ORDINANCE 475AL__ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING, SUBJECT TO THE PAR- TICULAR ADDITIONS, DELETIONS AND AMENDMENTS SET FORTH IN SAID ORDINANCE, THE EDITION OF NINETEEN FIFTY -THREE OF THE "FIRE PREVENTION CODE" PROMULGATED, ESTABLISHED AND RECO114- MENDED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDER- WRITERS, IiVCLUDING APPENDIXES "A". "Bn AND 11C11 THERETO; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERN- ING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION; AND ESTABLISHING A BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION AND PROVIDING OF- FILERS THEREFOR, AND DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the Govern- ment Code of the State of California, (Sections 50022 to 50022.$, both inclusive) and subject to the particular additions, deletions and amendments hereinafter set forth in this ordinance, the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in that certain code, entitled "FIRE PREVENTION CODE Edition of Nineteen Fifty- Three ". including appendixes "Ar', "B,'l and 11C11 thereto, as promul- gated, established and recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters of the United States of America and distributed by the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, Los Angeles, California, (said National Board of Fire Underwriters and said Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific each being a private association which has been in existence for a period of more than five (5) - 1 - L I years immediately last past) three (3) full printed copies of which, printed as a code in book form, were by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, ordered filed, and which have been actually filed in the office of the City Clerk of the said City in the City Hall thereof and are open to public inspection and which as so on file are hereby referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof as fully and for all intents and purposes as though it were herein set forth at length, shall be and the same are hereby established and adopted as the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions to be ob- served and followed, and which shall control within the City of El Segundo, California, for the safeguarding of life and property from the hazards of fire and explosioD arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the use or occupancy of buildings or premises. Said rules, regulations, pro- visions and conditions therein set forth and which are hereby es- tablished and adopted shall be and the same are hereby designated and may be known and referred to as the "Fire Prevention Code" of and for the City of El Segundo, California. SECTION 2. That the particular additions to said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen Fifty - Three" hereinabove re- ferred to in Section 1 of this Ordinance and which said additions hereby established and adopted are the following, to wit; (1) Add a new subdivision to be known and designated as 'till to "Section 11.10. Use of Explosives" of Article 11 of said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen Fifty- Three ", and which said new subdivision shall read as follows, to wit: trj. Due precautions shall be taken to avoid acci- dental discharge of electric blasting caps by radio transmitters or other source of extraneous electric - ity. tt - 2 - (2) Add a new subdivision to be known and designated as I'd" to "Section 15.203. Spacing Between Tanks" of Article 15 of said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen Fifty - Three", and which said new subdivision shall read as fol- lows, to wit: "d. Where liquefied petroleum gas containers are located in the area of flammable liquid tanks or containers, the minimum separation shall be 20 feet and the minimum separation between a con- tainer and the center line of the dike shall be 10 feet. Suitable means shall be taken to prevent the accumulation of flammable liquids under adja- cent liquefied petroleum gas containers such as by diking, diversion curbs, or grading. Where dikes are used with flammable liquid tanks, no liquefied petroleum gas container shall be located within the dike." (3) Add a new subdivision to be known and designated as "e" to "Section 15.206. Dikes and Walls" of Article 15 of said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen Fifty- Threetr, and which said new subdivision shall read as follows, to wit: "e. In particular installations these provisions may be altered at the discretion of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention after consideration of spec- ial features such as topographical conditions; nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings on adjoining property and height and character of construction of such buildings; capacity and construction of proposed tanks and character of liquids to be stored; degree of private fire protection to be provided, and fa- cilities of the fire department to cope with flamma- ble liquid fires. "; and (4) Add a new subdivision to be known and designated as "7" to paragraph "a" of "Section 15.921. Type A Inside Stor- age or Mixing Rooms." of Article 15 of said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen Fifty - Three ", and which said new sub- division shall read as follows, to wit: and 1(7) These amounts may be increased to not more than one day's supply where daily consumption exceeds the above limits. "; (5) Add a new article to be known and designated as "Ar- ticle 31" to said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen - 3 - ___J Fifty - Three ", and which said new article shall read as follows, to wit: "ARTICLE 31. EXCLUSIONS. The provisions of this Fire Prevention Code shall not apply within Fire District No. 4 of the City of El Segundo." SECTION 3. That the particular deletions hereinabove referred to in Section 1 of this ordinance and which said dele- tions are hereby made from said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen Fifty - Three" are the following, to wit: (1) Delete all of "ARTICLE $, DRY CLEANING AND DRY DYEING PLANTS" from said Fire Prevention Code. (2) Delete subdivision "k" from "Section 12.102. Definitions" of Article 15 of said Fire Prevention Code. (3) Delete "Section 15.504. Marine Service Stations" from Article 15 of said Fire prevention Code. SECTION 4. That the particular amendments to said "Fire Prevention Code Edition of Nineteen Fifty - Three" herein - above referred to in Section 1 of this ordinance, and which said amendments are hereby established and adopted, are the following, to wit: (1) Amend subdivision "a" of ItSection 15.206. Dikes and Walls" of Article 15 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: 'ta. CRUDE PETROLEUM. Tanks or groups of tanks containing crude petroleum or other liquid having simi- lar boil -over characteristics, shall be diked or other suitable means taken to prevent discharge of liquid from endangering adjoining property or reaching waterways. Where a diked enclosure is required under this section, it shall have a capacity not less than that of the tank or tanks served by the enclosure." (2) Amend Section 15.212 of Article 15 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: - 4 - X66r� 'ISECTIOiN 15.212. I.` SIDE OF BUILDINGS, CLASS III LIQUIDS. tta. Unenclosed tanks shall not be located within 5 feet, horizontally, of any fire or flame. "b. Tanks lamer than 60 gallons capacity shall not be located in buildings above the lowest story cellar or base- ment, except in commercial, industrial or processing plants where storage on a higher floor is required by the process. trc. Tanks exceeding 275 gallons individual capacity or 1100 gallons aggregate capacity ir. an individual building or in a section of a building separated by firewalls shall be installed in an enclosure constructed as follows: The walls of the enclosure shall be constructed of solid mason- ry units or poured concrete construction Navin„ a fire -re- sistance rating of not less than three hours. Such enclo- sures shall be installed only on concrete or other fire - resistive floors and shall be bonded to the floors. Ercic- sures shall have tops of reinforced concrete at least 5 inches thick or equivalent fire - resistive construction, except that where floor or roof construction above the ei- closure is concrete or other fire- resistive construction, the walls may be extended to and bonded to the underside of the construction above in lieu of the provision of a separate top. Any openings to such Enclosures shall be provided with fire doors or other approved closures and six -inch noncombustible liquid -tight sills or ramps. Pro- vision shall be made for adequate ventilation of such en- closures prior to entering for inspection or repairs on tanks. "d. In buildings of ordinary construction, the nominal gross capacity of tanks shall not exceed 10,000 gallons. In buildings of fire - resistive (fireproof or semifireproof) construction the nominal gross capacity of the tanks shall net exceed 15,000 gallons. In any building, if in a fire - resistive or detached room, cut off vertically and horizon- tally in an approved manner from other floors of the main building, the nominal gross capacity of tanks shall not ex- ceed 50,000 gallons, witki an individual task capacity not exceeding 25,000 gallons.1t (3) Amend subdivision rtb" of "Section 15.503. Dispensing Devices" of Article 15 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit • ttb. No self service of any Class I, Class II, or Class III inflammable liquid or substance, as hereinafter defined, shall be allowed or permitted in or at any place of business in the City of El Segundo, California, where the sale of such liquids or substances is made to the public. "Delivery of such liquids or substances shall be made only by the owners, lessees or regular employees of such places of business. "Then unattended by an owner, lessee or re?-ular employee of such place of business, all pumps and other facilities of such place of business for the delivery of such liquids or substances, shall be locked, or other effective means provided, - 5 - -�` 267 to prevent access to such supplies of such inflammable liquids or substances. "The dispensing of Class I inflammable liquids into the fuel tank of a vehicle or container shall at all times be under the manual control of a competent person. The use of any device which permits the dispensing of- Class I inflammable liquids, when the hand of the opera- tor of the discharge nozzle is removed from the nozzle control lever, is hereby forbidden.'? (4) Amend subdivisions 'tall and 'tbtt of ' ?Section 15.601. Danner of Storage" of Article 15 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: tta. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be stored in aboveground tanks out of doors, in underground tanks, in closed containers outside of buildings in rooms of buildings roeetin.- the requirements of Type A or Type B Inside Storage or Mixin(r Rooms, or in outside storage houses used exclusively for the storage and mixing of flammable liquids (see sections 15.921 to 15.923); stor- age inside of buildings, not in Type A or B rooms, shall be in sealed containers or in approved safety cans of not more than 5 gallons capacity, and the aggregate ca- pacity shall not exceed 25 gallons unless in "'a storage cabinet conforming to section 15.924 which may be utilized for storage of not over 50 gallons. Distance from outside aboveground tanks to important buildings shall be not less than distance to property lines specified in Table 15.202. ttb. Class III flammable liquids shall be stored in aboveground tanks out of doors or within buildings, in underground tanks, in tanks in enclosures, in closed con- tainers out of doors or within buildings, in rooms meet - ing the requirements of Type A or Type B inside storage or mixing rooms or in outside storage houses (see sections 15.921 to 15.923). Installation of tanks shall be in ac- cordance with the requirements and capacities specified in sections 15.201 to 15.216 inclusive. Containers in buildings, other than sealed containers of not over 5 C, capacity each, shall not exceed an aggregate quan- tity of 275 fall ois, unless stored in Type A or B inside stora -e rooms.tt (5 ) Amend subdivision tic" of "Sec''ion 15.701. Manner of Storage'? of Article 15 thereof so as to read as follo�rrs, to wit: tic. Storage in sealer: cans, or similar portable closed containers not exceeding 5 gallons in individual capacity shall be permitted within buildings. Unlimited storage of flammable liquids in metal barrels and in drums not exceed- ing 60 gallons in individual capacity shall be permitted only inJ buildings or .rooms used solely for such storage, and which meet the following design standards: Malls, floors, and ceiling shall be of noncombustible construction having a fire - resistance rating of not less than two hours. Openings to other rooms or buildings shall be provided with noncombustible liquid tight raised sills or ramps at least 6 inches in height and with fire doors with heat - actuated releasing devices ar- ranged to close doors automatically in case of fire. No combustible material shall be used in construction, except that floor surfacing may be of wood. Proper ventilation shall be provided. There shall be no opening to rooms below, except as made necessary by trade or manufacturing process." (6) Amend Section 15.801 of Article 15 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: "SECTION 15.801. MANNER OF STORAGE. All flammable liquids used for and connected to heating and power devices by means of piping shall be stored in ac- cordance with sections 15.201 to 15.216 inclusive, except that in buildings with multiple units of occupancy the aggregate capacity of 1100 gallons, as specified by section 15.212 for unenclosed in- side fuel oil tanks, may be exceeded where not more than two 275 gallon tanks are installed in each oc- cupancy, provided each occupancy is separated by an unpierced masonry wall or partition having a fire - resistance rating of at least two hours and extend- ing fro.n the lowest floor to the ceiling, above the tanks." (7) Amend subdivision 'le't of "Section 15.921. Type A In- side Storage or Mixing Rooms" of Article 15 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: tte. All door openings shall be protected by an cl approved fire door of automatic or self - closing type, suitable for openings in partitions." (3) Amend subdivision 'tell of "Section 15.961. Operation of Tank Vehicles" of Article 15 thereof so as to read as fol- lows, to wit: "e. No cargo tangy; or compartment thereof used for the transportation of any flammable li uid shall be loaded liquid full. The vacant space (Nutage) in a cargo tank or compartment thereof used in the trans- portation of flammable liquids shall be not less than 1 per cent; sufficient space (outage) shall be left vacant in every case to prevent leakage from or dis- tortion of such tank or compartment by expansion of the contents due to rise in temperature in transit." (9 ) Amend subdivisions "all., trbrt and 'tctt of "Section 15.963. Protection Against Intermixi.ng't of Article 15 there- of so as to read as follows, to wit: - 7 - j 'ra. No cot partMe-rit c_" a tank veh -cle vhich has con- tained Class I or II flarm able liquids on the prior loading shall be loaded with Class III flaru:lable liquid until such compartment and all gravity discharge piping connected thereto have been completely drained of all Class I or Class II flammable liquid. The compartment may then be filled to permissible load capacity. rrb. In the event that compartments of a tank vehicle are connected to a common outlet or manifold, no com- partment shall contain Class I or II flammable liquid while any other compartment connected to the same out- let or manifold contains Class III flammable liquid, unless some effective positive means is provided to pre- vent intermixing. rrc. In the event that a tank vehicle is equipped with a pump, meter or wet hose, or any combination thereof, or has piping which does not drain completely, such equipment or piping shall not be used for the delivery of Class III flammable liquid if its prior use has been for Class I or II flammable liquid unless the pump, meter, wet hose, or incompletely drained piping shall first be flushed with a quantity of Class III flammable liquid sufficient to effectively clear such devices of all Class I or II flammable liquid or shall be cleared of all Class I or II flammable liquid by some equally effective method. The volume of Class III flammable liquid used for flush- ing shall be at least two times the volume of the pump, meter, wet hose or piping. Flushing preparatory to change of use shall be done at the point of loadin,7.11 (10) Amend subdivision ''d" of "Section 18.06. Rules for Turning Gas On" of Article 18 thereof so as to read as fol- lows, to wit: I'd. Gas shall not be turned on at either the meter cock on line cock unless gas- burninvs appliances are connected to the outlets, or all outlets in the piping system are capped or plu,,- ged. rr (11) Amend subdivision 'tell of "Section 19.04. General Requirements" c-[` Artic le 19 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: rte. Where specific requirements are not otherwise estab- lished compliance with the recommendations contained in the Table of Common Hazardous Chemicals of the National Fire Protection Association. (NFPA No. 49), or the Pamphlets G -1, G -24 G -3, G -4, P -1 and P -2 of the Compressed Gas Association, Inc., with respect to the particular chemicals shall be con- sidered as prima facie evidence of compliance with this sec- tions' (12 ) Amend subdivisions 'tb" and 'tc't of "Section 30.04. Manifolding of Cylinders" of Article 30 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: "b. The ag,,regate capacity of fuel gas cylinders con- nected to one manifold inside a buildirr; shall not exceed - 8 - 2 10 3,000 cubic feet of gas or 300 pounds in the case of liquefied petroleum gas. More than one such manifold, each supplying one blowpipe or one machine, may be lo- cated in the same room if separated at least 50 feet. "c. Where it is necessary to manifold fuel gas cylinders having an aggregate gas capacity in excess of 3,000 cubic feet, they shall be located outside, or in a special building, or in a separate room constructed in accordance with the provisions of section 30.13b." (13) Amend Section 30.07 of Article 30 thereof so as to read as follows, to wit: "SECTION 30.07. HOSE AND HOSE CONNECTIONS. "a. Hose shall be capable of withstanding a hydro- static pressure of 800 pounds per square inch. rrb. A single hose having more than one gas passage, a wall failure of which would permit the flow of one gas into the other gas passage shall not be used. Where two hoses joined by a web so as to form integral lengths of double hose are used, the two hoses shall be identified as follows: "(1) By exterior color, such as by employing green for oxygen and red for acetylene, or "(2) If the entire exterior of both passages is of the same color, the two sides shall be dis- tinguishable by feel or toukh (i.e., smooth versus rib or rough exterior surface). "c. When parallel lengths of oxygen and acetylene hose are taped together for convenience and to prevent tangling, not more than four inches out of each eight shall be covered by tape. "d. Hose connections shall be clamped or otherwise se- curely fastened in a manner that will withstand, without leakage, twice the pressure to which they are normally sub- jected in service but in no case less than a pressure of 300 pounds per square inch. "e. Hose shall be inspected frequently for leaks, burns, worn places, loose connections or other defects, which may render the hose unfit for service. Where hose shows exces- sive wear or has been subjected to flashback it shall be in- spected and tested at twice the normal pressure to which it is subjected in service but in no case at less than 200 pounds per square inch before being returned to service. Defective lengths of hose shall be discarded." (14) Amerad Appendix C of said Fire Prevention Code so as to,read as follows, to wit: "APPENDIX C PUBLICATIONS REFERRED TO IN THE FIRE PREVENTION? CODE - 9 - it JL "AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. American Standard Requirements for Installation of Gas Equupment in Large Boilers (ASA Z21.33 - 1950). (Sec. 18.01c) AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE 5.0 West 50th Street, New York 20, N. Y. Standard No. 12A, Specification for Standard Tanks with Riv6ted Shells for Oil Storage, March, 1941. (Sec. 15.207b) Standard No. 12B, Specifications for Standard Bolted Tanks, September, 1944, with Supplement No. 4, December, 1949. (Sec.* 15.207e) Standard No. 12C, Specifications for Welded Oil Stor- age Tanks, October, 1950• (Sec.* 15.207b) Standard No. 12D, Welded Production Tanks, September 1944, with Supplement No. 2, August, 1947• (Sec.' 15.207ej AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 29 West 39th Street, New York 18, N. Y. American Standard Code for Pressure Piping (ASA B31.1 - 1955). (Sec. 15.301) Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels. Section VIII, Boiler Construction Code, 1952• (Sec.'s 15.904, 30-02) and 1954 Addenda API -ASPS Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels for Pe- troleum Liquids and Gases, 1951• (Sec.(- 15.904) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS 40 West 40th Street, New York 1$, N. Y. ASRE Standard 15 -R, American Standard Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration (ASA B9.1 - 1953). (Sec.* 27.02) AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ASTM D56 -52 Standard Method of Test for Flash Point by means of the Tag Closed Tester. (Sec.* 15.102j) ASTM D93 -52 Standard Method of Test for Flash Point b means of the Pensky - Martens Closed Tester. (Sec.* 15.102j� ASTM D323 -52 Standard Method of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method). (Sec.= 15.102o) ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS 59 East VanBuren Street, Chicago, Illinois Circular No. 17 -D, August 1, 1947. (Sec.yc 15.406b) Circular No. 17 -E, August 1, 1947. (Sec. 15.406b) The section in the Fire Prevention Code which makes reference to the publication. - 10 -