ORDINANCE 137r 0 ORDINAME NO. 137 AN CEDINANCB OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALI?O]RNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 31 OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED: + "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIRING, DEMOLISHING AND MAINTAINING OF BUILDINGS AaD OTHER STRUCTURES VITHIN SAID CITY, PROVIDING FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STIUCTURES DXGEROUS TO PROPERTY, LIFE OR LIMB, AND FIXING AND DETERMINING F IR3 LIMITS IN AND FOR SAID C ITY. ^ ADOPTED CN THE 20TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1918, AS AMINDBD TO DATE, BY AMENDING SECTION 1 THEREOF. The Board of Trustees of the City of 21 Segandos Califo mist do ariain as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 31, of the City of Bi Segundo, Califomia, entitled: "An Ordinance of the City of Bl Segundo, Cali- f ornia, regulating the construct ion, alteration, repairing, demolishing and maintaining of buildings and other struotures within add city, providing for the condemnation of buildings sand other strun- tures dangerous to property, life or limb, and fixing and determining fire limits in and for sold city.", adopted on the 20th day of Pebruary, 1918, as amended to date, be anal the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. fire Limits: Those portions of the City of E1 Segundo, California, included rdthin the limits hereinafter described and identified, shall be knomm as and are hereby designated and ests6blished to be Fire District No. 1, Fire District No. 2, and .� Fire District No. 3 respectively of said city: Fire District No. 1 shall oohs lat of all 1- those two certain portions of the City of El Segundo, California, included within the two follow- ing described exterior boundary lines, to -wit: i First Boundary Line: Beginning at a point where the westerly prolongation of th:e northerly line of Lot 18, Block 44, intersects the center line of the alley midway between Richmond Street and Concord Street, as said Lot and Alley are show upon map of E1 Segundo Sheet 3, recorded in Book 20, Pages 22-23, of Maps, records of Los Angeles County and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence southerly along the center line of said alley as shown upon said map of E1 Segundo Sheet 31 and as shoin upon a map of El Segundo, Sheet No. 1, recorded in Book 18, page 69. of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, and on file as aforesaid, and the projection of the center line of said alley across intervening streets and alleys to the point where the southerly prolongation of the center line of said alley intersects the northerly line of 31 Segundo Avenue (formerly Ballona Avenne) as shown upon said last mentioned map of El Segundo; thence easterly along tie, northerly line of said El Segundo Avenue and its projeotion across intervening streets and alleys, to the center line of the alAsy midway between Main and Standard 8treetw as shown upon said last mentioned map; thence northerly along the center line of said alley as shown. upon said last mentioned. map of El Segundo, amd also on map of El Segundo, Sheet No: 3, Book 20, pages 22 and 23 of Maps, recorded and on file as aforesaid, aetd the projection of the center line of said alley across intervening streets,. alleys and private property to 2- the center line of Holly Avenue; rsoorded in Book 20, pages 22-23, of Maps, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the center line I of Holly Avenue to the intersection with the north- erly prolongation of the center line of that certain public alley midway between Richmond Street etd Main Street, as said alley is shove upon map last *bore mentioned; tkenoe southerly along the northerly prolongation of said center line and along the center line of said alley to the intersection with the east- erly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 199 Bloat 439 El Segundo Sheet No. S, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the easterly now prolongation of said northerly line and along the said northerly line and along the westerly prolonga- tion of said northerly line across Richmond Street, as shown upon map last above mentioned, and westerly along the northerly line and the westerly prolonga- tion of the northerly line of Lot 18, Block 44, Bl Segundo Sheet No. S, recorded and on file as aforesaid, to the point of beginning, w r - - • - - w - 980 Second Boundary Line: Beginning at a point on the northerly line end 67.00 feet westerly of the easterly line of Lot I 1, Block 859 as shown upon Yap of El Segundo, Sheet Number 3, recorded in Book E0, Pages E8 and 83 of MWs, Records of Los Angeles County, CalifDDania and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thence southerly in a straight line to a point on the southerly line sad 67.00 feet westerly of the southeasterly oorner of Lot 140 Block 85, re- corded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the southerly line of Lots 14, 13 sad 1E to a point where said southerly line of said lots inter - soot the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Richmond Street, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence southerly along the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Richmond Street and along the easterly line of Richmond Street spud the projection of said easterly line of Richmond Street across in- tervening alleys to the point of intersection, with the northerly line of Mariposa Avenue, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence easterly along the nortb- erly line of Mariposa Avenue and the projection of said northerly line across intervening streets and alleys to a point where said northerly line inter - seats the westerly line of that certain public alley lying easterly of Standard Street and extending northerly through Block 87, recorded aimd on file as aforesaid; thence northerly along the westerly line of said alley to a point where the projection of said westerly line intersects the northerly line of that certain public alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue and extending easterly and westerly through Block 87, recorded and on file as aforesaid; �_ � �E A� 981 C thenoe easterly along the northerly line of that certain public alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue and extending easterly and westerly through BlookO87 and 88 and the projection of said line sorose Eucalyptus Drive to a point where said northerly line intersects the westerly line of - Arena Street, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence northerly along the westerly line of Arena Street to a point where the northerly projection of said westerly line intersects the northerly line of Lot 8, Block 98, reoorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lots 89 7 and 6, Block 93 to the north- westerly oorner of Lot 6, Block 93, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly in a straight line across Eucalyptus Drive to the northeasterly corner of Lot 10, Block 84, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thenoe westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 10, Block 94 to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 10, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thenoe southerly along the westerly line of said Lot 10, Block 94 to the northeasterly corner of Lot 9, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lots 9, 8, 7 and 6 to a point 67.00 feet, measured at right angles easterly of the westerly line of said Lot 6, Block 94 , recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence northerly in a strei Eftt line to a point on the northerly line and 67.00 feet easterly of the westerly line of Lot b, iBlock 94 recorded and on file as aforesaid; thenoe westerly in a strat ght line to the point r- of tie g inning. 8— �� Fire District Bo. 2 shall consist of all that portion of the City of El Segundo, California, included within the following exterior boundary line: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Fire District No. 1 of the City of El Segundo as hereinabove fized and described in First Boundary Line description; thence westerly along the north- erly line of B1 Segundo Avenue and the projection of said northerly line across intervening streets and alleys as the said northerly line of said El Segundo Avenue is shown, upon a Map of El Segundo Sheet No. 1, recorded in Book 18, Page 69 of Maps, WO records of Los Angeles County, California, cad on file in the office of the County Recorder of sat d County, to a point where the said northerly line of El Segundo Avenue. intersects the westerly boundary line of the City of El Segundo, California, as the same nos exists, as shown upon Map last above mentioned; then** northerly and westerly along the various courses of the westerly boundary line of the City of El Segundo, as the same now exists, to the northwesterly corner of said City of Bl Segundo; said corner being also the N. W. Corner of N. E. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4 of N. W. 1/4 of Sea. 11, T. 3 S. R.lb W., recorded in Book 210 Page 98 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, and on file as aforesaid;. thence easterly along the northerly boundary line _of the City of E1 Segundo,, as the same now exists, to a point where the said northerly boundary line. intersects the northerly projection of the westerly line of Main Street,. an shows upon that Map of El Segundo Sheet No. 8, and ',d recorded in Book 20,- Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, L= il: KIbM 983 Records of Los Angeles County and on file as aforesaid; thence southerly along the westerly line of Main Street and the pro jeot ion of sad d westerly line across intervening streets to the northeasterly comer of Lot 1, Block 95, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 19 BJook 95 to a point 67.00 feet westerly of the esety line of said Lot 1, Block 95, recorded and on file as, aforesaid; thence southerly in a straight line to a point on the southerly line and 67.00 feet westerly Of the-804"W60,104 comer of Lot 149 Block 95, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the southerly line of Lots 149 13 and 12 to a point where said southerly line of said Lots intersect the northerly p- tolongstion of the easterly line of Richmond Street, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence southerly along the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Richmond Street and along the easterly line of Richmond Street and the projection of said easterly line of Richmond Street across intervening alleys to the point of intersection with the northerly line of Mariposa Avenue, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence easterly along the northerly line of Mar ipo sa Avenue and the projection of said northerly line across intervening streets and alleys to s point where said northerly line intersects the westerly line of that certain public alley lying easterly of Standard Street and extending northerly through Block 87, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence northerly along the westerly line of said alley to a point adore the projection of said westerly Z- 984 line intersects the northerly line of that certain public alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue and extending easterly and westerly through Block 87, recorded and on file as afore- said; thence easterly along the northerly line of that certain publio alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue and extending easterly and westerly through Blocga87 and 8a and the projection of said line across Bucalyptus Drive to a point where said northerly line intersects the westerly line of Arena Street, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence northerly along the westerly line of Arem Street to a point where the north- WO arly projection of said westerly line intersects the northerly line of Lot 8, Block 93, recorded and on file as aforesaid; th6noe westerly along the northerly line of Lots 8, 7 and 6. Block 93 to the northwesterly cooler of Lot 6, Block 93, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly in a straigbt line across Eucalyptus Drive to the northeasterly corner of Lot 10, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence WO westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 10, Block 9¢ to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 10, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence southerly along the westerly line of said Lot 10, Block 94 to the northeasterly oomer of Lot 9, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence west- erly along the northerly lines of Lots 9, 8, 7 and 6 to a point 67.00 feet, measured at right sngles easterly of the westerly line of said Lot 6, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence northerly in a straight line to a point on the northerly line and 67.00 feet easterly of the 98 westerly line of Lot 5, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid-, thenas westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 5, Block 99, 'to the northwesterly oorner of said Lot 5, Block 94, recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence northerly along the easterly line of Bain Street and the projection of said easterly line across intervening streets to the point of intersection of the northerly projeotion of said easterly line of ]Lain Street with the northerly boundary line of the City of El Segundo as the sate now exists,, and recorded and on file as aforesaid; thence easterly along the northerly boundary line of the City of 21 Segundo, as the sane now exists, to the northeasterly corner thereof; thenoe southerly along the various courses of the easterly boundary line of the City of El Segundo, as the same now exists, to the southeasterly comer thereof; thenoe westerly along the southerly boundary line of the City of E1 Segundo, as the sage now Oxiste, a distance of 4400 feet to a point; - theme northeasterly in a straight line to the northeasterly oo=ner of Lot 40 Tract 1314, recorded in Book 20, Page 161, records of Los Angeles County and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 4, to the northwesterly corner thereof; recorded and on file as aforesaid; theme northerly in a straight line to the southeasterly corner of 360.12, T. 8 S*, R. 15 W., recorded in Book 22, Pages 106 - 107, of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, and on file as aforesaid; thenoe westerly along the southerly line of said Sao. 12 to the southeasterly oomsr of Sea. 11, T. 3 S., R. 15 W. as shown upon Map of E1 Segundo Sheet Bo. 1, recorded in Book 18, Page 69 ,I- of Maps, Records of Los Ange a s s County, and on file as aforesaid; thence westerly along the southerly line of Sea. 11, to the intersection of the center line of the alley midway between Main Street and Standard Street, as said alley is shown upon map of B1 Segundo Sheet Bo. 1, re- corded and on file as aforesaid;. thence northerly along the center line of said alley and the pro- jection of said center line across intervening streets, alleys and private property .to the center line of Holly Avenue, as shown upon map of El Segundo Sheet Bo. 5, recorded in Book 20, Pages 22-25 of Yaps, records of Los Angeles County, and on file as afor e- eaid; thence westerly along the seater line of Holly Avenue to the point where the said center line of Holly Avenue. interseots the center line of the alley midway between Richmond Street and Main Street, as said alley is shown upon said map last above mentioned; thence southerly along the *enter line .of said alley to the point of intersection with the easterly pro. longati on of the northerly line of Lot 19, Block 48, El Segundo Sheet No. 3, recorded and on file as Jaforesaid; thence westerly along the easterly pro- longation of said northerly line and along the mid northerly line and its projection across Richmond Street, as shoves upon said map last above mentioned; and westerly along the northerly line, and the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 18, Block 440 El Segundo Sheet No. 8, to the intersection with the center line of the alley midway between Riokmond Street m d Conco rd Street; as set d alley is show upon said last above seationed map, recorded and on file as aforesaid;. thence southerly along the center line of said alley to the point of beginning. 10- kin Ikkti Fire District No. 3 shall consist of all the territory within the limits of the City of 91 Segando, California, and outside of Fire District No. 1 .and Fire District No. 29, as the same are hereinabove described amd identified." SECTION 2. Said Ordinance No. 31 as amended to date, is hereby amended as hereinabove in Section 1 provided. SECTION 3, The City Clerk shall oe rt ify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance; . shall *ease the same to be published by one insertion in The E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper printed, published and air - oulated within the said City of E1 Segundo •end hereby designated for that purpose. Passed, approved and adopted this 2222nd day of April, A. D., 1927. Vresident of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo,, California, Atttat : City Clerk (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFOFNIA, ) COIBNTY OF LOS ANGELES, SS. CITY OF EL SEGIIBDO. I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby a ertify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinanos,, being Ordinance No. -137 was passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said Board,, and at- tested by the City Clerk of said oity, all at a regalar meeting of the said Board held on the 22nd day of April I19ZTO and that the same was so passed and adop ed by the following vote: AYES: THUSTEES, Trustees Gerow. Love and Binder. i HOES: TRUSTEES, Bone. ABBFUT: TRQSTBBS, Cancon and Krinmoel. Y er e ( SEAL) E1 Segundo, Ca torni a. 11- • �1 �j i