ORDINANCE 92C r o onmul B 10. 98. as annum or ma cm ai sz umm, WJPMU, MWIMG PM M ISSUANCE, Of Baba Of Sl1D CM IM "m an or $200,0W,,00 PCE ?M ACWIS121059 Q c- ZIOM AIM OMMIOM BY UID CITY Of 1 COMM Mm==- PBMCIiG JIMC lll?. I]UMdPi 20-fI?: NAM POB SUPPIZINO UID MY AIIED 123 IMBISlM •In WA's, ACOMI?IOB OM L Sf BiO388iR? THM Pm* 1 MMUS 9 the Board of lrastees of the city of sl Segamdo, Califearnia, at a reglar Meeting of said Board held en the 5th AT of July, 19221, 1W a vote of sore than two - thirds of its mombers; duly passed and adopted a resolstiean 4etermiaiag that the pablio intersst sad necossity demended the s ewdeition, sonstroatloaa amid sosplotion 1179 said City of a certain revenue- prodvaing mmioipal imoravesent, to -wit: water wefts for swpplying said City sad its iuhabitauts with crater, isolwding the aeguisitioan of lauds n000ssary therefor; and MIRU39 said resolution was approved by tba eaoeon- tine of said City, to wit: the Presid lUt of the Board of lsbstoes of said City, can the said 5th day of July, 1922, aed entered is#s the Book of Besolutlams of said Oity, snd a KIM%* of the passage moat adoption thereof Cade an the Minutes of the Meting at cmioh the seas was passed and adopted; AND wHEM8, an the l9th day of July, 19829 the Board of Trustees of said city at a regular meeting of said Board 117 a vote of sore than two - thirds of its sasbers, du3y passed smd adopted sun ordinance calling a speeial eleotian to be held In said City an Mcaday, the 21st gay of ♦ugatst, 19229 for the pur- pose of sulumitting to the qualified electors of said City the proposition of incurring a bonded indoWodaess and issuing bands Of said city in the seas of #D009000000 for the purpose of the 744 "745 Cacquisition, construction and completion by said City of a eerta:in revenue- parodue img mmaic ipal Improvement, to-wit; �, water works for supplying said City and its inhabitants with water, including the acquisition of lands necessary therefor, which said ordinance was approPed by the eseoutive of said City, to-owit: Us President of the Board of Trustees tbare- of an the said 18th day of July, 19221, and was duU pablishoa In the 11 SegwAo Herald an this 28th day of Jul? cad the 4th nary of August, 1928; 11B MMEUS9 said election was held on the said Slot day of lugost, 1828, sa provided for by said ordinance *&U- Ing said election aura by law for holding mmiolpal oleetioms In said City, and the proposition of incurring the bandod debt hersinbofore mentioned, received more than two - thirds of the votes of the qualified elootors of said City voting at said election; AIM IOMA S, Sill affi singular the p"Visions of the Act of the Legislature of the State of Caliibraia, entitled, 'an lot authorising the 11t0itr7ring ad Udebtodnoss by cities, towns, and msnisipal corporations for manicipal 1" rovements and rsgnlating the acgaisition, o onstruroti on, or o ompletion t thereof , " "wfrich became a law lebroary Bath, 1801, and the acts &mandatory t?areof and suypiemeatary thereto, and the general laws of the State of California relating to cities of the sixth class and the laws and ordinances of the City of 31 Segundo have been f%31y complied with so as to nbkorise the issuing of said bonds; AIM SAS, the pablio interest and necessity demand that provision shoald be made for the isnuenoe of said bands so j that the snare msy be sold in ssah saowits and at such time as the Board of Trustees of said City wr hereafter dote2ulns; BOW, TAE, the Board of Trustees of the bity of Il SegwAo do ordain an follows: C MOTION 1. That bonds of the said Oity of Bl Begando In the sum of $2009000.00 be issued in accordance witIr tau pro- visions of fiat certain ,et of the LegislatWo of the /tats of SM _ *_ 46 California, entitled "An Aot authorising the Iancurrisg of Inlebtedness by Cities, Toms, and Awl 1pal Corpamtions for Nwisipal Maravesiants sad resouting the Aognisition, Construction, or Caampletion thereof," whioh beesase a law Tebruary 25th, 1901, and all acts or parts of sots, auto" - tery thereof or suppleau story thereto, and in asoordanoe with the laws of the state of California and the ordiaanoes say& learn of the said City of El iegnndo, for the purpose of so- rairing, constructing and eosrpleting a certain rereMe -pro- iu+aiag noxielpal improTemont, to -wit: water works for sunlyisg said My and its inhobitaats with water, iaciud Ong the segui- sition of lands seoessary therefor. That sash bonds andll be 200 in maber; shall be iaignated, "Utter Works Sandal, sLotioan 1928 "; shall be isewed In the deaiominatLou of $1000.00 each; and the prinolpal aul Interest thereof shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of lmeries; that they sba11 be date& the fad W of January, 1923, an& bear interest at the rate of sot to sweet 6 per oentum per ammm, payable semi.- maally an the 2nd dy of January sad 2nd "y of July of 9"ry year. Said bonds shill be aobere& from 1 to 200, both inelnaive, sad shall be payable in the following saaner: Beams musber 10 29 3, 4, b, 6 an Jazaary 2nd, 1928 Bonds somber 7, 8, 9, 14, 310 32, an Ja=ary 2s&, 1929 Bonds xu ber 33, 249 35l, 36 , 171, 28 an Jaaosry fpd , 1934 Bands z=ibor 190 209 219 229 25, 24 an Jaaaua37 fad, 1901 Bends mm6sr 85, 26, 279 28, 29, 30 an Jasuas7 6d1, 1952 Bemis u siber $1, 32, 35, 34, lib, 36 on January grid, 19" Bonds xam6er 37, 38, 39, 40, 419 42 on Jaiizary Sad, 1954 Bawds m aber 45, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 eaa J6atu617 2trd, 1916 Boards =n ber 49, 500 519 58, 53, 54 an 9assas7 ftl, 1956 Bonds nwaber 55, 569 57, 58, 59, 60 an JOasuaxy 2dd, 1957 Boards x milber 61, 629 65, 64, 66, 66 an Jonvary ftdL, 1958 1 t Bonds xmiber 67, 689 69, 70, 71, TE on Janoary End, 3.959 Bonds nm&er 75, 7 *1, 76, 76, 77, 78 on January W. 1960 Bonds z=ber 79, 80; 81, 8E, 83, 84 on January Sad, 3.M Bents or 86, 86, 8R, 88, 89, 90 on Jassary Bad, 194tt Bonds a=6*r 91, 9E9 96, 969 959 % on joaxwW 8nd9 1963 BowAs mayor 9T, 98, 999100,101,108 on January End, l9K Banda number M,106, 206,106, 3M, 308 on Jsswary bA US Bawds number 109,110,11]„ 118, 3.jS, 3.14 an January and 1946 Bonds zm6or 215,116,1,1T, US, 3.19, 10 on Jaawary End 1947' Bonds number 321,IUo2 S, 1", 125, 226 on January !ad 5948 Bonds x tuber 121, 228, 3.29, 380,131, 322 on January 2nd 1949 Bond s number 353 ,184, 385 9 336, 357 ,188 an J.aaary fad 1960 Bands number 329 ,140, 211,1&2, 3A3q 2 4 on January fad 1961 Donne nu&er 146 ,146,127,168, 346, 350 an January ft& 195E Bonds zo&or 161,1520 355,154, 386, 356 an Jastitary fad Bands number 257,1581,259,260,261,262 an Jam a ry fad 1954 747 Beals nw dwr 366, 364,166, 366, ILT ,1068 an Jamusay Eod 1966 - Bam" number 369,170,171,178,178,174 an Jawoassy Sad 3,956 Bonds number 175,176,177,178 lV9,180 on Jsnmwq Bad 1967 Bonds nwm6er 1 ®1,182,186,184,186,3.86 an January tad 1968 Bands n0ber :.84,188,189,190,191,192 on January 2nd 1909 Bonds number 193,194,196,196,197,198 an Jaaeuary fid 1960 Bands :ember 199, and $00 on Jon And aid bonds sbsll be ambstantlally Sag torn, to -4it: No* MFI'19ID BTA235 OF AIMMICI QIff of Im Im== wf►'!!2R wE'i�[S BOSD, ZMCTIQH 1922. 4- i • IM saguno, GUMOHSU, Jaasaly Ea�d, 1985. an the second day of Ja1Rl WY (year of maturity) the City of 31 Sogoado will M to the bearer at the office of ttlo -- Oity fr-- a or ii the City of El Segaamdo, in the City of ti Segaaodc, State of California, the son of (denomination of bond) Dollars with interest thereaa at the rate of Poll soot per Sun=, payable on the sseend day of JtaT ama Us second AW of JeavuT, of each year; at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of El Begonde, in sl Sog"o, State of Califazola, Capon the presentation Ma sarrander of the Interest coupons hereto attaehed, principal and interest panbls In lari'sl money of the vsitea States of amerioa. ----~ Phis bound is issued L in paa:s�aaaeVice of the provisions of an 4st of Ohs Lsgislataro of rho State of CalifwMA WAItlea w" Lot anuwisiag the curacitag of Inaebtedaess 1W Qities, gown sofa ibanisipal Cox7oratioms for ]Eanicipal As, aaa& Dogulating the Aogsisitioat, 04ontrsetion or Coaaplotioat fheseoV9, Nish bsosme a law tebrwwy 56, 1901, and of all Lets, at Sorts of Lets Mandatory thereof or s tbeersto. It In ftirther certified that all retairearents of the Censtitation and Laws of the State of Cali:ftraia and of all orai- asttoes of the said City of 21 Segundo, here boom f%14 coapliod with by the proper officers in the issuing of this beast; that this issue of beards has been satheariaed by Us vote of two-thirds at the dta2► quali,fisd elsetoars of said City voting an the Westion i at soak issore at a special election duly wA regalar3,y oalled said hell in said City an the Blot day of tagtest, 1981, sad that flhe total amovM of this issue, together with all other iniebtedness of said City, Dees not wweed the knit paresoribed by the Con - stittut iaat aamd lairs of the State of 06112=4a; that beforo or at the Sias of iasurring the indebteduoss evitemaed hereby, pro- vision has been nude for the oollection of as annual tax saffisist b r 749 to psdr the interest an BWM indebtedness as it falls anar snot a3so provision to ooanstitu o a siaiin •f�l for the pews ant of the prino ipal thereof oar or before aatwIty0 I8 tMMS =MW, the said City of 31 3egamio U& oatsei this bond to be signed 1W the ommentive of $3w said UWdoipality, to -sft: !Ir PrOWAG S of tbo Soard of frUA*668 of said Oity, =1 also by the Sressaver of said City, sad to I* oovntowpod by the Clam of said City, snna the oorporato seal of said City to be ]rroto affixed aul the said City has also osaaed the oonpoans hoveto attached to W =Mbered eonse- olsive],y Sand signed by the ?reasmrer of said City of Ei 3egaate. Pres""S at the 3o&A of. Srtrs- two of the City of sl Sogande, Caaitomia. .) • � . r r - 4w � w • � - - w 2z Ilan or of tba City of =l see=&*, Califorxia. Comtersigs t Iw M A - r • - r A - • " - IM - w City Clark of the City of pl 3e6=1e9 Caiiliriis. Shat interest oio4poss OLU bo .attached to each of said bouts representIM each instal2no" of interest to Seers* an said bonis ap to the aatority thereof, vdd0h said interest **VMS dL&U be MbstMUS] in the feuo.sag fomt toawrit: Nog 09...00.... on the seooni day of (month of aatnrity) A. D. (year of aatority) the city of 21 3egoado, California, promises, to paq to Us bearer, at the office of law lresovser of tbo City 6- of 31 Seg=AO* in saib City of 81 soguado, State of Califo=ia, At sum Of (M m unt of interest) Doll.ars, in lawful aaa W of tlW $sited States of AWrica, the 10e0ki -aM1061 ialorrst ds an Water WWks Baud, Blection 1822, io, (saber of bend to which coupoa Is attached). 40..-- --40 - -4M 4M 40 -40 40 40 Treasurer of the city of =1 segmAgo, Cali :b mia. JBCTICK 2. ?bat the Prosilent of the Board of 2rusteos of said City and the Treasurer of the said City are hereby avkhorisod and directed to stgti all of said bonds,. &A Me City Clork of said City is bsreby sLi torised sad directed to ooamctersiga said hoods sad to *:M z the oerporste aeal of said City thereto, and the Treaswer of said City is beroly authorised and diroeled to *IV WAs interest eospoms of said bents and said bawds shall U delivered, by saiA oily Clark to Us seta City Treasurer in sash arowto as the Board of Trustees of said City may Eros tims to tIm determine; and said dity sroasurer is hereby exthoriaoa and directed to alga all the interest ooupens of salt bonds by his lithographed or a®,graTed slgaatwow UNION S. That the proceeds of the sale of sail c 750 bonds shell be placed in the treasury of said City to the eTedit of a 2" to be hoetoM as "cater Wort Bands, ZleotI OR ,1822,PMA R v and shalll be applied oza3vaiTG2Y to the pdxpose IMMUoaed iY this OrdlMnso, teftwit; to the purpose of the sequisitien, 000nstrvs� tiou and, eMlotion by salA city of a aertain roTeme- produeias �ioipsl iaroTeaant, to -wit: Water Works for sulrplyiug said city and its inlabitents wish water, Inaluaiug the acquissiliaav< of ]cads necessary therefor. 7- 751 390f ION 4. Tbat for the p= oso of seeming and prodding for the papmut or the principal ant interest of said beands, %here is hereby oreatea a fund to be known as mater lofts bonds, Elsotion 19281, Interest and Sinking Turd "; that all the mmoy which, from time to time, shall be pled In said f=1 shall be cad i s hereby so�mpsrt 4=1molvely fox the purpose of meting all sums oozing due for principal and interest can all the aforesaid bounds which mW be issued under the prose6dings hereimbefore recited. That for the narpose of poring the prim tipel and interest of said boade, the Board of srvatees of said City oball; at the tins of firing the general taut 1sry9 and Is Mw maser for such general taut levy pro riled, lsvy aaat oolheot amsmally each year =tit assh bonds are paid, or wtil there Mall be a sum in the Treasury of said City set apart for t m$ purpose a tam sufficient to per the interest an soah bond ins debtedness as it falls dawn, and also to ceanstitate a siagkin9 tend Jb r the popmnt of the principal thereof on or before mater• ity. Said tam shall be in addition to all other tacos* laried fee 9maisipal purposes, and *bull be solUcted at the 88,90 time am La the sane canner as other m misipal tares are solleoted, and fortbslbh, ss collected, shall be turned o'er to and peril into said "hater Worts Bounds, =leotion 1922, Interest coot Sink X Para" end be used for no Other purpose than the vt of sail boards cued sussing interest. SURION 6. The City 01.wk oball certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordiname ani d4a11 eayse the sale to tie publisbed by are insertion In the _El Segundo Herald a we ekly newspaper printed, pRubsisls.d MA eiroalstei is said City, call therfmpon MA tbsreafter the cafe , stall. be in full force and effsot. Passed and adepted by the Board of Srvstees Of said City of ll SegmAaq Cali:ft=3Ja, and approved by the Presideit et said Board of Trustees this 27th day of Jh"h, l.h 1925. President of the Board of TrusteM. 8- Y a cil AS « Of 0 a� j----1 \ j O _ « 46 •t- w «�� 4A ti o o r l m rq Fi (D $o m A F-1 ° p ° z T w 0 �o A O � A i4 � M r " o A m FA 1� 7 0 w d \ j O _ « 46 •t- w «�� 4A ti o o r l m rq Fi (D $o m A F-1 ° p ° z T w 0 �o A O � A i4 � M r " o A m FA 1� 7