ORDINANCE 140.� 6-- % I (/v n� ORDINLZE NO. 14o • a` AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BL SBOUND 0, CALIFOINIA, EXTENDING THE APPOINTIZET AND COMENSATION OF THE OOMMISSIC19ERS TO ASSESS THE BE13FI TS AND DANIGES AID TO HAVE GENERAL SUPERVISION OF THE PROPOSED WORK OF 1AYIIQG OUT AND OPENING OF CYPRBSS STREET, PBPPBR STREET, CEDAR STREBT, ACACIA AVNNUE, SYCAY011E AVINUB AND OAK AVEUUB Ili THE CITY OF BL 3BGUND0$ CALIFORNIA, AS ORDBRED BY OBDINANCZ N0. 136 OF SAID CITY. The City Council (formerly Board of Trustees) of the City of 21 Segundo, Calilbrnia, does hereby ordain and determine as follows: 'LSAT, 1EEREAS9 on th4 4th day of February, A. D., 19 LR, Ordinswoe No. 136 of the City of Bl Segundo, Cal ifo Baia, was duly passed ani adopted, whioh sold ordinamoe is entitled: end, "AN ORDIRLBOB OF THE CITY OF EL 3ROUIDO OAMPOI9IA OZZRING TH$ LAYING OUT A11b OPEN - ING OF CSRhII IBW PUBLIC STBBBTS, WITHIN THS SAID CITY TO BR IZS30RATED AND WHOM AS CYPRBdB STREBT, SAT118RR WALNUT AVBUUZ AND COLLINGWOM STREET; AND PEPPER STREET 13ETWXBK RIPLB AVENU AND C OLLINGW O00 S TRENT; AND CEDAR ST=31T B3- TURN WALNUT AVENUE AHD COLLIIGWOOD S?3331j; AID ACACIA AT11R8 , BBT7ISEN THE WESTERLY BOMMARY OF THE CITY OF BL SBGVNDO, CALIFORNIA AND OBDAB STBEBT; ALSO BE PBPPBR STREET BD CYPRESS STREET; AND STCAYOHB AVENUE BETWEEN PEPPER STUBT AND PENN 3TBEBT; AND OAK AVI NUB, B3r=ZN THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 99 BLOCK 89 TRACT 16859 CITY OF EL SBGMO, CALIFODIA, AND BO NITA VISTA AVBIIE , ALSD BSTMEH BAYONNE STUB? AND TffB WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 8, BLOCK 9E9 BL SEGUBDO SKEET N0, 3, CITY OF IL SEG UNDO, CALIFORNIA, ALL WITHIN THE SAID CITY, APPOINTING THRBB COMMISSIOT- B8S TO ASSESS THE BENEFITS ABD MMGBS TO HAVE GE93RAL SUPERVISION OF THE PROPOSED WiAK AND 3R ESCRIBIN G THEIR POMRS AND DUTIES." WHEREAS, by virtue of "Section Two ", thereof, Arnold F. Fitzgerald, H. H. Heaston and G. B. Young were appointed as commissioners to assess the oenefits and damages and to I- �t 1ff have general supervision of the proposed work and im- provement as ordered by said Ordiname 8o* lab until the completion thereof, in compliance with the law; and, T EREAS, said "Section Two" provides that sal d Commissioners shall be oompmsate4 for their services at the rate of $1.00 per hour, provided however, that such can. pensation shall in no vase exceed #800.00 per month, and shall not continue for a longer period than six months unless, ex- tended by order of the Board of Trustees (now City Coanail), of the said City of El Segando, Cali fb rnia; and, 11ERBEA39 "Section 6* of the *street Opening Act of 1889' provides that neither the appointment nor coupon- sation of Swah oommissioners shall continue for more than Wo six months, unless extended by order of the Board of Trustees (now City Council); and, WRMAS, the term of appointment of set d commiss- ioners will expire on the 9th day of September, A. D., 1987;, and, 9HEH8AS111 the work and Improvement ordered by said Ordinance. Bo. 186 In not completed; follws BOX, THEE MM, it is ordained and determined as MWTION 1. That Arnold F. Fitzgerald, H. H. Heawtou am G. E. Young, appointed by *Soot ion Two" of said Ordlname No. 136, of the City of 11 Segando, Cali fb mia, be and ichey are hereby reappointed as such commissioners and that their term of office is hereby extended• for a period of six months from_ and after the 9th day of September, A. D., 1927. MOTION 8. That said commissioners shall be oom- pensated. for their services at the rate of $1.00 per hoar, provided however, that such compmoation shall in no case ex- coed $200.00 per month. and shall not continue for a longer period than six months, from the 9th day of September, 19ff . unless extended by order of the City Council of said city. 8• Lh:' SECTION 3. this Ordinance shall oe published ono* in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated In the sold City of El Segundo, Califomia, and shall tare effect immediately Upon the passage and adoption thereof. Passed, approved and adopted this fith . day of •s , A. D. , 1987. or o y o r'"B"I Seipmast California, also known as the President of the Board of Trustees. A ST: (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFO�[iA ) COUTY OF LOS AIGBL S, ) 33. C ITY OF EL BE 00 ) I, Victor D. YoCartbj, City Clerk of the City of Bl Segundo, Cali ib mia, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the said city is five; that the foregoing ordinews, being Ordinance Xo._ was duly passed and adopted by the saJA City Council, ap- proved sad sided by the Mayor of said Qity, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the 1.th dew of wit w, A. D., 19279 and that the sae was so passed and adopted by the following Tot*: AYES: COUNOMO :. Gerow, Iritmel, Love and Binder. Or NOES: CWT None ABSENT: CWW1n it Cannon. • �aT- MgM -a-IF 4i4Mi rggt�: 3w U60 , CLEK *S CERTIFICATE. COAUNTY0OFLOS CALIFORNIA, , ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. ) I, Victor D. YoCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Califomia, do hereby certify that the whole Somber of members of the City Council of the said city is fine; that the foregoing ordinano • ( being Ordinance Bo. �140, i s a full, true and correct ortalml eT ft&ftanoe No, anti tlod: _ f4o of the said City of $1 Begunlot "1S OBDINXFCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEQUEDO, CALIFORNIA RZTffiIDING THE APPOINTIMUT AND COMPEBSATIbN OF THE OMMISSIOTERS TO ASSESS THE HBNEFI TS AND DAI LOES AND TO HAVE (3MMAL SUPERVISION Of THE PROPOSED WMK OR LAYING OUT AND OPENING OF CYPENSS STHZET, YBPPFB STREET, CMDAR STREET ACACIA AVlOZUB, SYCA><ORB AVENUE AND OAK AVB WE IU THE CITY Oa IM SE GAUD 0, CALIFOFBIA, AS (R DERRD BY MDIM CZ NO. 135 OF SAID CITY." whioh was duly passed and adopted by the said City Council, approved and s iga•d by the Igor of said city and attested by the City Clerk of sand city, all at a reg�far meeting of the said Council held an the IM day si t 19L71, and that the sent• was so passed' and ad.o • y me fallowing vote: Ayes: OboutLuae Gerow, trlmol, Love wa4 ]toes: Qem iii jone. Absent :ffa eeibwat_m�w o I do hereby farther certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section SYS of Act 5838 of the General Laws of the State of California (Deering 1923 Edition) that the foregoing ordinamoe Bo* 14o was duly and regularly pub- lished according to law a order of the City Oouncil of said city in the Nl Segundo Herdld, a weekly newspaper of gener4L cirdul.ation printed, published an& circulate& within the said city$ ant that the none was so published therein on the follodng dates , t o•wit : Ana7tst 26, 1927 • WITNESS my hart and the seal of said city this 27th day of Arias& - , 1927. (SEAL). a rr P � i e