ORDINANCE 379AORDINANCE N0. 379 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AND FOR THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF SUB- DIVISION MAPS THEREOF. In order to promote: Public health, safety and general welfare; orderly growth and development of the City; proper use of land; conser- vation, stabilization and protection of the use value of proper- ty; adequate provision for necessary utilities and convenience; NOW9 FORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: AUTHORITY Pursuant to the "Subdivision Map Act" of the State of California, (California Business and Professions Code, Sec- tions 11500 at seq.) as amended, the provisions of this ordi- nance are supplemental to those of said Act, as amended, and shall apply to all subdivisions of land hereafter made when said land is entirely, or partially, within the limits of the City of E1 Segundo; and all terms herein used which are defined in the said "Subdivision Map Act" shall have the same meaning as ascribed thereto in the said Act, and as the said Act may he= - after be amended. The E1 Segundo City Planning Commission is hereby designated as the "advisory agency" referred to in said Act, and is charged with the duty of making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of proposed subdivisions; and is hereby authorized to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove tentative maps of subdivisions prepared and filed according to this ordinance and the said "Subdivision Map Act ", - 1 - to recommend the kinds, nature and extent of the improvements required to be installed in subdivisions, and to report to the City Council the action taken on tentative maps. The City Coun- cil shall report its action thereon to the subdivider and the Planning Commission not later than fifteen (15) days after re- ceiving the report from the Planning Commission. SECTION 2: GMML4L CONTROLS A. Conformance to Plans 1. A subdivision plan shall conform to the of- fioial plan of streets. In the absence of an official plan of streets and highways there shall be substantial conformance to the master plan. In the absence of a master plan, the street system in a proposed subdivision shall relate to the existing streets in the area adjoining the subdivision. All existing streets adjacent to a subdivision need not necessarily be carried into the new subdivision. B. Streets and Highways 1. Freeways, limited- acoess and unlimited state highways shall conform to the standards of the Division of High- ways, Department of Public Works, State of California, and where same are involved in any subdivision, they shall receive special attention. Said standards of the Division of Highways shall be deemed to be the minimum standards that will be acceptable. 100 feet wide. 80 feet wide. wide. 2. Major thoroughfares shall be not less than 3. Secondary thoroughfares shall be not less than 4. Local streets shall be not less than 60 feet 5. Minor and cul -de -sac streets shall be not less than 50 feet wide except where special conditions might justify 2 - r 187 4. Alloys (a) Alleys 20 feet wide shall be provided at the rear of all lots classified for and to be used for commercial and multiple - family purposes unless adequate off- street parking areas to serve such property are securely reserved for such pur- pose and are shown upon the map and approved by the City in the manner herein provided. Such requirements may be modified for cause. Alleys elsewhere shall be optional, but if offered, shall be approved by the City. If the official plan indicates alleys which are not required by the general rule, then the alleys thus shown shall be required. (b) Alleys at the rear of business, indus- trial or unlimited multiple residential property shall have spe- cial consideration as to design, location and possible increased width. (c) Alleys shall be required at the rear of all property fronting directly upon any major highway. (d) Where two alleys intercept or intersect, not less than a 10 foot by 10 foot corner cut -off shall be pro- vided. 5. Utility Easements (a) Where alleys are not required, utility easements 16 feet in width shall be provided generally through the interior of the block and in approximately the location that would be occupied by an alley. (b) Overhead utilities should be located, where possible, through the interior of the block along either alleys or easements, as the case may be. 6. Parking Areas (a) Special areas for off- street parking of motor vehicles, offered for dedication or to be otherwise reser- ved for public use in connection with proposed business, industrial, - 51- <VN Z�8 unlimited multiple residential, or institutional property, shall receive special attention as to size, location, shape and adequacy, and shall generally conform to the city zoning ordinance. 7. Lots (a) Lots shall have a minimum area of 6,000 square feet. Larger lot areas may be required. (b) Lots having no frontage on a public street may be cause for disapproval of a subdivision. (c) The minimum width of lots shall be 50 feet, except that odd - shaped lots shall have special attention. Greater lot widths may be required to conform to zoning standards for type of area development. (d) 'No lot shall be divided by a county, city or school district boundary line. (e) The side lines of lots shall be approx- imately at right angles to the street line on straight streets or to the tangent on curved streets. (f) Double frontage lots should be avoided. All lots shall be suitable for the purpose for which they are in- tended to be sold. (g) Corner lots shall have a width sufficie& to permit adequate side yards. (h) Minimum width on reversed corner lots shall be 60 feet. 8. Blocks (a) Blocks less than 330 feet in length, or more than 990 feet in length, may be cause for disapproval, but in no case shall a block be longer than 1320 feet. (b) In Blocks 990 feet or over, pedestrian ways at least 10 feet wide may be required. (c) Long blocks are desirable adjacent to main thoroughfares in order to reduce the number of intersections. - 6 - 9. Grades (a) Any grade greater than 6 percent shall be subject in each case to review. Grades of more than 10 per- cent may be cause for disapproval of a map. 10. Tangents eats (a) Suitable tangents when possible must be used between all curves. 11. Exceptions (a) Conditional exceptions to the regula- tione herein defined may be authorized if exceptional or special circumstances apply to the property. Such special circumstances may include limited size, unusual shape, extreme topography, dominating drainage problems, or the impracticability of employ- ing a comprehensive plan or layout by reason of prior existing recorded subdivisions of contiguous properties. SECTION S: TMgTATIVE MAP A. Requirements 1. Each proposed subdivision shall be submitted in map form. Not less than nine (9) copies of such map shall be filed with the City Planning Commission. When such required copies of a tentative map are filed, the Secretary of the City Planning Commission shall immediately forward one copy to each of the following with a request that each report recommendations, if any, to the City Planning Commission. (a) City Council of the City of E1 Segundo. (b) Division of Highways, State Departmsn t of Public Works, if affected. (c) City Health Officer. (d) State Division of Real Estate. (e) City Engineer. (f) County Planning Commission. - 7 - (g) Each city entitled by law to review and recommend thereon. (h) Two copies retained by the City Planning Commission. 2. The size of such tentative map, or maps, is optional; the scale shall be not less than 200 feet to the inch. 3. Each such map shall contain the following information; (a) Tract number of the subdivision. (b) Name and address of the owner of proper- ty proposed to be subdivided. (c) Name and address of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, landscape architect or other person who prepared the map. (d) Approximate acreage. (e) North point. (f) Scale. (g) Date of preparation. (h) Boundary lines. M The location and width of all street3 within the boundaries of proposed subdivision. (j) The location and width of alleys. (k) Name, location and width of adjacent streets9 (1) The approximate grade of any street or part of street having a grade of more than 6 percent. Profiles may be required where topography may be a problem. (m) Lot lines and approximate dimensions. (n) Approximate location and width of water courses or areas subject to inundation from floods, or location of structures, irrigation ditches and other permanent physical features. - 6 - �J (o) Description of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision or legal description of the property com- prising the subdivision. (p) Width and location of all existing or proposed public or private easements. (q) Classification of lots as to intended residential, commercial, industrial or other uses. (r) Railroads. (s) Approximate radii of curves. (t) Topography shall be shown drawn to con- tour intervals prescribed the the City Engineer. 4. The tentative map shall show thereon, or be accompanied by reports and written statements from the subdivider giving essential information regarding the following matters: (a) Source of water supply. (b) Type of street improvement and utilities which the subdivider proposes to install. (e) Proposed storm water sewer or other means of drainage (grade and size). if any. (d) Proposed method of sewage disposal. (e) Protective covenants to be recorded, (f) Proposed tree planting, if any. B. Procedure: 1. After noting the above requirements it is desirable that the subdivider should confer with the City Engi- neer and the staff of the City Planning Commission before pre- paring the tentative map of the proposed subdivision. 2. Each tentative subdivision map must have a tract number to be assigned by the County Surveyor. - 9 - �e ) �) 3. The tentative map shall be prepared in accordance with the "Subdivision Map Act" and the provisions of this ordinance, and shall be filed with the City Planning Commission. Such filing should be prior to the completion of final surveys of streets and lots and before grading or construc- tion work within the proposed subdivision that might be affected by changes in the tentative map. To assure to the Planning Commission all necessary information to consider a tentative map, the Commission shall act only upon such tentative maps as shall have been filed with the Commission not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the Commission meeting at which such matter is to be considered. 4. Prior to the consideration by the Planning Commission of a tentative map and within the ten (10) days ib f- lowing its filing the City Engineer shall make a report in writ- ing to the Planning Commission as to any recommendations in con- nection with the tentative map and its bearing on particular functions. Failure to so report shall be deemed approval. The Planning Commission shall consider a tentative map at its first regular meeting held not less than ten (10) days following the filing of said map. Action on such tentative map in approving, conditionally approving or disap- proving, shall be taken not later than thirty -five (35) days following the meeting at which it was first considered. Failure to act within such time limit shall be deemed to constitute ap- proval. Within not to exceed ten (10) days following the action by the Planning Commission upon any tentative map, the Secretary of the Commission shall transmit a copy of the record pertaining to such action to the subdivider, the City Council, the City Engineer, the Real Estate Commissioner of the State of California and the State Division of Highways. A copy of such official action on a tentative map shall also be permanently affixed to - 10 - the official file copy of such map in the records of the Plan - ning Commission. f SECTION 4: FINAL MAP After approval of tentative map by the City Planning ComAdssion and the City Council, the subdivider may cause a final map to be prepared in accordance with a completed survey of the subdivision and in substantial compliance with the approved ten - tative map, and in full compliance with the "Subdivision Map Act" and this ordinance. A. Required Information 1. If more than 3 sheets are used, an index showing entire subdivision with lots numbered consecutively shall be included. scale. all - 12. Title, number of tract, date, north point and 31 Description of land included. 40 Location and names, without abbreviations, of (a) Proposed streets and alleys. (b) Proposed public areas and easements. (c) Adjoining streets. 5. Dimensions in feet and decimals of a foot. 6. Dimensions of all lots. 7. Each lot shall be numbered; each block may be lettered or numbered. Each lot shall be shown entirely on one sheet. 8. Center line data on streets, alleys and ease- meats, including bearings and distances. 9. Record of easements (a) The final map shall show the center line data, width and side lines of all easements to which the lots are - 11 - _A <194 subject. If the easement is not definitely located of record, a statement as to the easement shall appear on the title sheet. (b) Easements for storm drains, sewers and other purposes shall be denoted by broken lines. (e) The easement shall be clearly labeled and identified and if already of record proper reference to the records given. (d) Easements being dedicated shall be so indicated in the certificate of dedication. 10. Radius, tangent, arc and central angle of curves. 11. Suitable primary survey control points. (a) Section corners. (b) Monuments (existing outside of subdivi- sioa 12. Location of all permanent monuments within subdivision. 13. Ties to and names of adjacent subdivisions. 14. Ties to any city or county boundary lines involved. 15. Required certificates. B. Preparation 1. Sizes and materials. (a) The final map shall be clearly and legibly delineated upon tracing cloth of good quality. All lines, letters, figures, certificates, acknowledgements and signatures shall be made in black waterproof india ink, except that affi- davits, certificates and acknowledgements may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with black opaque ink. (b) The size of each sheet shall be 18 a 26 inches. - 12 - Jib (c) A marginal line shall be drawn complete- ly around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. (d) The scale of the map shall be large enough to show all details clearly, and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. (e) Each sheet shall be numbered, the rela- tion of one sheet to another clearly shown, and the number of sheets used shall be set forth on each sheet. (f) The tract number, scale, north point and sheet number shall be shown on each sheet of the final map. 2. Title sheet. (a) Below the title shall be a sub -title con- sisting of a general description of all the property being sub- divided, by reference to subdivision or to sectional surveys. (b) Reference to tracts and subdivisions shall be spelled out and worded identically with original rec- ords, with complete references to proper book and page of the record. (e) Title sheet shall show, in addition, the basis of bearings. (d) Maps filed for purpose of reverting sub- divided land to acreage shall be conspicuously marked under the title "The Purpose of this Map is a Reversion to Acreage ". 3. Certificates. (a) Forms for certificates required by the "Subdivision Map Act" and this ordinance may be secured from the City Engineer. 4. Surveying data for lots. (a) Sufficient data shall be shown to ds- termine readily the bearing and length of each line. - 13 - dimensions. c1 (b) Dimensions of lots shall be the net (c) No ditto marks shall be used. (d) Lots containing one acre or more shall show net acreage to nearest hundredth. 5. Survey Data. (a) The final map shall show the center lines of all streets; lengths, tangents, radii and central angles or radial bearings of all curves; the total width of each street, the width of the portion being dedicated and the width of exist- ing dedication and the width of each side of the center line; also the width of rights -of -way of railroads, flood control or drainage channels and any other easements existing or being dedi- cated by the map. (b) Surveys in connection with the prepar- ation of subdivision maps as in this ordinance provided shall be made in accordance with standard practices and principles for land surveying. A traverse of the boundaries of the subdivisions and all lots and blocks shall close. 6. Existing Monuments. (a) The final map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments or other evidence was found on the ground which were used as ties to determine the boundaries of the tract. (b) The corners of adjoining subdivisions or portions thereof shall be identified and ties shown. 7. New Monuments. (a) In making the survey for the subdivision, the Surveyor shall set sufficient permanent monuments so that the survey or any part thereof may be readily retraced. Such monu- ments shall generally be placed at all angle points and curve points on the exterior boundary lines of the tract, and at such other points as may be necessary to serve the above requirements. - 14 -