ORDINANCE 129924 ORDINANCE NO. 129 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING "'HE LAYING OUT AND OPENING TO A UNIFORM WIDTH OF EIGHTY (80 ) FEET OF A CERTAIN NEW PUBLIC STREET WITHIN ME SAID CITY, TO BE DESIGNATED AND KNOWN AS "MARIPOSA AVENUE ", BETWEEN ARIZONA DRIVE AND THE WESTERLY LINE 1OF INGLEWOOD AND RED OND 0 ROAD, WITHIN THE SAID CITY, APPOINT- ING THREE COMMI SSIONERS . TO ASSESS THE BENEFITS AND DAMAGES, TO HAVE GENERAL SUPERVISION OF THE PROPOSED WORK AND PRESCRIBING THEIR PO , ,ERS AND DUTIES: The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California,: do ordain and determine as follows: SECTION 1. WHEREAS the Council. of the City of E1 Segundo, California,, did on the lot day of June, A. D., 19859 pass its Resolution No. 940 declaring its intention to order the following work and improvement to be done, to-wit: That a certain new public street to be known as Mariposa Avenue be laid out and opened in the said City of E1 Segundo, to a uniform width of eighty (80) feet, between Arizona Drive-and the westerly line of Inglewood .and Redondo Road, under the provisions of that certain act of the Legis- lature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act to provide for laying out,, opening, extending, widening, straightening or closing -up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose ", approved March 6th, 1889, and all amendments thereof. and additions thereto;. and which said resolution described the lands and premises oil r s .,i 925 necessary to be taken therefor, and specified the lends to be affected or benefited by said work and improvement,. ,an& to be assessed to pay the damages, costs and expenses thereof; and WHEREAS, the Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo did thereupon cause notice of the passage of said resolution to be posted in the manner and as required by law, and did also cause a notice similar. to the one posted as a- foresaid, to be published in the "El Segundo Herald", a week- ly newspaper of general circulation, printed ani published within the said City of $1 Segundo,, as required by said Re- solution No. 94, by four successive insertions therein, to -,d.t: in the issues of June 12th, 19th, 26th end July 8d, 1925; all of which was done in the mazme r and as re quire& by law; and WHEREAS, objections against the said work or im- provement.were duly tiled by the estate of Fronia May Sool- field, deoeased,, through its attorney, Walter F. Haas, and 1' Laura Boeok woe and Margareta Gard, through their attorney, Walter F. Haas, and by A. S. Gough .and Susan Gough through their attorney, E. 0. Lesko; and, WHEREAS, the said objections of A. S. Gough and Susan Gough were thereafter withdrawn and at the time, of the hearing on all other protests,. the Board of Trustees did overrule the same, and more than ten days have elapsed.from and after the expiration of the time of the publication_ of said notice.of the passage of said resolution, and the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo have thereby acquire& jurisdiction to order said work, as proposed in said resolution, to be done; BOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordergd that said wort and improvement be done as aforesaid and as specifically described, in said Resolution of Intention No, 94. SECTION 2. Arnold F. Fitzgerald, A. D. Butters and H.. _H'.. Heaston '1 are hereby appointed as Commissioners to assess the benefits 2- 926 and damages,., and to have general supervision of said proposed work and imp ago vement until the completion thereof in o ompli- ance with the law.. For their services as such Commissioners, each of them shall he .paid at the rate of $1.00 per hour, provided however, that such compensation shall in no case exceed $200.00 per month and shall not continue for a longer pe ri od ,than six months unless extended by order of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo. Such compensation shall be added. to and be chargeable, as a part of the expenses of the work or improvement. SECTION 3. Before commencing their duties as such Commissioners, each of then shall file with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees an affidavit to the effect that he will faithfully peErzorm.the duties of the office of a Commissioner as the sane are prescribed by law, and shall also file with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees a bond to the State of California in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to faithfully perform the duties of a Commissioner as the same are prescribed by law. The Board of Trustees may at ashy time remove any or all of the said Commi ssionere for oause, upon reasonable notice to such Commissioner or Commissioners .., and a hearing thereon, and shall fill any vaoaaoies occurring among suoh Commissioners fom any cause, SECTION 4. The said Commissioners shall then pro- ceed to view the leads described in the Resolution of Inten- tion and may examine witnesses on oath to be administered by any one of them. They shall.Ahen determine the value of the land and the damage to the improvemerts. and property affected, and also the amount of the expenses incident to said wa xk or improvement, and having determined the same shall prooeed to assess the same upon the district to be assessed as the same is fixed in said Resolution of Intention in proportion to the benefits to oe derived from the said work or improvement, including the real prope rty of any railroad company within said district, if such there be, and any or all public property within said distrio.t if such there be, For this purpose the said Commissioners shall have power to . 3- r a 927 employ such assistemoe, legal or otherwise, as they may deem necessary and proper, and to incur such other ex- penes as they may deem necessary. All such charges and expenses shall be deemed expenses of said work or in" provement, and shall be a charge only upon the lands devoted to the particular work or improvement as provided by the act h ere inbefore mentioned.. SECTION b. All payments, both for the land and improvements taken or damaged and for the charges and ex- penses shall be paid by the City Treasurer upon warrants drawn upon said funds from time to time, signed by said Commissioners or a majority of them. All such warrants shall state whether they are issued for land or improvements taken or damaged, or for charges and expenses and that the demand is payable only out of the money in said fund, and that the City of El Segundo shall in no event . be liable for the failure to collect any assessment made by virtue of these proceedings and the act under which the same are taken, nor shall said warrants be payable out of any other fund, nor be a claim against the City of El Segundo, SECTION 69 The said Commissioners shall with all diligence make a written report of their assessments, of benefits and damages to the Board of Trustees, which said report shall be accompanied by a Plat of the assessment district showing the land taken or to be taken for the work or improvement, and the lands assessed showing the relative location of tssh �distriot, block, lot, or portion of lot std its dimensions so far as the Commissioners can reasonably ascertain the same. Each block and lot or portion of tot taken or assessed shall be designated and described in said Plat by an appropriate number. Said report shall also specify each lot, sub- division, or piece of property taken or in- jured by the opening of said street or assessed therefor, y 928 together with the name of the owner of claimants thereof, or of other person _interested therein, as lessese,, in- oumbrancere or otherwise, so far as the same are brown to such Commissioner$ ,and the partioulare _of their interests, so tar as the ease can be ascertained, and the ameant of value or damage or the amount assessed as the case say be# If in any case the Commissioners find.that oonflioting claims, of title exist, or If they shall be in i gnoramce or doubt as to the ownership of any lot of land or at any impro vem ant s thereon, or of any interests therein, it shall be not down an belonging .to unknown oiners. For all fur- ther particulars regarding the powers. and duties of such Commissioners- refor*noo is hereby made . to Sections 6 to lE, both inclusive, of the sot hereinbef ore. mentioned, and under which thee* proceedings are taken. SBCTI08 T. After the confirmation of the report of said Commissioners, by the Trustees, an provided by law, improvement bonds @hall be issued, to represent any and all assessments, amounting to Fifty Dollars ($50.00)_ or ewer, made to pay the *onto. and expenses of said laying cut and opening of a certain new publio street, to be known as "Mariposa Avenue" to a width of eighty (80) feet, between Arizona Drive and the westerly line, of Inglewood and Redondo Road, if the property ow er or owners against which said assessments are made, or levied shall so oleo*. Said Improve- ment bonds shall be in the to= and shall be issued in the manner, and under the circumstances, and said eleotion of each property owners shall be made in the for® and within the time, as provided under that certain sot of the Degts- lature. of the State of Cali 3braiav entitled., .*An act proviAfag for the issuams of improvement bonds to represent certalm spwoIal assessments for public improvements under the *Street Open! Ast of 18891, and providing for the effect and onto room eat _ of suck be&&* 6- 1, approved May 24th, 1921, and all amendments thereof and supplements thereto. SECTION 8. This ordiname shall be published once in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general oiroul ation, printed and published in the City of El Segundo, and shall thereupon and thereafter be iu full foroe and effeot. PasnsAed, approved and adopted this 25th day of ;i�� Wesident' of "':• :, ATTESTs 929 930 S ,"ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. ) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, Cal ifomia, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said city is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 129 duly passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 25th day of June , A. D., 1926, and that the wame was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: TR DS TEES : Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder. NOES: TRUSTEES: None. ABSENT : TRUSTEES : Cannon. ( SEAL) Clerk's Certificate STATE. OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) �r I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the mole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said city is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 129 , is s Rill, true and correct original ntientitled: old ; ice_ o f the said City or L1 5egtmdo, anti t1a d : "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE LAYING OUT AND OPENING TO A UNIFORM WIDTH OF EIGHTY (80) FEET OF A CERTAIN NEW PUBLIC STREET WITHIN THE SAID CITY, TO 8E DESIGNATED AND KNOWN AS 'MARIPOSA AVENUE' BETWEEN ARIZONA DRIVE AND THE WESTERLY LINE OF INGLEWOOD AND REDONDO ROAD, WITHIN THE SAID CITY, APPOINT- ING THREE COMMISSIONERS TO ASSESS THE BENEFITS AND DAMAGES, TO HAVE GENERAL SUPERVISION OF THE PROPOSED WORK AND PRESCRIBING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES." which was duly passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said city, all at a regular meeting of the said board, held on the 25th day of June , 1926, and that the same was so passed a ­M opted by the following vote: AYE S • TRUSTEES Gerow, Krimmel, Love and Binder NOES: TRUSTEES None AB SE NT : TR V3 TEE S Cannon I do hereby fUrther certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 878 of Act 5233 of the General Laws of the State of Califbrnia (Deering 1923 Edition) that the foregoing Ordinance No. 129 was duly and regularly published according to law and the o er of the Board of Trustees of ad d city to the El Segundo Herald a weekly newspaper pfinted, published and circulated vLthin the said city, and that the same was so published therein on the following date , to-wit: July 2nd. 1926 • WITNESS my hand and the seal of said city this 3rd day o f July , 1926. ( SEAL ) t� Pq city cierg o El Segundo, California. 931