SECTION 1. That Section 3 of Article V of Ordinance No.
429 (the Traffic Ordinance), passed and adopted on the 30th day
of September, 1953, shall be and the same is hereby amended so as
to read as follows:
"SECTION 3. That Grand Avenue, in the City of El
Segundo, California, between the Easterly line of Main
Street and the Westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive, shall
be and the same is hereby divided into two traffic lanes.
All Westerly bound traffic upon said portion of said Grand
Avenue shall proceed only in the Northerly traffic lane,
between said Main Street and Eucalyptus Drive; and all
Easterly bound traffic upon said portion of said Grand
Avenue shall proceed only in the Southerly traffic lane,
between said Main Street and Eucalyptus Drive; except at
intersections of said portion of said Grand Avenue with
other streets or avenues or alleys, traffic may make either
right or left hand turns."
SECTION 2. That Section 1 of Article VI of said Ordi-
nance No. 429 shall be and the same is hereby amended so as to
read as follows:
"SECTION 1. THROUGH STREETS. The following streets-
and parts of streets are hereby declared to be through streets
(or through highways) within said city, to wit:
1. Virginia Street between the Northerly line of El
Segundo Boulevard and the Northerly city limits
of said city, excepting at its intersection with
Franklin Avenue, Grand Avenue, Mariposa Avenue
and Palm Avenue.
- 1 -
f ' •
2. Main Street between the Northerly line of El Se-
gundo Boulevard and the Northerly city limits of
said city, excepting at its intersection with
Grand Avenue and Mariposa Avenue.
3. Center Street between the Northerly line of E1
Segundo Boulevard and the Northerly city limits
of said city, excepting at its intersection with
Grand Avenue, Mariposa Avenue, Palm Avenue and
Maple Avenue.
4. Sepulveda Boulevard throughout its entire length
within said city.
5. Aviation Boulevard throughout its entire length
within said city.
6. E1 Segundo Boulevard throughout its entire length
within said city, excepting at its intersection
with Whiting Street, Fain Street, Sepulveda Boule-
vard (a State Highways and Aviation Boulevard.
7. Grand Avenue from the Westerly line of Sepulveda
Boulevard to the Westerly city limits of said city,
excepting at its intersection with Concord Street,
Main Street and Lomita Street.
8. Mariposa Avenue between the Westerly line of Doug-
las Street and the Westerly city limits of said
city, excepting at its intersection with Hillcrest
Street, Virginia Street, Richmond Street, Main
Street, Sheldon Street, Center Street, California
Street and Sepulveda Boulevard (a State Highway).
9. Maple Avenue from the Westerly line
to the Easterly line of Main Street
city, excepting at its intersection
Street, Penn Street, Lomita Street,
California Street, Washington Stree-
Boulevard (a State Highway).
of Nash Street
within said
with Sheldon
Center Street,
and Sepulveda
10. Imperial Highway throughout its entire length within
said city, excepting at its intersection with Main
Street, California Street, Imperial Freeway, Sepul-
veda Boulevard (a State Highway) and Aviation Boule-
SECTION 3. That Section 4 of Article VI of said Ordi-
nance No. 429 shall be and the same is hereby amended so as to
read as follows:
THERETO. The intersections of Streets within said city set
TRANCES* in this Section 4 of this Article VI of this ordi-
nance shall be and the same are hereby fixed, designated
- 2 -
and established as stop intersections in and for said city.
The said schedule of stop intersections and stop en-
trances hereinabc;.e in this section referred to is hereby
fixed, designated and established as follows: SCHEDULE OF
1. Acacia Avenue and California Street: northerly
and southerly entrances.
2. Acacia Avenue and Loma Vista Street: easterly
and westerly entrances.
3• Aviation Boulevard and Imperial Hi7hway: west-
erly entrance.
4. A- iation Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard:
westerly entrance.
5. Bayonne Street and maple Avenue: southerly en-
6. Bayonne Street and Palm Avenue: northerly en-
7. Bun7alow Street and Pine A ✓enue: southerly
Bungalow Street and Walnut Avenue: southerly
9. California Street and Elm Avenue: easterly en-
10. California Street, and Palm Avenue: easterly
11. Center Street and !,�ariposa Avenue: all entrances.
12. Center Street and Maple Avenue: all entrances.
13. Concord Place and Sycamore Avenue: southerly en-
14. Concord Plac e and Maple Avenue: northerly entrance.
15. Concord Street and Holly Avenue: easterly and
westerly entrances.
16. Cypress Street and Acacia Avenue: westerly en-
17. Cypress Street and Walnut Avenue: northerly en-
18. Dou-� ;las Street and i ariposa. Avenue: westerly
19. Eucalyptus Drive and Pine Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
- 3 -
20. Eucalyptus Drive and Holly Avenue: easterly and
westerly entrances.
21. Franklin Avenue and Concord Street: easterly and
westerly entrances.
22. Franklin Avenue and Eucalyptus Drive: northerly and
southerly entrances.
23• Franklin Avenue and Arena Street: southerly entrance.
24. Franklin Avenue and Sierra Street: southerly entrance..
25• Franklin Avenue and Whiting Street: easterly and
westerly entrances.
26. Grand Avenue and Lomita Street: all entrances.
27. Grand Avenue and Concord Street: all entrances.
28. Hillcrest Street and Mariposa Avenue: all entrances.
?9. Hillcrest Street and Acacia Avenue: easterly entrance.
30. Hillcrest Street and Sycamore Avenue: easterly en
31. Hillcrest Street and Maple Avenue: easterly entrance.
32. Hillcrest Street and Oak Avenue: easterly entrance.
33. Hillcrest Street and Palm Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
34. Holly Avenue and Bungalow Street: northerly entrance.
35. Holly Avenue and California Street: easterly and
northerly entrances.
36. Holly Avenue and Lomita Street: westerly entrance.
37. Holly Avenue and Standard Street: northerly and,
southerly entrances.
38. Holly Avenue and Washington Street: westerly,
northerly and southerly entrances.
39. Imperial Highway and California Street: westerly and
southerly entrances.
40. Imperial Highway and Imperial Freeway: southerly
41. Irene Court and Oak Avenue: westerly entrance.
42. Kansas Street and Holly Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
43• Kansas Street and Pine Avenue: northerly and south-
erly entrances.
- 4 -
44. Loma Vista Street and Oak Avenue: westerly entrance.
45. Loma Vista Street and Palm Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
46. Main Street and Imperial Highway: southerly and
westerly entrances.
47. Main Street and Mariposa Avenue: all entrances.
48. fain Street and E1 Segundo Boulevard: northerly and
westerly and easterly entrances.
49• Mariposa Avenue and California Street: all entrances.
50• Maple Avenue and Loma Vista Street: easterly and
westerly entrances.
51. Maple Avenue and Lomita Street: all entrances.
52. Maple Avenue and Nash Street: westerly entrance.
53. Maple Avenue and California Street: all entrances.
54. McCarthy Court and Lomita Street: westerly entrance.
55• Oak Avenue and Eucalyptus Drive: northerly entrance.
56. Oak Avenue and Penn Street: westerly entrance.
57. Palm Avenue and Center Street: northerly, southerly
and westerly entrances.
5$• Palm Avenue and Sheldon Street: easterly entrance.
59. Penn Street and holly Avenue: southerly entrance.
60. Penn Street and Pine Avenue: northerly entrance.
61. Penn Street and Sycamore Avenue: westerly entrance.
62. Penn Street and Maple Avenue: all entrances.
63. Penn Street and Walnut Avenue: all entrances.
64. Pepper Street and Acacia Avenue: easterly entrance.
65. Pepper Street and Sycamore Avenue: easterly entrance.
66. Pine Avenue and Arena Street: northerly entrance.
67. Pine Avenue and Sierra Street: easterly and southerly
68. Pine Avenue and Concord Street: northerly and south-
erly entrances.
69. Pine Avenue and Richmond Street: easterly and west-
erly entrances.
70. Pine Avenue and Standard Street: easterly and west-
erly entrances.
- 5 -
71. Richmond Street and Holly Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
72. Richmond Street and Mariposa Avenue: all entrances.
73. Richmond Street and Palm Avenue: southerly and
westerly entrances.
74- Sepulveda Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard: east-
erly and westerly entrances.
75• Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Highway: westerly
76. Sheldon Street and Maple Avenue: easterly and
westerly entrances.
77• Sheldon Street and Oak Avenue: all entrances.
78. Sheldon Street and Walnut Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
79. Sheldon Street and Mariposa Avenue: all entrances.
$4. Standard Street and Franklin Avenue: easterly and
westerly entrances.
81. Valley Street and Pine Avenue: southerly entrance.
82. Valley Street and Holly Avenue: northerly and east-
erly entrances.
$3. Virginia Street and Franklin Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
84. Virginia Street and Mariposa Avenue: all entrances.
$5. Virginia Street and Palm Avenue: all entrances.
86. Walnut Avenue and California Street: all entrances.
$7• Walnut and McCarthy Court: westerly entrance.
88. Washington Street and Maple Avenue: easterly and
westerly entrances.
$9. Washington Street and Pine Avenue: northerly and
southerly entrances.
90. Washington Street and
91. Washington Street and
92. Washington Street and
93. Whiting Street and Pa:
94. Whiting Street and El
Elm Avenue: westerly entrance.
Oak Avenue: westerly entrance.
Walnut Avenue: southerly en-
Lm Avenue: southerly entrance.
Segundo Boulevard: westerly
SECTIOTI 4. That a new section, to be '_mown and desiT-
nated as 'tSECTION 7.ltt, shall be and the same is hereby added to
Article VI of said Ordinance Tlo. 429, and which said new section
shall read as follows, to wit:
"SECTION 7.1. The City Council is mindful that the
control of traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, is a com-
plex subject and that it miay become necessary in the interest
of public safety to provide controls and regulations which
are not expressly contained in this ordinance, and that such
situations or conditions may arise from time to time here-
after. The Cit;r Council therefore, in order to best serve
the public safety, convenience and general welfare of said
city and to protect the citizens and public thereof and
their property, does hereby delegate the rimht, power and
authority to the Traffic Authority, in those instances
where he deems such action necessary on his part, to place
and erect with the approval of the City Council expressed
by resolution duly adopted by said Council and of record
in the minutes of its meetings additional traffic control
devices as defined in this ordinance. When so erected,
such traffic control devices shall for all intents and
purpose.s be, and be deemed to be, official traffic control
devices within the meanin• o-T this ordinance and when such
devices are so in place it shall be unlawful for any per-
son to, and no person shall, disobey the directions or
controls established by, shown on or indicated by the same
or any of them. Said Traffic Authority shall likewise
(with the consent of the City Council expressed by resolu-
tion duly adopted by it and of record in the minutes of its
meetin_ ,s ) have the right and authority to re_mo7ie any traf-
fice control deT,ice placed under the authority of this Sec-
tion 7.1, and upon such removal , the directions or controls
- 7 -
established by, shown on, or indicated by, such traffic
control devices so removed shall no longer apply at such
SECTION 5. That two new subdivisions, to be known and
designated as "3811 and 113 9", shall be and the same are hereby
added to Section 1 of Article XIV, and which said new subdivisions
shall read as follows, to wit:
"38. East side of Concord Street between El Se7undo
Boulevard and Franklin Avenue.
39. West side of Concord Street betv,,een Franklin Avenue
and 'Jolly Avenue .'f
SECTIOT d 6. That said Ordinance '1o. 429, as amended, is
hereby amended as hereinabove i_ri Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this
ordinance set forth.
SECTIO'? 7. 7l1.at this ordinance shall become effective
at midnight on the thirtieth day from and after the date of the
final passage and adoption thereof.
SECTION 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the
passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to
be entered in the book of original ordinances of said city; shall
make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records
of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted; and shall,
within fifteen days after the passage and adoption thereof, cause
the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within
said Citv of E1 Se -;undo and which is hereby desi -nated for that
Passed, approved and adopted this 2nd day of July ,
—?-'n• -- gat,
City Clerk
- 8 -
or of t qe City o
I, Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of
the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing
ordinance, being Ordinance No. 4_ 61 , was passed and adopted by
the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said
City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at an`ad-
Journed regular meeting of the said Council held on the 22nd
day of July, 1955, and that the same was so passed and adopted by
the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
NOES: Councilmen None;
ABSENT: Councilman Baker.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this
22nd day of July, 1955•
22 .
City Cerko to t a
E1 Segundo, California
is Neva M. Elsey, City Clerk of the City
California, do hereby certify that the whole number
the City Council of the said City is five; that the
ordinance, being Ordinance No. 461 , is a full,
original of Ordinance No. 46 of the said City
California, entitled:
of E1 Segundo,
of members of
true and correct
of E1 Segundo,
which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved
and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City
Clerk of said City all at an adjourned regular meeting of the said
Council held on the 22nd day of July, 1955, and that the same
was so passed and adopted 'by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Frederick, Gordon Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
NOES: Councilmen None;
ABSENT: Councilman Baker,
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provi-
sions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of
California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. 61 was duly and
regularly published according to law and the order of the City
Council of said City in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper
of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within
the said City and that the same was so published therein on the
following date, to wit: July 28th, 1955
City Clerk of the Cit of
E1 Segundo, Californ a.
"A I'l
Affidavit of Publication
......,.Julie Jacobs ...............
first a-u':'r7 sworn, deposes and says: 'l.h,-.t
he is, and a: all of the It"me,
OV,cr the L .-e Of y c-L z�:' c"f the Unit0d Statcs of A=mr_'ca,
al", it o f 'h- t f" '-!Ige]�_S, 81Ltc Of CalifOyl-lia ;that he
W'a-s, at, LIIJ clZ71-illZ Ell Of the +;,ne of t'112 p1b�;�a
��r T!j 461 alt,-�ched ilie ........
.................................................. ...................... I ............
'--hed, and circulateci. '�veekly in
the Ciiy of F! Gegula,-Io, in said County �:nd
cilculatod at iogular ; --aid has been so P-Iblished and
of oil, week fo-.
(,,n inamadialrly preceoling the
Pul'bt'on Of the instrument heret-,nt) and was, at alt of the times
herein inenfioi_.ej, i '�MVSP-,Per of general cire! 1AL:*0I) within the 1_�Iea;1019 OF Sectic.. 4469 of ti-�o Political
Code of the State Of r-alifornia; that as pro iidod l)-., --.1,d 4 t
i�_cdOl_', s2id ni_,;%Tq.,0.per is published for the
Ssemiilation ';I-. local or telegraphic new,.
I " I c�` (�'� a th-tracter, having a bona fide
list of paying subscribers; that said n,_vv�,rap-r is llet and waF- 1--D', at any of the times herein
referred 1,0, devoted to the interests, or published for the entertainment or instruction of a particular
class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for ony number of such classes, professions, trades,
callings, races or denominations, and that said newspaper is not devoted to Or published for, nor was it
at any of the times herein mentioned devoted to -:7 Published for the purpose, whether avowed )r
otherwise, of entertaining or instructing such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denomin-
ations, or any of such classes, Professions, trades, callings, races or denominations.
That the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument hereunto attached on page...... numbered
............................... I ... ........................................................................
hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and size and arrangement of type, is a full, true and
correct COPY of the said notice, OsZaunce, resolution or instrument, in words and figures exactly as
published; that the same was set and printed in type not sinallor than nonpareil and that the body of
the same Was preceded with words print�d in black -face tvPe not smaller than nonpareil, describing
and e;,:Pressing in general terms the purpose and cha-actcr of the notice, order, ordinance, resolution
,,r instrument intended to be published, as will app or from an inspection of the said annexed instru-
ment; that the... L r-d c.e ZW .. . -4 �'). I
of Which the annexed 4.5 a. printed copy as h_-rcinabove siatf,!, was published and Printed in raid news-
-Per at le.,tst ... by.... -*.4 f ........... Con"ecu"ve publication...., commencing on the
Yh.... day of - '`i UQ;-u St .................. A. D . ....... and ending on the ........ t,4 .......... day of
t ................... A. D. 19_3.5).., and as often during said time as said newspaper was regu-
hirly issued, to-wit:. .0 �.u. .b.l. .i. s.. n. .e.,, .. .o.
n. .e . ..t..i..(l.e
...................... u -u s t . 4., 1 .......
................. ................ . ...................... .......................... 9 . .......
............................... ............. ............ . ..................
..... .....
and sworn to before me this..
d:iy Of
A. D. 19:�
City le k of the City of El Scgundo, oun y
Y C0�1_ L.; s Angeles, State of California.
Id City.
Deputy city Clerk o I