The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo,
de ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Rhat after public hearing with re.
ference to the matter hereinafter referred to duly and
regularly had by the Board of Trustees of said o it y, the
said Board of Trustees hereby determines that the public
poaoe, health, safety, comfort, convenience, interest and
welfare of said city require,, and it is hereby ordered and
ordained that the minimum distsmae back from the street
Sine for the erection of buildings or structures on Whiting
Street between the southerly line of Pala Aveme and the
northerly line of Bl Segundo Avenue within the said City
shall be se follows, to-wit:
On the masterly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of El Segundo Avenue and the southerly
line of Franklin Avenue as said street and avenues are
shorn upon El Segundo Sheet No. 19 recorded in Book 189 Page
64 of Maps, Records of Los Angolan County, California, and
on file in the office of the County Recorder of said oounty,
the set back line shall be known as such, and shall be a
line distant 18 foot westerly of and measured at right
angles fran the westerly line of Whiting Street, N
On the westerly aide of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Franklin Ave m a sad the soot ba rly
line of Grand Aveme as said street Fad avwmes are sham
upon 21 Segundo Shoot No. 1, recorded in Book 18, Page 69
of caps, Records of Los Angeles County, California,
and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said
county, the not back line shall be knoau as suoh, and
shall be a line distant 24 feet westerly of am measured
at riht atgl.ea from the westerly line of Whiting Street.
On the westerly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Grand Avenue and the southerly line
of Holly Avenue as said street and avenues are shoran upon
Bl Segundo Sheet No. X. recorded in Book 18, Page 145 of
Yaps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, and on
file in the office of the County Recorder of said county,
the set back line shall be known as such, and shall be a
line distant Et feet westerly of and measured at right
angles from the westerly line of Whiting Street* provided
however, that on said westerly side of said Whiting Street
between said northerly line of Grand Aveme and said south-
erly line of Holly Avenue, as above referred to, it shall
be lawfal to ereot or construct as a part of any dwelling,
building or other structure, and as a part therete, a
structure commonly called and designated as a peroh, which
sad& porch may be nearer than 28 feet from the westerly
line of Whiting Street, but not nearer than 18 feet from
amok westerly line, measured as aforesaid, but excepting
each porch, no portion of any such dwelling, building or
structure shall be erected nearer than 88 feet from the
westerly line of Whiting Street measure& as aforesaid.
On the westerly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Holly Avenue and the southerly line
of Pine Avenue as said street and aWsbXps are shown upon
Bl Segundo Sheet No. E, recorded in Book 18, Page 145 of
Yaps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, and on
file in the office of the County Recorder of said county,
the not back line shall be known as such and shall 'be a
line distant E4 feet westerly of and measured at right
angles from the westerly line of 'Whiting Street.
On the westerly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Pine Avenue and the southerly line
of Mariposa Avenue as said street and avenues are shown
upon 31 Segundo sheet No. 8, recorded in Book 18, Page
145 of laps, Records of Los Angeles County, Cali :% rnia,
and on file in the office of the County Recorder of sail
county, the set back line shall be known as such, sal
shall be a line distant 26 feet westerly of and ■easurel
at right amgles from the westerly line of Whiting Street.
On the westerly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Mariposa Avenue and the southerly
line of Palm Avenue as said street and avenues are show
upon B1 Segundo Sheet Bo. 8, recorded in Book 20, Pages
EE and 28 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, Cali-
fornia, and on file in the office of the County Recorder,
of said county, the not bask line shall be known as sash,
and shall he a line distant E0, feetwesterly of and measured
at right angles from the westerly line of Whiting Street,
except where buildings or other structures within said
boundaries shall dace on Mariposa Avenue or Palm Avems, '
In which case, the set back line shall be known as such
dud shall be a line distana lb feet westerly of and
measured at right atigfles from the westerly line of
Whiting street.
- -
' J '
On the easterly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Sl Segundo Avenue and the seatherly
line of Franklin Avenue as said street and avenues are
shotat upon 81 Segundo Sheet No. 1, recorded in Book 189
Page 69 of Yaps, Isoo rile of Les Angeles County, California,
andL on file in the office of the County Reoorder of said
county, the set back line shall be knovam as such, and
shall be a line distant It feet emstezly of end measured
at right angles from the easterly line of Whiting Street.
On the easterly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Franklin Avemae and the southerly
line sf Grand Avssue as such streetand avenues are shown
upon El Segundo Sheet No. 1, reco rued in Book 189 Page 69
of Yaps. Records of Los Angeles County, California, and
on file in the office of the County Reoorder of said
county, the not back line shall be know as =oh, and
shall be a line distant Sb foot easterly of and measnrtl
at right angles from the easterly line of Whiting Street.
On the easterly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Grand ,vends and the southerly line
of Holly Aveme as each street and avenues are shown upon
Bl Segundo Shoot Ho. 8, and ' reoo riled in Book 18, Page 145
of Yaps, Records of Los Angeles County, California, and
on file in the offioe of the County Reoorder of said
county, the set back line shall be know as such, and shall
be a line di stant SO feet easterly of and measured at right
angles from the easterly line of Whiting Street.
On the easterly site of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Holly Aveme and. the southerly line
of Pine Avemo* as said street and avenues are sham upon
31 Segundo Most No. E, Recorded in Book 180 Page 165 of
Yaps, Records of Los Angeles County, Cali fb rnia, and on
file in the office of the County Recorder of said oeunty,
the not back line shall be known as each, and shall be
a line distant 22 feet easterly of and mesenred at right
angles from the easterly line of Whiting Street.
On the easterly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Pine Avenue and the southerly line
of Mariposa Averse as sash street and avenues are show
upon Bi Segundo Sheet No. 89 recorded in Book 18, Page 145
of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, Oallfozxtia, alt
on file in the office of the County Recorder of said county,
the set back line shall be known as mach, and shall be a
lino distant Sb feet easterly of and measured at right
angles from the easterly line of Whiting Street.
On the easterly side of Whiting Street between
the northerly line of Mariposa Avenue and the southerly
line or Palm Avenue as such street and avenues are shown
upon Z1 Segundo Sheet No. S, recorded in Book $0, Pages
$E and 88 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, Califor-
nia, and on file in the office of the County Reoorder of
said county, the eat back line shall be know as macho ant
shall oe a line distant 20 feet easterly of and measured
at right angles from the easterly line of Whiting Street.
MOTION E. No building, wall, fence or other
straoture shall be ereoted or oonstruoted, or moved upon
any property or premises betwesm the set back lines herein•
above in Ssotlon i of this ordinance established and Ike
street line of Whiting Street in front of such promises or
property, and it shall be sunlawfal for any person, firm
or corporation to constract, more upon or ereot, or to
begin, or engage in the constraot ion, moving upon or areo-
tioA of any building, wall, fence or other structure, on
any premises or property between said set back lines so
established and the street line of Whiting Street in
front of suoh premises or property
SECTION S. That any person, firm or corporation
violating any of the p m vi si ons of this ordinance, shall
be deeaeed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by s fine of not to mooed
*800.00 or by impri soar nt in the city jail of the City
of Zi Segundo or in the county jail of the County of Los
Angeles, California, as the oommi tt ing magistrate may
direot, for a period not exceeding ninety (00) days, or
by both such flne and imprtsonrnt in the discretion of
the court.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk xWl certify to the
passage and adoption of this ordinance and shall cause
the same to be published enoo in the E1 Segundo Heral,l,
s weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in
said City of El Segundo, and hereby designated for the
This ordinance shall take effect immediately
upon the final passage and adoption thereof.
Passed, approved and adopted this 11th day of
Jane, A. D., 1926.
W 444a
President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of 21 Ssgando, Cali f zala.
I, Victor D. MoCarthy, City Clerk of the City
of &1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the
' whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the
said city is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being
Ordinance No. 126, was duly passed arA adopted by the said
Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the Presidamt
of said Hoard, and attasted by the City Clerk of said city,
all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the
11th day of June , 1826, and that the same was
so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: TRUSTEES Cannon, Gerow, Krinmel and Binder.
x:ity eieric or the seganao,
( SEAL) Cali to mia. IF
Clerk's Certifioate
I. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City
of El Segundo, California do hereby certify that tha whole
number of members . of the �oard of Trustees of the said city
is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinanoe No.
126, is -A full, true and correot original of
Ordinano• o. 26. of the said City of El Segundo, • tled:
which was duly passed and adopted.by the said Board of
Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said Board,
and attested by the City Clerk of said oity all at a
regular meeting of the said board. held on tie 1� nth day of
June 19260 and that the same was so passed and
adopted y TE following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Krimnel and Binder. j
Nags: Trustees None.
Absent: Trustees Trustee Love.
I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the
provisions of Section 878, of Act 5233 of the General Laws
Of the State of California (Deering 1923 Edition) that the
foregoing Ordinanos No. 126 was duly and regularly published
a000rding to law and the order of the Board of Trustees of
said city in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of
general oiroulation, printed, published and oiroulated within
the said oity, and'that the same was so published therein on
the f oll owing ' dat A , to-wit: June 18th, 1926
WITNESS my hand and the seal of said oity this
19th day o f June , 1926.
(SEAL) El Segun Segundo, Ca fo mis.