ORDINANCE 90729 0 .e 2 U i ORDINANCE NO. 90 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND RUBBISH AND THE ACCUMULATION OF MANURE WITHIN SAID CITY; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. The Board of Trustees of the City of $1 Beg -undo do ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: For the purposes of this ordi- nance the word "garbage" is defined to be all animal and vegetable refuse from kitchens and household waste that shall have been prepared for, or intended to be used as food, or shall have resulted from the preparation of food. For the purposes of this ordinance "combustible rubbish" is defined to be paper, pasteboard, carpets, rags, boxes, clothing, books and similar articles that will readily incinerate through contact with flames of ordinary temperature., For the purposes of this ordinance 'semi - combustible rubbish" is defined to be boots, shoes, out shrubbery, tree and shrubbery trimmings, dead flowers, out grase, feathers, yard scrapings (except as herein- after provided) , and similar articles that will incinerate though not readily through contact with flames of ordinary temperature. 730 For the purposes of this ordinance the term °non- combustible rabbish" is defined to be ashes, bottles , broken crockery, glass, tin cans and other metallic substances, and like or similar articles or substances that will not incinerate. SECTION TWO: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove or convey, or to cause or permit to be removed or conveyed, any garbage, upon or along any public street, alley or other public place within the City of El Segundo, California, without • first applying for and receiving a permit therefor in --' writing from the Health Officer of said city in the manner hereinafter designated; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation with whom the City of El Segundo has entered into, or may hereafter enter into, a contract for the removal, disposal and conveyance of such garbage, or to any employee of such contractor during such time as such contract shall be in force. SECTION THREE: Any person, firm or corpora- tion desiring to obtain a permit to remove or convey garbage, upon or along any public street, alley or other public place shall file an application therefor in writing with the Health Officer 01 said city, which application shall be signed by the applicant, and shall contain his address. In such application the appli- cant shall agree to conform in all respects to and obey all ordinances of the City of El Segundo now in force, or that may hereafter be adopted, and all regulations MW of the Health Officer and Board of Trustees of the i VA said city relative to the removal, disposal and conveyance of garbage. SECTION FOUR: It shall be the duty of every owner, manager or person in possession, charge or control of any boarding house, restaurant, hotel, apartment or eating house, and of every person occupy - ing a dwelling, or flat, within the said City of El Segundo, to provide, or cause to be provided, and at all times to keep, or to cause to be kept, as in this ordinance prescribed, portable vessels, tanks or receptacles for holding garbage. Each such vessel, tank or receptacle shall be constructed of metal, shall be water tight, shall be so constructed as to contain not less than three nor more than sixteen gallons, and shall be provided with a handle or handles and with a tight fitting metal cover. Such cover shall not be removed except when necessary to clean the same, or to place garbage therein, or to take garbage therefrom. Until such time as the Board of Trustees shall by ordinance otherwise determine, the city garbage collector of the City of El Segundo, or the person, firm or.corporation having a contract with said city for garbage removal therein, shall on Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday of each and every week commence the collection of garbage within the said city placed 3 r 731 in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, and shall diligently prosecute the work of such collec- tion (Sundays and holidays excepted) until the same shall be fully completed within the said city. All such work of collection shall be prosecuted between the hours of 2:30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. of each day required for such collection. During the hours fixed for the collections of garbage in the City of E1 Segundo, each such vessel, tank or receptacle containing any garbage shall be placed on the curb in front of the premises, shall be easily accessible to the garbage collector when called for, and shall be immediately removed as soon as emptied; provided, however, that where there are public alleys open to travel in the rear of any premises affected by this ordinance, then and in that event such vessel, tank or receptacle shall be placed upon the rear of said premises so that the same may be easily accessible to the garbage collector from said alley when called for. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, or to cause or permit to be placed in any such vessel, tank or receptacle, any substance other than garbage. It shall be unlawful for any person other than the owner, or person acting for the owner, or an officer or employee of said city, or any employee of the person, firm or corporation, holding contract with the City of El Segundo for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, to interfere in any manner r 'with any such vessel, tank or receptacle, or the r� 4 contents thereof, or to remove any such vessel, tank or receptacle from the location where the same was placed by the owner thereof, or to remove the con- tents of any such vessel, tank or receptacle. Until such time as the Board of Trustees shall by ordinance otherwise determine the rubbish collector of said city, or the person, firm or corporation having a contract with said city for the collection of rubbish therein, shall commence the collection of non - combustible rubbish within the said city on the first and third Fridays of each and every month here- after, and shall diligently prosecute the work of such collection (Sundays and holidays excepted) until the same shall be fully completed within the said city. All such work of collection shall be prosecuted be- tween the hours of 7:3C a.m. and 6.00 p.m. of each day required for such collection. SECTION FIVE: During the hours fixed for the collection of non - combustible rubbish in the City of El Segundo, such non- oombustible rubbish shall be placed in adequate wood or metal containers in the same manner as hereinabove provided for the placing of garbage containers. Said non - combustible rubbish _ containers shall have a capacity of not less than five gallons nor more than thirty gallons. Until such time as the Board of Trustees shall by ordinance otherwise determine the rubbish collector of said city, or the person, firm or corporation having a contract with said city for the collection of rubbish A "733 s� J therein, shall with reasonable promptness remove any and all combustible and semi - combustible rubbish placed as hereinafter provided when requested so to do, either directly or through the office of the City Clerk, by the outer or person in charge of any premises within the said city. Any owner or person in charge of any premises within the said city of E1 Segundo desiring to have any such combustible or semi- combustible rubbish removed, shall so place the same upon the said pre- mises that the same shall be readily accessible to such rubbish collector, and arranged in such manner as to facilitate the loading of the same on to the col- lection wagon or track when called for; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as in any manner requiring such rubbish collector to make special trips to any premises for the collection of any such combustible or semi - combustible rubbish in quantities smaller than may be reasonably retained in a vessel or receptacle having a capacity of rime cubic feet. SECTION SIX: It shall-be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to deposit, or to cause or permit to be deposited, any garbage, combustible rubbish or non - combustible rubbish, or any refuse of any kind whatsoever, upon or in any public street, alley, or other public place, or upon any premises in the said city, except as in this ordinance pro- vided. 734 Y Jon- combustible rubbish may be deposited upon any low ground after the person, firm or corporation proposing so to deposit the same, shall have obtained a permit therefor in writing from the owner of the premises upon which it is proposed to deposit such non - oombustible rubbish, and also a permit in writing from the Board of Trustees of said city, and provided further that combustible rubbish, and semi - oombustible rubbish, may be deposited and burned upon private property after the person, firm or corporation pro- posing so to deposit and burn the same shall have obtained a permit therefor in writing from the owner of the premises upon which it is pm posed to deposit and burn such combustible and semi - combustible rubbish, and also a permit in writing from the Board of Trustees of said city. Such permits for burning combustible and semi - combustible rubbish shall not be required, however, in any case where such rubbish is deposited and burned upon premises owned or occupied by the person so depositing and burning such rubbish, and provided further that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation depositing any eolnbustible rubbish, or semi - combustible rubbish, as herein permitted, to fail, refuse or neglect to burn such rubbish immediately after so depositing the same. Any permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this section may be revoked by the Board of Trustees at any time without notice, and upon such revocation all rights thereunder shall immediately cease. 0 7 4 "735 736 SECTION SEVEN: 111 manure and cleanings from stables where any horses or other animals are kept, or poultry and all cleanings from chicken yards, shall be by the owner deposited in an enclosed bin constructed of boards or netting so as to exclude flies, and to be kept covered, and no person, firm or corporation shall accumulate or allow to accumulate any such manure or cleanings in an amount to exceed one cubic yard in volume, nor shall such accumulations be allowed for more than haven Ue v, SECTION EIGHT: Any person, firm or corpora- tion violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than :5.00 nor more than 0250.00 , or by imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of E1 Segundo for a period of not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offence for every day during any portion of v&ich any violation of any provision of this ordinance is committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this ordinance. SECTION NINE: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once in the "El Segundo Herald," a weekly newspaper of general circu- lation, printed, published and circulated within said City of El Segundo, and Which is hereby designated 8 . for that purpose. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after the final passage thereof. Passed and approved this Pnd day of January, A.D.1923. President o the Boa of rus ees of the City of El Segundo, Calif omia ATTEST: ,.•- ( SEAL ) 0 737 738 a' $ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) 33. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, VICTOR D. MoCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, do hereby certify that the Whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the j City of El Segundo, California, is f, that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 90 was passed and adopted by the said Board of Trustees, approved and signed by the president of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk of said oity, all at a regular meeting of the said Board, held on the _mod day of January, 1923, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: TRUSTEES Binder, Davis, ueSer, Sm #ley and Bryson' •s± NOES: TRUSTEES =Tone ABSENT: TRUSTEES None city ler of the C eg o Cali ornia k (SELL) l \� 10