ORDINANCE 2992923 ORDINANCE NO. 299 AN ORDINANCE ZONING THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TO ESTABLISH A DISTRICT IN WHICH ONLY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES CAN BE CONSTRUCTED AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, does ordain as follows: $E_CTION 1: All of the area of the City of El Segundo easterly of the Westerly City Limits; southerly of the northerly City limits; westerly of Sepulveda Boulevard and northerly of El Segundo Boulevard, but excepting therefrom the area defined as "Commercial District" , and particularly described as follows: B•ginniag at the southwesterly corner of Lot 121, Block 12, as shown upon El Segundo Sheet No. i, re. corded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file in the office of County Recorder of said county, said point being also on the easterly line of the first alley westerly of and parallel to Richmond Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of said alley and across inter- vening streets to the northwesterly corner of Lot 290 Block 76, as shown upon E1 Segundo Sheet No. 3, recorded In Book 20, Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, record; of Los Angeles County, California, and on file as aforesaid, said point being also on the southerly line of Mariposa Avenue; thenee easterly along the southerly line of Mariposa Avenue and across intervening streets and alleys to the northeasterly corner of Lot 36, Block 739 recorded and on file as aforesaid, said point being also on the westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive; thence southerly along th4 westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive and &areas Interven'i.ng streets to the southeasterly corner of Lot 27, Block 24, as shown upon E1 Segundo Sheet No. 1 recorded in Book 16, Page 69 of baps, records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file as aforesaid, said point being also on the northerly line of the first alley southerly of and parallel to Grand Avenue; thence easterly along the northerly line of said alley and across intervening streets to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 32, recorded and on file as aforesaid said point being also on the westerly line of Center Atreet; thence northerly along the westerly line of Center Street and across intervening f streets and alleys to a point 25 feet northerly of the northeasterly corner of Lot 24, Block 122, as shown QTR _1.924 upon El Segundo Sheet No. 9, recorded in Book 22, Pages 54 and 55 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, California, and on file as aforesaid; thence easterly in a strait line to the northeasterly corner of Lot 427, look 123, as the same now exists, said point being also on the westerly line of Sepulveda Boulevard; thence southerly along the westerly line of Sepulveda Boulevard and aoress intervening streets to the intersection of said westerly Use with the north- erly line of E1 Segundo Boulevard as the same now exists; thence westerly along the northerly line of 11 Segundo Boulevard and across intervening streets and alleys to the point of beginning, It being provided that within said Commercial District none of the following uses shall be established or conducted: alcohol manufacture; asphalt manufacture or refining; boiler works; brick, tile or terracotta manufacture; lamp black manufaoturs, ore reduction, paint manufacture, rook crusher, soap manufacture, stook feeding pens, trailer (automobile) r .,and /or camps, oourts;t/ refuse disposal plants; dog kennels; and in general other uses involving hazards to health, or which may be ob.. nfxious or offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, or smoke, gas, vibration or nois�jwhioh, if established might prove detrimental to other property and uses under a ocmpre. hensive lan&use plan now under preparation,- is hereby designated as a district within the City of E1 Segundo in which only single family residenoes, together with private garages to accommodate not to exceed three (3) oars for each such private residence, may be constructed. SECTION g: A single family residence is defined as a building containing only one (1) kitchen designed for and used to house not more than one (1) family, including the necessary employees of such family. SECTION 3: The building plot upon which said single family residence is to be constructed shall have a frontage of at least fifty (50) feet along the street in fronti of said plot 2- 1 -925 and shall oonT;ain at least five thousand (5,000) square feet, unless such plot, having less than five thousand (52000) square feet represents a lot or separate ownership of record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on the effective date of this ordinance, in which case such plot may be used as herein provided. No more than one (1) single family residence, with the garage appurtenant thereto, shall be built upon said building plot. SECTION 42 The Building Inspector of the City of Nl Segundo shall examine all applications for building permits to see if the same comply with the provisions of this ordinance, and the Building Inspector shall not issue any building permit for any building to be constructed in violation of the terms of thin ordinance. SEgnoll A: No existing building within the area herein defined shall be remodeled or occupied for any purpose other than a single - family dwelling, and no existing building or any premises shall be occupied for any purpose other than single. family residence, provided that any use occupying buildings or premises on the effective date of this ordinance may continue, and provided further, that any existing use shall not be expanded or altered in any manner so as to increase noise, smoke, fuses, odor, vibration or excessive traffic. SECTION 6: No permit or licenses otherwise provided for by ordinance shall be issued for any purpose and in any location prohibited by the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 7: This ordinance is an emergency ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, a- 1 926 and shall become effective upon the passage thereof. The facts constituting its urgency are as follows: The City of El Segundo now has no general zoning ordinance. The war between the united States and Germany and Japan is now over and it is anticipated that building materials will become available for the construction of houses and other buildings in the City of E1 Segundo. The City Council deems It necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety to allow only single family dwellings to be oon- structed in the district provided in this ordinance until such time as a complete zoning ordinance covering all of the City of El Segundo is prepared and adopted. The purpose., of this ordinance is to preserve the status quo of the existing residence districts in the City of El Segundo, and to prevent business establishments, apartment houses, and duplexes from being oonstruoted, or any use established or enlarged, in such residence districts until such time as a general zoning ordinance covering all of the City of El Segundo can be adopted. This ordinance shall be published ones in the El Segundo Herald within fifteen (15) days from the passage thereof. SECS 8: Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars (4300.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail of the County of Los Angeles, California, or the City Jail of the City of E1 Segundo, California, as the committing magistrate may determine, for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 4•• . A 1.927 LECTION 9: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of El Segundo held en the 7t_._.h, day of August , 1946. — Z zaz'�' . — Mayor of the City o California. / STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, SS CITY OF EL S EGUNDO . I, Victor D. XoCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. _29,9_, was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of said City, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk thereof, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th _ day of Aug t' .,,_, A* D., 1944, and that the same was so passed and adopted by thb following vote: AYES: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley, Thompson and Mayor Se7 bX NOES: Councilmen None ; ABSENT: Councilmen ?one (SEAL) 1928 '1cl &K•S CERTIFICATE STA79 OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundog California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 299 is a Full, true and correct original of Ordinance No. 299 of the said City of E1 Segundo, California, entitled: " AN ORDINANCE ZONING THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TO ESTABLISH A DISTRICT IN WHICH ONLY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES CAN BE CONSTRUCTED AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF"_ which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 7th day of August, 1946, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Baker, Peterson, Skelley. Thompson and Mayor Selby Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 878 of Act 5233 of the General Laws of the state of California, (Deering 1923 Edition) as amended to date, that the foregoing Ordinance No, 299 was duly and regularly published according to the law and the order of the City Council of said City in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated within the said City and that the same was so published therein on the following date, to -wit: August 8, 1946 . WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this 12th day of August, A. D,, 1946, Affidavit of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, MY OF F& SWUNIM, i, ... BnQlPL . .. ......... being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That br Is, and at all of the times hereinafter mentioned was, a citizen of the United States of America, *Vej: ',T the age of eighteen years, and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California; thatba was, at, and during all of the time of the publics tion of the instrument hereunto attached the--�.- Editor . ... .... . .. . . ...... printer and publisher of EL SEGUNDO HERALD, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, pub- lished and circulated WEEKLY in the City of El Segundo, in said County and State; that said AGWt paper has been so printed, published and circulated at regular Intervals of one week for more than one year Immediately preceding the publication of the Instrument hereunto annexed; that said newspaper, Is, and was, at all of the times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation within the memmiot of Section 4460 of the Political Code of the State of California; that as provided by said seWon, said 4 newspaper Is published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and intelligence of a gleil. � eral character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that said newspaper in not and was not at any of the times herein referred to, devoted to the Interests, or published for the enter- tainment or instruction of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or for any number of such classes, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, and that said news- paper is not devoted to or published for, nor was it at any of the times herein mentioned devoted to or published for the purpose, whether avowed or otherwise, of entertaining or Instructing such clesses, professions, trades, callings, races or denominations, or any of such classes, professions, trades, call- ings, races or denominations. That the notice, order, ordinance, resolution or instrument hereunto attached on page.-- numbered .. . ..... . ............... . .... . .................................................. .. . . ......... . ... ..... . .. . . . .. . .. . .................. . . . . ... hereof in all respects, including subject matter, and size and arrangement of type, is a full, true "4 correct copy of the said notice, ordinance, resolution or Instrument, in words and figures exactly-#A published; that the same was set and printed In type not smaller than nonpareil and that the body(, the same was preceded with words printed In black- face type not smaller than nonpareil, describing and expressing In general terms the purpose and character of the notice, order, ordinance, resolutIM, or instrument Intended to be published, as will al>- pear from an Inspection of the said annexed instrw-L' ment; that . . ........... ......... . .. . ... . ................ . . ........ . . .. of which the annexed is a printed copy as herein above stated, was published and printed in said newspaper at least_9RqP..,11AP66Mvn1 ... v, FaMento aft on the .... 4PI.--day of .......... AJU9A1A—...., A. D. 19&..., a-d-padonsa&.6be dar4c ...... . ................................................ I A--Lk. 4- a - & V M t M as - - --- -- -- 1orlyl •"wW to-wit: ............. Th.. -M. 4 4 ma yi..t. -.AM"1RL-fL--"4fi — -------------- --------------- ------------- -- -- - -- ------ Subscribed and sworn to before me this za- — day of ... . ...... ( ------- - •- -- -- - - - - -- A. D. 19CIa- City Clerk of the City of El I of Los Angeles, State Deputy City Clerk of Saidrii. . . . .......................... .................... . ....... . ... . ..