ORDINANCE 3732432 ORDIr? CET NO. 373. AN ORDII'-1 ?C" OF THJ CITY Ct' FL SEGMTDO, CALI- FORI\TIA, 1RFQUIRT!7G WGIS;1T!1TIObT O.' ?g ^F CERT r• C.G ?iZri.I01�TS, r.`'� PROVIDIP?G F0? .'�'I USF OF SUCH EGISTR TIOI`: STATE1.=?TS, :�!,D LII:�TII•,G S01=7" .':CTIVITIES OF =GISTRANTS. The City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does ordain as follows: 1. The City Council finds that: (a) There exists a world -wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by any means deemed necessary, to establish and perpetuate a totalitarian communist dictator- ship based upon force and Doer, rather than upon law, in all of the countries of the world, including the United States, even though it be against the consent of the major- ity of the people of such countries. (b) The world --aide revolutio.,_ary movement is predicated upon, and is designed and intended to carry into execution, the basic precepts of communism expounded by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Soseph Stalin, as they have been and are presently being interpreted and executed by the most powerful existing foreign communist government, the Soviet Union, and by those countries which are dominated or controlled by the Soviet Union. (c) Pursuant t-- the objectives of the world communism movement in numerous foreign countries the legally consti- tuted governments have b---en overthrown and ruthless totali- tarian communist dictatorships established therein against the will of the people or such countries, and the estab- lishment of similar dictatorships in other countries is imminently threatening. The successful establishment of - 1 - such totalitarian communist dictatorships has consistently been aided, accompanied, or accomplished by repeated acts of treachery, l'eceit, terrorism, and sabotage, together with organized confusion, insubordination, and disloyalty, fos- tered, directed, instigated, or employed by co_munist or- �7anizations and their members in such countries. (d) In Los Angeles County there are active, disciplin- ed communist organizations presently functioning for the prirlary purpose of advancing the objectives of the vJorld communism movement, which organizations promulgate, advo- cate, and adhere to the precept that the principles and doctrines of the world communism movement roust eventually be accepted by the rt a jority of the neoble in the County of Los 1�n;eles and elsewhere, notwithstanding the refusal of the majority to accept such principles and doctrines through the free exercise of the ballot or by any other lawful or constitutional means. These communist organizations are characterized by identification of their prograrris, policies, and objectives with those of the world communism movement and the foreign comrunist governments established pursuant to such :movement; and they regularly and consistently co- oper--.te v;ith, and endeavor to carry into execution programs, policies, and objectives substantially identical to programs, policies, and objectives of, such movement and such govern- means. (e) Those individuals in the United States who knowing- ly participate in these communist organizations for the pur- pose of advancing the objectives of the world communism movement within the Counts of Los rngeles, and elsewhere, are required d to, and in fact do, transfer their allegiance f ror:� the United States to the world communism movement, and MWAE X433 2434 to the foreign communist governments, organizations, and a,..encies .,.Thigh exercise control and direction of the world communism movement; and they are further required, and in fact submit to rigid discipline exercised by and y:ithin their respective organizations, which bas both the purpose and effect of ensuring unified direction and execution of all policies, programs, and activities adopted or promul- gated by such organizations for the advancement of the ob- jectives of the world communism movement. (f) At the present time, rilitary and naval operations are '-�ing conducted by the United States in Korea against an aggm3sor communist government, which is dominated by the Soviet anion. There is a substantial and specific danger that additional communist military aggression i ^;ill occur in the iDmediate future in other parts of the world, which will require further and more extensive military operations by the United States. (g) There is a clear and present danger, which the City Council specifically finds is great and imminent, that in order to advance the programs, policies, and objectives of the world co -munism movement, communist organizations in Los Angeles County and their members will engage in both individual and concerted activities ,rithin the perimeter of said County to hamper, restrict, interfere with, cripple, impede, or nullify the efforts of the United States, the State of California, the County of Los !.ngeles, and their loyal citizens, to meet the current and prospective mili- tary requirements of the nation and prepare for civilian and military defense against foreign communist aggression. There is a clear and present danger, -, which is very great and imminent, that the tactics, strategy, and methods which have - 3 - 2435 be-.n recently employed successfully it ether countries to advance the objectives of the orld communism movement, includiE acts of sabotage, coup d'etat, armed insurrection, assassination, terroris -1 forceful interruption of public utilities services, and organized insubordination and dis- loyalty of governmmental employees, will be employed in the irmmediate future by cIar_, unist organizations and their mem- bers for such 1LpuriDoses in the County of Los nngeles. (h) There is a clear and present danger, r-h ch the City Council specifically finds is great and i!- minent, that through stealth, deceit, trickery, secretiveness and con- cealment of identity and location, co- :inunist organizations and the members thereof will succeed in infiltrating and obtain- ing positions in government and governmental agencies, in public utilities, and industrial .lants producing equipment and materials essential to military and civilian defense, and in civilian defense agencies and organizations in the County of Los rngeles without the knowledge of the employing and supervising officers that they are members of such or- ganizations, and fill succeed in fomenting organized insu- bordination and disloyalty therein. (i) Because of the strategic location of Los Angeles County, its great population, its use as an important em- barcatien point for _military operations, the presence in ,the County of nu:,:erous large manufacturing plants devoted to the production of the weapons and other material of military and civilian defense, and its importance as a cen- ter of communication and transportation, all possible mea- sures under the law roust be immediately taken to safeguard and prevent any use within the County of forceful, deceit- f ul, or illegal means for impairing the legal authority o r - 4 - 2436 power of the constitutional government or interfering with the military and civil defense of the nation, state or coun- ty. (j) The City Council specifically finds that compulsory registration for the purpose of obtaining information as to the identity and location of members of communist organiza- tions who reside in, are employed in, conduct a business in, or regularly enter or travel through the County, is a rea- sonable measure by which to acquire such information and make it available to the appropriate public and private agencies and officers concerned, anJ thereby safeguard and prevent the use by such members within the County of Los Angeles of forceful, deceitful, and illegal means for im- pairing the legal authority or power of the constitutional government, or interfering with the military and civilian defense of the nation, state, or county. (k) That the City of El Segundo is located in the Coun- ty of Los Angeles, State of California, above referred to, and being located in said county and having within its own city limits various industries producing commodities and materials essential and vital to military and civilian de- fense of the United States of America; therefore, the same fir_dirgs, hereinabove made with reference to the County of Los hngeles, apply equally as well to the City of E1 Segundo. 2. v,rithin the meaning of this ordinance: (a) "Organization" means any association, body, society, corporation, or group of two or more persons permanently or temporarily associated together for the purpose of joint or concerted action of any nature. (b) "Communist organization" means any organization which is organized, or which operated, primarily for the - 5 - 2437 Z�� purpose of advancing the objectives of the world communism movement. Competent evidence relating to the following. typical conciderGtions is hereby declared material but not conclu- sive to the determination of whether an organization is a "communist organization": (1) Consistent promulgation_ of, support for, or adherence to, without substantial deviation, the pro- grams, policies, =,nd objectives of a foreign communist government, foreign communist organization, or any a-ency in which is vested control or direction of the world communism movement. (2) Consistent promulgation of, support for, or adherence to, without substantial deviation, the strat- egy, tactics and methods of execution which have been or now are regularly adopted or employed by any foreign communist gcvernmient, foreign communist organization, or any aVer_cy in which is vested control or direction of the world cork— munism movement, for the purpose of achieving its program, policies, and objectives. (3) Consistent recognition of the disciplinary powers, over its principal leaders or a substantial nur. ber of its members, of any foreign communist govern- meat, foreign communist organ_zation, or any agency in which is vested control or direction of the world com- munism movement. (4) Consistent acts or public expressions evi- �aencinr cooperation with anf? efforts to carry into execution the programs, policies, or objectives of any foreign co*. unist gove=,ent, or foreign co=.unist or- ganization, or the world cor-uunism movement. 2438 (5) Consistent practice of as= isting, directing, advising or encourag_ng its members to travel to any foreign country for instruction or training in the principles, tactics, strategy and policies of the world communism movement. (6) Consistent leadership, ;ranage:nent, direction, supervision, or control of the organization and its ac- tivities by persons -, ho, whether or not they hold of- fice in such organization, are active in the leadership, management, direction, supervision or control of the world co:::munism movement. (7) Consistent disciplinary action, involving cen- sure., removal fro­. posts of leadership or expulsion frog the organization of ry�emberti who fail or refuse to adhere to the programs, rolicies or decisions adopted by the organization which tend substantially to advance the objectives of the world co mmunism movement. (8) Consistent advocacy or encouragement of insu- bordination among or by the employees of the present constitutional government, or of disloyalty to the pre- sent fora of constitutional ,Movernment for the purpose of advancing the objectives of the „orld communism movement. (c) Ir,7orld communism movement” means the world -wide revolutionary movement referred to in Section 1. (d) ('Foreign co ir,:unist government" means any foreign government or subdivision thereof which is controlled or di- rected by, or is subject to the discipline of, the world com- munisr_ movement or any officer, agent, agency or representa- tive thereof, or .-hich is exercising control, direction or disciplinary potaers over the world com. unism movement or any agency or subdivision thereof. �M 2439 (e) '':- ember" means any person who is recognized by an organization as such, or tuho is formally associated or af- filiated with, any organization, or who accepts the policies, principles and program of an organization and is active in its behalf. In any proceeding under this ordinance, other- wise competent evidence relating. to the following typical consider.-.tions is hereby declarel to be _­.aterial but not conclusive to the determination of �vhether an individual is a rye ib�r of a communist organization: (1) possession of a valid ana effective - Membership card or certificate, in (2) regular payment of dues, to (3) consistent solicitD_tion of new members for (4) holding an official ,osition in (5) holding a position of responsibility on the staff of a newspaper or ,periodical -published by, or at the direction of, or under the control of, (6) serving ,with consent as a candidate for public of- fice of (7) attendance at closed meetings of (8) announcement of such membership by (9) admission of status of _iembership in (10) consistent public participation in the organized activities of a communist organization. (f) "Public utility" means any organization or facili- ty, whether publicly or privately owned, which owns, con- trols, operates, or ;anages any equipment, plant or system xhich provides to the public, or any position thereof, any essential commodity or service, such as water, gas, elec- tricity, coil unication, transportation, fuel, or power. :or_= 244( (g) "Alias" means any name other than the true name of a person, which such person uses or has used, or by which he or she is known or has been knob: ,n. 3. Within ten days after the effective date of this or- dinance, every person who resides in, is employed in, has a regular place of business in, or who regularly enters or travels through any part of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and who is a member of any communist organization, shall register by acknowledging under oath and filing with the Police Department of said City a regis- tration statement containing the following information: (1) Name and any alias or aliases of the registrant. (2) Address of registrant's place of residence. (3) Name and address of registrant's employer, if any, and the address at which, and name under which registrant is conducting any business. (4) The name of all communist organizations of which he is a member. 4. Any person who is not required to register by the provisions of section 3, and who after the effective date of this ordinance is, or becomes a member of any communist organization and who commences or continues to reside in, to be employed in, to conduct any business in, or to regularly enter or travel through any part of the City of El Segundo, California, shall, within two days thereafter, acknowledge under oath and file wd th the police Department of said City a like registration statement. 5. Within two days after any person who has registered pursuant to this Ordinance changes his place of residence or his employment or his place of business or commences to use or to be- come known by a name other than a name which he has registered, or becoLles a member of a communist organization the name of which is not stated on his registration statement, he shall acknowledge 2441 under oath and file a new registration statement in the same form as provided for original registration statements. 6. Any person required to r:,gister by this Ordinance may do so by filing the required registration statement at the !gain office of the Police Department within said City. 7. The Chief of Police shall keep and file all regis- tration statements under this Ordinance at the main office of the Police Department, arranged alphabetically according to the sur- name of the registrant. He shall also compile and maintain from such registration statements an accurate alphabetically arranged file or list of all aliases listed thereon, together with appro- priate references indicating the registration statement upon which each of such aliases is listed; and an accurate alphabeti- cally arranged list of all communist organizations listed thereon. Neither the registration statements, nor files or lists of aliases and communist organizations, shall be available for public exami- nation, but they shall be exclusively for the confidential use of officials of said City charged with the duty of issuing permits to car_-cy concealed weapons, issuing permits to buy, sell, or possess explosives, or making appointments to offices or positions in the City of El Segundo disaster relief authority or any other civilian defense or- CD anization or agency in said City. not: 8. Any person who registers under this Ordinance shall (a) Buy, sell, own, possess or control any revolver, pistol, dagger, dirk, slug, high- powered air rifle, billy, or other concealed weapon, nor any permit to carry any con- cealed weap -n, nor shall the City, the Chief of Police or any other officer of the City issue such a permit to a per- son so registered; (b) Buy, sell, own, possess or control any gun powder, blasting powder, dynamite, or any other explosive substance having a pottier greater than or equal to ordinary black pow- der, nor any permit to buy, sell, own, possess or control - 10 - v c 2442 such explosives, nor shall the City, the Chief of Police or any other officer of the City issue such a permit to a person so registered; (c) Be appointed to any office or position in the City of E1 Segundo disaster relief authority or any other civilian defense organization or agency in said City; ui- less such person subsequent to registration shall have with- drawn such registration st- 7tement in the manner provided in section 9. 9. Any person who has registered pursuant to this Ordinance who terminates his or her r,,,embership in the communist organization or organizations designated in his or her registra- tion statement, or who ceases to reside in, be employed in, have a regular place of business in cr regularly enter or travel through any part of the City of El Segundo, California, may withr draw the registration statement previously filed upon submitting to the Police Department an affidavit to that effect. 10. Any person required by this Ordinance to register who, with knowledge or with reason to believe that he is required to - egister hereunder, wilfully fails or refuses to so register, and any person who after registering wilfully violates- any pro- vision of this Ordinance, is'guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $$,500.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of E1 Segundo, California, or in the County Jail of Los Angeles County, California, as the committing magistrate may direct, for a period of not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Every such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, during which, or during any - 11 - v 2443 portion of which, any of the provisions of this ordinance is violated and shall be punishable therefor as herein provided. 11. Any person who wilfully makes any false or mis- leading statement in any registration statement or affidavit provided for in this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than X500.00 or by imprison- ment in the City Jail of the City of L1 Segundo, California, or in the County Jail of Los Angeles County, California, as the committing magistrate may direct, for a period of not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the dis- cretion of the Court. 12. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the appli- cation_ thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, and the application of such pro- vision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 13. This Ordinance is an ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety and is hereinafter made to take effect immediately upon its adoption. The facts constituting its urgency are outlined, stated and de- clared in Section 1 of this Ordinance. adoption. 14. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon 15. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance by a vote of at least four - fifths of all of the members of the City Council of said City; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and - 12 - adopted; and within 15 days after the adoption thereof shall cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and ci r culated within said City, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of September , 1950. Mayor of the City of egundo, California. T''n - T e d�& "_:j ? 1'L 1 - �. rCi S___1. ST T 0� CZI�0�I ., C OTJr= OF LOS AINGE=R S rITM7 ' OF FL 5 EGUI` D0. ) 2444 I. Victor D. = cCarthy, City Clem, of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 373 , was passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the :'._ayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 6th day of September , 1950, and that the same was so passed and adopted by a vote of at least four - fifths of all of the members of said City Council, to wit, by the following vote: 'T ES: Councilmen Gordon, Peterson, Swanson, ln&_)�Mr Selby: NOES: Councilmen bone; ABS =: Councilmen .TI=SS my hand and the official seal of said City this 6th day of _September 1950. ,­City Clerk of t of El Segundo, California. - 13 - A 2445 S T_ =^E CI' C -LLi 4 O I- '7Ir_, ) CC71,71' C7 L0 S :IVG =ES SS• CITY OE SEGJTTDC . j I. Victor D. I�xCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 373 is a full, true and correct original of Ordinance No. 373 of the s_id City of El Segundo, California, entitled:! .tom- CRDI ` T -C7 OF Tom' CITY CF M SEGUY)C, Cr.LIEORn'IA, Ry! UiR7NI`T REGIST_ - .TIOR' OF 1, 3E?3 OP CERTrIN CRG:ITIL. TIONS, � ' ZTD PROVIDII` -G OR Trw USE OF SUCH REGISTRn- TICN STA= =S, LTD LI1. T7'_`'G cC17 C T IVIT= CF =GISTR 27S . tt , which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, ap- proved and signed by the 11:ayor of s -P.id City, and attested by the City Cleri; of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 6th day of September , 1950, and that the same was so passed and adopted by a vote of at least four- fifths of all of the members of said City Council, to wit, by the following vote: -LYyS : Councilmen Gordon, Peterson. Swanson and Ivor Selby: T'.C)El3': Councilmen None; .EI,: Councilmen Thompson. I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the foregoing Ordinance No. 373 was duly and regularly published according to lava and the order of the City Council of said City in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circu- lated tiithin the said City and that the same was so -z�ublished therein on the following date, to wit: September 14, 1950 . - 14 - • oLl' ity Clerk of the ty 1 Segundo, California. POP, _. 1. _fide V1 f 41 STATE OF CALIFO]ZNM COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, jiBZIDf.B . YQfia� ............ ..........................being first duly sworn. deposes and says.. That he 1k and at all of the times hereinafter nmtidned was, a citisen of the Uhl ted Statei of Amerka, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California; that be was, at, and .4riag all of the time of the Publication of the instrument hereunto attacbed the.. .i ............... ............................... Editor of ML SECIIINDo � a r.n, a newspaper of general circulation, .. .. p .. ished ... d circulated ulate ... published and ch^cailated w f: the City of El Segundo, in said County and State; that said newsapaper has been so published circulated at regular intervals of one week for more than one year immediately, Y prdin! #he. Publication of the instrument hereunto annexed; that asid newspaper ia, and was, at an of the timce . In mnentidned, a newspaper of general circulation within the meaning of Section "M of the Poiltical % Code of the State of California; that as provided by &aid section, said newspaper is published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic newa and in telligence of a general character, having a,bona, fide" subscription list of paying subscribers; that said newspaper is not and was noE at i say of thq ti mes bents referred to;'Vevoted to the interests, or published for the entertainment or instruction d a class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, y ion or for arty number of such claaees, profeadons, callings, races or denominations, and that said newspaper L not devoted to or PubHslmed�Dt }r2ias its at any of the times herein mention devoted to or published for the Purpose, whet vol otherwise, of entertaining or instructing such classes ° ' F .Professions, trades. callings, races or deaoai>�ms 4 . or any of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations. ' That the notice, order, ordinance, grew utidn or instrueat hereunto attached an page , ..................... ............... ......... ....... .. ... hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and sire and arrangement of type, L a correct copy Of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, In words and figures ks'; Published ; - that the same was set and 6. printed in 1S9Pe not an than nonpareil and tbat3tlie ' the same was preceded with words ' Printed in bleak -fade type not smaller than adnparett, and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance; Or instrument intended to be d n ' ed" published. as will appear from as inspector of the said annexed. meat; that of which the annexed L a printed copy as hereinabove stated, was .a� � Printed newspaper at leaat..Q" ..... week...., by ... OAA ....... a&1jkWj, on. blicati .. �' r &&&asnlr&islw.., .14th:-day of asatenher............. A. D. 19..�Q and ending on the..14tlf: .404pfiiAnow .............A. D. 19.50 � :`•'sal. ' l W*a*W* r to- wit: ... ''ghwr>td8y.,.. .... .............................................. ............................... ..�.:.�„ ............. ............................... /.................... Subscri to Pefore we this f.. / ..... ` day .. . ......., A. D. C�[ty Clerk of the of of El Segundo, ty Of Los State of Calif By.............. .. ... t Deputy City Clerk of said City. ' al Ya' t '•'B