ORDINANCE 484Bauthorized representative from making any electrical inspection
provided for in this ordinance.
14. For each temporary motor, the same fee as for moving.
15. For each moving of motors, generators, transformers
or welders, upon which a final certificate has al-
ready been issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector,
a fee equal to 75% of the fee required for new
16. For each mercury arc lamp and equipment -- - - - - -- 3.00
17. For each projection machine, or stereopticon - -- 3.00
- 10 -
SECTION 12. (A) Any person desiring an electrical permit
at the time of filing an application therefor, pay
to the
Chief Electrical Inspector a fee as required in this section.
For issuing permits ---------------------- - - - - -- -$2.00
For wiring outlets at which current is used or
controlled except services, sub- feeders and
meter outlets, each ---------------------- - - - - --
For fixtures, sockets or other lamp holding
devices----------------------------------- - - - - --
For each motor of not more than 1/2 h.p. -- - - - - --
For each motor of more than 1/2 h.p. but not
more than 2 h.p. -------------------------- - - - - --
For each motor of more than 2 h.p. but not more
than5 h.p. ------------------------------- - - - - --
For each motor of more than 5 h.p. but not more
than 15 h.p. ------------------------------ - - - - --
For each motor of more than 15 h.p. but not more
than50 h.p. ------------------------------ - - - - --
For each motor of more than 50 h.p. but not
more than 200 h.p. ----------------------- - - - - --
For each motor of more than 200 h.p. ----- - - - - --
For each generator, transformer or welder; each
K.V.A. capacity shall.be considered as 1 h.p. in
a motor.
For each range, heater, fan, garbage grinder, oven
or any permanently installed appliance with 1/4
h.p. motor or less ------------------------ - - - - --
For each motor- generator set or frequency changer
the fee charged shall be 75% greater than for
the motor alone.
14. For each temporary motor, the same fee as for moving.
15. For each moving of motors, generators, transformers
or welders, upon which a final certificate has al-
ready been issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector,
a fee equal to 75% of the fee required for new
16. For each mercury arc lamp and equipment -- - - - - -- 3.00
17. For each projection machine, or stereopticon - -- 3.00
- 10 -
18. For working lights in buildings in course of con-
struction or undergoing repairs, or where tempo-
rary lighting is to be used --------------- - - - - -- -$4.00
19. For each incandescent electric sign -------- - - - - -- 2.00
20. For electric signs or outline lighting, luminous
gas type with 1 to 4 transformers ---------- - - - - -- 2.00
21. For Electric signs or outline lighting, luminous
gas type, with 5 or more transformers, each
transformer-------------------------------- - - - - -- .50
22. For each X -ray unit and its appurtenances -- - - - - -- 4.00
23. For each rectifier and synchronous converter, per
K.W. --------------------------------------- - - - - -- .50
24. For each extra inspection made necessary by defec-
tive workmanship or materials -------------- - - - - -- 2.00
25. For the inspection of any electrical equipment for
which no fee is herein prescribed:
(a) For the time consumed per hour -------- - - - - -- 4.00
(b) With a minimum charge of -------------- - - - - -- 2.00
26. For each annual Maintenance Electrician Permit at
the time when such permit is issued ------- - - - - -- 20.00
27. Fees for all new work under an annual maintenance
electrician permit since the date of the last
previous inspection shall be paid according to
the above schedule at the time when such work is
inspected. Such fees shall be in addition to the
fee paid at the time when the annual permit is
(B) Any person who shall commence any electrical work for
which a permit is required by this ordinance without first having
obtained a permit therefor shall, if such permit is subsequently
L issued, pay double the permit fee fixed by this section for such
work; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to
emergency work when it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the
Chief Electrical Inspector that such work was urgently necessary
and that it was not practical to obtain a permit therefor before
the commencement of the work. In all such cases a permit must be
obtained as soon as it is practical to do so and, if there be an
unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, a double fee as here-
in provided must be paid.
- 11 -
SECTION 14. (A) All wiring installed in or on build-
ings or structures shall be in rigid metal conduit, flexible metal
conduit or electrical metallic tubing, provided that flexible metal
conduit shall be used only in concealed areas, and provided that
other equal or superior installations may be authorized in writing
in advance by the Chief Electrical Inspector; except that in a
single family dwelling, only, any type of wiring allowed under the
then current National Electrical Code may be used
(B) Used Material. Previously used material shall not be
reused in any work without the written approval obtained in advance
from the Chief Electrical Inspector.
SECTION 15. (A) Additions or extensions to, and altera-
tions and renewals of existing installations shall be made in com-
pliance with the provisions of this ordinance. In locations where
metal covered electrical wiring is required, but the existing in-
stallation was of some other approved type of wiring, the original
type of installation may be used on work representing less than
50% of a circuit or circuits. Complete or approximately complete
circuits shall be of the type required by this ordinance. If
electrical system is altered or added to, existing open fuse blocks
must be removed and replaced with a panel.
SECTION 16. (A) No open wiring requiring more than one
set of knobs or insulators to each service shall be installed on
outside of building except as permitted elsewhere herein. Knobs
or insulators shall be of the solid type, and nails or spikes shall
not be considered as adequate suppm t for such knobs or insulators.
SECTION 17. (A) Two and Three -wire Services. All sing-
le -phase lighting loads of less than 3300 watts or with not more
- 13 -
than two circuits may be served by two wires. Greater loads than
3300 watts shall be served by three wires. Thirty- ampere switches
shall not be used for a three -wire service supplying more than four
branch circuits. Where an installation has been wired and arranged
for three -wire service, no two -wire energy supply or two -wire ser-
vice shall be connected thereto without the written approval ob-
tained in advance from the Chief Electrical Inspector. No service
shall be smaller than No. 8 A.W.G. wire and one and one - quarter
inch (1 -1 /4n) service pipe, except temporary services for con-
struction, signboards and buildings under 400 square feet.
(B) Space must be provided at the distribution center for
protective equipment at least equal to the space required for a
one hundred ampere (100 Amp.) panel or service switch.
(C) Dwellings. Service heads for dwellings need not be lo-
sated on the wall nearest the pole from which service drops are to
be run, but shall be so located that the service drop may be in-
stalled with only one point of attachment without crossing over
adjacent premises. The service head for dwellings shall be not
less than ten feet (101) above the ground and need not be more
than ten feet (10t) over private driveways.
(D) Method of Installation. Every overhead service shall be
installed in rigid metal raceway, and all service fittings in-
stalled on the exterior of any building shall be made rain - tight.
Underground services from the serving utilities overhead or under-
ground systems shall be installed to conform to the utilities re-
quirements and standards. Underground services may be installed
in rigid non - metallic conduit, or armored cable approved for un-
derground installations may be used.
(E) Conductors in Rigid Metal Raceways. No other conduc-
tors shall be placed in the service raceway, box, or other fitting
with the service wires unless separated therefrom by an approved
and permanent means forming a permanent compartment. This shall
- 14 -
not apply to the service switch box or to the grounding conductor.
(F) Outdoor Installations. Switches, panelboards, etc., in-
stalled outdoors shall be of a type approved for outdoor installa-
(G) OMMISSION OF MAIN SWITCH. Dwellings and apartment houses
having from one to, but not exceeding, six subdivisions of load
may be served by one set of service conductors without a master
service switch; provided that the voltage to ground does not ex-
ceed 150 volts, and that all subdivisions of load are protected by
non - tamperable circuit breakers, installed in a single dead front
cabinet, or in separate enclosure, or by switches with approved
non - tamperable fuses. Such equipment shall be grouped at the near-
est readily accessible point to where the service conductors enter
the building. The top of such cabinet shall be not more than six
feet six inches (616 ") above the floor. This exception does not
, Ipply when there are subdivisions of service.
(Note: Install meters and metering equipment as required by
the serving utility.)
SECTION 1$. (A) Every system of wiring for light and
heat installations shall be so installed as not to exceed 3% drop
over all, and power installations not to exceed 5% drop over all.
SECTION 19. (A) Each single family dwelling and each
occupancy of a multi - family dwelling supplied with electric light-
ing shall have at least one (1) fifteen ampere (15 amp.) and one
(1) twenty ampere (20 amp.) circuit. Circuits shall not be double -
poled unless the circuit operates at 220 volts.
(B) Fifteen ampere (15 amp.) circuits shall supply general
lighting circuits only.
(C) Twenty ampere (20 amp.) circuits shall supply general
appliance receptacle circuits and convenience receptacle circuits
- 15 -
only. For occupancies other than residential, each outlet on any
receptacle circuit shall be calculated as requiring 200 watts.
(D) Each single family dwelling of each occupancy of a multi-
family dwelling shall have not less than one (1) general lighting
branch circuit.
(E) Each single- family dwelling of each occupancy of a mul-
ti- family dwelling shall have not less than (1) general appliance
receptacle circuit rated at twenty amperes (20 amp.), on which not
to exceed eight (8) appliance receptacle outlets may be installed.
(F) In dwelling occupancies, general appliance branch cir-
cuits which supply outlets in any bath without a fixed heating
facility, kitchen, laundry, pantry, dining room and breakfast room,
shall not supply more than eight (8) outlets. Each double recep-
tacle outlet shall be rated as one outlet.
(G) In calculating sizes of feeders, subfeeders, etc., of
dwellings, apartment houses, private garages and sheds and minor
buildings used as accessory buildings, each two -wire branch circuit
shall be considered as requiring 1000 watts and each three -wire
branch circuit as requiring 2000 watts. A demand factor permitting
the use of conductors smaller than those calculated in accordance
with this section may be granted by the Chief Electrical Inspector
for addition to existing installations.
(H) On a two -wire circuit and on each side of a three -wire
circuit, the total connected load shall not exceed 1000 watts in
dwellings, apartment houses, private garages and sheds and minor
buildings used as accessory buildings.
(I) Garbage disposal units, dishwashers, spin -dry clothes
washers, etc., having motors rated over 1/4 horsepower and all
other appliances rated 1650 watts or more, shall be installed on
a separate appliance branch circuit.
(J) All appliance circuit outlets shall have receptacles
provided and installed, rated not less than fifteen amperes
- 16 -
(15 amp.) .
(K) In all residential occupancies, outlets and receptacles
shall be provided and installed in each and every service porch,
sun room, breakfast room or nook, dining room, bathroom, bedroom
and living room, located so that there shall be a distance not
greater than 20 feet between receptacles, measuring along the base
of the walls, excluding unusable space. In addition, an appliance
outlet shall be installed near, but not in, every ironing board
(L) In dwelling and apartment houses, the allowable number
of outlets on lighting circuits may not exceed twelve (12), ex-
cept this may be increased to eighteen (1$) and the allowable
number of outlets on convenience circuits may be increased to
twelve (12), provided circuit breakers or approved non - tamperable
fuses are installed.
(M) Every livable room shall have provided and installed
the minimum outlets as required by this code. At least two cir-
cuits shall be provided and installed to each and every livable
(N) Minimum Wire Size. For the supply of current to gener-
al appliance and convenience outlet circuits, no conductor smaller
than No. 12 A.W.G. wire shall be installed.
(0) Wattage Rating for Stores and Other Buildings.
1. Stores shall be wired as requiring a minimum of two
watts per square foot of floor area in sales rooms, dis-
play rooms, offices, working rooms, etc., and each ceil-
ing outlet shall be considered as requiring not less than
200 watts. Outlets located above or below mezzanine
floors having a width not to exceed 12 feet shall be
wired for not less than one watt per square foot. Mez-
zanine floors wider than 12 feet shall be wired for not
less than two watts per square foot.
- 17 -
2. Store rooms, stock rooms, toilets, dressing rooms,
passageways, halls, etc., shall be wired as requiring a
minimum of three- tenths watts per square foot.
3. Show windows shall be wired for not less than 20
watts per square foot floor area of such window; pro-
vided, however, that the wattage requirements need not
be more than 200 watts per lineal foot and that the min-
imum amount shall be 50 watts per lineal foot measured
horizontally along the base of the show window.
4. Unless a complete sign circuit is installed at the
time of the original installation, stores shall be pro-
vided in addition to the above, with circuit capacity at
the panel board for signs and other exterior lighting
and 1/2 inch conduit or larger from the panel board to
an accessible point. Not to exceed four (4) transfor-
mers or 1650 V.A. shall be connected to any one such
circuit. All transformers shall comply with subsection
(Q) of this section.
5. Hotels shall be wired for not less than 1 watt per
square foot, except for ballrooms.
6. Office buildings shall be wired for not less than 2
watts per square foot.
7. Industrial commercial (loft) buildings shall be wired
for not less than 1 watt per square foot.
8. Public garages shall be wired for not less than 1/2
watt per square foot, exclusive of machine shop or dis-
play room.
9. Hospitals shall be wired for not less than 3/4 watt
per square foot, except in the operating suites and
X -ray departments.
10. Schools and classrooms shall be wired for not less
than 2 watts per square foot.
SECTION 13. (A) Installation. All electrical instal-
lations in the City of El Segundo shall be in conformity with the
provisions of this Code, the Statutes of the State of California,
the Electrical Safety Orders issued by the Division of Industrial
Safety of the State of California, then in effect, and shall be in
conformity with approved standards for safety to life and property.
Where no specific type or class of material or no specific stand-
ards are prescribed by the statutes of the State of California, by
regulations issued under the authority of the state statutes or by
this Code, conformity with the then current regulations of the Na-
tional Electrical Code, as approved by the American Standards As-
sociation, shall be prima facie evidence of conformity with approved
standards for safety to life and property.
(B) Materials. All electrical materials, devices, appliances
and equipment installed or used in the above- described territory
shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Code,.the stat-
utes of the State of California, the rules and regulations issued
by the Division of Industrial Safety of California under the au-
thority of the state statutes, and shall be in conformity with ap-
proved standards for safety to life and property. Except where,
by the statutes of the State of California, by orders issued under
the authority of the state statutes or by this Code, a specific
type or class of material, device, appliance or equipment is dis-
approved for installation or use, conformity with the then current
standards of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., as approved by the
American Standards Association, shall be prima facie evidence of
conformity with approved standards for safety to life and property.
(C) Identification'Mark. The maker's name, trade mark, or
other identification symbol, shall be placed on all electrical ma-
terials, devices, appliances and equipment used or installed under
this Code.
- 12 -