ORDINANCE 159o �r :. ORDINANCE NO. 159 AN ORDINANC$ OF THE CITY CF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORM, AMENDING OIRDINANCE NO. 90 CV f SAID CITY, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGIINDO, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND RUBBISH AND THE ACCUMULATION OF MANURE WITHIN SAID CITY; PRESCRIBING PENALTIBS FOR THE VIOLATION TMREOF, AND REPEALING ALL OMINANCES AND PARTS OF OHQINANOBS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH ".. ADOPTED ON THE END DAY OF JANUARY, 1923, BY AMAD3XG SECTIONS 1 AND 4 THgEZOF. The City Ommil (Board of Trustees) of the City of El Segundo, Califomis, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 90 of the City of El Seganda, California, passed and adopted on the 2nd day of January, 1928, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: _- "SECTION 1. For the purposes of this ordinance, the word "garbage" is defined to be all animal and/or _ vegetable refuse from kitchen, household, store, and/or market waste,, that shall have been prepared Bar, or intended to be used, asp food, or shall have resulted from the existence, handling, oleaning, care, market- ing or preparation of food. For the purposes of this ordiname "oombustible rubbish" is defined to be paper, pasteboard, oarpets, rage, boxes, clothing, books and similar articles that will readily incinerate through oontaot with flames of ordinary temperature. For the purposes of this ordinance "semi- oombustible rubbish" is defined to be boots, shoes, cut shrabbery, trees and shrubbery trimmings, dead flowers, out grass, a c - feathers, yard sorapings (exoept as hereinafter provided), and similar articles that vdll incinerate though not readily through oontaot with flames of ordinary temperatare. For the purposes of this ordinanoe the term "non - oombustible rabbish" is defined to be ashes, bottles, broken arockery, glass, tin owns and other metallio substanoes and like or, similar articles or sabstanoes that will not inoinerate." SECTION 2. that Seotion 4 of said Ordinance Bo. 90 of the said City of El Segundo, Cali tD =ia, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follow: "SECTIOff 4. It shall be the duty of every owner, manager, and /or person in possession, charge and /or control of azy boarding house, restaurant, hotel, apartment hoaee, eating house, store, market, or plaoe where food or food products are prepared, treated, mauafaotured, handled, stored and/or sold, and of every person, oocapying a dwelling or flat or apartment .within said City of El Segundo, to provide, or cause to be provided, and at all times to keep, or to cause to be kept, as in this wdinanoo pre- scribed, portable vessels, tanks or receptacles for holding garbage. Eaoh shah vessel, tank or reoeptaole shall be construoted of metal; shall be water tight; shall be so oonstraated as to oontain not less than three nor more than sixteen gallono, and shall be provided with a handle or handles, and with a tight fitting metal cover. Suoh cover shall not be removed exoept when necessary to clean the sane, or to place garbage therein, or to take garbage therefrom. A saffioient member of such vessels to oontain all garbage produced between oolleotion periods at or upon the paemises served by suoh receptacles or vessels, shall be so provided and kept at all times. Until such time as the City Council shall by ordinance otherwise determine, the city garbage collector of the City of El Segundo, or the person, firm or corporation having a contract with said city for garbage removal therein, shall on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each and every week commence the collection of garbage within the said city placed in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, and shall diligently prosecute the work of such collection (Sundays and holidays excepted) until the same shall be tally c cmpleted within the said city. All such work of collection shall be o° prosecuted between the hours of 7 :30 A. M. and 6:04 P. M. of each day required for such collection. Baring the hours find for the collection of garbage in the City of 81 Segundo, each each vessel, tank or receptacle, containing amy garbage, shall be placed on the curb in front of the premises; shall be easily accessible to the garbage collector whoa called for, and shall be immediately removed as soon as emptied; provided however, that, where there are public alleys open to travel in the rear of azW premises affected by this ordinance, then and in that event such vessel, tank or receptacle iball be placed upon the rear of said promises so that the some may be easily accessible to the garbage collector from said alley when called for. It shall be unlawful for any person to plaoe, or to cause or permit to be placed, in any such vessel, tank or receptacle, any substance other than garbage. It small be unlawfal for any pore m other than the o sae r, or person acting for the owner, or an officer or employee of said city, or any employee of the person, firm or corporation holding contract 0 L-_- a�� with the City of El Segundo for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, to interliTS in any meaner with any each vessel, tank or receptacle, or the contents thereof, or to remove azW such vessel, tank or receptacle from the location where the same was placed by the owner thereof, or to remove the cmtents of say such vessel, tank or receptacle. Until Bach time as the City Council shall by ordinance otherwise determine, the rubbish collector of said city, or the perscn, firm or corporation having a contract with said city for the collection of rubbish therein, shall oommenoe the collection of non- combustible rubbish within the said city, on the first and third Fridays of each end every month hereafter, and shall diligently prosecute the work of such collection (Sundays and holidays excepted) until the sass shall be fully completed within the said city. All such work of collection shall be prosecuted, between the hours of 7 :30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. of each day required for such collection." SECTION 3. That said Ordinance loo. 90 be and the same is hereby amended accordingly. SECTION 4. This ordinance is as ordinance affecting the public peace, health and safety of said city, and is urgently required in order that each public peace, health and safety be protected. The facts constituting its urgency are as follows: That there are in the City of E1 Segundo, California, certain public markets, stores and other places where accumulations of garbage, vegetables and food trimmings, aamd offal, aocumulate, and it is necessary that such acoumu- lations be regulated by requiring same to be covered and kept in containers as herein provided, so that they will not 4- afford a breeding place for flies and Termin, or oonsti- tuts a menace to public health, peace and safety othervEss. Therefore this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and virtue immediately upon the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION b. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; shall cause the same to be published once in The E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within the maid City of El Segundo, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. PasBed, appro wd and adopted thiB 17th day of May, A. D. , 1929. War of y of egando, AT T. Cali lb mia. TO o /� I-, y (SEAL) Cit Taslap-N STATE OF CALIFORAIA, ) COUNTY OF LO 6 ANGELES , ) SS . CITY OF SL SEGUNDO 0 ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of $1 Segundo, California do hh0reby certify that the Whole number of members of the bity Council (Board of Trustees) of the said city is five; that the foregoing ordinanoe, being Ordinance No. 1g9 , was duly passed and adopted by the said City Counci provednd signed by the Mayor of said city, and attested by the City Clerk of said city all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on tie 17th day of May, A. D. , 1929, and that the as= was so passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Love, Selby and Binder. Roes: Councilmen Drone. _ Absent: Councilmen ( SEAL ) 0 �Y` i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELb , ) SS. CITY OF EL - SEGUNDOt ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segando, Cali lbrnia, do hereby certify that the - -- whole number of members of the City Council (Board of Trustees) of the said Gity In five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 159 , is a Rill, true and correct original of Ordanoe No. 159 of the said City of egun o, California, ent.it"UT- "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDIN G ORDINANCE NO. 90 OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED, 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE C MLECTIOR AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND RUBBISH AND THE ACCU15TLATION OF MANURE WITHIN SAID CITY; MESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THERE OF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT THEREWITH' ADOPTED ON THE END DAY OF JANUARY, 1923, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 4 THBHEOF. ". Which was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, (Board of Trustees), approved and signed by the Mayor of said city, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting- of the said Council held on the 17_.. h day of May, 1929, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vo to : Ayes: Councilmen Gerow, Love, Selby and Binder Hoes: Councilmen None = Ab sent : Councilmen grimmer . I do hereby further oertify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 878 of Act 5233 of the General Laws of the State of California, (Deering 1923 Edition) that the foregoing or dinarn a No. 159 was duly and regularly published according to the law and the order of the City Council of said city in The E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general oiroulation printed, published and circulated within the said city and that the same was so published therein on the following date, to -wit: 94th, 1929_ . WITNESS my head and the seal of said city this day of May, A. D.9 1929. (SEAL) /'4;;2 Segundo,