ORDINANCE 122kl. I y Y ORDINANCE N0. 122 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE DRILLING, MAINT3- NANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF OIL AND GAS HELLS THEREIN; DECLARING OIL AND GAS WELLS WITHIN CERTAIN DISTRICTS WITHIN SAID CITY TO BE NUISANCES, AND MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DRILL, MAINTAIN OR OPERATE OIL OR GAS WELLS WITHIN SUCH SPECIFIED DISTRICTS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PBDVISMS THEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREIR TH. The Board of Trustees of the City of $1 Segando, do ordain as follows: SEC TI ON 1. That the drilling, b o ring or o the rwise sinking of an oil. or gas well or oil or gas wells., or Ike maintenanoe, pumping or operation of any oil well or oil wells, or gas well or gas wslle.within any of the distriote_ in the City of El Begando, California, hereinafter described, is hereby deolared to be a nuisamo; is also hereby deolared to be unlawful and is also hereby deolared to be prohibited. SECTION E. That the distriots within the said City of El Segundo, California., hereinabo ve in Soot ion 1 of this ordinanoe referred to, shall be known as residenoe distriotst and the same are hereby described and the exterior boundaries thereof are hereby fixed and established as follows: Reservoir ResidenoeDistriot No. 1 shall be known as enoh end shall inolude all of that portion of the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, in- oluded within the following desoribed exterior boundary line: 1- I �f� G 'ol Beginning at a point. on the easterly line of Zomita Street, 260.00. feet. south ,of the southerly line of Grand Avenua,am recorddd in, Yap Book 28, pages 64 -66, B1 Segundo Sheet 1o. 7, on file in the office of bounty R000 rder, County of Los Angeles;. thence 1 W-591-00's.' H .from point of beginning a dist'snoe of 300.00 feet to a point. thence dae north a distance of 880.00 feet to -- a point - thence 1 00- 07! -01M a distamoe of.796.36'feet to a point', thence 1 890•- 68' -46" B to a point of iriter- seotion.:with the easterly line of Bungalow Drive,; then** 3 00-074-010 .3 along the easterly line of Bungalow Drive and the projeotion. of said easterly line across Holley Avenue and the alley north , of Grand Aveia a to a point where said easterly line;interseots,the center line of Grand Avenue,. thence scath along the easterly line of Bungalow Drive a distance of_280.60 feet to a point; thence 1_89'w-691-000 • to the point of 'beginning. School Residense District 80. 1 shall be known as such and sha'il include all of that portion of the City of B1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles,, State of California, in- oluded within the following described. exterior boundary line: Beginning at the southwest oorner of Lot 3, Traot 2620., Block 95., El Segundo Sheet Bo. ' St. as per kap Book 25, Page 60, on record in the office of 'County Re- oorder,, County of Los Angeles-, thence east a distance of 890 feet , td a point;, thence month a distance of .983.29 feet to a point thence west. s, distance of 1160, fait to a point- thence aerth- -a di stambe -, o f -988„ 0 3.* Beet to a point; thenoo east to the point of beginning. That it shall ie unlawfal for any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, agent or otherwise, to drill, bore or otherwise sink, dig or maintain, pump or operate, or cause to be drilled, bored or otherwise sunk or i dug or maintained, pumped or operated, or to aid in the drilling of, boring., or otherwise sinking of, digging of or maintaining, pumping or operating of,. any well or wells for the purpose of disoovering .or producing oil,, gas or other hydrocarbon substance, or substanoes. in any of the residence districts hereinabove in Section 2 ,of this ordinance described.. That it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, agent or otherwise, to dig, excavate, sink or maintain, or cause to be dugs sunk, ! excavate& or maintained, or to aid in the digging, sinking, excavating or maintaining of arty sump, or oil sump, or sump hole,, in any of the residence districts hereinabove in 2' f.. �ti ' S92 ` Section S of this ordinance described., whether in connec- tion with any oil or gas well ,or wells located ,within the boundaries of any. of said residence districts or otherwise. SECTION 3. That it shall. be unl'awfal for any person, firm or oorporation, whether as principal, •gent or otherwise, to drill, bore or otherwise sink or dig, any oil or gas well, or oil or gas wells, or to commenoe, carry on or proseoute,the erection of any derrick or derricks, or other struotures for, or for use in connection with, any such well or wells,, in any portion of the City of 81 Segundo, California, outside of the residence districts hereinabove in Section S of this ordinance dssoribed,, without a permit from the Board of Trustees of said City so to do. -first had and obtained. Application to drill, bore or otherwise sink or bore any such well or wells, and to •root and maintain the usual and necessary structures in connection therewith, shall be made to said Board in writing. by.the applicant for ,�-- such permit, stating the name of applicant, . the definite location of the proposed well, and appurtenant structures, the purpose for whioh the same is to be drilled, bored or otherwise sank or dug, '.am a statement that if such permit is granted, said well will be drilled,. bored or otherwise sunk. or dug ,at the looatiog' *hown in said application that the permit for same. oontemplated hereunder, if granted by said Board,, • may contain a provision as a condition there- of that said well will be located at the place so designated. and that otherwise said permit shall lapae, and become and, remain void. All. permits issued hereunder shall be. upon diroo- Ition . o f said Board of Trustees issued by the City Clerk of said City who shall attend to all details,, in oonneotion with the presentation of such appli oat i ons to the Board of Tras- tees, and the issuing of the permits granted by said Board.. S- L", t 893 No fee shall bye charged for any such permit. a� SECTION 4. Every person, firm or corporation, whether as priloipal, agent or otherwise, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ,and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not mweeding Three Hundred Dollars, ($300.00) or by imprisonment, of not more than three months, in either the City Jail of the City of BI Segundo, California, or the County Jail of Los Angeles bounty, California,,, as the committ- ing magistrate may direct, or by both such fine atd imprison- ment; and each and every calendar. day during which any, violation of this ordinance . shall oontinae,. shall be consider- ed. and deemed a new and separate offense. SECTION b. This ordinance shall bake effect and be in frill force and virtue ,thirty (50) days from and after, the final passage and adoption thereof. SECTION 6. Ordinance No. 99 of said City and all ordinances and parts of ordinanoes.in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.. SECTION 4, The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance. pad shall cause the same to be published . onoe ,in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in the said City of E1 Segundo, , and which in hereby designated for that purpose. Dated this 15thday of Jamary, A. D. , 1986. President of the Board of Trustees of AFEST: t�e City of El Segundo, California. ( SEAL) City,Clerk 4— Y s! . " F"o lis- Clark's Certificate STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clark of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance (being Ordinance No.122 ), is the fall, true and oorreet origin of Ordinance No. 122 of the said City of sj do, entitled: CTS r- which was duly passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the Presidmt of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the day of, January, , 198 6 , and that the some was so passed and a op e y theToilowing vote: Ayes: Trustees No as: Trustees Absent: Trustees I do hereby farther certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 878,of Ant 8258 of the General Laws of the State of California (Dearing 1928 Bditien) that the foregoing Ordinance No. 122 was duly and regularly pub- lished according to law an�the order of the Board of Trustees of said City in The 11 Sainmig Herald a newspaper o genera c rou a ion printed, pu Iis a and circulated within the said City, and that the some was so published therein on the following date , to -wit: January 22nd, 1926 • WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this 23rla7 of January , 1926 . i y Miry o s o (SEAL) E1 Segundo, Calilbrnig. 1. '( l i 894 Ir}.. P