ORDINANCE 388OR7IITtTC; ?0. 388 _ N ORDI TC E CF _217-E CITY C?' �'. = G' T �C C.:L•I- FOR?Iri, : -'�T 0': _�'CE '\ 0. 306 (T L "T ?D US PLi2 - ZON-II-1 -G ORDI1,_:?�:C ) OF <_ID CITY BY tu:liTZ SECTIO7 3 EST�LIS i_II` G ZO':T "S ?D LIT_ZTIT ?G T ,� USES OF T D THEREIN ; B'�_' �i.yTti �li'cG rti �hG. �' ^_i "ri. SE" OF SECTION 9 T -2" G- I, LR :L C0" .:v]RC IhL ZONE OF S .ID OR- DITAYCE NO. 306; BY :,,-7DITTu ECTI IT TO S:yID OR'?I'7.' ? ?CE NC. 306 TO BE DESIGI -LTED "SECTIOIT ZO "• T�!D BY AT:MT .T.. ?G IT..M,7 'tl" OF r.-i!uLGR�- PH "' USE" OF SEC - TIOT 0 I.IG ='_T '=1UF1LC7J.RI -` ZCTTJ OF ;StLID 0 HDIT1; tY� N 6 . ,'I Ryi =+ , th City i lanni -- Commission and the City Counci f he C f -211 Seqund , California, have duly and regular y pr c se and held pi lic hearings upon the herein- after quot am ments to Or ina.nce No. 306 of the City of El Segundo, C li o ia, entitl d: ".LTT F,DyIT ° 1?CE 7� ' .B'L , ,3H 1 G ZOI= ZTHI,\ T-tiL CITY V1 .1.�_ L..)_iJ ISM \ !JO JI- FIC^ "PICT\T OF L ` T7� 1�` Try f T T1 C T 1V.111V l+ Jv:L..J _i_,:) _ G" i2 _.�. T �UV�i I� «?D U5i5 T Cr ZOT �S; REGJLx_II;G THE L 11,' , I -EIG.� OF BL DINGS �TB Ord? SI' �_CES FOR LIGHT _i ?D �� TTIL�°:"_'I01T; hDOPTIT ?G n MAP OF orals Z01INE5 BEFTTI'_' "G 7.E �_,E USE 117 ORDI': ,CE • PROVIDE, ?G 7OR THE r ,Li7IT.T6TT =T\TT, A'_.''YIDI,E,11 L' _D E- 72ORCT1'_ TT 'HEREOF; PREDSCRIB- ING 71E,Tz, TIES, FOR ITS VIOT TIOIT.", passed an.J adopt d on the 22nd day of January, 1947, as amended, pursuant to pr eeding instituted by said City =-lanning Commis- sion; and JJ, said City Council has now acquired jurisdic- tion to a opt this ordinance; ;JOii, T CITY CULT CIL 0F TTY: CITY CE E? SE- GLTTDO, Ci' -1710-Rill-Ti ._, DOES, OR D. ;TT FO 0-'.,,S: ECTIOTT 1. That said Council does hereby refer to Re- soVition No. 96 of the City ' lanning Commission of the City of - 1 - 2586