ORDINANCE 2421NA ORDINANCE N0. "242. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, PRESCRIBING RULES AND RE- GULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING ARID SUBDIVIDING OF LANDS AND THE FILING AND APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION NAPS WITHIN SAID CITY. The City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) All words used in the singular shall in- olude the plural and the plural the singular; each gender shall include all others; any tense shall include all other tenses. (b) The use of the title of any board, department, office, officer or employee, or ordinance, shall mean such board, department, office, officer, employee or ordinance respectively, of the City of E1 Segundo, unless otherwise speoifioa.11y designated. (c) Prohibited Aots: Wherever in this ordinance any act or omission is made unlawful, it shall include causing, permitting, aiding or abetting such act or omission. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this ordinance the following words and phrases are defined as follows: "Approved" shall mean "approved by the City Engineer of the City of E1 Segundo" unless otherwise specified; "City" shall mean the City of El Segundo; "Council" shall mean the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo; "Person" shall mean natural person, joint venture, 1.• - joint stock company, partnership, association, club, company, corporation, business trust, organization, or the manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer or employee of any of them; "Shall" and "may ": "shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive; "Subdivision Map Act " shall mean and refer to the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, being Chapter 670 of the 1937 Statutes of said state, as same now exists or may hereafter be amended. "Planning Act" shall mean and refer to the Planning Act of the State of California, being Chapter 838 of the 1929 Statutes of said state, as same now exists or may hereafter be amended. The definitions contained in said "Subdivision Map Act" and in said "Planning Aot" are hereby adopted as the definitions and meanings of each and all of said words so defined, whenever the same appear in this ordinance. "Primary Street" shall mean any thoroughfare of an existing or intended one hundred (100) foot width or more, or its equivalent width in traffic carrying capacity (inolud- Ing side - walks) when shown as such on any official street plan of the City. "Secondary Street" shall mean any thoroughfare other than a primary street as defined herein, which is or is intended for through traffic carrying purposes and is shown as such in any official street plan of the City. "Local Street" shall mean any thoroughfare other than a "primary street" or "secondary street" as defined herein, or alley, walkway or trail. SECTION 3. Tentative Map. Every subdivider shall file with the City Council at least six copies of a tentative map of each proposed subdivision and one additional copy 2- building construction, in which case, at right angle intersections a substantial equivalent shall be a ten -foot by ten -foot out off. (10) Private Streets. Private streets, alleys, or ways shall not be platted or laid out, except with the approval and consent of the Council, and then only on conditions which guarantee the permanent maintenance thereof. (11) In lieu of the dedication of any street or alley, a future street or alley dedication may be permitted and shall be made in the following language: "We hereby dedicate for public use for street or alley purposes (as the case may be), thALt certain strip of land designated as future street or alley as shown on said map within said subdivision, reserv- ing to ourselves for the use of ourselves and successive owners of the respective lots adjoining the future street or alley shown on said map and all ordinary uses of said land except the erection or construction of buildings thereon, until such time as the legislative body shall accept the same for street or alley purposes." (B) Alleys. Alleys shall be provided at the rear of all lots fronting on primary or secondary streets, or in the rear of any property where the property between the alley and the street is zoned or designated as business or income property. All alleys shall have a width of at least twenty (20) feet. When two alleys intersect, the intersection corner shall be out back with a 10 foot by 10 foot out -off or rounded with fifteen (15) foot radius curves. Dead -end alleys shall be provided with adequate turning facilities. (C) Lots. (1) size of Lots. All lots shall have a minimum average width of fifty (50) feet and a minimum area of five thousand (5,000) square feet; provided, that C=!! 1,4rft (2) Existing Improvements. Where improvements have been previously constructed in a proposed sub. division and are found to be satisfactory by the City Council, approved plans and profiles showing the grades and the nature and extent of the existing im- provements shall be filed with the City Council. (3) Dangerous Areas. Areas known to be dangerous by reason of geological conditions, or which are sub- ject to inundation, overflow by storm water or any other dangerous condition shall not be subdivided except under approved restrictions as to the uses of all or any part thereof. (F) Easements. Easements for public utilities, water mains, sewers, storm drains or storm water channels, and slope rights shall be provided wherever deemed necessary by the City Council. (a) Walkways. Walkways shall be at least ten (10) feet in width and shall not have an average grade exceeding forty per cent (40 %). SECTION 5. FINAL MAP. (A) Submission. (1) Conformity to Tentative Map. Within six (6 ) months after the date of the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map by the Council, the subdivider shall cause the proposed subdivision to be accurately surveyed in accordance with the tentative map and with any and all alterations and changes required thereto, except where a survey is not required by the "Subdivision Map Act ", and within said period, he shall file with the City Engineer a final map of the subdivision conforming in all particulars 0 to the provisions of the "Subdivision Map Act" and of this ordinance. (2) Time Limit. The failure of a subdivider to so file such final map with the City Engineer within said period or to have said map recorded in the office of the County Recorder within one (1) year after the date of the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map by the Council, shall automatically terminate and void the proceedings. (3) Guarantee for the Construction of Improvements. No final map shall be presented to the Council for approval until the subdivider either completes the required improve- ments; or (a) Files with the City Council a surety bond in such an amount as the City Engineer shall estimate and determine to be necessary to complete all the improve- ments required to be done by the subdivider, which surety bond shall be executed by the subdivider as principal, and a corporation authorized to so act under the laws of the State of California, as surety, the same to be payable to the City and to be conditioned upon the faithful perform- ance of any and all work required to be done by the sub- divider, and said bond shall be further conditioned to the effect that should the subdivider fail to complete all work required to be done by him within a specified reason- able tine, the City may, at its option, cause all required work to be done and the parties executing the bond shall be firmly bound for the payment of all necessary costs therefor; or (b) Eaters into a contract with the Council to com- plete such improvements within a specified reasonable time after the approval and recordation of the final map, such ao ntract to be secured in such an amount as the City 9. 15 Engineer shall estimate and determine will be necessary to complete all the improvements required to be done by the subdivider, by a deposit of money or of negotiable bonds, of the kind approved by law for securing deposits of public money, made with either the Council or a reliable escrow agent or trust company approved by the Council, which said deposit shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of any and all work required to be done by the subdivider under the terms of said contract and shall further be conditioned to the effect that should the sub. divider fail to complete all such work required within a specified reasonable time, the City may, at its option, cause all required work to be done and the money or bonds of the deposit shall be firmly bound for the payment of all necessary costs therefor; and in such contract the escrow agent or depositary shall be instructed to pay to the City out of the moneys and bonds on deposit all costs and expenses incurred and expended by the City in causing any and all such required work to be done and to secure the cost of which said deposit was made, upon the filing by the City Engineer with the escrow agent or depositary of a statement signed by him that all the work required under said contract to the extent that the cost of said work was covered by the deposit has been completed, together with a statement of costs and expenses incurred and expended by the City therefor; and said contract may by its terms provide for the acceptance of the work as it progresses and for partial withdrawal of the deposit, in money or bonds, upon certificate of the City Engineer in a manner similar to cash payments under cash contracts and under rules established by the City Council; or 10•. (e) Enters into a contract with the Council, secured by a faithful performance bond, or other form of guaranty or guaranty deposit approved by the Council, and in accordance with all of the provisions of Section 20 of the Subdivision Map Act, thereunto appertaining, for the construction and completion of the.improvements under an appropriate special assessment act by the forma- tion of a special assessment district covering said subdivision or part thereof. Every surety bond furnished and every contract under which a deposit is made to secure and guarantee the con- struction and completion of the improvements required to be done by the subdivider shall further provide and be conditioned that the surety executing such bond, or such deposit, respectively, shall continue to be firmly bound under a continuing obligation for the payment of all necessary costs and expenses that may be incurred or expended by the City in causing any and all such required work to be done, and that said surety or depositor, re- spectively, assents to any lawful extensions of time within which to construct and complete such improvements that may be granted to the subdivider. A guarantee for the construction and completion of improvements, in the form provided insubdivisions(a), (b) or (e) of this section, shall not be waived under any condition. (B) Permanent Monuments. Before the transmission of any final map to the Council for approval, approved per- manent monuments shall be set at or near each boundary corner of the subdivision and along the boundary lines at intervals of approximately one thousand (1,000) feet, and interior monuments shall be set at the exterior corners of each block, or satisfactory assurance shall be given the City Engineer that they will be so set later. 11- .LR t thereof for each adjacent City or County that has requested the submission of such maps for report. Such map shall be prepared with respect to all engineering data required therein, by or under the direction of a licensed surveyor or a registered civil engineer, and shall contain the following information: (a) The tract number, name or designation; (b) Sufficient legal description of the land to describe the location of the proposed subdivision; (c) Dames and addresses of record owners shown on the County Assessor's records, the subdivider, and the engineer or surveyor, if any; (d) The locations, names and existing widths of all adjoining and contiguous highways, streets and ways; (e) The width and approximate grades of all existing and proposed highways, streets and ways; (f) The approximate width and location of all existing and proposed easements for drainage, sewer and public utility purposes; (g) Approximate radii of all curves; (h) The approximate lot layout and the approxi- mate dimensions of each lot; (i) Approximate location, width and direction of flow of all water courses; (j) Proposed method of sewage disposal, if any; (k) Proposed use of property; (1) Approximately accurate contours drawn to intervals prescribed by the City Engineer where topo- graphy controls or influenoes the layout or water supply; (m) The approximate locations of all trees that will affect locations of easements; 3— ii (n) Date, north point and scale; (o) Approximate location and outline of each existing building or structure; (p) The boundary line of the subdivision; (q) Any of the foregoing required data which it is impossible or impracticable to place upon the tentative map shall be submitted in writing with the map. SECTION 4. SUBDIVISI0N STANDARDS. All subdivisions shall conform to the following regulations: (A) Streets. (1) Primary and Secondary Streets. The widths and alignments of all primary and secondary streets shall conform to any plan of traffio.arteries or to any proceeding for any public improvement affected by or related to any subdivision which has been initiated or approved by the Council prior to the date of approval or conditional approval of the tentative map by the Council. (2) Alignment. All streets as far as practicable shall be in alignment with existing adjacent, connect- ing and surrounding streets and their proper projections or prolongations; provided, that where the subdividers property is large enough, a modified curved street layout may be permitted. (3) Local Street Width. All local streets shall be at least fifty (50) feet in width unless the topo- graphy will not permit such width. (4) Street Grades. On hillside streets comprising a through traffic route, a grade in excess of six per- cent (6 %) shall not be permitted unless a grade not to exceed eight percent (8 %) will obviate an excessive KM 15135 curvature or eliminate excessive outs. Grades of all streets shall be as low as possible con- sistent with the advantageous development of the proposed subdivision. The grade of any street of more than local traffic needs shall not exceed ten per cent (10,x). No local street grade shall exceed fifteen per cent (15,x). (5) Curves and tangents. A minimum center line radius of at least five hundred (500) feet shall be used on all through traffic streets. In flat areas, curves on local streets shall have radii as long as possible consistent with local conditions. Suitable tangents must be used between all curves. (6) Street intersections. Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as practicable. (7) Effect on Adjoining Property. Street layout shall be designed to provide access to and not impose undue hardship upon property adjoining the subdivision. (8) Dead..End Streets. Dead -end streets shall be permitted only when through streets are not practicable, and adequate provisions shall be made at the and of such streets for turning by dedicating a turning circle at least fifty (50) feet in diameter or adequate space to facilitate backing and turning. (9) Rounding Block Corner. At all block corners the property line shall be rounded or out back. Inter- section corners on all primary and secondary streets shall be rounded with twenty -foot radius curves and all other corners shall be rounded with fifteen -foot radius curves; provided, that where business develop- ment is indicated a diagonal out -off substantially equivalent to rounding may be used in order to aid 5- 153'7 where property is zoned as business property, the minimum width may be reduced to forty (40) feet. (2) Frontage of Lots. Lots abutting primary or secondary streets shall front on said streets. Lots abutting local streets shall front upon the streets which parallel the long dimension of the block. Key lots and double frontage lots shall be avoided wherever possible. (3) Side Lines. The side lines of all lots, so far as practicable, shall be at right angles to the streets on which the lots front. (D) Blocks. Blocks more than six hundred sixty (660) feet in length shall not be permitted unless the topo- graphy or other special conditions require longer blocks. (E) Improvements and Drainage. (1) New Improvements. In all subdivisions the streets, alleys, lots and easements shall be laid out to provide for approved sewer and drainage facili- ties. All such streets and alleys shall be graded and improved to an approved width and grade. The improvements shall include necessary surface im- provements, curbs, sidewalks, water mains, fire hydrants, catch. basins, pipe culverts, and storm drains; and sewers shall be installed where connec- tions for said sewers are available into an existing system. Drainage easements shall be improved in an approv- ed manner. Primary and secondary streets shall be graded:, and improved to an approved grade and -A dth necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and through traffic needs. 7-