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2602 DI '.i -.� _. i.. Imo• , _. '' '- -TrT GR %I _ C71 TTr • . 3C 6 Cy -.I:) CITY 311- =,DI 'cx =_ T -D ,TITIC; "' TC IT. z F 'IT °TTIO'' OF ttr,, LL ,,., „0 306; BST ..,..�1Jli•`Trs X ry ±t +' _ n / +t TC -713) �)ITfl:l.�TT +y�`• TI Ett CrP 'FCI?"CT' 4 CF _._I'� 0?�.�I. -'` `TC. T / 1 30 CD ; JZT - i� T r "all 5: T tr ,�,'' ,t OF SLCTIOLT - -CE'' 0' r JIVISIO T z. I �T1Trryr T�'. fi[rtt T 1r T PL 07 DI TIIC;rT 'tC. _RE_,,t 07 S CTIO 12 OF 3.' =ID o CITY. T -c -c . 30 . iT the arne_-dr,_en.ts to Ordinance T-o. 306 of the City of 71 'Segundo, California, hereinafter referred to, have been duly processed and heard by both the City TlanninE CoLm.is- Sion and tTle CitY Council of saaid City and public hearings have been held t,'Zereon by said Cor.'_ission and Council as required under the nrovisio s of the Conservation and -- lanning . °-ct of the estate of California; and E= , the City Council of said City has nmAi ac yuired jurisdiction to order and adopt the amendments hereinafter set forth; noT ^a, therefore, - -r C 1 _ T n That a ne,-, definition, na- -.ely, the defini- tion of the -. ;ord "'Carrort`t, shall be --ins_ the s ,one is hereby a;;.ded to the definitions set forth j_n section 21 of Ordinance TTo. 3001 entitled: - 1 - 26 ©3 1� _.'�rT:-T (?lTE 1. 1 1_� CITY OT s �C y T T IT 7 SI- TIC 1TIt TT L 17 L_'2L_'277) , . J C 3 -T -7(7,- r - U, �L .T _ J 'D -� ,3-'-ID Z0 ES ; OIL _`TCE; rOTTII'- FOB T ',?CTSTI_E,�T 1 r G_L��_ "� L =5 OF; rRE- "`/'TTK TT4n TTiP T T 1� S TT (DT r1_L .� � .,_ ITS � IV.�__�.1Ci , passed and adorted by the City Council of the City of +'1 'De-57-undo, California, on the 2nd day of January, 1947, as amended, anr'. which said new definition shall read as folloiys, to ,'pit: "Carport: _lso includes Porte coc_iere. The ; _ , ord f carport f any'. t::.e -.,orris f norte cochere f shall r.:ean an accessory part of a r.iain resit ential building consisti n.c- of a reserved space, roofed or unroofed, and attached or unattac ad to the dwelling and lo- cated wholl,.r within t'e per�iissible building area on the lot, for the convenient loading• and unload - in` of pas= engers , fT SECTIC ' 2. That a neva item to be i-novan and designated as 'f7'?, shall be and the sane is hereby added to Subdivision "A. USE" of Section 4 of said Ordinance " -o. 306 and - ,alaich said new item 11711 shall read as follow, to wit: "7. Car.cort. +f S_�CTIOTT 3. That item "all under "Parking Space" of Sub - divi division "_' . USE'f of Section 12 of said Ordinance T "o. 306 shall be and the sale is hereby amended so as to read as follows, to wit: 'fa • FO? 7'.' lI'S there shall be at least one (1) parkin; s -oace in a building on the s :_:_e lot ;ith the r.1ain buildi nn, for each d -oelli n`; unit and such Parking space shall be enclosed on at least three (3) sides and shall be not less than ten (10) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long, -.rith adequate pro- vision for ingress and egress.'f - 2 - 2604 �CTIO" 4. That itefi ,c7" under "Excer_tions" of Sub- division ''C. :',rr of ;ecticn 12 of s -id Ordinance ''o. 306 shall be, and the s, e is hereby a:lended so as to read as fol- lows, to wit: "g trellis not iLore than six (6) feet deep measured parallel to the side line of the lot ray project into a required side yard." S,,CTIO'T 5. That said Ordinance i -o. 306, as a- fended, shall be anc_ the s ale is - )ereby amended as iLer•einabove in Sec- tions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this ordinance set forth. S�CTIC'? 6. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and virtue 30 days from and after the final passage and adoration thereof. -17ICIJO-,7 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall zLake a ' inute of the ,assage and adoption thereof in the records of the -)roceed- ings of the City Council of said City in the r.inutes of the meeting at �jhich the same is sassed and adopted; and -% ithin 15 days after the adoption thereof shall cause the same to be pub- lished once in the El Sep -undo :erL.ld, a weekly newspaper of gen- eral circulation, rual i:-hed and circulated -;,lithin said City, and which is hereby desi`,nated for that purpose. Passed, anproved and adopted this 22nd day of August, 1951. (S-_ =�) City Clerk - 3 - 1_'a y oeYb f 6 t e City of Ll Segundo, California. 2605 -7 ) C O T..7 Y C7 . OU TY Dc I, Neva -. �lsey, City Clark of the CitY of l e,undo, California, do hereby certify that the ,jhole number of ~- efr_bers of the City Council of the said City is five; that th-- fore,oins Or- dinance, being Ordinance 'To. t,,vas passed and adopted by the said City Council, a-.,-)--roved and signed by the . -I. f em said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regu- lar meetin of type said Council held on the 22nd day of u,__ust, 1951, and that the _ne as s 1�assed c nd adopted by the follow- ing, vote: Councilrlen Gordon, Swanson, T_ hom�son _ anA Mayor pro tem Peterson. T�'T= Counc ilfen None. 5 u.1 • x3D0006ckx= Mayor Selby, 7.-TL E`J 3 my ` an' and the ofi'icial seal of said City this 22nd day- of - _ugust, 1951, T A ST1.Z ) City Clerk of the it of 1 eJua , Califo ia. 3T.m ;T CCTT C7 as TTGL�S, CITY Or' EL JFG 7 D0. I, Neva ?':. Flsey, Cit�,r Clerk- California, do hereby certify that the the City Council of the s_,id City is f ordinance, bet n c, Ordinance = ?o. 391 , rect COPT of Ordinance 1T o. 391 of do, California, entitled: 2606 of the City Of ' l Segundo, -,thole nu -.6er of members of ive; that the fore`oing is a full, true and cor- the said City of `1 Se6un- 11 TT TT. n-i - ,,-r. r ' CRD CT_ T C � c_. C • L C l L DC 306 (_1 L -Lr, -D ' L iJI TJ�_ a - CJ, L1 --ID CITY BY )DI7G ,rte ' DJ 'I! I TIO7 T C :I T: DL'^Il "I i ICP' OF lC y� CTa�' LC 1T D��I !TI0 �' J -1 1 T,T S CL'ICT_° 2 OF S._iD ORD - ' _TT,J J ORT._._ I Tom, ,- T k3 . 306; BY AD 'IFG A ? H 11 _ DESIG _TED -2 ' 7' TO 37BO- VI IOTT 'A. L"'-3 OF S�CTIC' 4 07 �IT'` "TC-" -0. 306 • BY a r -T -D r , T�I_T . I1 a r'D r n OF TISIO '; ".. U' OF LC'iIC? 12 OF `AID 13 r. T. v 7I 'C C . 306; .`? BY " __ T JI f`G I'ITL77 T f g r UTr ' LC:y�t' T I O�TS' G , SUl3I T7� `�I �' ' C . _ SFCTI07 12 OF ID CR7Il 'CF ??C rf ' OT . 306. , which z,ias duly passed an-' adopted by the said City Council, ap- proved and signed by tiie " ayc�RDfteP id City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all 7t a regular meetin, of the said Council held on the 22nd ds. y of y uust, 1951, and that the same was so passed Qnd adopted by the folloTi�jing vote; -l' 'ouncilaen _Swangz ThmmpGnn -_ and Mayor pro tem Peterson. -- Councils en None J 1 • Croaac�¢ac Mayor Sel by. I do '?ereb7,7- further certif p y% that pursuant to the ro- visions of Section 36,,33 of the "overnment Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Crdinance No. 391 was duly and ref;ularly rublished according to la.: n the order of the City Council of said City in the Eerald, a weekly ne:-�s,.,a0er of :eneral circulation, printed, published an-:1 circu- lated ,:ithin the s tip. pity and that the sane ;as so :published therein or. the follo.;ir_ date, to v °:-it; August IOth. City Clerk of the City f+ Fl "e,-undo, C�:+.lif ornia . - 5 - J Affidavit of Publication STATE OF CALIF081NIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, } ss CITY OF EL SFGUNDO, ............ Weber.......... he is, and at all of the times hereinafter being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of Californi was, ;that he , at. and during all of the time of the publication of the instrument hereunto attached the.. Ed.i•t Or . Of EL, SEGUNDO HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, the City of II Segundo, in Published and circulated weekly in said County and State; that said newspaper has been so published and circulated at regular intervals of one week for more t Publication of the instrument hereunto � one Year immediately preceding the annexed; that said newspaper is, and was, at all herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation within the meaning of Section 4460 of the times Of the Political Code of the State of California; that as provided by said section, said dissemination of local or tale newspaper is published for the graphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that said newspaper is not and w ri fgrred to, devoted to the interests, or ublishe not at any of the times herein p d for the entertainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, and that said newspaper is not devoted to or ublished for, nor at any of the times herein mentioned devoted to or A was it otherwise, of entertaining or instructing ublished for the purpose, whether avowed )r g such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denomin- ations, or any of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations. That the notice, order, ordinance: resolution or instrument hereunto attached on page...... numbered hereof in all respects, including su............................ ............................... bJect matter . and size and arrangement of type, is a full, true and correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, in words and figures exactly as Published; that the same was set and printed in type not smaller than non the same was prated Aareil and that the body of preceded with words printed in black-face type not smaller than nonpareil, describ g and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument intended to be published, as will appear from an inspection of the said annexed instru- ment; that the .... Qsd;LXUA lc a ..T�o.. Z a] . of which the annexed is a printed copy as hereina bove stated, w e ' as Published aad printed in said news- ....... Aaper at least...p86,...week.... by• Q • • • • • • • ...0216 • ... consecutive publication...., commencing on the y of ......!-Ugaat.. , A. D.1951, and ending .........4"17"" S t ...... on the ..... " p ....... day of • • • • •.. D. 19...51., and as often during said time larly issued, to-wit: ......................... as said newspaper Was regu- Qb. @.. t.1S11Q.� ....,yyllSt• . Q • .............................. ............................... . ............................................... ,9�) ....... ............................... ... ,X � .................. d`�V_ « Sub scribed and sworn to before me this.. day of . U �.......... , ...:... A. D. 19.:��/. City clerk of t-11. he City of II Segundo, ounty of Los Angeles, State of Cali rnia. 8y ......... . �h . Deputy City Clerk of said C' 1