SECTION 1. Title. The regulations contained herein
shall be known and are hereby designated as the "Electrical Code ".
SECTION 2. (A) All electrical wiring, connections, fix-
tures, devices, appliances, equipment, apparatus and other electri-
cal materials and work and the construction, connection, installa-
tion, arrangement, location, protection, alteration, repair use and
operation thereof within the City of E1 Segundo, California, shall
be furnished, constructed, connected, installed, arranged, pro-
tected, altered and repaired and shall be used, operated and pro-
tected so as to hold to a minimum all fire, safety, use and oper-
ational hazards; and the quality of all materials used, the methods
of connecting or assembling such materials, the location, connec-
tion and protection thereof shall be in accord with nationally
recognized standards of quality and with generally recognized and
well - established methods of construction, design, location, control
and protection.
Compliance with all of the provisions oft
1. The National Electrical Code approved by the
American Standards Association;
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2. The Standards of Underwriterst Laboratories,
Inc., as approved by the American Standards
3. The Electrical Safety Orders issued by the
Division of Industrial Safety of the State
of California; and
4. The Statutes of the State of California;
current at the time of the furnishing of the materials, the making
of the installations, connections and other matters affected here-
by and which are reasonably applicable thereto, shall be and is
hereby declared to be prima facie evidence of compliance with the
requirements of this Code as to the features involved.
(B) The Chief Electrical Inspector is hereby charged with the
duty of obtaining and filing with the City Clerk of the City of E1
Segundo, currently as same are issued, three copies of each of the
standards, rules and regulations hereinabove designated in subdi-
vision "1." and "2.n of this Section 2, which copies as so on file
shall be open to public inspection. In case of conflict between
the provisions of this ordinance and the provisions of the Nation-
al Electrical Code, designated in subdivision "1." of this Section
2, the provisions of this ordinance shall control.
SECTION 3. Scope. The provisions of this Code shall
apply to the construction, connection, installation, arrangement,
location, alteration, moving, protection, repair and use of any
electrical wiring apparatus, equipment or installation on any prem-
ises within the City of E1 Segundo, except that of the Federal
Government, that of the State of California, work located on prop-
erty owned by a public school district, public utilities as speci-
fied in Section 8 hereof, work located primarily in a public way and
mechanical equipment not specifically regulated by this Code.
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SECTION 4. The Building Superintendent of the City of
E1 Segundo, as Chief Electrical Inspector and his duly authorized
assistants or deputies, shall administer the provisions of this
ordinance and the statutes of the State of California relating to
electrical work, the ordinances of said City of E1 Segundo rela-
tive thereto and the electrical rules and regulations issued under
authority of the statutes governing industrial installations.
SECTION 5. For the purpose of this Code, certain terms,
phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as set
out in this section. Words used in the singular include the plu-
ral and the plural, the singular.
(A) APARTMENT HOUSE is any building or portion thereof,
which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be
occupied, or which is occupied as the home or residence of three
or more families living independently of each other and doing their
own cooking in the said building, and shall include flats and apart-
(B) BUILDING is any structure built for the support or shel-
ter of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind.
(C) CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN is a person who is a State - licensed
Electrical Contractor and who is engaged in the business of install-
ing or repairing electrical wiring or equipment, or who does, or
who holds himself out as willing to do personally, or through his
employees, any work or services in connection with the installation,
alteration or repair of any electrical wiring or equipment or part
thereof within the City of E1 Segundo.
(D) The term, "Chief Electrical Inspector" shall mean and be
construed to mean the Building Superintendent or his authorized
representative of the City of E1 Segundo.
(E) DWELLING is any building or any portion thereof which is
not an "Apartment House" or a "Hotel" as defined in this Code, which
- 3 -
contains one or more "Apartments" or "Guest Rooms ", used, intended
or designed to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired out to
be occupied, or which are occupied for living purposes.
(F) ELECTRIC or ELECTRICAL WIRING means the installation or
the alteration of any material, fixtures, device, appliance or
equipment in or on any building, structure or premises, used or
designed or intended to be used to generate, transmit, transform
or utilize electric energy.
(G) HOTEL is any building containing six or more rooms in-
tended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented or hired
out to be occupied, or which are occupied for sleeping purposes by
(H) MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN is any certified electrician
regularly employed in accordance with the provisions of Section 7
of this ordinance.
(I) PERSON is an individual human being, a firm, partnership
or corporation, his or their heirs, executors, administrators, as-
signs, officers or agents; the City of E1 Segundo, any county and
any municipal or quasi - municipal government, agency or district,
or officer or officers thereof.
(J) PUBLIC UTILITIES. The terms, "electrical corporation ",
"telephone corporation ", "telegraph corporation ", "railroad corpora-
tion" and "street railroad corporation ", are herein used as said
terms are respectively defined in the Public Utilities Act of the
State of California; and such terms shall also be deemed to in-
clude similar utilities which are municipally or governmentally
owned and operated.
SECTION 6. (A) Applications. Applications for electrical
permits, describing the work to be done, shall be made in writing
by a certified electrician, maintenance electrician, or their
authorized representative. Where a license is required by any
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ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo, a permit shall not be issued
unless the applicant has such a license, except as hereinafter pro-
vided in paragraph 't(B)" of this section.
(B) Special Owner's Permit. The Chief Electrical Inspector
may issue to an individual a special owner's permit authorizing
said individual to install, alter, change or repair electrical
equipment in, on or about a building of which said individual is
owner and in which he resides or intends to reside, but not else-
where; PROVIDED, that no electrical work authorized under any such
special owner's permit shall be done, nor shall the owner holding
any such permit allow any such work to be done, except personally
by the owner to whom the permit is issued, or by a member of his
immediate family; and if this or any other provision hereof shall
be violated by the holder of such special owner's permit, such per-
mit shall be subject to immediate cancellation by the Chief Elec-
trical Inspector, and the holder thereof shall be liable to the
penalty hereinafter provided for violation of this Code.
(C) Applications shall give the location where such work is
to be done either by street and house number, by lot, block and
tract, or similar description that will readily identify and defi-
nitely locate the proposed work. Each such application shall be
accompanied by drawings or blueprints as required by the Chief
Electrical Inspector.
(D) Application may be made by a firm, partnership, or cor-
poration, any officer or member of which is a certified electrici-
an, in the event that all construction or work is done under the
direct personal supervision of such officer or member.
(E) Permits. No alteration or addition shall be made to any
existing wiring, nor shall any wiring for the placing or installa-
tion of any electric light, power or heating device, or any appara-
tus which generates, transmits, transforms or utilizes electricity,
operating at a voltage exceeding 25 volts between conductors, or
- 5 -
capable of supplying more than 50 watts, be made without first ob-
taining a permit therefor from the Chief Electrical Inspector, ex-
cepting minor repair work such as repairing flush and snap switches,
replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets and receptacles, taping bare
joints, repairing drop cords and the like.
(F) The application, plans and specifications filed as re-
quired by this section, shall be checked by the Chief Electrical
Inspector, and if found to be in conformity with the requirements
of this Code and all other laws or ordinances applicable thereto,
the Chief Electrical Inspector shall, upon receipt of the required
fee, i -ssue a permit therefor. Every permit issued shall be valid
only for the location described on the application therefor.
(G) Expiration of Permit. Every permit issued by the Chief
Electrical Inspector under the provisions of this Code shall expire
by limitation and become null and void, if the building or work
authorized by such permit be not commenced within sixty days from the
date of such permit, or, if the building or work authorized by such
permit be suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is
commenced for a period of sixty days. Before such work can be
thereafter commenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do.
SECTION 7. Any person regularly employing one or more
certified electricians for the purpose of installation, alteration,
maintenance or repair on his or its own premises, shall make month-
ly reports covering all installations, additions or alterations and
shall pay for each thereof the permit fees provided for in this
ordinance. All such work shall be installed and done in accordance
with the provisions of this ordinance, and such work shall be sub-
ject to inspection by said Chief Electrical Inspector to the same
extent as all other similar work for which such inspection is pro-
X3.10 1
SECTION 8. (A) The provisions of this ordinance shall
not apply to any electrical work performed by any electrical cor-
poration, telephone corporation, telegraph corporation, railroad
corporation on or with any electrical equipment owned or controlled
and operated or used by, and for the exclusive benefit of, such
corporation in the conduct of its business as a public utility, or
to any other work which any such corporation may be entitled by
law to perform without payment of any local tax; but all provisi-
ons of this ordinance shall apply insofar as they may consistently
with the above be applicable to all other electrical work performed
by any such corporation.
SECTION 9. (A) Approval. Upon the completion of the
electrical wiring in or on any building or structure of any nature,
or tent, or premises, except as otherwise exempted in this ordinance,
the person, firm or corporation installing the same shall notify
the Chief Electrical Inspector, who shall inspect such installa-
tion, and if it is found by him to be fully in compliance with the
provisions of this ordinance, he shall issue, as provided for here-
in, the certificate of inspection or approval tag authorizing con-
nection to the electrical service and the energizing of the in-
(B) Permission to Cover Work. It shall be unlawful for any
person to lath over, seal, cover or conceal any electrical wiring
or other electrical equipment, for the installation of which a
permit is provided herein, until such electric wiring or other
electrical equipment shall have been inspected and approved by the
Chief Electrical Inspector. Said Chief Electrical Inspector shall
have the power to remove, or to require the removal of any ob-
struction which prevents proper inspection of any electrical equip-
- 7 -
' (C) Corrections. All defects shall be corrected within ten
days after inspection and notification or within such other reason-
able time as is permitted by the Chief Electrical Inspector.
(D) Connection. It shall be unlawful to energize or cause
or permit to be energized any electrical wiring coming under the
provisions of this ordinance, until such electrical wiring shall
have been inspected and approved by the Chief Electrical Inspector.
Provided, however, that the Chief Electrical Inspector may give
written temporary permission to furnish electric current to, or
the use of electric current through any electrical wiring for a
length of time not exceeding thirty days, if it appears to said
Chief Electrical Inspector that such electrical wiring may be used
safely for such purpose, and that there exists an urgent necessity
for such use.
(E) Governmental Agencies. The provisions of this ordinance
shall cover, govern and control the installation, alteration or
repair of any electrical wiring, connection, fixtures, sockets,
appliances, apparatus, machinery or other electrical device by or
on behalf of the City of El Segundo or any department or officer
thereof or by or on behalf of any school district or any quasi -
public or political corporation or governmental agency or body,
on any premises not owned by a public school district being con-
structed within said incorporated territory. This paragraph does
not apply to such electrical wiring as is specifically exempt under
the provisions of Section 3 and Section 8 hereof.
SECTION 10. The Chief Electrical Inspector shall have
the right during reasonable hours to enter any building in the dis-
charge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making any
inspection or test of the installation of any electrical wiring,
electric device or electrical material contained therein.
SECTION 11. (A) The Chief Electrical Inspector is hereby
authorized and empowered to make at such times and as often as in
his discretion it may seem necessary, a thorough re- inspection of
the installation in or on any building, structure or premises of
all electrical wiring, electrical devices, and electrical material
now installed or that may hereafter be installed within the incor-
porated territory of said City of E1 Segundo and when the installa-
tion of any such wiring device or material is found to be in a
dangerous or unsafe condition, the person, firm, corporation or
governmental agency owning, using and operating the same shall be
notified in writing and shall make the necessary repairs or changes
required to place such wiring, device or material in a safe condi-
tion and to have such work completed within a period of 10 days
after such notice, or within such other reasonable period speci-
fied by the Chief Electrical Inspector in said notice and shall pay
such fees as are required by the provisions of this ordinance.
(B) The Chief Electrical Inspector is hereby empowered to
disconnect or to order the discontinuance of electrical service to
wiring, devices or materials found to be defective until the in-
stallation of such wiring, device or material has been made safe
as directed by the Chief Electrical Inspector, and any person,
firm, corporation, political subdivision or governmental agency
ordered to discontinue such electrical service shall do so within
twenty -four hours after the receipt of such notice and shall not
reconnect such service or allow the same to be reconnected until
notified so to do by the Chief Electrical Inspector; provided,
howevery, that no re- inspection shall be made in any dwelling house,
while the same is occupied as a dwelling house, without the consent
of the occupant thereof. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to hinder or prevent, or to cause or permit to be
hindered or prevented, the Chief Electrical Inspector or his duly