ORDINANCE 382B6-,. date of license. Any auction house or any business or establish- went licensed as such shall, prior to 10:00 o'clock A.M. on each business day, file with the Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo, California, a report in duplicate, in which report shall be entered and described all used or second -hand articles or items purchased and any articles or items delivered to or left with such auction house during the previous day for auction or for sale other- wise on consignment. Such report shall name and describe all of such articles or items in sufficient detail as to enable the said Police Department to readily identify the same, and such descrip- tion shall include, in addition thereto, such other information as the said Police Department may from time to time require; the date and hour of purchase or acceptance by the auction house; the trade name or other identifying description of the article or item; its serial number, if any; the name and address of the person from whom purchased or who left the article or item for sale on consign- ment or at auction or otherwise. Forms for making the required re- port's will be furnished free by the City through the Police De- partment, and shall be prenumbered. Each numbered report received by him must be accounted for by the licensee. Any used or second- hand article or item so purchased or received on consignment for sale at auction or otherwise shall not be sold, auctioned or other- wise disposed of within 24 hours after purchase or acceptance by said auction house. (D) CLOSING OUT SALES. Any person desiring to hold a closing out sale in the City of E1 Segundo must obtain a closing out sale license. Application for such license shall be made to the License Collector in writing, which application shall set forth: 1. The location of the proposed sale; 2. The nature of the occupancy; 3. The reason for the proposed sale; 4. A full, true and correct inventory or statement set- ting forth the amount and description of the goods, wares, - 15 - e — 2 9 merchandise and personal property to be sold at such sale, and no goods, wares, merchandise or personal property shall be sold or offered for sale at such sale except that which is set forth and described in said inventory; 5. The dates upon or during which the proposed sale is to be conducted; and 6. Be accompanied by the required license fee as estab- lished in the following schedule, to -wit: (a) Schedule. If the applicant has been operating the business to be closed out under a valid E1 Segundo City Business License for: (1) A period of two months or less prior to the date the application is filed .......... $100.00. (2) More than two months but less than six months ................. $50.00. (3) More than six months but less than twelve months ...............$25.00. (4) More than one year .......... $5.00. The licenses issued for the respective fees hereinabove set forth in this schedule shall authorize the conducting of the respective sales therein licensed upon the days mentioned in the application. It is provided;- however, that all sales made under such license must be made within the period of thirty consecutive days including and following the first day of sale specified in the license. If the sale is not completed within said thirty -day period, the licensee shall have the right to renew the said license for an additional period of thirty days immediately following said first period upon payment of an addi- tional fee which shall be equal to one -half of the original fee paid for such closing out sale license; but the License Collector shall not issue any such license for a longer period than a Qom - bined total of sixty days. - 16 - 582 SECTION 30. BANKRUPT STOCK SAILS, FIRE SALES, DAZAA(E D GOODS SALES, and sales of a similar character (not at auction), $20.00 per month, $60.00 per quarter, or $200.00 per year, sub- jeet to special permit from the Council to be first obtained. SECTION 31. BARBER SHOPS, $12.00 per year for the first chair, and $2.00 per year for each additional chair. SECTION 32. BEAUTY PARLORS and similar businesses, $12.00 per year for the first operator and $2.00 per year for each additional operator. SECTION 33. BEVERAGE BUSINESS (except alcoholic bever- ages as defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of the State of California), when not in connection with a fixed place of busi- ness licensed hereunder: A. $12.00 per vehicle used per year where only water, plain, distilled, or carbonated, is sold at retail. B. $25.00 per vehicle used per year where a beverage or beverages other than those hereinabove specifically refer- red to are sold at retail. A license under this Subdivision B shall include the right to sell water as contemplated under Subdivision A of this section. SECTION 34. BILLIARD RO-',MS AND POOL ROOMS, $25.00 per year, which shall include the right to sell cigars, tobacco, soft drinks, chewing gum and confections, subject to special permit of the Council to be first obtained. SECTION 35. BOOK AGENTS, $5.00 per day or $50.00 per year. SECTION 36. BOWLING ACADEME, BOWLING ALLEYS, BOWLING CENTERS AND SIMILAR BUSINESSES, $25.00 per year. A license granted under this Section shall include the right to sell bowling equip- ment, paraphernalia and bowling apparel, but shall not include the right to conduct a cafe, restaurant, lunch counter, or refreshment or confectionery stand or concession, or any other type of business except as specifically authorized above. - 19 - 5 33 SECTION 37. BUILDING MATERIAL WRECKING YARDS, second hand building material yards, junk yards and used equipment, used material, etc. and outdoor yards of similar character, $100.00 per year, subject to special permit from the Council to be first ob- tained. SECTION 38. BOX LUNCHES, PEDDLING PREPARED, including the incidental sale of candy, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, popcorn and luncheon beverages, $25.00 per year. SECTION 39. BOXING OR WRESTLING contests to which en admission is charged, $100.00 per year, subject to special permit of the Council to be first obtained. SECTION 40. SECTION 41. sideshows, first day, SIDESHOW, $50.00 per show per day for each under this Section 41 CHRISTMAS TREE SALES, $12.00 per year. CIRCUS OR WILD WEST SHOW, not including any $100.000 and $50.00 per day thereafter. sideshow for first day, and $25.00 per side - day thereafter. Any license applied for shall be subject tospecial permit of the Council to be first obtained. SECTION 42. CLOTHING CLUB, JEWELRY CLUB, or other mer- chandise club, 0200.00 per year. SECTION 43. CLOTHING STORES, $25.00 per year. SECTION 44. COLLECTION AGENCY, $12.00 per year. SECTION 45. CONCERT, OPERA, ENTERTAINNENT, minstrel or other show, exhibition or performance of short duration (not to exceed two shows, exhibitions or performances in any month) not herein otherwise provided for, or where no license fee per seat or per ticket or per admission is imposed, and for which an admission fee is charged, or a contribution or donation received, $2.00 per month, subject to special permit from the Council to be first ob- tained. Said license fee shall not be prorated notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance. - 20 - x'530 GENERAL (A) It is provided, however, that no license fee re- quired under the provisions of this Section 22 need be paid here- under for the selling at auction or at public sale of any goods, wares, merchandise, or property belonging to the United States of America or the State of California or the County of Los Angeles or the City of E1 Segundo or any other governmental agency; or for any sale conducted under or by virtue of, or pursuant to the au- thority of any process issued out of or by any duly constituted City, County, State or Federal Court, Commission or body, or for the bonafide sale of the household goods, livestock or farming implements of the owner thereof at the domicile of such owner, or of the or any assets of the estate of a decedent, or to the sale by the owner thereof of real or personal property upon which his home or domicile is located; but nothing herein contained shall operate or be construed to excuse or void the payment of any sales tax which may be payable under the provisions of any sales tax ordinance of the City of El Segundo. (B) Any license issued under the provisions of this Section 22 may be instantly suspended by the License Collector or the Chief of Police or their authorized representatives if any stock, merchandise or property other than that described in the statement and inventory furnished in connection with the issuance of such license or in connection with operations thereunder, is offered for sale, or if any advertising or statement relating to such sale or the stock, merchandise or property offered for sale thereat is untrue or misleading, and after such suspension, may be revoked or restored in the discretion of the City Council. It shall be unlawful for any person to proceed with any sale under any license issued hereunder after the said license has been sus- pended by the License Collector or the Chief of Police as above contemplated until such time as the City Council shall have re- stored the same. In the event of suspension or revocation, no - 17 - <a,34 SECTION 46. CQVPi'iUCTORS . A. GENERAL CONTRACTORS.. Any person commencing or engaged in the business, or acting in the capacity of a general building con- tractor, or general building contractor (speculative) within the City of E1 Segundo, shall pay to the City of E1 Segundo a license fee of $50.00 per year. A general building contractor, as used in this ordinance, is a contractor or person whose principal contracting business is in connection with any structure built, or to be built, for the support, shelter and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable prop- erty of any kind, requiring in its construction the use of two or more unrelated building trades or crafts, or to do or to superintend the whole or any part thereof. A general building contractor (speculative), as used in this ordinance, is a contractor or person who builds or constructs a building or buildings, or structure or structures, on property owned, possessed or controlled by him for the purpose of selling or dis- posing of the same during, or subsequent to, construction or erec- tion thereof. Nothing contained within this ordinance shall be construed to permit any general building contractor or any general building contractor (speculative) to operate, in addition to his regular busi- ness of general building contracting, or general building contract- ing (speculative), any one specialized building trade business or sub - contracting business, for which a sub or specialty contractor's license is required, without the payment of an additional fee as prescribed for the business by sub - section "B" of this Section 46 of this ordinance. It is further provided that any architect or engineer whq in addition to his regular professional duties of designing and superin- tending the design and erection of any building or structure, also acts in the capacity of a general building contractor or general building contractor (speculative) as herein defined, or who subcon- tracts or employs labor to perform any or all of the work involved, either acting for himself or the owner of the building, shall pay the same fee as a general building contractor or general build9n.g contractor (speculative) as the case may be. The provisions of this section do not include anyone who merely furnishes materials or supplies without fabricating them in- to, or consuming them in the performance of the work of a general building contractor or general building contractor (speculative). - 21 - J Every person who represents or claims that any such work being done or performed by him is being done or performed by the hour or by the day's work, must furnish to the License Collector or his authorized deputy, if asked, an affidavit from his employer, or from the owner of the building or structure being erected or constructed, stating the nature of the work, the wages, fee or com- mission being paid and the location of the work. Any person hold- ing a California State Contractor's License will be considered a contractor if he superintends, or contracts for a fee, the erection or construction of any building or structure in the City of E1 Se- gundo, and shall be required to pay the same license fee as a gen- eral building contractor. Any person who holds a City of El Segundo license, and who loans or otherwise allows such license to be used by any non- licensed person, shall thereby automatically revoke and annul such license so held by him. B. SUB- CONTRACTORS OR SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS. A sub- contractor or a specialty contractor for the purposes of this ordi- nance is hereby defined as one whose operations as such are the performance of construction work requiring special skill, and whose principal contracting business involves the use of specialized building trades or crafts. Every person commencing or carrying on the work of a sub- contractor or specialty contractor, must secure a separate city license therefor if he wishes to engage in any one of the following listed businesses, and must pay for same a license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per year: 1. Cement and concrete, using equipment or machi- nery other than merely hand tools. 2. Excavating, paving or grading, using equipment or machinery other than merely hand tools. 3. Floors (hardwood). 4. Roofing. - 22 - 45, 36 5. Tile and other materials. 6. Electrical Elevators. 7. Sign hanging and painting. 8. Heating and ventilating. 9. Pile Driving. 10. Brick Masonry. 11. Carpentry. 12. Cabinet work (performed in shop). 13., Marble, Terrazzo and Mosaic. 14. Painting and decorating. 15. Pests, Termites and Ant Control and structural work in connection therewith. 16. Screens. 17. Sheet Metal Work. 18. Signs (electrical). 19. Miscellaneous. 20. Shingling (furnishing labor and material). 21. Overhead doors. C. MINOR CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATIONS, IMPROVEbTS OR RE- PAIR WORK. Every person commencing or carrying on the business of minor construction, alterations, improvements or repair work, on one undertaking or project by one or more contracts, the aggregate contract price for which,for labor, materials, and all other items, is less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), shall pay a license fee of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per year. This type of license shall not be issued or apply in any case wherein the work of con- struction is only a part of a larger or major operation, whether undertaken by the same or a different contractor, or in which a division of the operation is made on contracts of amounts less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of evading-the ob- taining of a license or the payment of a license fee under this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof. - 23 - -,t, , > �4t D. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Every person commencing or carrying on the business of electrical wiring shall pay a license fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year and shall comply with all the requirements of the Electrical Ordinance or Code of the City of El Segundo. E. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR. Every person commencing or carrying on the business of plumbing shall pay a license fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year and shall comply with all of the requirements of the Plumbing Ordinances or Codes of the City of El Segundo. F. LATHING AND PLASTERING CONTRACTOR. Every person com- mencing or carrying on the business of plastering, or lathing, or plastering and lathing, shall pay a license fee of Twenty -five Dol- lars ($25.00) per year. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as excusing the necessity of any person or contractor from obtaining any permit or certificate of qualification or registration, or the payment of any other fee, which may be required under the provi- sions of any other ordinance of said City. SECTION 47. That notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, any person who commences or conducts in his own name both the business of a general building contractor and general building contractor (speculative) shall only be required to pay one license fee for such combined business, which fee shall be equal to that required for the business of the general building contractor. SECTION 48. It shall be the duty of the general building contractor at the time he makes any sub - contract (whether written or oral) for the performance of any work by any sub- contractor, and which is to be performed within said city, to see that such sub- contractor has obtained the required sub - contractor's license from said City and he shall not permit any such sub - contractor to per- form any of the work contemplated in any such sub - contract (whether written or oral) unless and until such required sub - contractor's - 24 - license has been first obtained. The failure of the general build- ing contractor to observe the requirements of this Section 48 shall render such general building contractor liable to said City for the payment of any such sub - contractor's license fee required under the provisions of this ordinance and upon his failure to pay the same upon demand of the License Collector of said City any license issued to him under the provisions of Section 46 of this ordinance shall be subject to immediate revocation by the City Council upon refund of any then unearned portion of the license fee paid therefor. SECTION 49. DANCE (A) PUBLIC DANCE where an admission fee or per dance fee is charged, $100.00 per year; and (B) SMII- PUBLIC DANCE where any cafe, restaurant or any similar establishment affords its patrons the privilege and /or opportunity to dance without charge for such dancing, $100.00 per year; provided, however, that a special permit must be first obtained from the City Council. SECTION 50. DANCING SCHOOL OR DANCING ACADEMY or Talent School or Talent Academy, $12.00 per year. SECTION 50.1 DRUG STORES, $50.00 per year. SECTION 51. DRYCLEANING AND PRESSING BUSINESS OR AGFNCY, located at a fixed place of business, $18.00 per year, and solici- ting dry cleaning and pressing business when not in connection with such fixed place of business licensed hereunder, $25.00 per vehicle used per year. SECTION 52. MRESS, TRANSFER, TRUCKING OR DRAYAGE BUSI- NESS, $25.00 per year. per year. SECTION 53. ELECTRIC AND /OR GAS APPLIANCE STORES, $25.00 SECTION 54. FLORISTS, $15.00 per year. SECTION 55. GARAGES, when not in conjunction with the sale of new or used motor vehicles, $25.00 per year. - 25 - SECTION 56. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES, where three or more persons are regularly employed or engaged, $50.00 per year. SECTION 57. GENERAL NERCHANDISE STORES, where less t han three persons are regularly employed or engaged, $25.00 per year. SECTION 58. are regularly employed SECTION 59. sons are regularly emp, SECTION 60. SECTION 61. GROCERY STORES, where three or more persons or engaged, $50.00 per year. GROCERY STORES, where less than three pe r- Loyed or engaged, $25.00 per year. HARDWARE STORES, $25.00 per year. HERB DOCTOR, HERB PRESCRIPTIONIST, or herb treatments, treating or prescribing for human ailments by means of herbs, $50.00 per year. SECTION 62. HOTEL, APART11ENT HOUSE OR LODGING HOUSE, provided no restaurant, coffee shop, lunch counter or eating estab- lishment is conducted in connection therewith, $12.00 per year where same has less than 15 rooms, $25.00 per year where same has 15 or more rooms, but not more than 49 rooms, and $50.00 per year where same has 50 rooms or more. SECTION 63. ICE MANUFACTURE, ICE DISTRIBUTION, or Ice Manufacture and Distribution, located at a fixed place of business or from a vehicle, $12.00 per year. SECTION 64. ITINERANT OR TRANSIENT DOCTORS, DENTISTS, chiropractors, chiropodists, osteopaths, healers and like or simi- lar businesses, $250.00 per year, subject to special permit from the Council to be first obtained. For the purpose of this ordi- nance, itinerant or transient doctors, dentists, chiropractors, chiropodists, osteopaths, healers, etc. shall be construed and deemed to be those who carry on the business engaged in by them by passing from house to house, or by haranguing persons assemble, in their presence, or who use the various customary devices for attrac- ting crowds and therewith recommending their goods, wares or mer- chandise, or services, and offering them for sale and whether such recommendation is by word of mouth, by written or printed charts, 26 - 2540 illustrations or documents or otherwise, or who make public demon- stration of their work, or who publicly profess to cure or treat diseases, injuries, afflictions or abnormal conditions of the human body by any drug, nostrum, concoction or preparation, or by manip- ulation or otherwise. SECTION 65. ITINERANT VENDORS, DEALERS OR MERCHANTS, other than those hereinabove in Section 64 referred to, and other than peddlers as herein in this ordinance otherwise provided for, $100.00 per year, subject to special permit from the Council to be first obtained. For the purposes of this ordinance, itinerant vendors, dealers or merchants, shall include all persons who com- mence or conduct business by haranguing persons within said City, or who use the various customary devices for attracting crowds and therewith recommending their goods, wares or merchandise and offer- ing them for sale or exchange. and SECTION 66. JEWELRY BUSINESS, selling /repairing, $18.00 per year. SECTION 67. JUNK COLLECTORS, $15.00 per year, for each vehicle used. Junk Collector, as used herein, is defined to be a person commencing or conducting the business of going from house to house, or from place to place, gathering, collecting, buying, sell- ing, or otherwise dealing in old rags, sacks, bottles, cans, paper or other articles commonly known as "junk "; provided, however, that any person licensed under the provisions of this Section 67 shall not solicit for "free will offerings" of such materials as are hereinabove enumerated or referred to under the guise or re- presentation that the same are being collected by or for any cha- ritable or other organization entitled to obtain a free permit as provided for under other provisions of this ordinance. It is pro- vided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance relating to junk collectors shall not apply to official collectors of said City or collectors specially authorized by the City Council to make such collections as a public service. - 27 - 2541 SECTION 68. LAUNDRY, TOWEL AND LINEN SUPPLY OR SERVICE, AND /OR CLEATING TOWEL OR CLEANING RAG SUPPLY OR SERVICE, $25.00 per year, which shall include the right to operate one vehicle, and $15.00 per year for each additional vehicle. SECTION 69. LAUNDRIES (STEAM, HAND OR POWER), LAUNDRO- MATS, SELF - SERVICE LAUNDRIES having a fixed place of business, $12.00 per year. Collecting articles to be laundered, $25.00 per year per vehicle used. SECTION 70. LAWN SERVICE, GARDENING SERVICE, WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE, or similar service, $12.00 per year. SECTION 71. LIBRARY (RENTAL), $12.00 per year. SECTION 72. LOAN, FINANCE OR MONEY LENDING BUSINESS, $50.00 per year. SECTION 73. LOCKSMITH, $6.00 per year. SECTION 74. LUMBER AND /OR BUILDING MATERIALS (New and /or Used), $25.00 per year. SECTION 75. FUNERAL PARLORS, UNDERTAKING AND /OR EMBALMING ESTABLISIUr=S, $25.00 per year. SECTION 76. HOSPITALS, SANITARIUM! AND SIMILAR INSTI- TUTIONS FOR DOGS, CATS AND SMALL ANIMALS, $25.00 per year. SECTION 77. MANUFACTURING BUSINESSES OR ESTABLISHMENTS; (BOTH LIGHT AND /OR HEAVY), shall pay an annual license fee in ac- cordance with the following schedule,. Less than 25 employees $25.00 25 and less than 50 employees $35.00 50 employees or over $50.00 For the purposes of determining the number of employees in fixing the classification for any manufacturing business or es- tablishment hereunder, an employee shall be deemed to be any per- son who is on the payroll of such business or establishment, whether in full time or part time, andwhatsoever capacity he or she may be serving. - 28 - It shall be the duty of the owner of such manufacturing business or establishment to truthfully state, in writing, to the License Collector the number of employees employed by such business or establishment at the time that the license for such business or establishment is applied for. Such number of employees shall determine the license fee bracket for the purpose of issuing such license. SECTION 78. MILK, CREAM OR DAIRY PRODUCTS SALES, at a fixed place of business within said City, $12.00 per year or from an established route with regular customers, $25.00 per year, and when not in connection with such fixed place of business or estab- lished route licensed hereunder, $50.00 per vehicle used per year. SECTION 79. =ED CONCRETE, SAND AND GRAVEL BUSINESS, located at a fixed place of business within said City, $25.00 per year. per year. SECTION 80. MEAT, POULTRY AND /OR FISH MARKETS, $25.00 SECTION 81. MALT SHOPS AND SHORT ORDERS, where complete meals are not served, $15.00 per year. per year. SECTION 82. MOTELS, MOTOR COURTS OR AUTO COURTS, $25.00 SECTION 83. ORGAN GRINDER, $2.50 per month. SECTION 84. PEDDLING. A. Popcorn, peanuts, gum, candy, confections or toys, such as balloons, flags, pennants, banners, canes, buttons, badges, horns, musical or noise making instruments, serpentines, souvenirs and similar articles, on foot, $2.50 per day, and from a vehicle, $5.00 per day per vehicle. B. Peddling medicine of any kind, $100.00 per month. C. Food, foodstuffs and food products, other than as otherwise specified herein, $12.00 per year on foot and $25.00 per year per vehicle where sold from a vehicle. - 29 -