ORDINANCE 429Bevery driver or operator of a vehicle and every motorman or operator of a street or interurban car shall stop such ve- hicle or car at or near the entrance to such stop intersec- tion before entering the same, except when directed to proceed by a police, highway or traffic officer or traffic control signal. SECTION 7. AUTHORITY TO PROHIBIT RIGHT TURNS AGAINST TRAFFIC STOP SIGNAL. The Traffic Authority is hereby author- ized to determine those intersections within any business or residence district at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right turn against a red or stop signal and shall erect pro- per signs giving notice of such prohibition. No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of any such signs. SECTION 8. EMERGING FRaK ALLEY OR PRIVATE DRIVEWAY. The driver or gperator of a vehicle or street or interurban car emerging from an alley, driveway, building, or from any other private property, shall stop such vehicle or car immediately prior to driving therefrom into any public street. No stop signs need be erected, however, in the cases of any such al- leys, driveways, buildings or other private properties. ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING SECTION 1. INTERFERENCE WITH FIRE APPARATUS. (a) No vehicle and no driver of a vehicle excepting an authorized emer- gency vehicle, or a.vehicle of a duly authorized member of the Fire Department of said City, shall follow any fire apparatus answering a fire alarm, closer than 300 feet, or park any ve- hicle within 500 feet of a fire, or operate or park any ve- hicle in such manner as to interfere with any fire apparatus or line of fire hose when in use at a fire or when in place for use in response to a fire alarm. (b) No street or interurban car or vehicle shall be driv- en over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department when placed or laid down on any street, private driveway or street or in- terurban car track, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the officials of the Fire Department in command. SECTION 2. DRIVING THROUGH FUNERAL PROCESSIONS. No driver of a vehicle or motorman of a street or interurban car shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession while - 15 - 2351 they are in motion and when the vehicles in such procession are conspicuously so designated. SECTION 3. RIDING ON MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. A per- son operating a motorcycle, motor scooter, or bicycle upon a street shall not ride other than upon the permanent and regular seat at- tached thereto, or carry any other person upon such motorcycle, motor scooter, or bicycle other than upon a firmly attached seat to the rear of the operator, nor shall any person ride upon a motor- cycle, bicycle or motor scooter upon a street other than as above authorized. SECTION 4. UNLAWFUL RIDING. No person shall ride on any street or interurban car or vehicle upon any portion thereof not designed or intended for the use of passengers. This provision shall not apply to any employees engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty, or to persons riding within truck bodies in space in- tended for merchandise. SECTION 5. CLINGING TO MOVING VEHICLE. Any person rid- ing upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates or any toy vehicle, shall not attach the same or himself to any street car or moving vehicle upon any roadway. SECTION 6. VEHICLES SHALL NOT BE DRIVEN OR ANIMALS BE RIDDEN ON THE SIDEWALK. The driver or operator of a vehicle shall not drive or operate the same, nor shall the rider of any animal ride or drive such animal, within any sidewalk area or any parkway except at a permanent or temporary driveway. A temporary driveway for the purposes of this section is defined to mean a crossing or driveway suitably planked or otherwise protected to prevent injury to the curb or sidewalk and for which a permit has first been had and obtained from the Street Superintendent of this city. SECTION 7. NEW PAVEMENT. No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle or bicycle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted marking in any street when a barrier or sign is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or markings, or when a sign,is in place stating that the street or any portion thereof is closed. - 16 - . 352 SECTION 8. SIDEWALKS, COASTING, ETC. No person shall coast or propel himself down, along, upon or over any sidewalk in any wagon, cart, hand- wagon, coaster, bicycle or other vehicle in any business district, except at a permanent or temporary driveway. SECTION 9. BACKING OF VEHICLES. Unless in compliance with the immediate direction or order of the Traffic Authority or any Police Officer of the City of E1 Segundo to the con- trary, no person shall back or operate in reverse gear any ve- hicle on any street within said City for a greater distance than is necessary in order to place such vehicle in position for the lawful operation thereof in a forward direction upon such street. SECTION 10. INJURING PAVEMENT, ETC. No person shall drive, propel, draw, trail or move any vehicle, plow, harrow, scarifer, equipment, device, or any other object, instrument or article in or upon any public street, road, avenue, alley, highway, or other public place within said city, the surface of which has been improved or finished by or with an oil pavement, macadam pavement, concrete pavement, or other type of pavement or improvement, in such way or manner as to scratch, tear, in- jure, mutilate, cut, disfigure or mar any such pavement or im- proved surface or improvement; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to official acts performed in the exercise of official duty, nor to employees of said city or of contractors holding contracts with said city, in the lawful exercise of their respective duties and assign- ments or in the lawful execution of their respective contracts. SECTION 11. DEPOSIT OF CERTAIN LIQUIDS AND SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED. No person shall drain, place, let fall, drip, leak, or deposit, or oause or permit to be drained, placed, let fall, - 17 - � .Ja drip, leak, or deposit, and whether from a vehicle or otherwise, in or upon any public street, road, avenue, alley, way, or other public place within said city, any filthy water, liquid or sub- stance; or any water, liquid or substance from any sink or hop- per; or any water or other liquid or substance containing salt or other chemical or chemicals, or content, which may or does stain, discolor, mar, or soften or in any other manner injure any paving, pavement or surface, or other public improvement existing in or upon any such public street, road, avenue, alley, highway or other public place. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the temporary deposit of any such items or materials in course of lawful transport or other lawful handling when same are enclosed in a suitable body, box or receptacle which effect- ively prevents the same from coming in contact with the pave- ment, paving or surface of, or any other improvement in, such public street, road, avenue, alley, highway or other public place. SECTION 12. DEPOSIT OF GARBAGE, WASTE MATERIALS, ETC. No person shall place or deposit, or leave or abandon, or cause to be placed or deposited, or left or abandoned in any public street, road, avenue, alley, highway or other public place, within said city, any garbage, rubbish,trash, sweepings, garden refuse, tree trimmings, ashes, tin cans, junk, or any other waste or refuse material or matter; or the contents of any cus- pidor, or any putrid or objectionable substances of any kind. It is provided, however, that such items or materials may be temporarily deposited in course of lawful transport or other lawful handling thereof in accordance with any other rules or regulations which may exist or may hereafter be established with reference thereto. SECTION 13. TRANSPORTATION OF GARBAGE AND RUBBISH REGULATED. No person shall move, remove, transport or convey, - 18 - 2354 or cause or permit to be moved, removed, transported or con- veyed in, upon or along any public street, road, avenue, alley, highway or other public place within said city any garbage or any combustible rubbish, semi - combustible rubbish, or non -com- bustible rubbish, as said materials are defined in the ordi- nances of said city relating to the collection and transportation r thereof, without first applying for and obtaining a written permit from the Traffic Authority, or his authorized representa- tive, so to do. It is provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any officer or employee of said city while engaged in the performance of official duty, or to any person, firm or corporation with whom or with which the said city has at the time an existing contract for the removal, dis- posal and /or conveyance of any such material, or to any em- ployee of such contractor, while engaged in the lawful execution of such contract. SECTION 14. No person shall ride, drive or propel, 'or cause to be ridden, driven or propelled, into or upon any roadway, path or way, in any public park or recreation ground within said city any vehicle, device or other equipment, in- cluding a bicycle, when there shall be posted at the entrance to any such road, roadway, path or way a notice or sign to the effect that the same is closed to vehicles, placed by the or- der of the Park Superintendent of said city. It is provided, however, that nothing in this sec- tion contained shall be construed as applying to the use of vehicles and equipment employed in the upkeep of parks or recreation grounds, or vehicles or equipment of the water or street departments of said city when same are actually being used in and about such parks or recreation grounds in the per- formance of work or activities having official sanction. - 19 - 2S�a � SECTION 15. TORCHES, LIGHTS, LANTERNS, SIGNS AND BARRIERS. No person other than an officer or employee of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and who is at the time acting in the line of duty and in the course of his employment as such officer or employee, shall handle, interfere, or tamper with, displace, remove, damage or extinguish any torch, light, lantern, whether illuminated or not, or any sign, obstruction, or barrier, when said torch, light, lantern, sign, obstruction, or barrier is placed in, on, upon, near, or about any excava- tion, embankment, improvement, cut, fill, earth, material or flooded area in any public street, road, alley, easement, way, or place within said city. ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE USE OF STREETS. SECTION 1. GAMES PROHIBITED IN STREETS. Unless by special written permit from the Traffic Authority first had and obtained, no person or persons shall play, carry on or en- gage in any game in or upon any street. SECTION 2. DANCING IN STREETS. No person shall dance or conduct any dance or engage in any dancing in any street without a written permit from the Traffic Authority so to do first had and obtained. SECTION 3. EXHIBITIONS, ETC. IN STREETS. No per- son shall conduct or engage in any exhibition in any street or use any street or any portion thereof within said City for any purpose other than street purposes without written permission from the Traffic Authority so to do first had and obtained. SECTION 4. OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREETS. No person shall erect, construct, place, maintain, leave or abandon any building, fence, porch, steps, post, pole, track, wire, pipe, conduit or other structure in whole, or in part, in or upon - 20 - 5G any street within said city; and no person shall place, affix, paint, maintain, leave or abandon any sign, placard, notice, advertisement, seat, bench, table, stand material or other ob- struction in any street, within said city; without a special permit in writing so to do first had and obtained from the Traffic Authority, or the Street Superintendent, or the City Council of said city; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply: (a) To United States Mail boxes; (b) To poles and facilities of public utilities lawfully using the public streets of said city; (c) To portable and usual garbage and rubbish receptacles when conforming to and placed in accordance with the rules and regulations of said city; and (d) To notices, placards, posters or any of the other articles or means above mentioned, or referred to, erected or placed by any city or other public officer, official or em- ployee acting within the scope of his or her office or employment as such public officer, official or employee. SECTION 5. EXCAVATIONS IN STREETS. No person shall dig in, excavate, tear up, deface, or injure any street with- out an express written permit so to do first had and obtained from either the Superintendent of Streets or the City Council of said city, and it shall be unlawful for any person to vio- late or permit or cause to be violated any of the terms or conditions imposed in any such permit if and when issued. SECTION 6. LIGHTS ON OBSTRUCTIONS. No person plac- ing or maintaining any obstruction or making any excavation in any street shall fail or neglect to provide, during the period between sunset of any day and sunrise of the succeeding day, suitable and adequate lights to warn users of such street of any such obstructions or excavations. SECTION 7. DEPOSIT OF RUBBISH IN STREETS. No person shall throw, deposit or place in or upon any street any glass, - 21 - 2557 bottles, paper, rubbish, garbage (except in proper containers as permitted by law), or any unsightly, foul or noxious sub- stance. SECTION 8. EXPECTORATION IN STREETS AND PUBLIC PLACES, ETC. No person shall expectorate on the floor or any other portion of any public building, hall or stairway, or upon the floor or any portion of any street car, bus, or other pub- lic conveyance, or upon any sidewalk within said City. SECTION 9. HAULING MATERIALS. No person shall haul any dirt, rubbish, debris, garbage, oil or other petroleum product, bricks, sand, gravel, crushed rock or other materials in, upon or along any street unless the same is contained in a body, box, receptacle or carrier which effectively prevents any part of the load from leaking, sifting, dropping or being deposited upon the street. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the slight leakage which is necessarily incident to the careful and proper operation of a motor vehicle. SECTION 10. ADVERTISING AND SOUND EQUIPPED VEHICLES-- PORTABLE SOUND EQUIPMENT, ETC. No person shall, in any public street within said city: (A) Operate, drive, park or leave standing any ve- hicle equipped with any sound producing, or noise making, or sound amplifying, or loud speaking device, appliance or means (other than sirens, horns, or amplifying devices, re- quired or authorized by law) at any time while such device, appliance or means is in use or operation; or (B) Transport on foot, or by any means not pro- hibited under Paragraph (A) above, or place, deposit, hold, or carry any sound producing, or noise making, or sound amplifying, or loud speaking device, appliance, or means, at any time while such device, appliance, or means is in use or operation; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be con- strued as preventing the playing on portable radios of actual programs broadcast from radio - 22 - C2 �� stations duly and regularly authorized and licensed by the Federal Communications Com- mission, to publicly broadcast such program; or (C) Operate, drive, park or leave standing any vehicle, or other means of transportation, designed, equipped, developed, furnished, used, or intended to be used, for advertis- ing purposes while such vehicle, or other means of transportation, or its contents or attachments, or equipment, articles or facilities transported by it, is or are be- ing used for advertising purposes; without first obtaining a written permit from-the Traffic Authority of said City so to do, or in any manner contrary to any condition or provision under or pursuant to which any such permit may be issued. The Traffic Authority may, subject to the right of appeal to the City Council by any person aggrieved, grant or refuse to grant any such permit. Upon appeal of any person aggrieved by any act, order or refusal of the Traffic Authority, the Council shall promptly hear such appeal, and the decision of the City Council on such appeal after such hearing shall be final and conclusive. SECTION 11. CLOSING STREETS TEMPORARILY. The Traf- fie Authority shall have the right, authority and power at any time to close any street or any portion thereof temporarily to vehicular, pedestrian or other traffic when in the opinion of such Traffic Authority the public peace, health or safety re- quire such temporary closing; provided, however, that in all such cases, suitable signs shall be conspicuously posted giving notice of the fact that such street or portion thereof is closed, or a police officer or person designated by the Traffic Authori- ty is present thereat for the purpose of giving such notice. No person shall, in case any such street or portion thereof is so closed, enter into or upon such closed portion or drive any vehicle into or upon the same contrary to any such notice or notices of the order or orders of any such police officer or - 23 - 2359 person so designated. Nothing herein contained shall be con- strued as depriving the City Council and /or Street Superinten- dent of said city from concurrent power to likewise temporarily close any street or portion thereof within said city, but the delegation of power to the Traffic Authority herein made shall be construed as in addition thereto. SECTION 12. TRUCK ROUTES. (A) Whenever this ordinance or any other ordinance of this city designates and describes any street or portion there- of as a street, the use of which is permitted by any commercial vehicle or of any vehicle exceeding the maximum gross weight limit of three tons, the Traffic Authority is hereby authorized to designate such street or streets by appropriate signs as "Truck Traffic Route" for the movement of commercial vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons. (B) When any such truck traffic route or routes are estab- lished and designated by appropriate signs, the operator of any commercial vehicle or any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons shall drive on such route or routes and none other except when necessary to traverse another street or streets to a destination for the purpose of loading or un- loading, but then only by such deviation from the nearest truck traffic route as is reasonably necessary. The provisions of this section shall not apply to passenger busses under the jur- isdiction of the Railroad Commission. (C) The following described and designated streets or portions of streets thereof are hereby designated and described as "Truck Traffic Route" streets, the use of which is permitted by any commercial vehicle, or by any vehicle exceeding the maxi- mum gross weight limit of three tons, to wit: 1. Rosecrans Avenue from Aviation Boulevard to the westerly city limits of said city; - 24 - 2:3160 2. E1 Segundo Boulevard from Aviation Boulevard to Main Street; 3. Grand Avenue from Eucalyptus Drive to the westerly boundary line of said city; 4. Imperial Highway from Aviation Boulevard to Main Street; 5. Main Street from Imperial Highway to E1 Segundo Boulevard; and 6. Coast Boulevard from the southerly boundary line to the northerly boundary line of said city. SECTION 13. SIDEWALKS, PARKWAYS, MERCHANDISE, ETC. No person shall leave or permit to remain in or upon any side- walk or in or upon any parkway in any street within said city, any merchandise, fruit or fruits, melon or melons, vegetable or vegetables, meat or meats, or any baggage or any article of personal property. SECTION 14. UNLAWFUL TO VIOLATE TERMS OR CONDITIONS OF PERMITS. Whenever any permit or special permit shall have been issued by either the Traffic Authority, the Street Su- perintendent, or the City Council of said city, under or pur- suant to the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to violate, or cause or permit to be violated, or to fail or refuse to observe or perform any of the require- ments set forth in any of the terms or. conditions imposed in such permit or special permit or subject to which the same is authorized or granted. SECTION 15. UNPACKING IN STREETS, SIDEWALKS, PARK- WAYS. Except in the discharge or performance of official duty, no person shall place any boxes, barrels or other receptacles for or containing goods, wares, merchandise or any other arti- cles or things in or upon any public street whether in the read- way or on the sidewalk, or in the parkway thereof, with the in- tent or for the purpose of unpacking or removing such contents -. 25 - J 256-1 thereof upon such streets, sidewalks or parkways, and except in the discharge or performance of official duty, no person shall unpack or remove the contents of or from any such box, barrel or other receptacle for or containing goods, wares, merchandise or any other articles or things while the same is in or upon any street, sidewalk or parkway; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not prevent peddlers duly licensed by said city from merchandising their produce or wares in a proper and usual manner incident to the business of « peddling. SECTION 16. PARADES AND PROCESSIONS. No person shall hold, conduct, participate in or carry on any parade, march, or procession on any street in the City of lal Segundo, California, or beat any drum, gong, triangle, tambourine, or blow, use, or play any wind or stringed instrument upon any street in the City, unless such person has first ina& written application for and received from the City Council a permit in writing authorizing such person so to do. All applications for such permits shall set forth: (1) The route along which any such parade, march, or procession proposes to travel. (2) The date and time of the proposed starting of same. (3) The approximate length of such parade, march, or procession. (4) The names and addresses of the persons in control of the same or responsible therefor. (5) The purpose of such parade or procession. ARTICLE IX PEDESTRIANS SECTION 1. THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH CROSS- WALKS. (A) The Traffic Authority shall establish, designate and maintain crosswalks at intersections and other places by appropriate — 26 — C ,� - 'Jr� 3 a. devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway as fol- lows: Crosswalks may be established and maintained by the Traffic Authority at all intersections where the Traffic Authority determines that there is particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway, subject to the limitation contained in (B) of this section. (B) Other than crosswalks at intersections no crosswalk shall be established in any block which is less than two hundred (200) feet in length. Elsewhere not more than one additional crosswalk shall be established in any one block, and such cross- walk shall be located as nearly as practicable at mid- block. SECTION 2. CROSSING IN BUSINESS DISTRICT. Except at intersection crosswalks, no pedestrian shall cross a roadway in any business district other than at and in a marked crosswalk. SECTION 3. CROSSING AT RIGHT ANGLES. No pedestrian shall cross a roadway at any place other than by a route at right angles to the curb or by the shortest route to the oppo- site curb except in a marked crosswalk. SECTION 4. STANDING IN ROADWAYS. No person shall stand, sit or remain in any roadway other than in a safety zone, if such action interferes with the lawful movement of traffic. This provision shall not apply to any public officer or em- ployee, or to the employee of any public utility or of any fran- chise or permit holder holding a franchise or permit from said city or from any of its authorized officers when�sudh person is necessarily upon a street and engaged in the performance of his necessary duty therein, or to licensed surveyors or to members of their respective parties or crews when actually and necessar- ily engaged in the performance of their proper functions. -27 - SECTION 5. Hitchhiking. No person while in or upon any street shall solicit a ride or rides from the driver of any passing vehicle other than vehicles engaged in public transpor- tation. SECTION 6. OBSTRUCTING SIDEWALK. No person shall stop, stand or sit, in or upon any sidewalk area or crosswalk in any manner so as to hinder, or obstruct, the free passage of pedestrians thereon, nor shall annoy or molest such pedestrians. ARTICLE Z TRAINS, STREET AND INTERURBAN CARS. SECTION 1. STREET OR INTERURBAN CAR SPEED. (A) The motorman or operator of any street car or inter- urban car shall not drive said street or interurban car at a speed exceeding the prima facie speed limits fixed by the Cali- fornia Vehicle Code for vehicles. (B) The provisions of this section shall not apply when a street car or interurban car is being operated upon a private right of way which is effectively protected from vehicular traffic. SECTION 2. TRAINS NOT TO BLOCK STREETS. No person shall operate any train or train of cars, or permit the same to remain standing, so as to block the movement of traffic upon any street for a period of time longer than five (5) minutes. SECTION 3. DRIVING ON STREET OR INTERURBAN CAR TRACKS. The driver of any vehicle proceeding upon any street or interurban car track in front of a street or interurban car upon a street shall remove such vehicle from the track as soon as practical after signal from the operator of said street or interurban car, unless prevented by other vehicles or while awaiting a traffic signal. - 28 - 9'�41CA SECTION 4. BOARDING OR ALIGHTING FRGI STREET OR INTERURBAN CAR OR VEHICLE. No person shall board or alight from any street or interurban car or vehicle while such street or interurban car or vehicle is in motion. SECTION 5. RAILWAY GATES. No person shall drive any vehicle through or under any safety gate or railroad barrier which is maintained at a railroad crossing for the purpose of warning persons of the approach of a train or car, while such gate or barrier is closed or while it is being opened or closed. ARTICLE XI METHOD OF PARKING SECTION 1. PARALLEL WITH CURB - EXCEPTIONS. No per- son shall stand or park a vehicle in a roadway other than paral- lel with the edge of the roadway headed in the direction of traffic and with the right hand wheels of the vehicle within eighteen (18) inches of the curb line or edge of the roadway, except as follows: (A) Upon those streets which have been marked or signed by the Traffic Authority for angle parking; upon which streets vehicles shall be parked headed to the curb at the angle and within the lines indicated by such marks or signs. (B) Upon those streets where parking on the left side of the roadway otherwise is specifically provided by or- dinance. SECTION 2. THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY TO INDICATE ANGLE PARKING. The Traffic Authority is hereby authorized to deter- mine those streets upon which angle parking shall be permitted (other than state highways where such parking is prohibited by the State Vehicle Code) and shall indicate all such places by placing white lines upon the surface of the roadway indicating the angle at which parking is permitted. - 29 -