The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segando,
California, do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. 1henever in this ordinssoe the follow-
ing terms are used, they shall have the meanings respectively
ascribed to them in this section:
Street. Every way set apart for public tiravel
except alleyways, bridle paths and foot paths.
Roadway. That portion of a street between the re-
gularly established curb lines.
Alley. A public highway ifti ch does not exceed
twenty feet between property lines.
Sidewalk. That portion of a street between the
curb lines and the adjacent property lines.
Intersection. The area embraced within the pro-
longation of tke property lines of two or more streets ehiek
join at an angle, whether or not one such street crosses the
othe r.
Crosswalk. That portion of -the roadway includsd
within the prolongation of curb and property lines at street
Safety Zone. That marked portion of a roadway
reserved for the exclusive use of pedestrians.
Loading Zone. That space adjacent co a curb
reserved for the exclusive use of veh3ales during the
loading or unloading of passengers or materials.
Vehicle. $very device or animal by which any
person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon
a street, excepting devioes moved by human power or used
exclusively upon rails. For the purpose of this ordinance
a bicycle shall be deemed a vehicle.
Street Car. ZTery device traveling exclusively
upon rails rhea upon or *rooming a street other than devices
propelled by steam.
Pedestrian. Any person afoot.
Operator. Any person who is in actual physical
oontrol of a vehicle or street oar.
Board of Trustees. Whenever the words "Board of
Trustees" appear in this ordinance, they shall be held to
mean the legislative oody of said City of Si Segundo, whether
;mown by such nose, or City Council, or otherwise.
City Marshal. Whenever the words "City Marshal"
appear in this ordinance, they shall be held to mesa the
City Marshal or Chief of Polio* of said city by whatever title
his offios may otherwise be designated.
Traffic. Pedestrians, vehicles and street oars,
either singly or together, while using any street for
purposes of travel.
Business District. The territory contiguous to a
street when fifty per cent (50%) or more of the frontage
thereon for a distamoe of three hundred (300) feet or more
Is occupied by buildings in use for retail or wholesale
business; also any territory contiguous to a street which
is immediately adjacent to or a continuation of a street
within a business district when soah territory is so desig-
noted by the Board of Trustees.
Right of Way. The privilege of the immediate use
of the street.
Park. To stand a vehicle for a period of time
greater than is reasonably necessary for the actual loading
or unloading of parsons or materials.
Official Warning and Direction Signs and Signals.
All warning and direction algae and signals not
inconsistent with this ordinance heretofore or hereafter
placed or ereoted under this ordinance or by authority of
the Board of Trustees.
Authority of Polio*
Traffic Signs and Signals.
SECTION 2. Obedience to Police. Officers of the
Police Departmwmt are hereby authorised to direct all traffic
by means of visib3a or andible signal, and it shall be un-
lawful for any person to refuse or fail to oomply with any
lawful order, signal or direction of a traffic or police
officer. It shall be unlawful for any minor to direct or
attempt to direct traffic (unless authorized to do so by
order of the 01ty Marshal,)
SECTION S. Signs. The Board of Trustees shall by
resolution determine and designate the character of all
official warning and direction signs and signals. Subject
to this sel*otion, the City Marshal is hereby authorized,
and as to those signs required hereunder it shall be his
duty to place and maintain or oause to be placed and main-
tained all official wa=ning and direction signs and signals.
All signs authorised and required hereunder for a particular
purpose shall be uniform.
No provision of this o rdinam os for which signs are
required shall be enforceable against tae alleged violator
if at the time a1 d place of the alleged violation the sign
herein required is not in proper po6it ion and sufficiently
legible to be seen , by an ordinarily observant pare=.
SECTION 4. Obedience to Traffic Signs. It shall
be unlawful for any operator or pedestrian to disobey the
Instructions of any mechanical or electrical traffic signal,
traffic alga or marks upon the street placed in acoordmmoe
with the provisions of this ordinanoo, provided every sign
or mask made by the use of paint upon the curb shall bear
thereon the official emblem of the Police Department.
No public utility' o r department in this city shall
erect or place W barrier or sign unless of a type first
approved by the City Marshal. It shall be unlawful for ahy
operator or pedestrian to disobey the instructions of any
barrier or sign approved, as above provided, erected or
placed by a public utility or by any department of this city,
or by any person, firm or corporation having a contract for
the impromment of any public street, avenue, alley or high-
way, with the Street Superintendent of said city, or con-
structing any improvement in any public street, avenue, alley
or highway with. . the approval of the Board of Trustees or
Superintendent of Streets of said city.
SECTION b. Traffic Stop and Go Signal Legend.
Whenever traffic at any intersection is regulated by a stop
and go meohanioal or eleotrical sf gual, the following oolors
may be used, and none other, and those colors herein author-
ized shall indicate as follows:
Red, except in flashing signals, requires that
traffic shall stop and remain standing.
Green requires that traffic shall move and continse
in motion, except when stopped for the purpose of avoiding
an accident or in the event of other emergency or Yhen stopped
at the command of a police officer.
Amber shall indicate preparation for a change in
9 a1
the direction of traffic movement. When amber is shown
no traffic shall enter the intersection until a green or
"GO" signal is shoe.
Bells. The ringing of a bell in connection with
any meahsaical or electrical t raff io signal shall indioate
preparation for a ohange in the direotion of traffic move-
ment. When such bell is sounded no traffic shall enter
the intersection until a green or "GO" signal is shown.
SECTION e. The City Marshal Required to
Establish Crosswalks. The City Marshal is hereby authorised
aLd re qui red to establish and maintain and to de signat e
upon the surface of the roadway, by appropriate devices,
marks or white lines, orosswalks approximately equal in
width to the adjacent sidewalk at all intersections where
in his opinion there is partioular danger to pedestrians
crossing the roadway.
When crosswalks are established and maintained
outside the Business District, the City Marshal. shall by...
appropriate devices, marks or white lines, mark and maintain
along the surfaoe of the roadway an arrow not loss than
twelve (12) inches wide in the shaft and not lose than
thirty (30) feet long, pointing in the di rea t ion of such
orosewalk, together with the word SLOW in block letters
not less than twenty -four (24) inches high and not less
than fDar (4) inches wide one hundred (100) feet distant
from each crosswalk so established
SECTION T. Display of Unaut ho ri zed Signs Prohibit-
ad. It shall be unlawfal for any person to plaoe or maintain
or to display any device, other than an offioial warning
or direction sign or signal ereoted under competent author-
ity, upon or in view of a street, which purports to be, or
is an imitation of, or resembles, an official warning or
direction sign or signal, or whioh attempts to direct the
movement of traffic or the actions of operators, and any
such prohibited device shall be a public nuisance, and
the City Marshal may remove it, or cause it to be removed,
without notice.
It shall oe unlawful for any person to wilfully
defaoe, injure, move or interfere with any official
warning or direction sign or signal.
SECTION 8. Police and fire Vehicles Exempt
from Certain Rules. The provisions of this ordinance re.
gulating the movement, parking and standing of vehicles
shall not apply to emergency vehicles of the police or
sheriff's office or of the fire department or of a public
utility while the driver of any such vehicle is engaged
in the necessary performance of public: emergency duties.
SECTION 9. Pedestrian's Right of flay at
(a) It shall be unlawful for the operator of
any vehicle or street oar to drive into any crosswalk vkioh
Is marked as provided in section 6 of this ordinance, ibile
there is in such crosswalk upon the half of the roadway
upon which such vehicle is traveling any pedestrian engaged
in crossing the roadway until such pedestrian shall have
passed beyond the path of said vehicle.
(b) It shall be unlawful for the operator of any
vehicle to drive into any unmarked crosswalk while thare is
in such crosswalk upon the half of zhe roadway upon which
such vehicle is traveling any pedestrian engaged in crossing
the roadway until such pedestrian shti have passed beyond
the path of said rehiole, when the pedestrian shall indicate
his intention to cross by a timely sad omtinuous warning by
holding up his hand palm out toward approaching traffie.
(a) The operator of a vehicle shall stop before
entering any crosswalk iken any other vehicle proceeding
in the same direction is stopped at amh crosswalk.
(d) The foregoing provisions of this section
shall not apply at intersections wheret raffia is being
directed by an officer or a traffic stop and go digaal, at
which intersections the mutual rights of pedestrians and
operators of vehicles shall be exercised under the direction
of the offioer or traffic signals.
SECTIM 10. Pedestrian's Limited Right to Use
of Roadway. When within ariy business district, no pedestrian
shall arose a roadway other than by a crosswalk.
Outside of a business district no pedestrian shall
arose a roadway other than by a route at right angles to
the curb and when crossing at axW place other than a cross-
walk shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the
It shall be unlawful for any person to oe in any
roadway other than in a safety zone or crosswalk, provided
that this provision shall not be construed to prevent the
necessary use of a roadway by a pedestrian.
It shall oe unlawful for any person to stand in
a roadway for the purpose of or while soliciting a ride from
the operator of any private vehicle.
SECTION 11. Pedestrians to Obey Signals, it in-
terseations where traffic is directed by a traffic or police
of fiaer or by a tiraffi a stop and go signal, it shall be un-
lawful =or arty pedestrian to arose the roadway other than
vdth released traffic.
SECTION 12. Pedestrians Standing on Sidewalks. In
any business district It - shall be unlawful for any pedestrian
to stand on the sidewalk, except as near as is praotioeble
to the building line or the curb line.
Rules for Driving.
SECTION 13. Method of Approach for Left Tarn.
The operator of a vehicle intending to turn to the left at
an intersection or into an alley or driveway shall approaoh
the point of turning in the line of traffic next to the
oenter of the roadway.
SECTION 14. Method of Turning to Left at Inter-
sections. The operator of a vehiole in turning left at an
intersection shall pass to the right of the oenter of the
ilk intersection before turning, except that where markers
have been placed upon the intersection boundary lines to
be crossed by the vehiole, the operator shall pass to the
right of such markers.
SECTION ib. location of Turning Markers. The
The Qity Marshal is hereby authorized, bnd as to those
intersections mentioned in paragraph (1) of this section
It shall be his duty, to place or owes to 'as placed
turning markers in intersections as follows:
(1) Within intersections ibere either intersecting
roadway is lose than sixty (60) feet in width and in inter-
sections where streets meet at other than right angles and
In intersections where one street terminates in another, a
marker shall be placed at every intersection of the medial
line of each street with the prolongation of the property
or 6he curb lines of the intersecting street, or as near
the intersecting point of said lines as may be praotioal.
(2) Intersections other than those mentioned in
paragraph (1) may be marked as provided in paragraph (1) ,
or a single marker may be placed within enoh intersection
at the intersection of the medial lines of the intersecting
SECTION 16. Left Tame Prohibits&. The operator
of a vehicle shall not, between the hours of three- thirty
(3 :30) o'clock P. M. and five (5) o'clock P. M. of any day
and holidays,
except Sundayq /make a left turn at any of the following
(a) At the intersection of E1 Segundo Avenme
and Richmond Street, within said city.
Signs shall be erected and maintained designating
the provisions of this section.
SECTION 19. Method of Approach for Right Tarn.
The ope rat or of a vehicle Intending to turn to the right
at do intersection or into an alley or driveway shall
approach the point of turning in the line of traffic near -
set the right -hand edge or curb of the street.
SECTION 10. then Right Tarns May be Made. ( Within
the business district a right tarn shall not be made at as
intersection by the operator of any vehicle against a
traffic signal. )
(Elsewhere) after mating a fail stop Lt the pro-
longation of the nearer property line of the intersecting
street a
right tarn may
be made
at an intersection by the
of any vehicle
a traffic signal, subject
to the rights of pedestrians.
SECTION 19. Driving from Alleys. The operator
of a vehicle emerging f r oa an allay.. driveway or garage
shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving Onto
a sidewalk or onto the sidewalk area extending across any
SECTION 20. Vehicles shall not be Driven on
Sidewalk. The operator of a vehicle shall not drive dthin
any sidewalk area except at a permanent or temporary
SECTION 21, Traffic Routes. The City Marshal
is hereby authorized to establish over an appropriate street
or streets and to designate by appropriate signs, through
traffic routes for the movement of vehicles of two (2) or
mace tons capacity designed for carrying merchandise,. freight
or material. When any such through traffic route or routes
are established and designated by appropriate signs, the
operator of any vehicle mentioned in this paragraph shall
drive on such route or routes and none other except when
it is impractical to do so or when necessary to traverse
another street or streets to a destination for the purpose
of loading or unloading, but then only by such deviation
from the nearest freight route as is reasonably necessary.
SECTION 22. Safety Stops. That the City Marshal
of the City of El Segundo, California, is hereby authorized
and directed to cause white lines to be painted or placed at
such places as to him shall seem proper, upon any and all
public streets, avenues, alleys, lanes and ways within the
said city, upon which streets, avenues, alleys, lanes and
ways, or portion, or portions thereof, in the opinion of
the said City Marshal, the travel or traffic is unusually
heavy, or unusually damgerou&
Such white lines shall be not less than six (6)
inches nor more then twelve (12) inches in width and shall
extend at right angles as nearly as possible from the curb
to the middle of the street on the side of the street in
w+hioh traffic would ordinarily be proceeding under the laws
of the State of California,
Said City Marshal is further authorized and direct-
ed to cause all such safety stops to be olsarly marked or
sign - posted to give notice of such fact.
It shall be unlawful for any person driving, using
or having control of any vehicle, or for any person driving
any animal, or for any motorman, or any other person operating
or having charge or control of any street car or inter-
urban railway car or train of care, to fail, refuse, or
neglect to stop such interurban railway car, or train of
cars, or vehicle, or animal, or street car, as the case
may be, immediately before proceeding to cross any such
white line so placed or painted, as above set forth.
- - w
w - -
SECTION 23. Following Fire Apparatus Prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle, other
than one on official business, to follow any fire apparatus
i traveling in response to a fire alarm closer than one block
or to park any vehicle within the blook where fire apparatus
has stopped in answer to a fire alarm.
SECTIag 24. Crossing Fire Hose. No street oar
or vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the
Fire Department when laid dorm on any street, private drive-
way or street car track, to be used at any fire or alarm of
fire, without the oonsent of the Fire Chief or the assistsat
in command.
SECTION 25. Bicycle Riding Restricted. It shall
be unlawful to ride a bioyale.upon any sidewalk. The rider
of a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as nearly as praoti-
cable within five (S) feet of the right -hand ourb or edge
of the roadway except Shen passing a standing or other
vehicle or making a left -hand turn at an interseotion.
SECTION 26. Riding on Handle Bars Prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any binyole or moVror-
oyole when upon a street to carry any other person upon the
bar, handle or tank of avy such vehicle or for any person
to so ride upon any such vehicle.
SECTION 27. unlawful to Drive Through Funeral
Procession. It shall he unlaw 1 for the operator of any
vehicle to drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral
procession, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously
so de si gnat ed.
SECTION 28* Clinging to Moving Vehicles. It
shall be unlawful for any person traveling upon any bicycle,
motorcycle or any toy vehicle to oling to or attach himself
or his vehicle to any other moving vehicle or street car
upon any roadway.
9 59
SECTION 29. Use of Coasters, Roller Skates and
Similar Defices Restrioted. It shall be unlawful for any
person upon roller skates or riding in or by mews of any
coaster, toy vehicle or similar devi*o to go upon any
roadway or upon the sidewalk in any business district.
Stopping, Standing wA Pa *ing
SECTION 30. Stopping Prohibited in Specified
Places. It shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle
to sto p such vehicle in any of the following places except
when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in
compliance with the direction of a police officer or traffic
sign or signal:
(1) In an intersection;
(2) In a crosswalk;
(3) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb
or within twenty (20) feet of a point on the curb immediately
opposite the and of a safety zone;
(4) Within thirty (30) feet of an Intersecting
roadway except basses at a designated bus stop.
Upon all streets within any business district the
City Marshal shall designate the provisions of paragraphs
(3) and (4) of this section by placing and maintaining red
paint or other red material upon time entire visible curb
surface within such areas, omitting any crosswalk area or
by plaoing and maintaining appropriate signs directing that
the stopping of vehicles is prohibited.
SECTION 31. Standing for Loading Only in Certain
Places. (a) It shall be unlawt 1 for the operator of a
vehicle to stop said vehicle for a period of time longer
than is necessary for the loading or unloading of passengers
or materials, provided that the loading or unloading of
passenger shall not oonsume more than three (3) minutes,
nor the loading or unloading of materials more than twenty
(20) minutes in any of the following places:
1. At any curb where the grade of the street exceeds
twelve per cent (121o);
2. In any alley;
3. In envy "loading zone ".
(b) The City Marshal shall determine the lomation
of "loading zones" and shall mark by appropriate signs or
as specifically required herein those places ehere standing
for loading only is permitted under this section, subject
to the following requirements and limitations:
Every loading zone, also that portion of every
curb reserved for loading only by paragraphs (4) and (5) of
Subdivision (a) of this section shall be del*gnated by yellow
paint or other yellow material upon the entire visible curb
surface therein with the words "LOADING ONLY" in black letters
Within any business district not more than one-
half of the total curb langth in any one block may be set
apart as a loading zone.
SECTION 32. Parking Time Limited in Specified
(A) The operator of a vehicle shall not park such
vehicle for longer than:
(a) Two hours on Richmond Street between Bl Segundo
Avenue and Grand Avenue within the said city;
(b) A period of fin minutes on the northerly side
of El Segundo Avenue between Richmond Street samd Concord
Street within said city;
(o) For a longer period than iiTe minutes on the
south side of El Segundo Avenue from the oeimter line of
Virginia Street to the center line of Lomita Street;
(B) The operator of a vehicle shall not park such
(a) For any time or period of time whatsoever on
Franklin Avenge between Richmond street and a line drawn
across Franklin Avenue at right angles to the northerly
street line of Franklin Avenue five feet westerly of the
first alley westerly of Richmond Street within said city;
(b) For any time or perioi of time whatsoever
within fifteen feet of the point of intersection of tihe
nearest line of the nearest intersecting street or alley and
the line formed by the curb along which such vehicle is so
parked; provided however, that such point of intersection
shall be indicated by :. vertical red line at least two inches
wide painted on the curb;
(c) For any time or period of time whatsoever
unless such vehicle is parked on the right -hand Bide of the
street in the aLireotion in which said vehicle was progress-
ing at the time the same was parked;
(d) For arty time or period of time whatsoever on
the westerly and southwesterly side of that certain public
street within said city, named and known as the "Coast
Boulevard" between its intersection with the southerly city
limits and its intersection with tihe southerly line of
Section 11, Township 4 So. Range 15 W., S. B. B. & M.;
(e) For any time or period of time whatsoever
within fifteen feet of any fire hydrant within said oity,
provided that such point fifteen feet on each side of such
fire hydrant shall be indi oxted by x vertical red line at
least two inches wide painted on the curb.
(f) For any time or period of time whatsoever.
opposite the entrance to or exit from any theater, motion
picture house or public assembly hall within said city*
during the preeenSation of any play, motion picture, opera,
entertainment, lecture, debate or other form of entertainment,
or while persons are congregated for any purpose in or
about such theater, motion picture house or hall;
(g) For any time or period of time whatsoever
at any curb within twenty -five (25) feet of a point on
the curb opposite the oenter of the entrance to any hospitals
(h) For any time or period of time vhatsoever
at any curb within fifty (50) feet of a point on the curb
opposite the center of the entrance, to any police station;
(i) For any time or period of time whatsoever
in any marked'bus stop.. '
The stops shall be designated by appropriate signs.
at those places determined by the Board of Trustees, exoept
? that a bus stop shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in length
and shall not be placed adjacent, to a safety zone at a
street car stop.
Signs shall oe erected rind maintained not more
than 150 feet apart in each block designating the provisions
of this section.
SECTION 33. Barly Morning Parking Limited.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to
or permit to remain parked
park /, said vehicle on any street for a period of time longer
than one (1) hour between the hours of one (1) A. M. and
five (5) A. M. of any day..
SECTION 34. Standing or Pa2ting Close to Curb.
The operator of a vehicle shall not stop, stand or park
such vehicle in a roadway other then parallel with the ourb
and with the two right -hand wheels of the vehicle vd thin
one (1) foot of the regularly established curb line, except
that upon thus s streets which have been marked for eagle
parking as provided in this section, vehicles shall be
parked at the angle to the curb indicated by such marks.
The Board of Trustees, by resolution, is hereby
authorised to determine upon what streets angle parking
shall be permitted and to indicate such places by the paint-
ing of white lines upon the surface of the roadway to
indicate the proper angle for parking, provided that such
lines shall not be placed upon, nor shall angle parking be
permitted upon, any street Y&ere shah parking would diminish
the width of the roadway available for travel to lose than
twenty (20) feet, nor upon any street where there is less
than thirty (30) feet between the curb and the nearest
rail of my street car track, nor upon any street pit ioh is
a continuation of or part of a county trunk line highway
or a state highway unless a clear width of forty (40) feet
Is left for the movement of vehicles when angle parking
is permitted,
The City Marshal is . hereby authorised to prohibit
the parking of vehicles, provided appropriate signs are placed
and maintained to give notice thereof, on one side of a
WW street in any block where angle parking is permitted on
the opposite side of the street in such block.
17- r
SECTION 35, Parking Vehicles Ivor Sale. It shall
be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park the
same upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for
sale, or to park aiy vehicle upon any street in any business
district from which said vehicle merchandise is being sold.
SECTIM 36. Parking of Taxicabs Restricted. No
person, firm or corporation operating taxicabs or vehicles
for hire, shall establish or occupy any stand therefor or
park the same at any curb for the purpose of soliciting
patrons therefor, without a license so to do first obtained
from the Board of Trustees of said city upon written
application therefor.
Street Cars
SECTIOff 37, Rules Applicable to Vehicles Passing
Street Cars. The driver of a vehl*le overtaking any rail-
way, interurbai or street car stopped or about to stop for
the purpose of receiving or discharging say passenger, shall
bring each vehicle to a full stop at least tea (10) feet in
the rear of such street oar and remain stationary until any
each passenger has boarded such car or reached a place of
safety, except that where a safety zone has been established,
or at an intersection where traffic is controlled by an
officer or a traffic stop and go signal, a vehicle need not
be brought to a full stop before passing any such railway#
interurban or street oar, but may prooteed past such oar at
a speed not greater than is reasonable or proper and in no
event greater than tea (10) miles an hour and with dus ovation
for the safety of pedestrians.
SECTIM 38. Driving on Street Car Tracks, Passing
Safety Zones. (a) It shall be unlawful for the operator
of any vehicle prooeeding upon any street oar tracks in front
of a street oar to fail to remove said vehicle from said
tracks as soon as praoticable after signal from the
operator of se[ d street oar.
(b) It shall be lawful for a vehi o1 e to be driven
on either side of a safety zone.
SECTION 39. Street Car Speed. The opa rator of
1 a street oar upon a street shell operate the same at a
careful and prudent speed and subject to this limitation
may lawfully proceed at a speed not exceeding the follming:
(1) Fifteen (15) miles per hour;
(a) In a business district;
(b) when paseing a school while persons are
entering or leaving the grounds;
(c) 11hen traversing curves where the operator
does not have an unobstructed view along the tracks
for a distemHce of two hundred (200) feet;
(d) when traversing an intersection of highways
mere the ope rat or during the last one hundred (100)
feet of his appr000h to the intersection does not have
a o3 sar and Uninterrupted view of such intersection
and of the traffic upon all of the highways emtering
such intersection for a distance of two hundred ( 200 )
feet from such intersection;
(2) Twenty (20) miles per hour in a residence district;
(3) Thirty -five (35) miles per hour under other oonditions.
Speeds in excess of those set forth above shall bs
taken as prima facie but not as conolnsiTe evidence of a
speed greater than is Tess enable and proper.
SECTION 40. Boarding or Alighting from 3trest
Care or Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person to
board or alight from a street car or vehiarle while sat d
street car or vehicle is in motion.
SECTION 41. Riding on Car Steps. It shall be
unlawful for any person to ride upon the fender of running
board of any street car or vehicle.
SECTION 42. Railway Trains and Street Care Not
to Block Street. It shall be unlawful for the operator of
any steam interurban or street railway train or car to
operate the same in such a manner as to prevent the use of
any street for purposes of travel for a period of time
longer than ii ve (5) minutes.
SECTION 43, Penalty. Any pe roan violating any
of the provisions of this ordinanoe, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, dull be punished
for the first offense by a fine not W emoeed Fifty(f50.00)
'�I Dollars, or by imprisanment in the city Jail of the City of
El Segundo, California, or in the County Jail of the County
of Los Angeles, California, for not more than five (5) dqrs;
for a seoond offense within a period of one (1) year from
the date of the first offense by a fine not to exceed One
Hundred ( $100.00) Dollars, or by impris omm ®t in the oity
Jail of the City of El Segundo, California, or in the County
Jail of the County of Los Angeles, California, for not more
than tm (10) days, or by both suoh fine au d imprisonment;
for a third and each additional offense committed within
i one (1) year from r►he date of the ilrst offense by & fine
not to exceed Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, or by iw,-
prisonment in the oity jail of the City of El 3egnndo,,
California, or in the County jail of the County of Los
Angeles, California, for not. more than three (3) months,
or by poth such fine ar d imprisonment.
HECTION 44. Disposition of Fines and Forfeitures.
All fines or forfeitures oolleoted upon conviction or upon
the forfeiture of bail of any person charged with a violation
of any of the provisions of this o rd inane shall be paid into
the oity treasury and deposited in a speoial fund whioh In
hereby created to be known as the "Street Improvement Wand."
There may be appropriated out of said fund such moneys as
from time to time may be authorised by the Board of Trustees
for the purchase and maintenanoe of official traffic signs,
signals, lights, and paint marks necessary to designate the
provisions of this ordinance, and the balance of said fund
shall be used exclusively in the construction, maintenance
and improvement of public streets within this city.
SECTION 45. Effect of Ordinance. If any section,
sub- 13eotion, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance,
is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
this ordinance. The Board of Trustees hereby declares that
it would have passed this ordinance and each section, sub-
section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, Irrespective
of the fact that any one or more sections, nab - sections,
sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional.
SECTION 46. Repeal. OrdinanoseNos. 67, 91, 108
and 111 of this city are hereby repealed, and all ordinanoss
or parts of ordinai&oes in conflict with or inconsistent idth
the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, except
that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution
or punishment of any person tor any act done or committed
in violation of any ordiname hereby repealed prior to the
taking effect of this ordiname.
SECTION 47. The City Clerk shall certify to the
passage and adoption of this ordinance, and shall cause the
same to be published once in The 31 Segundo Herald, a weekly
newspaper of generd oirculastion, printed, published mad
circulated Ydthin the said City of Ei Segandog and which is
hereby designated for that purpose.
This ordinance shall take effect thirty days fran and
NOW after the final passage and adoption thereof.
Passed, approved and adopted this 17th day of Zap%,
A - D., 1921.
At4st: es I den the Board of ra ees of
the City of El Segundo, Cal iforni a
City Clerk
I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City
of E1 Segundo, Califomia, do hereby certify that the
v42ole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the
� .
said city is rive; -chat the foregoing ordinance, being
Ordinance No. 134, was duly passed and adopted by the said
Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the President
of said Board and attested by the City Clerk of said city,
all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the
17.tbday of Mav , A. D., 1927, bnd that the same
was so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES : TRUSTEES, Cannon, Gerow, Krimmel and Binder. ;
Clerk's Certificate
I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City
of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the
whole. number of members of the Board of Trustees of the
said city is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being
Ordinance No. 134, is a frill, tme aimd correct
oritzinal of Ord ante No. 134 of the said City of
El Segundo, entitled:
v&ich was duly passed and adopted by the said Board of
Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said
Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said pity, all
OW at a regular meeting of the said board held on the 17th
day of June , 19271, and that the same was so passed
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: TRUSTEES Cannon, Gerold, Krimmel and Binder. ;
I do hereby further certify zhat pursuant to the
provisions of Section 878 of Act 5233 of the General Laws
of the State of Califo mid (Deering 1923 Edition) that the
foregoing ordinance No. 134 was duly and regularly publish-
ed according to law and the order of the Board of Trustees
of said city in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper
of general circulation printed, published and oiroulated
within the said city, and that the same was so published
therein on the following date
June 24th, 1927
WITNESS my hand and the seal of said city this
25th day of dune 1927.
y Jerk o f tht CM of egnn o,
(SEA, Z) C al i fo aria.