ORDINANCE 1140 F 61 i 01MINANCB 109 114. AN ORDIBANCD OF THE CITY OF EL SIGUND09 CALIFORNIA, CALLING, PROMING FOR ADD GIVING NOTICE OF A SPBOIAL ELECTION TO B6 RZI+D IN SAID CITY ON FRIDAY, THE 18T DAY OF YAY, A. D., 19860 FOR THE PDRPOSB OF SUMITTING TO THE Q'UALIFIED ELECTORS 01 SAID ]MUNICIPALITY TER QUESTION ETHER OR NOT CERTAIN NEW 'UNINHABITED TERRITORY HS IN DESORIM SHALL BE ANNE7CDD T0, INCORPORATED IN AND YADB A PART OF SAID YQBICIPAL COR- PORATION. The Board of Trustees of the City of sl Segundo, California, do ordain as follows: SBOTION 1. 2hNt a special aunisipal election is hereby called and ordered to be held is the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angelus, state of California, on Friday, the lot day of May, 19H5, and that at said elec- tion there shall be 8ubmmitted to the qualified electors of said City, the question whether or not eertain new uninhabit- ed territory hereinafter described, shall be @=*zed to, mad incorporated in, and nMW a part of, the said City. SECTION 8. That the City Clerk of said City is hereby authorised, directed and ordered to gin notice of sa[ d special election by the publication of a notice 1hereof In the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general oir- oulatiaa, printed, published aad circulated within said City of BI Segundo, and hereby designated for that pa%poso'- for at least once a week for a period of two weeks sort preceding the date of enoh election, which notion, and all portions tberoof, as hereinafter set forth and sentained, for all Intents ant purposes, shall be and constitute a esuponout 1- •ry 8 I A part of this o rdiname. The said election shall be had and the acts therein required shall be performed as in said notice hereinafter provided. In words and figures said notice shall oe in the following foma, towit: "NOTICE OF ANNEXATION ELECTION FOR THE ANNEXA- TION TO TM CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, OF CERTAIN NEW UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SECOND ANNEXATION TERRI- TORY. -r VEEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, did on the 27th day of December, 1984, receive a written petition signed by not less than one -tenth in cumber of the qualified electors of said mani- oipal corporation computed upon the number of votes cast at the last general municipal a le ati on he 1 d therein, praying that the certain new, un- inhabited territory in said petition, and herein - after, described, be annexed to and inoorporated and included in said City of El Segundo; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said petition said Board of Trustees did, without &slay, cause notice of the fact of the filing of such petition to be given as provided by law, to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, in which said County said City of E1 Segundo ie located; and WHEREAS, upon the receipt of said notifi- cation said Board of Supervisors did fix Monday, t. 602- M.: the 16th day of February, 1925, at the hour of ton o'olook A. N. of said day in the of- fice of the said Board of Supervisors in the County Hall of Records in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State owl of California, as the time and place for hearing objections and /or remonstrances to said annexation; and MMRBAS, said Board of Supervisors did oasse due and proper notice thereof to be giTen as required by law; and MERBAS, said Board of Supervisors did at said time cad place dmly eonslier said matter; and WEBPZAS, - by due and regalar oonti- nmaa�oes said Board did continue the said matter until Tuesday, the 84th day of Febmary, 19L5, upon which said day said Boord of Supervisors did pass a resolution consenting to the amaeza- tion by said City of said now uninhabited terri- tory in said petition referred to, and hereinafter described, fte cad official notice of the pass- age of nhich acid resolution or order by said Board of Supervisors, was receivod by the Board of Trustees of the City of 11 Sogmalo, Colif mia, on the 16th day of March, 1985; and 1� MAB, on the = lay of April* 1985, said Board of ft"tees of said Oity of Bl Segundo did pass and adopt an ordinmoe dosip anted as Ordiname No. 114, entitled, 'An Ordinaaoo of the City of =1 Segmdo, California, calling, providing for an& giving notice of a special election to be hold in said City on M- day, the lot day of May, A. D., 19869 for tin purpose of submitting to the gaalifiod olosters of sold mmniaipality the question whether S.. O t 0 W V .q J g o 0 � ar o � .o J► e t 4y m O Qf J� 4i .q �"/ !fir b ',-! •q A 0 � !J Vi 43 .C� ,la J:�' 0 fs�' b Cb its O J g : " N 0 tJ 4-3 9L, 43 Ad �' o . cyby 43 b Qf 4l *Y � '►y d.! o m c' Cd �w �i p° b m a +� �° o � +Ni � ,gl H � aNt ,� 0 +ter o ti " +� �$ ' o al .o ,� ca 10 0 0 0 O ICS 43 A�j �j 1� • pt ° � � cU Rf b �l p��s b � 4! Qi w 9 �„id a?q0 ° QYQ O �`/ 0 O 0 O O 0 4f 0 4y Q) O p e �/ �► ° ltj 43 O % 4.3 .� N �" �4 $4 w �' b T 4 4 n o� 4D 'C j� j4 ,1 f4 O CO O ' y O a4� J� w p 'N 37 14 lei ' � 4 '44 g O Y O *3 0 0 b 0 ° y 0 p m � b O 0 H b 44 4 �' m � 0 J4 0 m 0 0 •t7 0 �t 4f ma 44 43 0 �0 1C� f�Q! i s �4y1 N 0 w iii Q) ® O 0 � Q► +�i Jy �j 'C7 a ! 4i '1 •t7 44 44 � 43 .O a 0 ¢-1 �f Q1 O 6t O '�l 'C► Al A �° M o 14 0 � Tr° r q°, U� ° m g JC� 8 0 0 R' o z 0' g t pp, 0 0 m 0 44 zy J4" 4 J Je 1 � l �r 84r7 of El Segundo is contiguous to said City, is situated in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is more p art icularly bounded and described as follows: All of Lot Two (2) of Tract No. 3303, t n as per map recorded in Map Book 36, Page 14; also all of Lots 33, 349 35, and 36 and part of Lots 22, 249 26, 289 309 31 and 32 of Tract No. 2356 as per map recorded in Map Book 28, Page 42, and part of Block 18 of the El Porto Tract as per map recorded in Map Book 18, Pages 142 and 143, all of Los Angeles County Records; also part of the Pacific Electric Railroad Right of Nay, also known as Lot M of Tract No. 2356, Highland Avenue and Port Avenue, all lying within the follow- ing described parcel of land: Begginr�ing at the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Tract No. 3303, as per map records of Book 36, Page 14 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County; said point being also the southwesterly corner of the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, CaLifo mia, as the same now exists; thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of the City of Manhattan Beach, as the same now exists, to the point of intersection of said northerly boundary line of the City of Manhattan Beach, with a line lying 20.00 feet easterly of, measured at right angles, and parallel to the easterly line of Tract No. 4103, as per map records of Book 46, Page 8 of Maps, recorded and on file as afore - said; thence northwesterly along the aforesaid line lying 20.00 feet easterly of, measured at right angles, and parallel to the easterly line of Tract No. 4103, as per said map last herein - above referred to, to a point where said line intersects the easterly prolongation of the center line of that certain street known as 45th Street, Tract No. 4103, as per said map last hereinabove referred to; thence westerly along the said easterly prolongation of said center line of said 45th Street, Tract No. 4103, as per said map last hereinabove referred to, to a point where said easterly prolongation intersects the easterly line of Tract No. 4103, as per said map last hereinabove referred to; thence north- erly along the said easterly line of said Tract No. 4103 to the northeasterly corner of eaid Tract No. 4103, as per said map last hereinabove re- ferred to; thence westerly along the northerly line of said Tract No. 4103, its projection ac ros s Highland Avenue, as shown upon the last above- mentioned map, and its westerly prolongation thereof, to a point where said westerly prolonga- tion of said northerly line of said Tract No. 4103 •+ intersects the westerly line of the Pacific Eleo- r trio Railway Right of Play; also known as Lot m, < _T Tract Bo. 23669 Sheet 80. 29 as per map records of Book 289 Pago 48 of Yaps records C of Los Angeles County, on file as akosesaid; tbanoo southerly ale the westerly line of the said Pacific 23.00ric 8ailuy Bight of tart a distance of 20.00 toot to a point; tbonee south 670 48' 00* west to the point of inter- section, in the Pacific 0coon, with the north- orly boundary line of the City of Manhattan Boaoh, County of Los Angalos, California, ar the made now exists; thence westerly along the now said northerly boundary of the said City or Manhattan Beach, County of Les Angeles, Califor- nia, to the northwesterly corner of said City of Marnatton Beach; tbanoo northwesterly parallel to the high tide line to the sauthwesterly car- nor Of the City of 21 Segundo, as the made sow exists; thence easterly and northeasterly along the southerly boundary line of said City of htl Segundo, to the northwesterly corner of Let .2l, Tract 10. 25869 Shoot No. t, as per map records of Book 28 , Page 42 of maps, recorded and on file as aforesaid; said point being also on the southerly ioundary line of the said, City of Al Segundo as the mane now exists; tbsnso east- erly along the said southerly boundary line of said City of gl Segundo to the no rtkwestorly corner of Lot 19 Tract No. SsCO, as per slap records of Book 56, Page 14 of Maps, records of Los Angeles Coasty, and en file as eforesaid, said point being also es the southerly boundary line of the said City of 21 Segundo as the *acre now exists; thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Lot 1, Tract SS439 as per a" last hereinabore referred to, said line beiur also the westerly line of the said dity of Segundo, as the memo new oxi stn, to the point of beginning. fhat said new iniehabited territory is hereby designated 'Second Annexation Territory' and said territory shall be referred to mad in- dioated upon the ballots to be used at said special .WI election, and shall hereafter be referred to and known as 'Second Annexation Territory.' That upon the ballots to be used at said special smnioipal olootion, and in addition to the other matters required by law to appear thereia; there shall be printed the following words: 'To veto on the question of As annexes- - tion of Second Annexation Territory, sari the ballot is the mooting square to the right of said proposi ion by writing in the words, 'for annexation' �:� or 'against azuezatien.' ti -; Shall Second Annexation Territory, ) 1 n tod in the County of Sosy/►ngeles,1 f :. State of CQifirnia dasoribed as ) follows, to wit: Ail of Lot Two ) x (2) Of Tract No. 83089 as per nap ) recorded in Yap Book 869 Page 14; ) also all of Lots 83, 349 35 and 86 sad part of Lots 2E, E4, 86 28, 80, 31 and 82 of Tract ko. I866 as per nap recorded in Yap*Book 20, the El Porto art of 18 of Sao per sap re- corded in Nap Book 109 Pages 148 j and 1489 all of Los Angeles dounty ) Records; aloe part of the Pacific ) BleOtric Rallread Right of Way$ also known as Lot Y of Tract is. 8866, lighland ATeimo and Port Avert*, all lying within the fellow•) ing described parool of land: ) Beglywin at the southwesterly aorner ol Lot 1, Tract Bo. $5639 as per asp.. reoo rds of Book $69 Page 14 of flaps, records of Los Angeles o nsty, and on file in the offI0O of the County Recorder of said County; sold point being also the southwesterly oo=or of the City of ]a Segundo, County of Log Angeles California, as t ko same now Angeles thenoo wester- ly along the northerly 1OUndary line of the city of Y84h attar Beach, as tke sane now exists, to the point of interseotfon of said northerly qundary lino of the city of Xanl�attaa Beach, li th a line lying $0.00 foot easterly of measured at right angles, and parallel to the easterly line of Tract Bo. 4108, as per sap re- oords of Book 46, Page 0 of Yaps, reo orded and on file as afore- said; thence northwesterly along the aforesaid lino lying 20.00 feet masterly of measured at right angles, a;A parallel to the masterly line of great To. 41080 as per mail nap last ho reinabo w referred to} to a point where said line intersects the easterly prolongation of the *enter lino of that certain street known as 46th Street, Tract 80. 41089 as per said nap last hersinaboTe re» ferred to; thence westerly along the said easterly prolongation of said center line of said 46th Street, Tract No. 41089 as per said may last hereinaboTe "ferr- Od to, to a ppoint *or* said easterly prolongation intorseots the easterly line of Tract No. 41089 as per said nap last hore- inaboTo referred to; thence northerly along the said easterly lino of said 2raot ao.•4103 to the northeasterly corner of mid treat Bo. 41056 as per said map last hereinab*Te referred to; thence westerly along the northL. Orly line of said Tract No. 41089 •4• 849 ♦ . . . . . • . . . . • • . • . • . . . . . . . Vote in this Square ............ . . . ............. ON 850 its projection across Highland Avenue, as shown upon the last above - mentioned map, ax! d its westerly prolongation thereof, to a point where said westerly prolongation of said northerly line of said Tract No. 4103 in- tersects the westerly line of the Pacific Electric Railway Right of Way; also known as Lot m, Tract No. 2356, Sheet No. 29 as per map records of Book 28, Page 42 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, on file as afore- said; thence southerly along the westerly line of the said Pacific Electric Railway Right- of Way, a distance of 20.00 feet to a point; thence south 670 481 00" west to the point of inter - seotion, in the Pacific Ocean, with the northerly boundary line of the City of Manhattan Beach, County of Los Angeles, California as the saes now exists; thence westerly al one the said northerly boundary of the said City of Namhat tan Beach, County of Los Angeles, California, to the north westerly e0 me r of said City of Rabb ttan Beach; thence north- westerly parallel to the high tide line to the southwesterly oo rner of the City of El Segundo, as the same now exists; thence easterly and northeasterly along the southerly boundary line of - said City of El Segundo, to the northwesterly earner of Lot 220 Tract No. 2356, Sheet No. 2, as per map records of Book 28, Page 42 of Maps, recorded and on file as aforesaid; said point being also on the southerly boundary line of the said City of El Se- gando as the same noa exists; thence easterly along the said southerly boundary line of said City of E1 Segundo to the north- westerly comer of Lot 1, Tract No. 3303, as per map records of Book 36, Page 14 of Maps, records of Los Angeles County, and on file as aforesaid, said point be- ing also on the southerly bound- ary line of the said City of El Segundo as the same now exists; thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Lot 1, Tract 3303, as per map last hereinabove; referred to, said line being also, the westerly line of the said City of E1 Segundo, as the same now exists, to the point of beginning,- _8M .` 851 That the polling place in said voting preoinot 'B, shall U at the oonmoil ohsaber in the oity hall of the said city of R1 Segandos at the northwest comer o f Franklin Avenue and Richmond Street, within said precinot in said oity, and the board of election to conduct the el Y said election in said voting precinct IB* shall be and the saute is hereby appointed as folliws: a Inspector: WlUtana D. Donets. Jaiges: (lass Ella Griffin 0" 0. li.tsa*rald , Clerks: (Mrs. Alice Hope ((11rs. Helen H. Brsek Voting precinct 'C* shall be known as such, and shall include all of the territory in the city of Al Segundo, Cali ftrni a, within the exterior boundaries of J11 Segundo city precinct Ho. 89 as now established by the Board of Super- visors of Los Angeles County, Califamia, for state Iand county elections,, and the said exterior boundaries forming the exterior boundaries of the territory included within said 11 Seganio city precinct loo. 8, so establish*& by said Board of Supervisors, shit 1 be and constitute sad the same are hereby designated as the e3D- terior boundaries of said voting preoinot 'C*. That the polling place in salt voting • precinct 101 shall be at the school auditorium J on the north side of Maripo ss Aveane, between Richmond Street and Virginia Street, M11• 85: within said preoinot in said city, am the board of election to conduct the said election in said voting precinct 'Q• shall be and the sans is hereby appointed as followp: Inspector; Mrs. Lily Cairns ✓ Jadgest ( Leo T. Dessert ✓ s. Rattle 3. NNU- Clerks: ( John R, Black (� mrs. BooW. fhat at said special election the polls shall be open fram six o'clock A. Y. to seven o'clock P. Y. of the said day of said special election, as provided in Section 1164 of the Political Code of the State of California. fhat the said election in all other vs- spects shall be conducted and held in conformity, as nearly as may be, with the laws of the State of California, concerning general municipal elections in cities of the sixth class therein. Date& at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Dl Segundo, California, this 3 day of April, 1886. victor D. YoCaraz _ city Clark O'r TROMLIFY Segundo, California, sad ez- officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of said City. MOTION S. That all of the persons hereisaboTe named in the notice hereinabove quoted, are hereby respec- tively appointed as officers of said election to fill the respective offices as hereiaabove in said quoted notice set forth, and their compensation is hereby fixed at the am of Right Dollars ($8.00)each for said •leotion. And that the preoinets and polling places hereinabove in said quoted notice fixed and established are hereby fixed and established as the respective preoinets and polling places for said -12- r election, and in all respects said election shall be held and conducted at the tine and in the fora and Manner as in said quoted notice, and in the laws of the State of California specified. BECTIOR 4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to secure all supplies, paraphernalia and equipment that May be necessary to properly and lawfully conduct such special election. Said Clozk shall further cause sample ballots containing the Matter required by law to appear thereon to be supplied to the electors of said City, by mailing the same address to such eleotors, postage prepaid in the United states post office at E1 Segus- do, California, at least tee full days prior to the date of said election, but a failure on the part of said Clerk to mall such sample ballots to all such eleotors, or a failure on the part of any elector to receive such sample ballot, shall not be held to invalidate the election, or in any Manner whatsoever affect the legality thereof. SECTION b. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once in the 21 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and air - culated within the said City of $1 Segundo, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. This ordinance being an ordinance for the oall- ing of an election within said City of zi Segundo, aball tab affect immediately. passed, approved and adopted this of April, 1986. president o ar o es of the City of 11 Segundo, C81112OMKi69 T: city Mer . (ssaT.) STATE OP CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 1,08 ANGELES } SS. CITY OF U. SSGUNDO I, Victor D. Ma Carthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said city is five; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 114, was duly passed and adopted by the said f Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said City; all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 3rd day of April, 1925, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: TRUSTE33 Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. ; ROBS: TRUST= gone. _ ABSENT: TRUSTEE3 "None. (SEAL) 85Ei 85~1� C Clerk's Certificate STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGFJ.ES ) SS. CITY OF BSS SEGUNDO ) I, Victor D. XoGanm city Clerk of the City or Z egnn OO, California, 10 Tiereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordinance (being Ordinance Ho. 114 ), is ____a full, true and oorreot _or�nal of Tr anoe Ho. �_, of the said City 0Z El Segundo, entitled: AN ORDINARCE OF THE CITY OF RL RRMNM _ A a IDAY PROVO �' dal / 1; /,: �• y :a1 /; .11 which was duly passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 3rd day of Aril , 192 and that the same wwa-s so passed a op e y he fo *wing vote: Ayes: Trustees: Trustees Anderson. Cam"nrs_ Geese — &WA And hinder Hoes: Trustees: s� ; Absent: Trustees: _A sent I do hereby further certify that pursuant to the provisions of Section 8 ?8 of Act 8833 of the General Taws of the State of California (Deering 1923 j1dition) that the foregoing Ordinance No. 114 was duly and regularly pub- lished according to law -fie order of the Board of Trustees of said City in The al SOM-ndo Herald a newspaper o general c ra a on pr a e , pub lishe a c rculated within the said City, and that t same was so published therein on the following date _, to -wit: April 10th, 1925 WITWWS my hatsi anti the seal of said City this 13th day of April , 19E�_• ;r y CIO r o (SEAL) El Segundo, Califo o4; r. AW 851' be annexed to and incorporated in and made a part ' bf the Olty of 31 Segundo, CalifornieTv And there shall be a voting sgnaro to the right of and opposite the said proposition. that the gaalifiod electors of said f Oity are hereby invited and direoted to vote at said *leotion upon the question of each annexa- tion of said territory to said city by marking their ballots 'for annexation' or 'against annexa- tion.' If an *looter shall mark his ballot 'for annexation' the vote of mush elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation of said Second Annexation Territory to the said City of 11 Segundo and if as *1 motor shall mark his ballot 'against annexation' the vote of suoh *lector shall be counted against said annexation. ghat for the purpose of holding each spoolal manioipal election, there shall be throe voting precincts within said Oity, con- !k misting of the regular voting precincts ostab- ! linked for holding general state and county elections an follows: Voting procinct 'A' shall be known as suoh and shall include all of the territory in the City of 11 Segundo, California, within the exterior boundaries of 11 Segundo city prooinot No. 1, as now established by the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, California, for state and county elections, r and the said exterior boundaries forming the ..9- exterior boundaries of the territory included within said Z1 Segundo oity preoinot No. 1, J so establishel by said Board of Supervisors, shall be and oonst itute and the some are hereby designated as the exterior lto=Uml on of said voting prooinot 'A! That the polling place in said voting precinct 'A' shall be at the basement of the First Methodist Apiseopal Ohurch, on the north• east corner of Kariposa Avenue and Mein Street, within said precinot in said city, and the Board of e3eotion to conduct the said election in said voting precinct 'A' shall be and the *am is hereby appointed as follomet Inspector: Mm, Noma Ng Stoogns. Judges: (Yre. Uttie Tiasent , !(tiro H. Barber , Clerim : ((�ioa =on Tack , (Edward It. Nk ger Voting precinct 'B' shall be known as -' such, and shall inolude all of Ike territory in the City of 81 Segundo, Californi % within the exterior boundaries of Sl Segundo city precinct Mo. E, as now established. by the Board of Supor- visors of Los Angeles County, California, for state and county elections, and the said exterior boundaries foraft the exterior'boundaries of the territory included within said Dl Segundo city preoinot Bo. E, so established by said Board of Supervisors, dull be and constitute and the some are hereby designatel as thf exterior boundaries of said voting precinct 'B: 1 -10• r