ORDINANCE 313C(b) The provisions of this Ordinance imposing a
time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any
person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive
provisions hereof or of law prohibiting or limiting the
standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at
I- specified times.
SIGNS REQUIRED. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle,
or any portion thereof, in any of the following places:
1. Within any tunnel or upon any bridge, viaduct
or approach thereto.
2. Within any parkway.
3. Within any intersection.
The Traffic Authority may appropriately sign or mark the
following places and when so signed or marked no person shall
stop, stand or park a vehicle or any portion thereof, in any
of said places:
1. At any place so signed or marked between a safety
zone and the nearest curb and any place within twenty (20) feet
of a point on the curb immediately opposite the mid-block end
of safety zone.
2. At any place so signed or marked within thirty (30)
feet of an intersection except that a bus may stop at a desig.
nated bus stop.
3. At any place so signed or marked adjacent to,
C in front of or opposite any fire station, police station,
theatre, school ground or public assembly hall, bus or passenger
station, or other gathering place.
4. At any place so signed or marked adjacent to and
within thirty -five (35) feet of any street oar tracks, inter-
urban car tracks or railroad tracks within said City.
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(d) Passenger loading zones shall be indicated
by a white line stencilled with black letters at least three
inches in height, "PASSENGER LOADING ONLY," upon the tops
of all curbs in said zones.
(a) Permission herein granted to stop or stand a
vehicle for purposes of loading or unloading of materials
shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and
in no event for more than twenty (20) minutes.
(b) The loading or unloading of material shall
apply only to commercial deliveries, also the delivery or
pickup of express and parcel post packages and United States
(c) Permission herein granted to stop or park for
purposes of loading or unloading passengers shall include the
loading or unloading of personal baggage but shall not extend
beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more
than three ( 3) minutes.
(d) Within the total time limits above specified
the provisions of this section shall be enforced so as to
accommodate necessary and reasonable loading or unloading,
but without permitting abuse of the privileges hereby granted.
or IN ANY ALLEY. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle
for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of persons
or materials in any alley within said City, or when the
Traffic Authority shall have placed appropriate signs or
markings thereon to that effect on any narrow or congested
street, or any part or parts thereof, within said City, and
authority to place such appropriate signs and markings on such
narrow or congested streets is hereby granted to said Traffic
Authority; provided, however, that no alley may be blocked
at any time.
When authorized signs or marks are in place giving notice
thereof no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for
any purpose other than loading or unloading passengersor
materials for such time as is permitted herein, in any of
the following places:
1. In any yellow loading zone.
2. Within fifty (50) feet of any entrance to
any school, or any other building used for the
transaction of governmental business.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any passenger
loading zone for any purpose, other than the loading or un-
loading of passengers for such time as is specified in
Section 2 of Article XIII of this Ordinance.
Authority has determined that parking shall be limited and
authorized signs or marks are in place giving notice thereof,
no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose
other than loading or unloading passengers or materials in
any of the following places.
1. At any curb where the grade of the street
exceeds twelve (12) feet.
2. On any part of a roadway having a width of
not more than twenty —five (25) feet.
3. In front of any hall or place used for the
purpose of public assemblage.
4. In front of the entrance to any place in use
for business outside of any business district.
5. At any other place where the parking of vehicles
would result in traffic congestion or particular hazard.
(a) The Traffic Authority is hereby authorized
to establish bus zones opposite curb space for the loading
and unloading of buses of common carriers of passengers
engaged in local transportation, and to determine the
location thereof.
(b) No bus zone shall exceed fifty (50) feet in
length except that when satisfactory evidence has been
presented to said Tr4tffic.Authority showing the necessity
therefor, said Traffic Authority may extend bus zones in
such places not to exceed one - hundred twenty -five (125) feet
in length.
(c) No bus zone shall be established opposite and
to the right of a safety zone.
(d) The Traffic Authority shall paint a red line
stencilled with white letters "NO STANDING," together with
the words, "BUS ZONE," upon the tops of all curbs and places
specified as a bus zone.
SECTION 1. When authorized signs are in place
giving notice thereof no person shall stop, stand or park
any vehicle on any of the streets enumerated in this section
for a period of time longer than is specified herein for said
respective streets or portions thereof at any time between
the hours of 5:00 a. m. and 6:00 po m_ of any day except
(a) Two hours on Richmond Street between
E1 Segundo Boulevard and Holly Avenue within said City;
(b) One hour on Grand Avenue between Concord
Street and Main Street within said City;
(c) Two hours on Concord Street between Franklin
Avenue and E1 Segundo Boulevard within said City;
(d) Two hours on Virginia Street between
Franklin Avenue and E1 Segundo Boulevard within
said City;
(e) Two hours on the northerly side of El Segundo
Boulevard between Concord Street and Virginia Street
within said City;
(f) For any period of time whatsoever on
E1 Segundo Boulevard between Richmond Street and
Sepulveda Boulevard, within said City;
(g) Five minutes on the southerly side of
E1 Segundo Boulevard between Virginia Street and
Richmond Street within said City;
(h) For any period of time whatsoever on Franklin
Avenue between Richmond Street and the first alley
westerly of said Richmond Street within said City,
excepting only vehicles of the City of E1 Segundo,
(i) For any period of time whatsoever on Coast
Boulevard between the southerly boundary line and the
northerly boundary line of said City within said City;
(j) For any period of time whatsoever on the
southerly side of Imperial Highway between Sepulveda
Boulevard and Aviation Boulevard within said City;
(k) For any period of time whatsoever on Lapham
Street between Imperial Highway and a point 362 feet
southerly therefrom;
(1) For any period of time whatsoever on Douglas
Street between Imperial Highway and its terminus south-
erly therefrom, except that two hour parking shall be
permitted along the westerly side of said street between
Imperial Highway and a point 100 feet southerly therefrom
between the hours of 8:00 a* m. and 5:00 p. m. only of
any day;
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(m) For any period of time whatsoever in that
first alley westerly of Richmond Street between
Franklin Avenue and Grand Avenue within said City.
SECTION 2. Except as otherwise provided in this
ordinance, it is hereby declared unlawful for any person,
firm, or corporation, to park or stand any motorcycle,
automobile, trailer, camp car, or any other motor or other
type of equipment owned, operated, or controlled by such
person, firm, or corporation, in or upon any public street,
court, drive, alley or other public place in the City of
El Segundo for more than forty -eight (48) consecutive hours
within any period of seven days.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section
no person shall stand or park any vehicle, wagon or push,
cart from which goods, wares, merchandise, fruits, vegetables,
or food stuffs are sold, displayed, solicited or offered for
sale or bartered or exchanged, or any lunch wagon or eating
car or vehicle, on any portion of any street within said City,
- except that such vehicles, wagons or push -carts may stand or
park only at the request of a bona fide purchaser for a
period of time not to exceed ten (10) minutes at any one
place. The provisions of this sub - section shall not apply
to persons delivering such articles upon order of, or by
agreement with a customer from a store or other fixed place
of business or distribution.
(b) No person shall park or stand on any street, any
lunch wagon, eating cart or vehicle, or push- cart from which
tamales, peanuts, popcorn, candy or other articles of food
or refreshment are sold or offered for sale without first
obtaining a written permit to do so from the City Council which
shall designate the specific section in which such cart shall
c74f .03 .f
(c) No person shall park or stand any vehicle, or
wagon, used-or intended to be used in the transportation of
property for hire on any street while awaiting patronage
for such vehicle or wagon, without first obtaining a written
permit to do so from the City Couneil,whieh shall designate
the specific location where such vehicle may stand.
(d) No person shall deposit, leave, place or park
in any street any cement or concrete miner, wheelbarrow,
push -cart, hand..drawn or hand. - propelled vehicle or other
object, thing, or property (other than those referred to under
subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) of this Section 5 of this Article
XIV of this Ordinance) in such a manner or for such a time as
to interfere with traffic, either vehicular or pedestrian, in
or upon such street or in such manner to constitute a hazard
to the safety of traffic or of any person or persons or pro.
perty in and upon such street, or fail to immediately remove
the same upon order of any police or traffic officer of said
City; provided, however, that the Traffic Authority shall
have the right and power to authorize, in writing, for limited
periods of time, the placing or parking of any such vebiole,
object and/or thing on any street in such manner as will not
constitute the same a nuisance or a hazard to life or property
or unreasonably interfere with traffic in or upon such street.
(e) No person shall stand or park a vehicle upon
any street for the purpose of displaying such vehicle for sale
by sign or otherwise.
(f) whenever any permit is granted under the pro.
visions of this Section and a particular location to park or
stand is specified therein, no person shall park or stand any
vehicle, wagon, push -cart, object, or thing on any location
other than as designated in such permit. In the event that
the holder of any such permit is convicted in any court of
competent jurisdiction for violating any of the provisions
of this section, such permit shall be forthwith revoked by the
City Council upon the filing of the record of such conviction
with the said City Council, and no permit shall thereafter be
Issued to such persons until six (6) months have elapsed from
the date of such revocation.
PARKING. That in addition to the streets and portions thereof
hereinabove designated for limited parking the Traffic Authority
may appropriately sign or mark such other and additional streets,
places, or portions thereof, as in the opinion of the Traffic
Authority may require such marking for limited parking, and
when so signed or marked no person shall stop, stand or park a
vehicle, or any portion thereof, in any of such respective places
for a longer period of time than that designated in the sign or
signs, or marking or markings, for such place or location.
No person shall repair, dust, wipe, wash or otherwise clean,
use or employ any method of dusting, repairing, wiping, washing
or otherwise gleaning any vehicle or portion thereof, while in
or upon any street, when any charge or gratuity is directly or
indirectly made or received therefor, except in case of actual
emergency and then only at the place where such emergency
(a) Whenever the Traffic Authority shall determine
that an emergency traffic congestion is likely to result from
the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings or
functions, or for other reasons, the Traffic Authority shall
have the power and authority to order temporary signs to be
F, ?�
erected or posted indicating that the operation, parking
or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and
alleys as the Traffic Authority shall direct, during the
time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall
remain in place only during the existence of such emergency
and the Traffic Authority shall cause such signs to be removed
promptly thereafter.
(b) When signs authorized by the provisions of
this Section are in place giving notice thereof, no person
shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the
directions and provisions of such signs.
riding a bicycle or driving an animal upon a highway is
subject to the provisions of this Ordinance applicable to the
driver of a vehicle, except those provisions which by their
very nature can have no application.
MARKINGS OR CONTROL DEVICES. It shall be unlawful for any
person or persons to tamper with, or deface, or remove, or
cause to be removed, without authority of the Traffic Authority
so to do, any sign or signs, marking or markings, or traffic
control devices, erected under or pursuant to the provisions
of this Ordinance.
AND MARKINGS. It shall be unlawful for any person other
than the Traffic Authority, or person acting under his author-
ity, to paint markings upon the curbs or place any traffic
signs within said City.
SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of
El Segundo, California, does hereby determine, upon the basis
of an engineering and traffic investigation duly ordered and
made, that the prima facie speed limit of fifty -five miles
per hour presently obtaining on that certain portion of Grand
Avenue between the Alley westerly of Concord Street and Loma
Vista Street, within the said city, is more than is reasonable
and safe upon said portion of said Grand Avenue, and that said
Council does hereby determine and declare that the reasonable
and safe prima facie speed limit thereon is twenty -five miles
per hour, which said declared prima facie speed limit of
twenty -five miles per hour shall be effective when appropriate
signs giving notice thereof are erected upon said highway.
SECTION 2. That the City Council of the City of
El Segundo, California, does hereby determine, upon the basis
of an engineering and traffic investigation duly ordered and
made, that the prima facie speed limit of fifty -five miles
per hour presently obtaining on that certain portion of Main
Street between Palm Avenue and Grand Avenue, within the said
city, is more than is reasonable and safe upon said portion
of said Main Street, and that said Council does hereby determine
and declare that the reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit
thereon is twenty -five miles per hour, which said declared
prima facie speed limit of twenty -five miles per hour shall
be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof
are erected upon said highway.
SECTION 3. That the Chief of Police of said city
is hereby authorized and instructed to cause appropriate
signs, giving notice of said prima facie speed limit of twenty -
five miles per hour, to be posted upon said portions of said
E -`'1
SECTION 4. That said prima facie speed limit of
twenty -five miles per hour, hereinabove determined and
established in Section 1 of this ordinance is so established
as authorized in said Vehicle Code, and the speed of any
vehicle upon said portion of said Grand Avenue in excess
of said prima facie limit of twenty -five miles per hour is
prima facie unlawful unless the defendant established, by
competent evidence, that any said speed in excess of said
limit did not constitute a violation of the basic rule de.
clared in Section 510 of said Vehicle Code at the time, place,
and under the conditions then existing.
SECTION 5. That said prima. facie speed limit of
twenty -five miles per hour, hereinabove determined and es-
tablished in Section 2 of this ordinance Is so established
as authorized in said Vehicle Code, and the speed of any
vehicle upon said portion of said Main Street in excess of
said prima facie limit of twenty -five miles per hour is
prima facie unlawful unless the defendant establishes, by
competent evidence, that any said speed in excess of said
limit did not constitute a violation of the basis rule de-
clared in Section 510 of said Vehicle Code at the time, place,
and under the conditions then existing.
SECTION 6. Any person driving a vehicle upon said
portion of said Grand Avenue, or upon said portion of said
Main Street, in excess of said limit of twenty -.five miles per
hour, hereinabove specified, shall be subject to arrest,
prosecution, fine and imprisonment in the manner, according
to the procedure, and to the extent as provided in the Vehicle
Code of the State of California relating to such violations.
SECTION 1. That subject to the limitations and the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Traffic
Authority (Chief of Police) of the City of El Segundo shall
have the right and is hereby delegated the right and authority,
in his discretion, to melee and issue permits, in writing, under
the provisions of Section 710 of the Vehicle Code of the State
of California authorizing the operation or moving of vehicles,
or combinations of vehicles, or special mobile equipment, of
size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum
specified in said Vehicle Code, or to use corrugations on the
periphery of the movable tracks on a traction engine or
tractor, the propulsive power of which is not exerted through
wheels resting upon the roadway, but by means of a flexible
band or chain, or, under emergency conditions, to operate or
move a type of vehicle otherwise prohibited under said Code,
upon any highway within the City of El Segundo, California,
and for the maintenance of which said City of E1 Segundo is
SECTION 2. That the authority hereby granted to
said Traffic Authority shall be subject to the following
limitations, terms and conditions:
1. The filing of a written application for
such permit as contemplated under the provisions
of said Section 710 of said Vehicle Code.
2. The making by the applicant of a cash
deposit in the sum of $200.00, or the furnishing
of a surety bond approved by the City Attorney as
to form in a like sum of $200.00, which deposit
or bond shall guarantee or insure that any street,
road, alley or highway damaged in any manner by
the equipment or operation permitted will, to the
i�4� L
extent of such deposit or bond, be immediately repaired
at the sole cost and expense of the permittee, and
restored to the same condition in which the same existed
immediately prior to any such damage or injury, so far.
as such restoration can reasonably be made;
3. That the making of such deposit or the furnish-
ing of such bond shall not be construed to exonerate or
relieve the permittee from liability to said City for
any damage which may be suffered or sustained by any
such said road, alley, or highway, or public property,
in excess of said deposit or bond amount of $200.00;
4. That for any such permit so issued, there shall
be charged and the permittee shall pay a fee of 01.50
for each and every single operation or moving of a
vehicle, or combination of vehicles,made under the
provisions of such permit;
5. That whenever the Traffic Authority shall
deem a Police escort necessary or advisable in conneo.
tion with any operation under such permit, the permittee
shall pay for any such escort so required. The charge
to be made for such escort and to be paid by such
permittee shall be the sum of $1.50 per hour for each
hour or fraction thereof for each Police vehicle
(motorcycle or automobile) used in such escort service,
and the additional sum of $1.50 per hour for each hour
or fraction thereof for each Police Officer used in
such escort service; provided that in each single
operation not less than a minimum of one hour's service
for each such Police vehicle so required, and not less
than a minimum of one hour's service for each such
Police officer so required, shall be charged and must
be paid. The Traffic Authority may require a deposit
in such amount, as in his discretion may be reasonably