ORDINANCE 434Di-4 7 ti-.d _fed 1 a suitable concrete curb or timber barrier not less than six (6) inches in 2 height shall be securely installed and maintained not closer than four (4) feet 3 from the property line. 4 (2) Any lights provided to illuminate such parking areas shall be 5 arranged so as to reflect the light away from adjoining residential premises. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 _30- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ARTICLE 8 C - 1 - SERVICE - COMMERCIAL (0 -1 ZONE) Section 800: LAND USE. In the C-1 zone no building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally, altered, nor shall any building or land be used for any purpose except as hereinafter specifically provided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of Article 14 governing off - street parking requirements and Section 1422, governing required loading space. In the 0 -1 zone the following uses are permitted: (1) Any use permitted in the &-3 zone, and when so used, shall be subject to all the provisions of the Ordinance applicable to lots and parcels in the &-3 zone. (2) Banks. (3) lire and Police stations. (4) Medical laboratories. (5) Offices, business and professional (6) Signs, pertaining only to the business of occupants located on the premises. (7) Telephone exchanges. (8) Trade schools (not objectionable due to noise, odor, vibrations,sto) (9) Commercial establishments specializing in the rendering of ser- vices rather than the dispensing of commodities. Section 8012 LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USES IN 0-1 ZONE. Every use per- mitted in a C-1 zone shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within a building. (2) Any use permitted in the C-1 zone shall involve a minimum of com- mercial deliveries. (3) Permitted signs shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) Any exterior sign displayed shall be attached to the build- ing provided it shall not project more than two (2) feet measured at right angles to the face of the building. (b) An identification sign may be placed on the rear of the build- ing when an entrance therein opens onto a public parking area. -31- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA I (c) Signs other than those pertaining to the rental, lease or 2 sale of premises upon which displayed shall not exceed forty -two (42) square 3 feet in area, and there shall not be more than two (2) such signs per lot or par - 4 cel. 5 (d) Signs pertaining only to the rental, lease or sale of the 6 premises upon which they are displayed may be doublefaced, but shall not be Mum- 7 inated nor shall they exceed twelve (12) square feet in area per face. 8 (4) Any garage having an entrance fronting on an alley shall be located 9 not closer than twenty (20) feet to the center line of such alley. 10 Section 802: HEIGHT. In the 0-1 zone no building shall exceed a height 11 of four (4) stories or forty -five (45) feet whichever is the lesser. 12 Section 803: FRONT YARD. Every lot and every parcel of land in a 0-1 13 zone shall have a front yard only when any one or more of the following condi- 1 4 tions apply: 15 (1) If the premises are devoted to an "R" use in the C--1 zone, the 16 depth of the front yard shall conform to the front yard requirements in the 17 R..3 zone. 18 (2) When property classified as 0 -1 comprises part of the frontage 19 in a block on one side of a street between intersecting streets and the remainder 20 of the frontages in the same block are classified for "R" purposes, the front 21 yard in such "G" zone shall conform to the front yard required in the R -3 zone. 22 (3) A front yard shall be provided as may be required by an off i- 23 cial precised plan, variance or conditional use permit. 24 Section 804: SIDE YARDS. Every lot and every parcel of land in a 0 -1 25 zone, when devoted to a use permitted initially in a 0-1 zone, but not permitted 26 in an &-3 zone, need provide no side yards except as may be required by an offi- 2 7 cial precised plan, variance or conditional use permit. 28 Section 805: REAR YARD. Avery lot and every parcel of land in the C-1 29 zone, when used for "R" or G-1 purposes and the rear of the lot abuts upon prop- 30 erty classified for "R" purposes and does not abut upon an alley, shall provide 31 a rear yard fifteen (15) feet in depth. When such lot or parcel of land is de- 32 voted to a use permitted initially in a C-1 zone and abuts upon property devoted -32- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA 60 1 to a "C" or "Mm use, no rear yard need be provided except such as may be required 2 by an official precised plan, variance or conditional use permit. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -33- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ARTICIA 0 - 2 - 13ENEFAi OCKMOIAL ZONE (C-2 ZONE) Section 9003 LAM USE. In a 0-2 zone no building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered, nor shall any building be used for any purpose except as hereinafter provided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of Article 14 governing off - street parking requirements and Section 1422governing required loading space. In the C-2 zone the following uses are permitted. (1) Any use permitted in the 0-1 (Service- Oommercial) provided that any residential use shall conform to the requirements of the R-3 zone. (2) Antiques. (3) Automobile sales, new and used (including servicing). (4) Automobile trailer sales, new and used. (5) Bakeries (employing not more than five persons). (6) Bars, cafes and restaurants (including dancing and entertainment). (7) Barber shops or beauty shops. (8) Billiard or pool halls. (9) Bird and pet shops. (10) Blueprinting. (11) Commercial oarnivals, provided the premises are occupied for such purpose not more than once for not more than one (1) week in any six (6) months period, and PLurther provided that such use may not locate within three hundred (300) feet of any school or residential zone. (12) Cleaning and pressing establishments (sponging, pressir- and spotting only), using non - inflammable and non - explosive cleaning fluids, (13) Olubse (14) Comfort stations. (15) Conf ectionery storese (16) Conservatories of music (music and vocal instruction). (17) Dressmaking or millinery shops. (18) Drive -in restaurants. (19) Drug stores. -34- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 IEIMERT BLVD, - LOS ANGELES B, CALIFORNIA 1 (20) Fine Arts Galleries (commercial). 2 (21) Florist shops. 3 (22) Food markets. 4 (23) furniture and appliance stores. 5 (24) Garage (public, including repairing and storage). 6 (25) Gas distribution, meter and oontrol stations of a public utility. 7 (26) Golf, miniature courses. 8 (27) Gymnasium, public commercial, 9 (28) Hardware stores. 10 (29) Ice, packaged, storage and retail dispensing not exceeding five 11 (5) ton capacity. 12 (30) Jewelry stores. 13 (31) Laundry agencies and self- service laundries. 14 (32) Liquor stores (off -sale only). 15 (33) Locksmiths. 16 (34) Massage parlors and reducing salons. 17 (35) Meats, retail. 18 (36) Missions, temporary revival and services, provided the premises 19 are occupied for such purposes not more than once for not more than one (1) 20 week in any six (6) month period, and further provided that such use may not 21 locate within three hundred (300) feet of any school, public park or any residen- 22 tW tone. 23 (37) Motels. 24 (38) News stands. 25 (39) Notion stores and dry goods. 26 (40) Nurseries, flower and plants. 27 (41) Optical establishments. 28 (42) Outdoor advertising displays or outdoor advertising structures, 29 provided they conform to the provisions of Article 14. 30 (43) Parking lots. 31 (44) Pet food catering services. 32 (45) Plumbing shops. _35- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA 1 (46) Poultry (dressed only, and no live poultry on premises). 2 (47) Shoe store and repair shops. 3 (48) Stationery and book stores. 4 .(49) Studios, such as interior decorating studios, record recording 5 studios, stores or shops. 6 (50) Super service stations. 7 (51) Swimming pools (commercial). 8 (52) Tailors, clothing or wearing apparel shops. 9 (53) Taxidermists. 10 (54) Theatres or auditoriums. 11 (55) Similar retail, wholesale or service business catering directly 12 to the consumer. 13 Section 901: LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USE IN 0 -2 ZONE. Every use permit - 14 ted in the 0-2 zone shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations. 15 (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building 16 except such uses as -- 1 7 (a) Auto trailer sales areas. 18 (b) Used car sales areas. 19 (c) Miniature golf courses. 20 (d) Service stations. 21 (e) Nurseries. 22 (f) Drive -in restaurants. 23 (g) Similar enterprises customarily conducted in the open. 24 (2) Products made incident to a permitted use, and manufactured or 25 processed on the premises, shall be sold only at retail on the premises, and 26 not more than five (5) persons may be employed in such manufacturing, processing 27 and treatment of goducts. 28 (3) All operations conducted on the premises shall not be objection- 29 able by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibration or other similar 30 causes. 31 (4) Storage shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities sold 32 at retail on the premises. _36- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government t 1 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA C �a 1 (5) Any garage having an entrance fronting on an alley shall be lo- t cated not closer than twenty (20) feet from the center line of such alley. 3 Section 902: HEIGHT. No building in the C-2 zone shall exceed a height 4 of four (4) stories or forty-five (45) feet, whichever is the lesser. 5 Section 903: FRONT YARD. Every lot and every parcel of land in the C -2 6 zone, shall provide a front yard only when any one or more of the following con - 7 ditions apply: 8 (1) If the premises in the C-2 zone are devoted to an 112" use, the 9 depth of the front yard shall conform to the front yard requirements of the 10 R -3 zone. 11 (2) When property classified as 0-2 comprises hart of the frontage 12 in a block on one side of a street between intersecting streets, and the re- 13 mainder of the frontage in the same block is classified for "R "I purposes, the 14 front yard in such C-2 zone shall conform to the front yard required in the R-3 15 zone. 16 (3) A front yard shall be provided as may be required by an official 17 precised plan, variance or conditional use permit. 18 Section 904: SIDE YARDS. Every lot and every parcel of land in the C-2 19 zone, when devoted to a permitted use in the C -2 zone, but not permitted in the 20 R -3 zone, need provide no side yards except such as may be incorporated in an 21 official precised plan, variance or conditional use permit. 22 Section 905: REAR YARD. Every lot and every parcel of land in the C -2 23 zone, when used for "C" purposes and the rear of the lot abuts upon property 24 classified for "R"" purposes and does not abut upon an alley, shall provide a 25 rear yard fifteen (15) feet in depth. In all other cases, property used for 26 "Go purposes need provide no rear yard. 27 28 29 30 31 32 37 GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES B, CALIFORNIA _) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 X� ARTICLE 10 C m M - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL ZONE (C -M ZONE) Section 10008 LAND USE. In a C -M zone no building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered, nor shall any building be used for any purpose except as hereinafter provided and allowed by this Article, subject to the provisions of Article 14 governing off-street parking requirements and Section 1422 governing required loading space. In the C -M zone the following uses are permitteds (1) Any use permitted in the Cm2 zone, provided that any residential use shall conform to the requirements of the R-3 zone. (2) Assembly of electrical appliances such as -- (a) Electronic instruments and devices, (b) Radios and phonographs, including manufacture of small parts, such as coils. (3) Bakeries. (4) Boat building, except ship building. (5) Cabinet shops or carpenter shops. (6) Ceramic products, manufacture of, including figurines, using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by electricity or low pressure gas. (7) Electric distributing substations. (8) Feed and fuel yard (solid fuel only) . (9) Hand laundries. (10) Laboratories, experimental, motion picture, testing. (11) Machine shops. (12) Parcel service deliveries. (13) Photo engraving. (14) Plumbing supply yard provided if not within an enclosed building it shall be within an area enclosed on all sides with a solid wall or uniformly painted fence not less than six (6) feet in height. (15) Sheet metal shops. (16) Tinsmiths. (17) Upholstering shops. 38_ GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA �.i 66 1 (18) Wholesale businesses, storage buildings and warehouses. 2 (19) Other commercial and industrial businesses or enterprises when 3 processed in the manner specified in Article 14. 4 (20) Glass edging, beveling and silvering in connection with the sale 5 of mirrors and glass decorating furniture. 6 (21) Glass studios - stained, etc. 7 Section 1001: LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USES IN C-M ZONE. Every use per - 8 mitted in the C-M zone shall be subject to the following conditions and limita- 9 tions. 10 (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building, 11 excepting plumbing supply and fuel yards. 12 (2) Any building in the C -M zone shall not occupy more than ten 13 thousand (10,000) square feet of land. 14 (3) Not more than fifteen (15) persons may be employed on the premises. 15 (4) All operations conducted on the premises shall not be objection+ - 16 able by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, vibration or other similar 17 causes. 18 Section 1002: HEIGHT. No building in the C-M zone shall exceed a height 19 of four (4) stories or forty -five (45) feet, whichever is the lesser. 20 Section 1003: FRONT YARD. Every lot and every parcel of land in a C-M 21 zone shall provide a front yard only when any one or more of the following con - 22 ditione apply: 23 (1) If the premises in the C-M zone are devoted to an "RIO use, the 24 depth of the front yard shall conform to the front yard requirements of the 25 R-3 zone. 26 (2) When property classified as C -M comprises part of the frontage 27 in a block on one side of a street between intersecting streets, and the re- 28 mainder of the frontage in the same block is classified for °R°° purposes, the 29 front yard in such C-M zone shall conform to the front yard required in the 30 R-3 zone. 31 (3) A front yard shall be provided as may be required by an official 32 preeised plan, variance or conditional use permit. -39-- GORDON WHITNALL & ASSOCIATES Consultants - Planning and Government 4313 LEIMERT BLVD. • LOS ANGELES 8, CALIFORNIA i