ORDINANCE 102r 793 v omimcm No. 162 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HL 3301DO9 CALIFORNIA, =SIG]TATING THE CITY HALL IN Affi> FOR SAID CITY, AND THE COUNCIL r CHAMBER TERMN; FIXING THE TIME AND PLAN (W BEGWM i 'IYGS OF THS BOARD OF TRUSTESS OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF 3 Ba CIAL YEBT ING3 OF SAID BOARD AND RNPELLING ALL (.DIHAN03 AMD k- ,. PARTS OF ORDIN! IMS IN CONFLICT THgHSW 3TH. The Board of Trustees of the City of Rl Segunlo do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That that certain two story brick building located upon the following described real property; situated within the city of 11 Segundo, County of son Angeles, State of California, to -wit: Lots 9 and 10 in Block 11, of $1 3egn2llo, in the City of B;1 Segundo County of Los Aeles, State of California, as per Yap recorded in Book IS, Page 69 of Yaps, Records on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County, shall be and the saws is her*%W gamed and designated as the "City Hall• in and for the My of Sl 309W .o, eounty of Los Angeles; state of Ca li fo mia. SECTION 8. That the street n=ber of the maid City Hall shall be end the new is hereby designated as No. 8ON Rie%mone Street, in said City. SECTION S. That the to rge room in the northeast corner of the first floor of the said city Hall, herein- above designated in Section 1, approximately 35.. feet by 18.6 feet in dimension, and being designated as Roos No. 1019 on said first floor of said banding; shall be WA the mom is hereby named and designated as the "douneil 1� V 796 Chaaber" of the Board of Trustees of the City of 81 Seguxrlo; County of Los Angeles, State of California. SECTION 4. That the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of said City, after the 17th dey of Yty, 19841, shall be held in said mouncil Cbamber here - inabove designated in said City Hall on TvAsday of each aid every calendar week, beginning at the hour of 6 :50 o'clock in the evening of said day. SECTION b. That spacial meetings of the said Board of Trustees may be called at any tim by the presi- ._._ _ dent of the said Boards or by tbroo Trustees, by written notice delivered to each aember at least tbres hours before the time specified for the proposed meeting; or by written consent of all Trvstess. SECTION 69 That all meetings of the said Board of Trustees shalt be public. SECTION T. That all ordinances art parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION S. ?hat the City Cleric stall certify to the passage sue. adoption of this ardin =*'#' ani shall *suss the same to be psbliahe4 ones in the El 30#0124e Herald, a weekly newspaper, printed, published ant eires- lated within the said City of El Segundo, California; and which is hereby designated for that purposs; This ordinance shall tab effect cad be in fell force sad virtue an and after the 17th day of Mayo A. D. to 1884. Noted this Sth day of April, A. D. , 19 z4. Wo of the 8ity of i*1 Segundo, Cali- A EST: fornia. y r 8- ,I'- -r 797 BUTZ 01 CLZIPORTIA OOUM 07 zM AltOUM 35. CITY Off' 11 S$GUNDO ) 1. Yi at or D. XaCerthy, City Clerk of the City of El Beguto; Calitmis, do hereby certify %at the thole assber of ambers of the Board of Trustees of the said City is five; that the foregoing ordiaauoe; being Ordiaanos No# log sae duly passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved axed signed by the President of said Beard, and attested by the City Clark of seed City; all at a regnler meeting of the said Board held on the sth . day of April, 1924, and that %ke an" MMO seas was so passed axxi adopted by the following v of e AM: 2MSTEES Germ, Love, Sailej and Binder ; NOW: ?MST= None. ; A83SBi' : TBTSTIlOZS Rueaer. (9BAZ) Califomia