ORDINANCE 327AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO SOUTHERN C_�LI ^GR ;Its EDISOI' CG :1 A1VY, ITS SUCC" SSORS AND _:�. . , _ S'- TO ,,GP1�TPU�_ A 7 U6.1 r Q.� LR�IvS_ :ITTIAT `,iT DISTRIEU'IN_ ,CTRICI'i'Y TO THE PUBLIC 70 ANLY �7iI r,L�L rU:�POa POLFS, ;IR : CGNDUI T� ___'D AP - "U -'T 'I \TAITCe��, INCLUDIFIGI CO ":U- I.ICATION CIRCUI"S, :TECE;;SARY OR PROFER THEREFOR AC Q;;;:;, Ur ON AiTD UNDE_ TIE PUBLIC 6TRE7Tz'�, :,AY;S, iLLEYS J71 PLACE T''`fiIIvY TH CITY Or EL SEC`UI;DC . 1'} -_e City Council of the City of El 6e- -undo does ordain as follovs : SECTION 1. 'Whenever in this ordinance the T,ords or �Drsases .1_erein;---,ter in they sholl have the re sne the foll -, --ink definitions this section defined re used., otive mecninL:s a.ssi ned to - their. in (unless, in the given instance, the Conte -it • --' Frein they are used sh ?11 clearly iazort e. different meani::`) . (, ) 'the *. ord "grantee" sr_al l mean the corporation to -h_4 ch the frr nchice contemplated in this ordinance i s granted � nd1 its IrT,,ful succe ssors or r ssi`ns; (b) she � or0 "amity" shall meen the City of El Segundo, c munic_i )c1 cor-;_)or^ticn of the State of Oelifornia, in its precent incor•)orated form or in any later reorganized, consolidate,,, enlarged or re- incor-. -)orgted form: (e) T_- e ­-o rc. streets e ^n the public streets, wa ,1. s, al1e,,, s ^nJ maces t s�ime now or ter e :i st *.-i*-- ir, said City; 1..< l.. Ull V (_) T'r.e phrase "nobs, it = conc';�ts !nc' sh,r-l' me. ^r oleo, to, ers, cu-, 1c. ^t-I C�_j � -41 I— d, - U f or,-, cro r^z ri ce s , oram';f or mcr s in sulo for s, con dui t- S ccir c,-tion clrlcl-uits, attachments, EI._I__)_)ur_ 4- I..en,7,nc2z_ --nJ. an, 0 "n C- r 1c •a o-.- to be 'oc,:,:.-ed_ L U in, u,)on, aion. cross, under or over the streets of 1". ?L e it11T, ?n6 used or useful in tl-e -Ur,,1.ns:_nittin,,, f--.nd/or U -'i stri"l-utin of electricity: U - U I_d (e) The -ohr,7--e "construct I -nf, use" shc-11 me,,-.n to _L lay, conotruct, erect, install, 0-�,erate, main'UE�in, use, re_Deilr or re,71pce. ' -.1 -n - rid use for '0. '-he to c --itruc trpn sl-nii t tin tn6 s tri'cutin electricity to tl� e -ou-cli c for -nf. pll doles, r e s , C o n"I., it s ^n(7 9­.-urtenences incluCtir-L co,n- unicrtion clrcuAt-_ necec,_:,-i--r or t_- erefor in, tion- C"Cro -IS, u­)nr, r-nO under th�-� -Dulolic otreets, w,--ys, U - p17 py-, nn :7 _,DJrCe3 17' -1 -in 1",e -ity of El Vic; undo, 1,1 hereby `'rented -',o )outh.ern CF2AL-fo-1,nin "l-'CIison ,,, u­won the terms nc -h in the Flr-nchioe - " =et of 1977 1 conCitions set fort fr,-nc'-Ase s1l.-I"! -ce indeterminate, uh(,-L, is to say, s,-,if_,, franchise oh�-11 endure in full force I!­I-h "ne., consent of the n (I e f =c` u n tu 11 e &,- m F s In,? 11 U.- �PU'blic Util-A tiles r` ion of of C*Plifornip, be ',-o1_1j_nt< ­rJLIy Surrendered. or a.`,nconed the ;ra�ntee, or until the Mete or some munici l or ru'lclic cor-.1-)oration ti-ert-unto d_L.ly PutInorizeC, -d-­ 1.-7- s'(-_,-,lI lurch, ec by volunt:-ry a-i-eement or _­-pil con0lem-n -n,, unCp.- the -.00,.,Ter of eminent domain, -n�'_ use-ul in the cxe.-ocise of E,-- i -a f i se an _ _-I. tuat- e in tul--I e E: --r i to ri � 1 limit: of the L - munic-i--)^1 or ,u'clic cornorp.15-1ol- or condemn- in,- such n-l—, -erty or until said f1r,-ncI7A_-,e shc,11 be forfeited J.or noncomnll,?nce 7-ith its terms lcy IQ!-,e `l r,7ntec-. _ r n,c.__ e s a curia _e ter -n t_:erecf. -.-,F ty, Sur - :ni,up lly hicl_ sha b ll ' eru7 v ^l en to t, -o (� �) J 1' Cent of tt_e - 1 1 r� i� -- i'ecei of ic' `rEntee c) ri sin from t-_e use o ,e-rn,tion or o ;es on of S, r, frPnc'-I ;e; oravi-ded, i o * ;fever, -'_, t such �hrll in no t _ s= hi h shall be ��:z�� men even„ Ne �e s t�i�n sum, ., c ��, ecuivalent to one (I.) :)ei° cent of th_e _,ross nnual recei its derived by r,:ntee fra7;i the s, i e of electricity 7-i thin the (f such --i t ✓ vin.'L F. r frrrCy l e♦ a CT171" 5. -he `_r,�ntee hereof shill file Tit's the Clerk of sf'i_ amity, ithlii t %,re (3) months , ^fter the ex-:;irs:tion of 51i:- C<lenc r ire ^.� , or fr,. c' ion, ^_1 c.rIerc- r py,, ;; e fo1lo�•In the -:ate or the _•rentin<< of thi franchise, , -nd - itrin three (:5) months, ,after the e mirotion of er c:i r-nd every c<:lenGer year thererter, „ Cluly verified st tement sho-71n'_ in det,•il the tot "l Vro'.:s r ?ccI -D ... o- :"i_. r iltee dA1-. ii, tale re cedinc, c�­ler.dar y- -r, oa "uc.- fry. ot._onp l c-71en6 ^r y e ^r, from the s ^le 0= e eCtricity ­itt,jr s ^i-'' City. --Uch _r2.ntee ,:), y t0 1-'it'- - i thin fifteen (lc) d'ors ?t r th- time for filin- sI is st^tement, in In -.:ful rnon�;r oz' , ��c Ui i ted te. <, ;he : .- ores i6 ercen"-n - e of i -s `rocs recei-:ts for the c- lenuar jre?r, or >L:ch I'r ^ction(-,I c71snfo year, covored. cy s,,id statement Any newlect, o -ALs ion or ref ss)i of sL-.id `r,.ntee to file s.- d veY'ifi ed stoter_ient, or saic_ ,percent,-,_e et the time or in the _nc nner 1- .ereinbeflore - rovidee., sha�_l be grounds for the c�eCl!?i'. ^ti 0n Of c^ forfeit urp of th.:i - fr,,ncM,,e �_.nC� of �.l?_ ri_;hts Of r.n tee 1-ercunf.er. LD -EC' =7 6. "1;e r<n + wee of fr� oh i s e shr,ll file bond, running to :e City of El 6e undo, wit at lea _,t tyro ooc_ Pnd. sufficient sureties, to '-,P y;;- ,e sprove� `.y , leLis1 ti Looc.y thereof , irl -1511_11e .yen ^1 ;.,, c f 6r.e �, o-zsan:,.oll� rs (,11 ^c 0 ^,) • corditicned +:<:t t,2e a< ^ntee ;e1_1 s',serve fulfill PnC! erform ac_ , ^n `' T';' to nc' COn rlLi tio_: of this, franchise, v- L vi-, U L �! I- F n(] o 1' - n c-,,,- o f co n c T:) n of S�. i c n tille -.--hole Fr.-lount of sup e _h-'_._l be -U,,,ken -;nd deem., e d to '-e li,Uidite(3 ales -nd --o recovercble from -)rl1^c!'^ ,7 _ 3,-i -conld ­u r e P, c 1 o n ir o J . e filet' e, -1-ock, of -,I- V of "e be so n n e,-', or 17- t 4L C' ... ..o ", of le -islative the - r) fez`;,. na tc r -1 -7 the Zlty In -on-^. -i-)r s!-,r17 7. e 7--, 1 s e be forfeitec% 3F C i s fr,^n phi se is -r-n-17ed undea ,;.nr-- in �)ccol­c! -nce 17ith if s�i' F--n-hi&c. �--Ct Of 1937. U I T '-. ^ . 3. _-In - r n,-, n c e s h,,, e c o e -P. f i & c - ive thirty (30) d :ys 7.,tcr , ts, '"ncl -o_,­ L _saL'e, unless suac)ended .)y referen 'urn -petition file-, s Icy L,,--,i n t e e 0 ^ t1t I f rr n c hi se s`ir 11 -:),-,y to E &-a-_-a Of n ^y 'ic! not -.-c ei,7,j!-ur 3 1 for ?jl -ou nl.-- c,- ti c r Pn Z c7j-I n °c t; on 1-:14 -U- - n i n ',t'- f mr-'.e T:-%t!'i-1n thirty (70� i d F LP t c r t.'­ e "it TT fu r n sci-7 Lr.rntuee itj• a 10. The franchise Lpn tea _-.ere b� v 9-fective. unt-11 :,ritt:mn -P sh, -1 ---ve c c -1 t, n Ie r c ol seer: e r t e it- 7-1 e i_�r t Ir i n I o c f a to C, u t n e -undo ar c C a_ A C) r, e an circu- 1 d n pa-.,)ose. S 1, 3 v e d d s 12th 1"Oe - , . U-0- ;i RI I U 'I L" of J 1 1, n. 4- er _7 C' `C TJ:77�r C! T', 0 17 -2� 7 .7, �Tj I 1 71 c t o r o1 71ty J1 l nn e c u 'n n I -.ere,-, f y -f­-t the .,,hole A 4- -,- i S U� u P r o me C s o t y 7 -I VP - orzln_ince, n C, lin-noe _3237 r Y t f -f7l, I -y o un c ) oved n,'. s i -n er_7 `Y_te t, 7, r c o t e r: c f s 1' t c)f the sr,,- e 12th c May L. , 19 el), and t- t 1--e s,-. il e i,s �-. �:j s ",c) e d 'c y jj e fo 11 ok,,i n v o `e u 0 1 'l-m-n Baker Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby Io., - 'Lj ouncil,mc-,n Nona Paterson o 1'_' - c n City 'le--,-'.: of Y) Wt z�e. u ndr) , 2 if ornlr 15- __j 170 -1 I "Il"Y C7 _-IT --) 7 T T" - I — L 7 "'actor — r t ; --- ,y, `- _tli �l - f' � of n f � 7 , �, , '. .1, Y -- " �� -"p 1.1101 ,�, ) -, 71.1 01, hererY ce ull'', I e OP I M ty vOuncl is thl­t fore oin_ o--din,-nce, 'bE,in- Gdinnnce l,'o. 2 i S E 1, -Ll " I _21 IT ue col,r-,c-, .-original - �)f Grdinei-Loe 1�0. (:)f -4 -, - - -327 ern; , d ntl- tle C,'LIFCR` TA �O CUmpT,..].-t�7 NT 0,7 Z) A EDI A, a T6 T,l I 'IT 1Z) TPL I 3U: I I El _7C'_naIC,!T:,' TO THE PUBLIC T `IRE' , O'"DUIT6 AP'-P UR T Z"" :U,Tj C T I CIT CST I rl JEJ b 1 0 p 77-' Cp, �'7 cl:l D "T,� T PUBLIC ALOij'Sx, ACTRRC3�j) UPON m%l*q1:: `Y ,117'��TT rnT%-' �L, ZI PLAC- ,-fTj ,"� . C I C, Z 1E L z) E 17 .. 4.' \, tl -,,h i- c h s s e n;f J I J 'itY Counc-11 ll�, rove(°,_ nnl- Sc A t + e c: n q t e,-' h t 1 Pi lr-� Of cl ty ,; , all v, r e,,,:.-u 2-,, r -n e e I n L,- Of t 1, e s F 165 Council held on 12th d,,y Of 1948Y ;ink '11-h,--u S­1 - I n.11r 7,'C'S 60 7JE&Se(�. PdC 1 ti e 10110 *." n ,vo to ,ourcil,111-n Baker,_ Swanson, Thompson and Mayor Selby _(7u n c_ None A 33 E'N T : '-cuncilmle-,, Paterson _, ere b,. furthc,2, certify "h,- t -.ourcu,-,nt to the ,ho v i s i o n 6 o= e t h e ::) +I- Of La,,70 of 7-e of tlon) s q,,,qenjed re-,ulF t. --e ..o. 327 y u 1 s, e d c c o r it ol t Z�, p 11 'amity ir. tht� E'l i,,,eekly ne. 7Hn��-" of circulated Tvi hl n u _L ul, cit- the V Du"lis'.ed therein on follo? n SC Of sf'i(? cl%r 21st May ( z�.EAlj) Affidavit of Publication STATE OF VAIEJFOBNzA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, Ar ................................ ........ •._ being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That Jhe is, and at all of the times hereinafter mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California; thatlgle 0 * was, at, and during all of the time of the publication of the instrument hereunto attached the-.—..-..- —­-_-Zd110Z .. . ............................. .. ... .... ........ .... _.­_..__.___ . ...... . 4"'MIX Aill-IMMMINX 32 EL SEGUNDO HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, 41HIOR pub- lished and circulated WEEKLY In the City of El Segundo, In said County and State; that said news- paper has been so printed, published and circulated at regular Intervals of one week for more than one year immediately preceding the publication of the instrument hereunto annexed; that said newspaper is, and was, at all of the times herein mentioned, a, newspaper of general circulation within the meaning of Section 4460 of the Political Code of the State of California; that as provided by said section, said newspaper Is published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and Intelligence of a gen- eral character, having a bona fide subscription list of Paying subscribers; that said newspaper in not and was not at any of the times herein referred to, devoted to the Interests, or Published for the enter- tainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, and that said news- paper is not devoted to or published for, nor was it at any of the times herein mentioned devoted to or published for the purpose, whether avowed or otherwise, of entertaining or instructing such classes, professions, trades, Callings, races or denominations, or any of such classes, professions, trades, call- ings, races or denominations. That the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument hereunto attached on page........ numbered A _. ..... . . .. . ...... _­ . .. . ......................... ......... . ....... ... . .. ... hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and size and arrangement of type, is a full, true and correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or instrument, in words and figures exactly as published; that the same was set and printed In type not smaller than nonpareil and that the body of the same was Preceded with words printed in black- face type not smaller than nonpareil, describing and expressing in general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument intended to be Published, as will ap- pear from an Inspection of the said annexed instru- ment; that the ..... UZAiMA120JR-432.7 of which the annexed Is a printed copy as herein above stated, was published and printed in add newspaper at Ieast..Q&.fwe_.._.MMMk ......... by .......... . .... . . .......... consecutive publication..-, commencing on the I ------ 991IL-day of .&ALY a . av ===Tw -------------------- - -------- A. D. 194.48 and ending on the .-JaQ.t ................ . . ... ____ clay Of -•--••----•--°----• ..W..11...•- •--- .._._..___..._. A. D. 194.__S.., and as often during said time as said newspaper was regu- larly Issued to-wit: ............................. jj&e .............. . ....... . .. . ............................. . ........... May_ w. ao., _uia . . ....... . . . .... . ...... ....... . . .. . . ........ ................................ . - •-- •--- •.•• -- . .. • ... . . . . ......... . . ........ _­.__.."1: .... . .. c-, Subscribed aflf),sWorn to before me this of ... A. D. 194-4.-. City Clerk of the do, County of Los geles, State of alifornia. 13Y----- - - - ----- - --------------- D Puty City Clerk of Said City.