CRDIIT,=� CT_ iT O 375.
CERT 11N C1r,.,^-1TIZ.=.TIOfiS, r!M PROVIDnT%r FOR
SGT .'.CTI':'I�� rr "'S
The City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California,
does ordain as f- ollows :
�'IO'T 1. Definitions.
-lithin the meaning of this ordinance
(a) "Explosives" means gun powder, blasting powder,
dynamite, and every other explosive substance having a power
greater than or equal to ordinary black powder.
(b) "ieapons" means --avolver, pistol, dagger, dirk;'.
slug, high - powdered air rifle, or billy.
(c) "tilias" means any name other than the true name of
a person which such person uses or has used or which he or she is
known by or has been known by.
(d) "Member" means any person who is recognized by
an organization as such or who is formally associated or affiliated
with any organization or who accepts the policies-or programs of
any c,rganization an:] who is active in its behalf.
SECTION 2. The City Council finds that:
(a) In Los -Angeles County there are active disciplined
organizations presently functioning which have as one of their
premises the precept that in the immediate future their principles
must and will be imposed upon the majority of the people in Los
Angeles County by a minority through the establishment of a totali-
tarian dictatorship based upon force and power rather than upon
law notwithstanding the persistent and continuing refusal of the
majority to accept their principles through the exercise of the
ballot or other lawful means.
- 1 -
(b) In Los Angeles County there are active disciplined
organizations presently functioning which have as one of their
principles the precept that if the majority of the people in Los
- nSeles County refuse to accept its premises but elect to forci-
bly resist, then the organizations must meet this forcible re-
sistence by use of force and violence in order to impose their
principles upon the majority of the people.
(c) In Los nngeles County there are active disciplined
organizations presently functioning which have as one of their
principles the precept that the use of force and violence by them
to accomplish their purposes in changing the present constitutional
form of government in the County of Los nngeles is inevitable be-
cause the majority of the people in Los nngeles County will not
acquiesce to their de -ands.
(d) The goal of these organizations is to seize power
of ;overrment b-- and for a minority and thereby to forcibly re-
cast our whole social and political structure and reject the en-
tire religious and cultural heritage of nmerican economic and
Political systems. Because such is their goal, there is a serious
specific, and substantial danger that these organizations and
their members in Los nngeles County will engage in individual and
concerted activities for the purpose of compelling acceptance of
their principles against the will of the majority.
(e) There is a clear and present clanger which the Coun-
cil.specifically finds is great and i.nminent that these organiza-
tions will, for the purpose of pressing their principles upon the
people of the County of Los Angeles, succeed in accumulating and
storing large quantities of fire arms, explosives, and other wea-
pons and equipment which will be employed for such purposes, and
that numbers of these organizations will succeed in infiltrating
and obtaining positions in civilian defense agencies for the
- 2 -
Purpose of forcing the principles of these organizations on the
people in Los rngeles County.
(f) Because of the strategic location of Los Angeles
County, its great population, its use as an important embarcation
point for military opera = tions, the presence in the County of nu-
merous large _Manufacturing plants devoted to the production of
materials and supplies used by military forces and the civilian
defense organizations for the purpose of preserving the present
c,,rlstitutional form of government, all possible measures under
the law must be imediately taken to safeguard and prevent within
the County any use of violence or forceful means or other illegal
means which might be used b., '.'Zee e organizations to seize the
powers of government by and for a minority. The Council further
specifically finds the registration of members of organizations
defined in this ordinance who reside in, are employed in, or
regularly enter or travel through the County and disclosure of
their location, is a reasonable measure by which to accomplish
these ends.
(g) The City Council further specifically finds that:
(1) Registration of members of these organiza-
tions who reside in, are employed in, have their business
in, or enter the County;
(2) The prevention of their possession of con-
cealed weapons, explosives whether concealed or unconcealed;
(3) Denial of employment in the City of El Segundo
disaster relief authority or any other civilian defense or-
ganization or agency in said County, are reasonable measures
by which to accomplish these ends.
SECTIM? 3. Any person who resides in, does business in,
is employed in, has a regular place of business in, or who regu-
larly enters or trzvels through any kart of the City of E1 Segundo
- 3 -
r 4. must register v, =ith the Police Department of the City of E1 Segundo
if he or she is a member of any organization designated hereinbelo;::
(a) Any organization that has as one of its premises
the precept that in the immediate future its principles must and
will be imposed upon the majority of the people within the.City
of E1 Segundo by a minority through the establishment of a totali-
tarian dictatorship based upon force and power rather than upon
law notwithstanding the persistent and continuing refusal of the
majority to accept its principles through exercise of the ballot
or other lawful means.
(b) ==any organization that has as one of its premises
the precept that if the majority of the people in Los Angeles
County refuse to accept its principles but elect to forcibly re-
s.":,t, then the organization must meet this forcible resistence
by means of force or violence in order to impose their principles
upon the majority of the people.
(c) :ny organization that has as one of its premises
the precept that the use of force and violence by it to accomplish
its purpose in changing- the present constitutional form of any
government in the County of Los Angeles is inevitable because the
majority of the people in Los rnyeles County will not acquiesce
to its demands.
(d) That the City of El Segundo is located in the Coun-
ty of Los Angeles, State of California, above referred to, and
being located in said county and having within its own city limits
various industries producing commodities and materials essential
and vital to military and civilian defense of the United States
of -lmerica; therefore, the same findings, hereinabove made with
reference to the County of Los Angeles, apply equally as well to
the City of E1 Segundo.
SECTICN 4. Any person required to register under this
ordinance shall within ten dayZ after the effective date of this
- 4 -
ordinance'acknowledge under oath and file with the Police Depart-
ment of said City a registration statement containing the follow-
ing information:
(a) Name and any alias or aliases of registrant.
(b) rl ddress of registrant's place of residence.
(c) 17ame and address of registrant's employer, if any,
and the address and name under which registrant is
conducting any business, if any.
(d) The name of all organizations defined in Section 3
of which he is a member.
tiny person_ who is not required to register by the pro-
visions Of Section 3 and 4;ho after the effective date of this ordi-
nance is or becomes a member of any communist organization and who
commences or continues to reside in, to be employed in, to conduct
any business in, or to regularly enter or travel tr ough any part
of the City of E1 Segundo, shall within two days thereafter ack-
nowledge under oath and file with the Chief of Police of the City
of :"1 Segundo a like registration statement.
"Within two days after any person who has registered pur-
suant to this ordinance chang,.-s his glace of residence or his em-
ployment or his place of business or commences to use or become
known by a name other than a name c:hich he has registered or be-
comes a member of an organization defined in Section 3, the name
of which is not stated in his registration statement, he shall
acknowledge under oath and file a new registration statement in
the•same form as provided for original registration statements.
SECTION 5. The Chief of Police shall keep and file all
registration statements under this Ordinance at the Police De-
partment of the City of E1 Segundo, arranged alphabetically ac-
cording to the surname of the registrant. He shall also compile
and maintain from such registration statements an accurate alpha-
betically arranged file or list of all aliases listed thereon,
- 5 -
uog,eth er wit-h ai)uropriate reference indic=ating t11e registration
statement upon vhi_ch each of such aliases is listed; and_ an ac-
curate alphabetically arran�7e't file or list of all communist
Or`ariZatiOns an., their ad'res ;es, if any, listed the -eon.
- ,either the registration statements, nor s'id files or lists of
aliases -.nit co -run-st or: ~: of -ati -ns shall be avail able for 1 ub-
lic e..aninatien, but they shall be exclusively for the confi-
dential use cf City officials char ~ed with the duty of issuing
permits to carry concealed ;, ;eeDons, issuing pern.its to buy,
sell, or possesss explosives, or _raking appointments to offices
or rositions in -'-,-he City Of 771 Segundo disaster relief authority
or any other civilian 'efense organization or agency in said
nny person required by this ordinance
U register who -.vith knowledge or with reason to believe that he
is required to register hereunder wilfully fails or refuses to
so register or any person who after registering wilfully vio-
lates any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction of any such violation such per-
son shall be punishable by a fine of not more than ;500.00 or
by imprisonment in the City Tail of the City of yl Segundo,
California, or in the County Tail of los ^.ngeles County, Cali-
fornia, s the committinp- magistrate may direct, for a period of
not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment
in,the discretion of the Court. Each day.of failure or refusal of
such person to register sall constitute a separate offense.
S _-CTICY 7. any person who wilfully mares any
false or:Misle_: -ding statement in any registration statement
or affidavit provide? for in this ordinance shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and- upon conviction of any such violation
such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than
1500.00 or by i:__prisonment in the City jail of the City of El
e ,-undo, California, or 'n the County jail of Los 1.ngeles Coun-
ty, California, s.s the committing magistrate may direct, for
a period of not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and
imprisonment in the discretion of the Court.
S =CTIM 8. _may person who registers under this ordi-
nance shall not be entitled:
(a) To ownership, possession or control of concealed
weapons or explosives whether concealed or unconcealed unless he
has a special permit from the Chief of Tolice of said City which
r,iay not be issued unless:
(b) To be api;ointed to any office or position in the
:1 :egundo Civilian Defense Organization or any other civilian
defense organization or agency in said city unless; such a per-
son subsequent to registration shall file an affidavit with the
Chief of Tolice of El Segundo that he is no longer a member of
any of the organizations which membership he had previously in-
dicated in his registration and that he does not presently advo-
cate by speech, writin ,-, or action the overthrow, or destruction
by force or violence of the present constitutional form of govern -
-ent of the LTnited 'States, or of the State of California, or of
the County of Los :ngeles, cr of the City of El Segundo and. that
he does not presently advocate by speech, writing, or action the
destruction, injury, illegal interference or tampering with real
or personal iroperty in Los "ngeles County or in the City of El
Segundo as a ;leans of accomplishing a hindrance, delay, inter-
ference, or obstruction of the production or manufacturing of
mat;_rial or supplies for the United 'States military forces or
for the civilian defense of citizens of the United States.
S "CTICIT 9. If any provision of this ordinance or the
application thzreof to any rerson or circumstances is held inval-
id, the remainder of the ordinance and the application of such
provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected
3 CTIO?`" 10. This ordinance is an ordinance for the im-
mediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety and
is hereinafter made to tare effect immediately upon its adoption.
The facts constituting its urgency are outlined, stated and de-
clared in Section 2 of this ordinance.
SECTICIT 11. This ordinance shall take effect irmediate-
ly upon adoption.
SE CTIO ^T 12. That the City Clerk shall certify to the
passa;a and adoption of this ordinance by a vote of at least
four - fifths of all of the - ._embers of the City Council of said
City; shall make a ::minute of the passaEe and adoption thereof
in the records of the nroceedings of the City Council of said
City in the minutes of the meeting at tiihich the same is passed
and adopted; and within 15 days after the adoption thereof
shall cause the same to be published once in the El Segundo
rle -•ald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published
and circulated within said City, and which is hereby designated
for that purpose.
Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of
_September , 1950.
T,ayor of the City �1 Segundo, -
Californi .
AT' '* T :
C' k
.�r1, /
-'2 ^E OF C LIFOR1,TI.L, )
C OUT TY OF - T " T )
.�OS ,s.
tG ES Y) SS.
I, Victor D. 1'cCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El
Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number
of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that
the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 375 was
Passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and
signed by the 1ayor of sslid City, and attested by the Cit;
Clerk of slid City, all at a regular meeting of the said Coun-
cil held on the 6th_ day of September 1950, and that
the same was so passed and adopted by a vote of at least four -
fifths of all of the members of said City Council, to wit, by
the following vote:
6th day of
my hand and
Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Mayor Selby;
the official seal of said City this
, 1950.
ity Clerk of t e f ti
Segundo, California.
24(3 �
ST.4* T' CF C2 _LIFORTI.�, )
I, Victor D. 1-- cCarthy, City. Clerk of the City of E1
Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number
of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that
the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 37
full, tru- and correct on nal , is a
of the said City of El Segundo) California, entitled:
3— _??___
Tth*,T `T 0?J�?'.2'TCE' 0� iE CITIr OF 7T SEGUNDO, C=�LI-
which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, ap-
proved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the
City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said
Council held on the 6th day of Septembe_� 1950, and that
the same was so passed and adopted by a vote of at least four -
fifths of all of themem_bers of said City Council, to wit, by
the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson and
Nayor Selby;
NOES: Councilmen None;
ABSENT : Councilmen Thompson.
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of
California, that the foregoing Ordinance iTo. _ 375 was duly
and regularly published according to law and the order of the
City Council of said City in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, mom published and cir-
culated within the said City and that the same was so published
therein on the following date, to wit: Seotember 14th. 1950.
ity Clerk of the i y E1
Segundo, California.
i 1iii MK i t ig
W �11bI tj
T4 T
NJQ t a6V .....
being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That
he is, and at an Of the times
hereinafter mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America,
Over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the county of Los Angeles, State of California; that he
wan, at, and during all Of the time of the publication of the
instrument hereunto attached the ......
Edftor of EL SEGUNDO HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, Published and circulated weekly
I ..
the City Of M Segundo, in said County and State; that add newsapaper has been so published =WJ
circulated at regular intervals of one week for more than one year
Immediately preceding: OEM
Publication of the
Instrument hereunto annexed; that said newspaper d% and was, at all of the times bereK
in Mentioned, a newspaper Of general circulation within the meaning of Section 4480 of the
Code of the State of California; that as Provided by MW section, said newspaper -is published for the
dissemination of local or telegraphic news and Intelligence of & general character, having a
ha bona flde ~-'
subscription list Of Paying subscribers; that said newspaper do not and was not at any of the
times herein
referred to, devoted to the interests, or published for the entertainment or instruction of a Particular
class, Profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions; "trades,
callings, races or denominations, and that said newspaper in not devoted to or published for, nor was It
at any of the times herein mention devoted to or Published for the purpose, whether a
otherwise, of entertaining or instructing such classes, Professions, trades, callings, rem or d
or any of such classes, professions, trades, Callings, ram or denominations.
That the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument hereunto attach ed an page%....
hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and size and arrangement of type, is & full, true
correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, In words
and figures
Published; that the same was net and printed In type not smaller than nonpareil and that the body`
the same was preceded with words printed In black-face type not smaller than nonpareil,
and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, saeol Im
or instrument Intended to be Published, as Will appear from an inspection of the said a
meat; that the-OrdiMnaa.22A.,
of which the annexed in a printed copy as hereinabove stated, was published and printed
newspaper at leaxt.QA9 ...... week...., �.. Onk......... AajhjMjb pubHcation....',, columme the
I A t 11 .... day ofA0,PtjQMb.qr .. 0 ...... . and ending on the.11j*qJ2 ........... day of
t Pt -0 M b t 0 X ..............A. D. 19 0., and as 'often during said time an said newspaper was. regu-
larly Issued to-wit: ... Thu a"7.-A0Pt climb AZ..3A,..19..5.0
o.. o ... .........
o ................ 0 .......... o .............. ....... ........................ . ........
.............. ...................
Subscribed savor to bef Me thi$.11.�.4TR
day of .. '
.. ...... ...... D. 191% r
......... . . ....... . ........ .. ....
City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Ooun
of Los Angeles, State of California.
-Y .....
Deputy City Clerk of said C
says: VICTOR D. McCARTHY, being first duly sworn, deposes and
That he is the duly elected, qualified and acting City
Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and that he was
such at all of the times herein mentioned;
That on the 22nd day of September, 1950, he duly, regu-
larly and conspicuously posted a full, true and correct printed
COPY of Ordinance No. 375 of the City of El Segundo, California,
passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City
of El Segundo on the 5th day of September, 1950, at each of the
following public places within said City, to wit:
One copythereof on the bulletin board at the City Hall
in said City;
One copy thereof on the bulletin board at the main
entrance to the E1 Segundo Refinery of the Standard Oil Company
of California; and
One copy thereof on the bulletin board at the United
States Post Office in said City of El Segundo;
Further, affiant states that the said notices, as so posted,
were plainly visible to passersby and were posted not less than
three nor more than five feet above the surface of the ground; and
Affiant further states that a full, true and correct
printed copy of said Ordinance No. 375, as so posted by him,
is hereunto attached, designated as "Exhibit All, which is hereby
referred to and by this reference expressly incorporated herein
and made a part hereof.
Further, affiant says nothing.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this a ST day of September,
1950, by Victor D. McCarthy,
City Clerk of the City of
El Segundo, California.
Notary Public in and for e County
of Los Angeles, State of alifornia
L'-)< H16 i T 14
ORDINANCE NO. 375 danger which the Council specif- one of its premises the precept
AN ORDINANCE OF THE ically finds is great and imminent that the use of force and violence
CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CAL- that these organizations will, for by it to accomplish its purpose in
IFORNIA, REQUIRING REG- the purpose of pressing their prin - i changing the present constitutional
ISTRATION OF MEMBERS OF ciples upon the people of the County I form of any government in the
CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONS, of Los Angeles, succeed in accum- County of Los Angeles is inevitable
AND PROVIDING FOR THE ulating and storing large quan- 1 because the majority of the people
USE OF REGISTRATION tities of fire arms, explosives, and ; in Los Angeles County will not
STATEMENTS, AND LIMIT- other weapons and equipment which i acquiesce to its demands.
ING SOME ACTIVITIES OF will be employed for such purposes, i (d) That the City of El Segundo
REGISTRANTS. and that numbers of these organ- !is located in the County of Los
The City Council of the City of izations will succeed in infiltrating ; Angeles State of California above
El Segundo, California does ordain and obtaining positions in civilian I referred to and being located in
as follows: I I defense agencies for the Purpose, said county and having within its
SECTION 1. Definitions. of forcing the principles of these own city limits various industries
Within the meaning of this ord- organizations on the people in Los: producing commodities and mater -
Angeles County. , ials essential and vital to military
(f) Because of the strategic loca-
g and civilian defense of the United
(a) "Explosives" means gun pow-
der blasting powder, dynamite, and tion of Los Angeles County, its great States of America; therefore, the
every other explosive substance population, its use as an important same findings, hereinabove made
having a power greater than or embarcation point for military op- with reference to the County of Los
equal to ordinary black powder. erations, the presence in the County Angeles, apply equally as well to
(b) "Weapons" means revolver of numerous large manufacturing the City of El Segundo,
plants devoted to the production SECTION 4, Any person required
a pistol, dagger, dirk, slug, high-, of materials and supplies used by ; to register under this ordinance
powered air rifle, or billy. I military forces and the civilian de- 'shall within ten days after the ef-
(c) "Alias" means any name other I
than the true name of a person fense organizations for the purpose; fective date of this ordinance ac-
which such person uses or has used of preserving the present consti- 'knowledge under oath and file
or which he or she is known by: tutional form of government, all ;with the Police Department of said
possible measures under the law City a registration statement con -
or has been known by, must be immediate) taken to safe -
(d) "Member" means any person guard and prevent within the County taining the following information:
who is recognized by an organiza- p ! (a) Name and any alias or al-
tion as such or who is formally as- any use of violence or forceful iases of registrant.
means or other illegal means which ! (b) Address of registrant's place
ani zatio n or who accepts the pol- - at or affiliated with any o might be used by these organizations
ni to seize the powers of government b of residence.
icies or programs of any organiza- : p g y l (c) Name and address of reg-
tion and who is active in its behalf. I and for a minority. The Council istrant's employer, if any, and
SECTION 2, The City Council further specifically finds the regis- the address and name under which
tration of members of organizations 1 registrant is conducting any bus -
finds that: de ined in this ordinance who re- i iness if an
(a) In Los Angeles County there side in, are employed in or re y
are active disciplined organizations , g- (d) The name of all organiza-
are enter or travel through the tions defined in Section 3 of which
presently functioning which have County and disclosure of their Iota -
as one of their premises the pre - I I he is a member.
tion, is a reasonable measure by Any person who is not required to
cept that in the immediate future
which to accomplish these ends. , register by the provisions of Section
their principles must and will be (g) The City Council further 3 and who after the effective date
imposed upon the majority of the specifically finds that:
people in Los Angeles County by ; m this ordinance is or becomes -
(1) Registration of members of ;member of any communist organ -
a minority through the establish - I these organizations who reside in, ization and who commences or con -
ment of a totalitarian dictatorship are employed in, have their bus -
tinues to reside in to be employed
based upon force and power rather iness in, ors enter the County; in, to conduct any business in, or
than upon law notwithstanding the (2) The prevention of their pos- to regularly enter or travel through
persistent and continuing refusal of : session of concealed weapons, ex- any part of the City of El Segundo,
the majority to accept their prin - plosives whether concealed or shall within two days thereafter
ciples through the exercise of the unconcealed; and
acknowledge under oath and file
ballot or other lawful means. (3) Denial of employment in; with the Chief of Police of the
(b) In Los Angeles County there
the City of El Segundo disaster .City of El Segundo a like registra-
are active disciplined organizations relief authority or any other civ- tion statement.
presently functioning which have I ilian defense organization or j Within two days after any per -
as one of their principles the pre - i agency in said County, are reason - ! son who has registered pursuant
cept that if the m ?jority of the able measures by which to ac- to this ordinance changes his place
people in Los Angeles County refuse comPlish these ends. of residence or his employment or
to accept its premises but elect to SECTION 3. Any person who re- his place of business or commences
forcibly resist then the organiza- sides in, does business in is em- to use or become known by a name
tions must meet this forcible resis- . ployed in, has a regular place of i other than a name which he has
tence by use of force and violence I business in, or who regularly enters : registered or becomes a member of
in order to impose their principles I or travels through any part of the an organization defined in Section
upon the majority of the people. City of El Segundo must register 3 the name of which is not stated
(c) In Los Angeles County there with the Police Department of the. in his registration statement, he
are active disciplined organizations City of El Segundo if he or she is shall acknowledge under oath and
presently functioning which have as I a member of any organization desig- file a new registration statement
one of their principles the precept nated hereinbelow: in the same form as provided for
that the use of force and violence (a) Any organization that has as' original registration statements.
by them to accomplish their pur- one of its premises the precept that; SECTION 5 The Chief of Police
poses in changing the present con- in the immediate future its prin- shall keep and file all registration
stitutional form of government in . ciples must and will be imposed statements under this Ordinance at
the County of Los Angeles is in-" upon the majority of the people the Police Department of the City
evitable because the majority of I within the City of El Segundo by ! of El Segundo, arranged alphabet -
the people in Los Angeles County a minority through the establish - ically according to the surname of
will not acquiesce to their demands ment of a totalitarian dictatorship the registrant. He shall also com-
(d) The goal of these organiza- based upon force and power rather Plle and maintain from such reg-
tions is to seize power of govern - istration statements an accurate
than upon law notwithstanding the
ment by and for a minority and i persistent and continuing refusal of alphabetically arranged file or list
thereby to forcibly recast our whole the majority to accept its principles of all aliases listed thereon, together
social and political structure and through exercise of the ballot or with appropriate reference indicat-
reject the entire religious and cul- other lawful means. ing the registration statement upon
tural heritage of American econ- p
(b) Any organization that has as I which each of such aliases is listed;
omit and political systems. Be- i one of its premises the precept that and an accurate alphabetically ar-
cause such is their goal, there is if the majority of the people in ranged file or list of all commun-
a serious specific, and substantial I_, i�-11 org -nizations and their addres-
�s An ..,le� County �e use to accept
danger that these organizations and its principles but elect to forcibly ses, if any, listed thereon. Neither
their members in Los Angeles the registration statements, nor said
County will engage in individual resist, then the organization must
meet this forcible resisence by files or lists of aliases and commun-
and concerted activities for the pur- means of force or violence in order be available
pose of compelling acceptance of i Ur organizations shall
to impose their principles upon the ! pubic examination but the
their principles against the will shall be exclusive) for the eon -
of the majority, majority of the people. shall be use of y City
(e) There is a clear and resent (c) Any organization that has as y officials
P � charged with the duty of issuing
&1,111317- 14 (--%
permits to carry concealed weapons, application of such provision to other
issuing permits to buy, sell or pos- I persons or circumstances shall not
sess explosives or making appoint- be affected thereby,
ments to offices or positions in the SECTION 10. This ordinance is
City of El Segundo disaster relief an ordinance for the immediate
authority or any other civilian Preservation of the public peace,
defense organization or agency in health, and safety and is herein -
said city. i after made to take effect immedi-
SECTION 6. Any person required ately upon its adoption. The facts
by this ordinance to register who constituting its urgency are out -
with knowledge or with reason to lined, stated and declared in Section
believe that he is required to reg - 12 of this ordinance.
ister hereunder wilfully fails or SECTION 11. This ordinance shall
refuses to so register or any person take effect immediately upon adop-
who after registering wilfully vio- tion.
lates any provision of this ordinance I SECTION 12. That the City Clerk
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, shall certify to the passage and
and upon conviction of any such adoption of this ordinance by a vote
violation such person shall be pun - of at least four - fifths of all of the
isiable by a fine of not more than j members of the City Council of
$500.00 or by imprisonment in the 1 said City; shall make a minute of
City Jail of the City of El Segun- the passage and adoption thereof in
do, California, or in the County 1 the records of the proceedings of
Jail of Los Angeles County, Calif-; the City Council of said City in the
ornia as the committing magistrate minutes of the meeting at which
may direct, for a period of not to the same is passed and adopted;
exceed six months, or by both such and within 15 days after the adop-
fine and imprisonment in the dis- tion thereof shall cause the same
cretion of the Court. Each day of to be published once in the El Se-
failure or refusal of such person to gundo Herald a weekly newspaper
register shall constitute a separate i Of general circulation, published
o:fense, and circulated within said City,
SECTION 7. Any person who wil- and which is hereby designated
fully makes any false or misleading for that purpose.
strtement in any registration state - I Passed, approved and adopted
ment or affidavit provided for in 1 this 6th day of September, 1950.
r. o- 'Ainance shall be guilty of a Wm R. Selby,
misdemeanor, and upon conviction; Mayor of the City of
cf any such violation such person El Segundo, California.
shall be punishable by a fine of not ATTEST:
more than $500.00 or by imprison- Victor D. McCarthy.
m: It in the City Jail of the City of j City Clerk
El Segundo California, or in the j (SEAL)
County Jail of Los Angeles County, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, )
California as the committing mag- COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES,) SS
istr: to may direct for a period of ; CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. )
not to exceed six months, or by I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk
both such fine and imprisonment of the City of El Segundo Calif -
in the discretion of the Court j ornia, do hereby certify that the
SECTION 8. Any person who reg- I whole number of members of the
isters under this ordinance shall' City Council of the said City is five;
na' be entitled: I that the foregoing ordinance being
(a) To ownership, possession or Ordinance No, 375, was passed and
control of concealed weapons or ! adopted by the said City Council,
explosives whether concealed or un- 1 approved and signed by the Mayor
concealed unless he has a speciallof said City, and attested by the
permit from the Chief of Police of . City Clerk of said City, all at a
said City which may not be issued I regular meeting of the said Council
unless: held on the 6th day of September,
(b) To be appointed to any office 1950, and that the same was so
or position in the El Segundo Civil- passed and adopted by a vote of
ian Defense Organization or any 'it least four - fifths of all of the
other civilian defense organization members of said City Council to
or agency in said city unless; such wit, by the following vote:
a person subsequent to registration, `YES: Councilmen Gordon Pet -
shall file an affidavit with the erson Swanson and Mayor Selby;
Chief of Police of El Segundo that NOES: Councilmen None;
he is no longer a member of any ABSENT: Councilmen Thompson.
of the organizations which mem- WITNESS my hand and the of-
bership he had previously indicated I ficial seal of said City this 6th day
in his registration and that he does of September, 1950.
not presently advocate by speech, Victor D McCarthy,
writing or action the overthrow City Clerk of the City of
or destruction by force or violence (SEAL) El Segundo, California.
of the present constitutional form Herald Sept. 14
of government of the United States,
or of the State of California or of
the County of Los Angeles or of
the City of El Segundo and that he
does not presently advocate by
speech, writing, or action the de-
struction, injury, illegal interference
or tampering with real or personal
property in Los Angeles County or
in the City of El Segundo as a means
of accomplishing a hindance, delay,
interference or obstruction of the
production or manufadturin,g of
material or supplies for the United
States military forces or for the
civilian defense of citizens of the
United States.
SECTION 9. If any provision of
this ordinance or the application
thereof to any person or circum-
stances is held invalid, the re-
mainder of the ordinance and the