ORDINANCE 93• ORDI ONCE I0. s .. Ali ORDIUMB OF MM CITY OF AL SEGOD0, CALEMBIA, C' NGING AHD &STABLISSING MR GRATZ Of A P(RTZOH OP PAM AVBM WITHIN MM SAID C13!Z, AM RR-RSTAB7.ISBIBG T3 SOUTMRLY OURS LIM TBZMoa. The Board of Trustees of the City of &1 Segandp, do ordain as follows: MOTION 1. That the grade of tbiLt pertain public street named add known as Palm ATeme, within the said eity, Within the limits designated in Resolution of Intention Yo. 48 of the Board of Trustees of the city of El Segmndo, Cali- fornia, passed and adopted on the 16th dq of 3aaua=y, A.D. 1928, to -wit: between the easterly line of Virginia Street end the westerly line of Riehmand Street, is hereby ebarged and establimbed in a000rdame with the elevations designated In said Resolution of Intention, to-wit : 1. At a point in the sonEherly lies of Pala ATexM There it iaterseots the easterly line of Virginia Street, the grade shall be 69.00 feet. 8. At a point in the southerly line of Palm Avenue, 64.66 feet easterly from the easterly line of Virginia Street, the grade shall 10 74.80 foot. 3. At a point in the s outherly line of Palm Ave=* 864.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of Riohmon& Street; the grade shall be 93.88 teet • 46 At a point in the sowtherly line of Palm ATMAUG, 832.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of RiebmmA Street, the grade shall be 95.90 feet• 5.6 At, .a point in the s ontherly line of Palm AT0=4; 804.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of Richmond Street, the grade shall be 94958 toot. 1- 753 x' 6. At a point in the southerly line of Pals Avenue, 882.34 feet westerly from the westerly line of Richmond Street, the grade shall be 99.00 feet. 7. At a point in the southerly line of Pals Avenue, 267.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of Richmond Street, the grade shall be 100.0E feet. S. At a point in the southerly line of Palm Avenue,, 888.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of $SahmeW Street, the grade shall be 100.95 feet. 9. At a point in the s oather2y line of Palm Avenue, 807.14 feet westerly Eros the westerly line of Richmond Street, the grade shall be 101.68 feet. 10. At a point in the southerly line ar Palm Avenue, 11.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of Richmond Street, the grade sball be 102.00 feet. 11. At a point in the southerly line of Pain Avenue, 167.1A feet westerly from the westerly line of Richmond Street; the grade "&31 be 102.06 feet. 12. At a point in the southerly line of Pals Avenue, 382.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of Richmond Street, the grade shall be 101.80 feet. 18. At a point in the s oath erly line of Pals Avenue, 107.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of Richmond Street, the grade shall be 101.80 feet. 3A. At a point in the southerly line of Palm Avenue,, 82.14 feet westerly from the westerly line of Riohmond Street, the grade shalt be 100.50 feet. 16. At a point in the southerly line of Palm Avenue, 51.14 feet westerly from the westerly lane of Richmond Street, the grade shall be 99.30 feet. 26. At a point in the southerly line of Palm Avenue, where it intersects the westerly line of Rich- mond Street, the grade shall be 96.80 feet. E- '- 7 Sls►ations are in feet and above the City Datum Plane and refer to the top of the curb at the point where a line drawn at a right angle to the center line of Palm Avenue from each point mentioned intersects the ourb. At all points between the said deacribed points on the south - erly side of Palm Aveme the grade small conform to a straight line between the said points. SECTION 2. That the southerly curb line of said Palm Avenas between the easterly line of Virginia Street and the westerly lime of Richmond Street, is hereby fined and establi died at s distance of 15 feet measured at right angles, southerly from and parallel with the seater line of m& JA Palm Avenue. SECTION 8. The City Clark dml'L certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance and hhall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the ml Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City of 31 Segando, sit whi dh I& hereby designated for that purpose, srd thereupon and thereafter the now dull take effect ant be in full faros. may, 1928. Passed, approved and adopted this et daw of 7RsjLaan,t o or ra ees of 31 Segundo, California. 3• `75:x. BUTS OF CAI*E20USU L COUNTY OF LOS LNGETA3 330 CITY OF RL BEGUIMO -MMUM-W 1, VIOTCH D. me URTHY9 city malt Of the City of X1 Segundo,, California, do hereby sortiff Ust the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of said olty Is five; that the foregoing ordimass, J being Ordinanoo No, 93,, was passed, approved and adopted by the said Board of Trustees,, approved and signed 1W the President of saki Board, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of the said Board bold on the let day of May, A. D. 19239 snit that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AMM: TW3TSBg Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley & Bryson. NCNB: 2RUSTM Done, ABSM: EM82M iTone. Clerk of the City Clork of the City of zal mist CS1120231116 (QT.) k T.) L-- 75(