrument hereunto annexed; that said newspaper is, and was, at all of the times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation within the meaning of Section 4460 of the Political Code of the State of California; that as provided by said section, said newspaper is published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that said newspaper is not and was not at any of the times herein referred to, devoted to the interests, or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, and that said newspaper is not devoted to or published for, nor was it at any of the times herein mentioned devoted to or published for the purpose, whether avowed )r otherwise, of entertaining or instructing such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denomin- ations, or any of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations. That the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument hereunto attached on page...... numbered ............................................................................. ............................... hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and size and arrangement of type, is a full, true and correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, in words and figures exactly as published; that the same was set and printed in type not smaller than nonpareil and that the body of the same was preceded with words printed in black -face type not smaller than nonpareil, describing and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument intended to be published, as will appear from an inspection of the said annexed instru- ment; that the..... Ordimaace ..No.... 485 ......................... ............................... of which the annexed is a printed copy as hereinabove stated, was published and printed in said news- paper at least ...... 1 .... week. ..., by ....................consecutive publication...., commencing on the ...... 5t4 day of ................... JLt1�T ,, A. D. 195P and ending on the............ r to .. day of ..................... July .... A. D. 19.5 6., and as often during said time as said newspaper was regu- larlyissued, to-wit: ................................ ................... ............................... .. ................. July..5,.. 1956.................................................................... Subscribed And sworn to before me this... %G day of ....fiel�J .............. A. D. 19. �. ity clerk of the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California. Deputy City Cler of said City.