ORDINANCE 136ORDINAMB N0. 136 AN MINAME OF TSB CITY (IF BL SEGUlDO, CALIFORNIA,IMCIURING VACANT FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES ,A CERTAIN PORTION C8' PF- EUCALYPTUS DRIVE;. A CERTAIN PORTION O' PALM AVS]RO; A CERTAIN PORTION OF STANDARD STREET;. A OMAIN PORTION OF THE PUBLIC ALLY LYING SOUTHERLY OF PALM AVSNV3 , AND EXTENDING EASTERLY THROUGH BLOCK $FGHTY- SBVBN, OF EL SEGUNDO, SHEET N0. 89 AS PER YAP RBCW=D IN YAP BOOK 80 AT PAGES 22-am SS OF ML209 BE- COBLS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FRO[ STANDARD STREET; THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC AMY LYING SOUTHERLY CY PALM AVENUE AND EXTENDING ffi STERLY THROUGH BLOCK 869 AS PER SAID MAP, FRCK THE WESTMLY LM OF STANDARD STREET TO THE EASTERLY LINE Qi ]LAIN STREET; THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING SOUTHERLY .Q' PALM AVZNUS AND E MMING WBSTMMY FRO[ THE NESTERLY LINE OV PAIN BEET TO 2E EASTERLY LINE C8" RIOHM= STREET THROUGH BLOCK 95 AS PRR SAID NO; TnT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING EASTERLY OF RICHMMD STREET, AND ENDING NORTHERLY FROM THE 10ffi- ERLY LIVE OF MARIPOSA AVENUE THROWN BLOCK 859 AS PZR SA ID YAP, TO T93 3 OOR'iOffiY LINE (V MIAT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING S C R EERLY OF PALM AVSNUB IN SAID BLOCK 88,, RECORDID AS AFORNSAID; THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING BABT38L? O' MAIN STREET AND EXTENDING NORTMELY THROUGH BLOCK 86 AS PER SAID MAP, FRM TM NORTHERLY LIRE OF MARI- POSA ATSNUE TO TIM 3 OUTHEffiY LIRE OF RBIAT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING 3OUTHRRLY OF PALM AVENUE IN SAID BLOCK 86.9 2300EMM AS AFOBLSAID; All WIMIN TIE SAID CITY, AS C ONTBYPLATSD BY RESOLUTION Of IRTENTION NO. 186o ew. kr_.•- ; i 11BBREAS9 the Board of Trustees of the City of El Sogumdo, Cali Sarnia, on the 14th del of February, 1986, at ., as adjournod regalar mooting of the said board hold ox said I date, daly passed and adapted a resolution, being Reselatiea of Intention No. 186, entitled:" "A RESOLUTION CIP ME BOARD OF TRUB=3 OF THi ,•� CITY OF EL SEGUIDO, CALIFORNIA IMOLLRING THE 19MMION OF SAID BOLSD TO OLOlE UP, VACATE LID ABANDON Fat PU]MIC STMT P08P08E8 A CERTAIN PORTION OP EUCAZYPTUS DRIVE; L CBkTAII PORTION OW PAIN ATEM - A QMRTAIN PORTION ON STANDARD STREET; A OEH-" PORTION OF T]M PUBLIC ALLEY LYING SOUTHBBLY Or PALM AVENM AND EZ'!'E1Dlie EASTERLY TBROUGH BLOW EISM- , 0! fL SEGUNDO9 WWT 10. S, AS PZR nP RE00]MED IN YAP BOOK 80 AT PAGES 2E AID 28 07 XM RECORDS 0 LOS AIGNM COQIT19 CALI70OU lRO�[ Siin—ASD SUMT; MAT CERTAIN PUBLIC LLLh LYING 8 Y OP PALM AYi- NUE AND EXTENDING IBSTERLY 2BROUGH BLOCK 069 AS MR SAID YAP, FROK 'PBS AlSTEBLY SIM OF STANDAM STREET TO THB JUSTERLY LINE OF YIIN I IF I I T • THIN CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING SOUT]M8LY OF WX AVENUE AND EXTENDING WESTERLY FROM TR1 NEBTEBLY LINE 09' MAIN STEM TO THE EASTERLY LIU OF RICS- YOND STET THROM BLOCK 86 AS PER SAID YIP; THIT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY LYING EASTERLY OF RICE - MOND STREET AID XXTENDING NORTMMY FROM TO NOR'lSEELY Lift Or MARIPOSA AVEN= 2880UGH BLOCK 86, AS PER BALD YIP TO 0E SOUTHEBLY LINE OF NSA! CERTAIN PUaLI0 ALL& LYING SAY OF PALM A1=- NUE IN SLID BLOCK 85, HEQORAED AS AFORNSAID; THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC LLLEY LYING EISTMMY 03P YIIN STREET AID EXTENDING NORTIMIMY 'THROUGH LOCK 06 Min SLID YIP, Igo THE NOR'!'any LINE W YIRIP08A AVENUE TO 'SHE SOUTHERLY LIRE OF TEAT CERTAIN PUBLIC AMMY LYING SOUTHERLY OV PALM AVIM IN SAID ]MOCK 069 REOORDED AS AFORESAID- ALL IIMIN THE SAID CITY. "; AND, AREAS, the Street Superintendent of the City of Ei Segaade, Cali Drrnia, after the passage and adoption of said resalat ion, eansei to be conspicuously posted along the liner of the said streets::amd.-:alleym so to be Vacated, within the salt eity, as hereinafter described, and along the linos • of all of the public streets, alleys, Ovals, reads and drives# =A portions of public streets, alloys, ways, roads and drives within the assessment distriot described in said Resslutloa of Intention Bo. 126, and at not more than three hundred (300) feet in distaeae apart,, upon said stroote, alloys, ways, roods am dri ws, . and not less then three (8) in all,, on mW such r� street, alley, wp, road or drive, notices of the passap of Y. said resolution, said notices being named *Notice of Pablie Workso, in letters not- lose than one (1) inch in length, and stating the fact of the passage of said resolution, its date and briefly the work or improvement proposed, being that of vacating all of those portions of those oertaii public streets and alleys within the said City of $1 Segesde, California, as hereinafter described, which said notioes referred to said resolution of intention for farther particulars; AND, YMEMUS, said Street Superintendent also caused a notice similar to that hereinbefore referred to to be published by tour successive insertions in the 31 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated within said City of 81 Segundo, being the newspaper designated by the said Board of Trustees for the purpose of said publication; and more than ten ( 10) le" after tE a ez- piration of the time of publication of said notice having elapsed and no ob jeot ion to said impro wrnt having been delivered to the City Cleric of said city or otherwise made, and the said board having aoquired jurisdiction to order the vacation of said portions of the said streets and alleys, as hereinafter described, - 8011, TBERMORS, the Board of Trustees of the City of B1 Segundo do ordain as follows: SECTION 1, That all of those portions of those certain public streets and alleys hereinabove designated, within the said City of Bl Segundo, California, doscribed as follow, to-wit: All of that certain portion of Eucalyptus Drive lying between the easterly projection of the northerly line of that certain public alley running easterly and westerly through Block 870 and the easterly projection of the north- erly line of Lot 10, Block 94; &Us all of that portion Of S- 9'72 z�� Palm Avenue lying and the northerly Street; also all between the north erly line of Palm 973 ,. between the easterly line of Main Street projection of the westerly line of Arena of that portion of Standard Street- lying )rly line of Mariposa Avenue and the south - Avenue; also all of that certain portion of that certain public alley running easterly and westerly through Block 87, to-wit:- The portion of said alley lying between the easterly line of Standard Street and the nortir erly projection of the westerly line of that certain publio alley running northerly and southerly through said Block 87; also all of that certain public alley running easterly and westerly through Block 86, between the easterly line of Main Street and the westerly line of Standard Street; also all of that certain public alley running northerly and southerly through said Block 86 from the northerly line of Mariposa Avenue to the southerly line of the public alley running easterly and westerly through said Block 86 also all of that certain public alley rimming easterly and westerly through Block 85, and extending from the easterly line of Richmond Street to the westerly line of Main Street; and also all of that oertain public alley ruiming northerly and southerly through said Block 85 from the northerly line of Mariposa Avenue. to tke southerly line of the public alley running easterly and westerly through said Block 88,- all as all of said streets and alleys are shown upon that certain map of E1 Segundo Sheet Bo. 3, recorded in Book 80, at Pages E8 and E3 of *ape, Records of Los Angeles County, California,, on file in the offioe of the County Recorder of said County, - -- be, and the same is hereby closed up, vaoated and abandoned for public street and alley purposes. That the purpose of tbo*e proceedings and of this ordinance is to vacate and abandon for public street 4- 94 and alley �- /purposes-all of said hereinabove described portions of said public streets and alleys, but no part or portion of any intersecting street, zl�gy, way, road or drive is to be vacated by these proceedings or by this ordiname. SECTION 2. That the public work herein providsd for is the closing up of all those portions of said public `- streets and alleys, described in Section 1 hereof, and it appearing to the Board of Trustees of the said City of El Segundo that there are no costs, damages or expenses occasioned by or arising out of said work, and that no assessment is necessary to pay the costs, damages or expenses of said vork, now therefore, said Board does hereby further ordain rand determine that no oommissioners shall be appointed to assess benefits and damages. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordiname, ani shall cause the same to be published once in The El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper printed, published and oir- oulated within the said City of El Segundo, and which is hereby designated for that purpose; and thereupon and thereafter the same shall take effect and be in full force and virtue. Passed, approved and adopted this 15th day of April , A. D.9 1921. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California. ATTEST: City Clerk j7 (SEAL) b- 975 Clerk's Certificate STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City Of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance (being Ordinance No. 136 ), is a fall, true and correct original of Orin oo No. of the said City of El egan , California, anti tie : "An Ordinance of the City of $1 Segundo, California, declaring vacant for public street purposes a certain portion of Eucalyptus Drivel a certain portion of Palm Avenue; a eertain portion of Standard Street; a certain portion of the pub - lio alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue, and extending easterly through Block Eighty -seven of El Segundo, Shoot No. 3, as per map recorded In Map Book 20 at Pages 22 and 23 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, from Standard Street; that certain public alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue and AxtendIM westerly through Block 869 as per said map, from the westerly line of Standard Street to the easterly line of Main Street; that certain public alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue and extending westerly from the westerly line of Main Street to the easterly line of Richmond Street *trough Block 85 as per said map; that cer- tain public alley lying easterly of Richmond Street, and extending northerly from the northorly line of Mariposa, avenue through Block 85, as per said map, to the southerly line of that certain public alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue in said Block 85, recorded as aforesaid; that certain public alley lying east- erly of Main Street and extending northerly through Bloat 86 as per said map, from the northerly line of Mariposa Avenue to the southerly line of that certain public alley lying southerly of Palm Avenue in said Block 86, recorded as aforesaid; all within the said oily, as contemplated by Resolution of Intention No. 126. " v&ioh was duly passed and adopted by the said board of True- toes, approved and signed by the Prosident of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 16th day of Avril , 1981, and that the same was so passed. and adopted by the following vote AYES: TRUSTEES Cannon, Oeraw, grimel, Love and Binder. ; NOES: TRUSTEES None. ; ABSENT: TRUSTEES None* I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions. of Section 878 of Act 5833 of the General Laws of --�1 the State of California (Deering 1923 Edition)• that the 1- foregoing Ordinanoe Ho. 130 was duly and regularly pub- lished a000rding to law and tfib order of the Board of Trustees of said oity in the El Segundo Herald, , a weekly newspaper of general oiroulation prints$ published and oiroulated, within the said oity, and that the same was so published therein oa the Tollowing date , to -wit: Atril 22nd. 1927 WITN3SS my hand and the seal of said City this day of April , 1929. rZ 'Ai 43yr*rk of e OW o (SEAL) $1 Segundo, California. 976