ORDINANCE 1411i �~ aRDINANCB NO. 141 . AN OiRDINAIF CB OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE ANOUHT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED. BY TAXATIOB UPC r THE TAXABLE PROPERTY THEREIN AS A EMEBUB TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND PAY TER BONDED 331BBTEDNBSS OF SAID CITY - FOR THE CUBRBNT TMAR, 1987 -1988. - The City Council (Board of Trustees) of the City of B.1 Segundo, California, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property in the said City of El Segundo, Califo mia,.as a revenue to carry on the various departments of said municipal corporation for the ourrent year, 1927 -1928, and to pay the bonded and other indebtedness, of said City of 31 Segundo, California, is fixed at: For carrying on the various depart - ment e, the sum of . . . . . . $2049370000 for paying the bonded indebtedness, the sum Of • . . . . . . . . . f 47,143.00 Total saount .. . . . . . . . $,161.613.00_ SECTION 2, The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall tames the same to be published once in the Bl Segundo .Herald, a weekly newspaper printed, published and oircalated in the City of El Segundo, which, is hereby designated for that purpose. This Ordinance, being an ordinance required under the provisions of an dot of the Leglelature, of the State MW ' of Califomia entitled, "An Act to provide for the levy and collection of taxes by and for the use of suni oipal , 1-