ORDINANCE 83ORDINANCE NO. 83 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALI- FORNIA, REGULAT11 G ELECTRICAL BUSINESS, THE INSTALLATION, ARRANGEMENTS, ALTERATION, REPAIR, USE, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF ELECTRIC WIRIM ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND OTHER ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO; PROVIDING FOR ELECTRIC PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS AND FIXING THE FEES THEREFOR; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo do ordain as follows: SECTION I. ELECTRIC PERMITS: The Building Inspector of the City of El Segundo, California, shall be the City Electrician for said City. No person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, shall place or install, or cause or permit to be placed or installed, any wiring, fixtures or other apparatus for electrical use, or make, or cause t)r electrical use, or make, or cause or permit -- to be made, any alteration, change in, addition to or repair of any wiring, fixtures or other apparatus for electrical use, or shall do, or cause or permit to be done, any electrical construction work of any kind what- soever in the City of El Segundo, without first obtain- ing a written permit therefor from the City Electrician of the City of E1 Segundo. Such permit shall be denom- inated an "Electric Permit ", and shall contain a description of the work to be done thereunder and a statement of the place, by street and number, where such 1. k. 6 r r)Iil work is to be done. Electric permits shall be granted upon written applications therefor to the City Eleo- trioian. Each such application shall contain a desorip- tion of the work desired to be done, a statement of the place by street and number where such work is to be done, and shall be accompanied by drawings, specifica- tions, plans and details of such contemplated work when required by the City Electrician, and shall contain a statement of the date of the issuance and the date of the expiration of the license of the applicant to do electrical work in the City of El Segundo. The City Electrician shall investigate such application, and if satisfied that the work desired can be done without violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or law governing such work in the City of El Segundo, and shall be satisfied that the applicant therefor is duly licensed to do electric work in the City of El Segundo. shall issue an electric permit to such applicant upon the payment of the electrical fees therefor; provided that public service corporations supplying the City of E1 Segundo and the inhabitants thereof with electric current shall not be required to obtain an Electric Permit for any electric wiring or any other electric work done along any street, alley, court or other public place, in the City of El Segundo, in constructing, maintaining, extending or repairing any service or dis- tributing wiring or other apparatus or anything incident or appurtenant thereto, authorised by law or ordinance to be constructed along such street, alley, court, or other public place, or any electric wiring or other 2. electric work necessary for running extensions from such electric systems to connections with wiring or other electrical apparatus in, upon or about any build- ing, structure or place; and provided, further, that any person, firm or corporation, not carrying on an electrical business but employing regularly one or more electricians for the purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing, altering or removing wiring or other electric work upon the premises owned and occupied by such person, firm or corporation, shall not be required to have a license to do electric work in the City of E1 Segundo in order to obtain an electric permit. The issuance of an electric permit shall not be construed as an approval by the City Electrician of the drawings, plans, specifications or details of such contemplated work insofar as the same, or any portion thereof, may be in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance or of any other ordinance or law governing electric work in the City of El Segundo. The holder of an electric permit shall not do or permit or cause to be done or performed, any work other than that designated in such permit, nor at any other place than that for which such permit is issued. In case electric work is desired in the construction, alteration or repair of any buildings or structures requiring a building permit, no electric permit shall be issued until after a building permit for such build- ing or structure shall have been issued. SECTION 2. RULES. The rules governing electric wiring in the City of E1 Segundo shall conform to the Tegulations of the National Board of Fire Under- 3. J. writers except as herein provided. SECTION 3. FEES: The City Electrician shall charge and collect from the person, firm or corporation to whom any permit for doing electric work is issued under the terms of this Ordinance, the following fees, which shall be forthwith paid into the City Treasury, to -wit: For issuing permit, which shall include the right to two inspectionss - - - - - - - - - - - $1.00; For each additional inspection request- ed by such person, firm or corporation or made necessary by reason of the work being incomplete, or not in conformity with rules and requirements prescribed by this Ordinancq,, - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- 1.00•. SECTION 4. UNLAWFUL TO SEAL, WIRING UNTIL IN- SPECTED: All plumbing and other piping or tube work must be in place and not concealed before the electric wiring is inspected, and no such wiring will be considered as complete until such piping is in place. Upon making an inspection of any electrical equipment, the inspector shall leave a notice at the service switch or other suit- able place, stating that the electrical work has been inspected by the City Electrician, and it shall be unlaw- ful to lath, seal, or in any manner conceal any electrical wiring or other work until the same has been inspected as herein required. SECTION b. SVIITCBES, ETC.: All switches, cut- outs, first installation of fuses complete, mains and meter loops and all connections in wiring necessary for placing meters shall be installed by the contractor. SECTION 6. CUT -OUTS: Cut -outs shall be placed in readily accessible places only and grouped where possible. 4 SECTION 7. PLUMBING: All plumbing and other piping or tube work shall be in place on work to be oon- oealed before the electric wiring is inspected; and no such wiring shall be considered complete until such piping is in place; and the roof shall be construoted before such wiring shall be approved. SECTION 8. OLD MATERIAL: No old material shall be used in the alteration, repair or additions to old installation, or in new work, until after the same shall have been approved by the City Electrician. SECTION 9. GROUPING OF T. 3: All wires shall be so installed that no group or set of incandes- cent lamps, requiring more than 660 watts, shall be dependent upon one cut -out. For decorative, stage, sign, or outline wiring, where keyless sockets or receptacles are connected direct to a circuit with wire not smaller than No. 14 B & S gauge, not more than 22 sockets or receptacles requiring not more than 1320 watts, shall be allowed on any one out -out. For interior wiring, sockets shall be based as taking a 40 -watt lamp each. SECTION 10. ARCS: Each are requiring five amperes or more for normal running of current shall be separate circuit and a out -out therefor shall be located not more than seven feet from the floor; except in oases where it is impracticable to observe this distance then the out -out shall be placed as near such limit as can practioally be done. Where several are lamps are switched at the same time, wires, fuses and switches shall be installed for not lose than fifty per centum in excess of the total normal current require&. The normal rating of area shall be on the basis of six amperes each. 5. SECTION 11. CIRCUITS* In arranging circuits in residences, other than one story cottages, the oeiling center outlets shall be wired for not less than the following number of lights: Reception hall, den and kitchen, three 40 -watt lamps each; parlor, dining room and living room, four 40 -watt lamps each; breakfast room and bedroom, two 40 -watt lamps each; and other rooms one 40 -watt lamp each; provided that this is subject to ex- ception, such as in kitchens, dining rooms and breakfast rooms and rooms [here only twelve sockets, of a total of 660 watts, may be used; and provided that the number of lights per circuit shall be an nearly equal as possible. SECTION 12. OUTLETS LIMIMM: In stores, not over three outlets, of a total of 660 watts, shall be used on any one circuit. In single residences not more than eight outlets shall be upon any one circuit. SECTION 13. LOSS PERMITTED: No system of wiring for lighting, power or heating shall exceed two per oentum loss with maximum amount of current for the use for which such system is installed. Lamp circuits shall not exceed one per oentum of such loss, inoan- descent lamps being rated at 40 watts each. This limit may be exceeded in cases of large chandeliers, or other similar fixtures installed in theatres, halls, churches or similar buildings, and in temporary outside wiring and ornamental lamp posts. SECTION 149 SERVICE M.MiS : No service mains shall be less than No. 10 B & S gauge. Wires used as busbars for branch blooks and meter loops shall not be less than No. 10 B & S gauge. SECTION 16. SERVICE SWITCHES. No service 6• switch shall be placed more than seven feet from the ground, floor or platform which is directly under the same; and shall be in metal or asbestos lined wood boxes, and all switches shall be so located that the wires between the service switch and the point of oon- nection from the wires on the poles or unier- ground conductor shall be reduced to a minimum. SECTION 16. EN'IMICE SERVICE WIRES; 611 service wires shall enter at the screen porches of buildings except where there is no soreen porch, then they shall enter at the rear or alley side, if arty, of the building. SECTION 17. MILLS AND FACTORIES: In mills and factories where wiring and attachments are sub - jeot to vibration, all terminal oanneotions shall be soldered. Fuse blooks in mills and factories and in other places subject to dust shall be enclosed in dust -proof metal cabinets equipped with self- olosing doors. Where cords are carried about or used about machinery, the same shall be reinforced and lamp guards shall be used. SECTION IB * BASEMENT KNIFE SWITCHES: 611 knife switches in basements shall be installed in effective metal boxes or cabinets and externally operated. 7. Q el � K4 6 8.1 SECTION 19. NAILS: Not less than ten penny (10d) nails shall be used with No. 5 1/2 knobs. SECTION 20. DISTANCE BETWEEN WIRES: A distance of five inches shall be maintained between wires in concealed work; except that at switch outlets and tablet and meter boards, where a distance of five inches cannot practically be maintained, the distance may be reduced to two and one -half inches; and except where wires cross pipes or other conducting material, unless such wires are protected by bushings, a distance of two and one -half inches shall be maintained. SECTION 21. PARALLELING WIRES: Wires shall not be placed nearer than two and one -half inches to any other parallel wire, pipe or other conducting material, as metal lath or metal ceiling, unless such wires are protected by bushings; and such bushings when used, shall be securely fastened at the ends to prevent slipping along the wires. SECTION 22. PORCELAIN TUBES: Porcelain tubes through joists or studding shall be placed as n ear as practicable through the center of the width of the timber and shall be slanted, wedged or otherwise effectively fastened so as to.prevent slipping out of place. SECTION 23. JOINTS: Joints shall not be covered by non - metallic tubing. SECTION 24. SUPPORTS: Supports for wires shall be placed at intervals of not more than faur and one -half feet along flat surfaces of concealed work, i and in partitions within 8 inches of plates at intervals 8 of not more than two feet. SECTION 25. FASTENINGS: Boards or fastenings shall be placed at gas outlets to keep the end of flexible conduits at least one -half inch from the pipe. Studding or joists shall not be used for outlet backing. When fastenings are necessary for flexible conduits, cleats or straps shall be used. Nails shall not be used as or for cleats or straps. SECTION 26. ENCASED WIRING: When wires cannot be kept the required distance from the surface ! over which the wiring is placed, as in narrow plastered partitions of two and one -half inches or less, such wires shall be encased in flexible or rigid conduits. SECTION 27. TUBES: Tubes used for mud bushings shall be securely taped together. Flexible tubing shall not be used in places subject to dampness or liable to be imbedded in mortar, plaster or like material. SECTION 28, ATTIC AND BASEMENT WIRING: All wires in attics or in basements must be run through or on sides of joists, or knobbed on roof rafters in attics, and protected within four feet of scuttle hole or stairway. Where wires are run through joists or other timber, the same shall be encased in procelain insulating tubes or flexible insulating tubing sufficient to safely insulate the same. ;..� The span from rafters to ceiling joists shall not be more than twenty -four inches, and wires shall be kept four inches above the top of ceiling joists when knobbing on rafters. r7 (30e) 0 op- OW- SECTION 29. WIRING OLD HOUSES: In wiring old houses all necessary provision for hanging fixtures shall be made. The connecting of fixture wires to outlet wires shall be made below the ceiling. SECTION 30. LIGHT OUTLET BOXES: All light outlet boxes shall be three and one - fourth inches or four inches in diameter, and all boxes shall be provided with effective lugs. All outlet plates shall be provided with plaster rings with holes of the same spacing as the box of its respective size. Every box shall be secured by screws to a suitable backing and when practicable, the outer edge of the face of the box shall be flush with the surface of the wall or ceiling, and no open space or gap shall.be permitted around the edge or side of the,box. Stems or studs and boxes on ceiling outlets shall be fastened to the backing by means of four wood screws not less than No. 8 and one inch in length; and for bracket outlets the boxes shall be secured by at least two such screws. SECTION 31. BOX WIRES: Wires running into boxes shall be protected by effective flexible tubing extending in continuous lengths from the last porcelain support into the box. Wires shall be extended into outlet boxes or plates so as to not interfere with the fixture stem or stud. SECTION 32. TIGHT WIRES: Wires shall be drawn tight but no strain shall be placed on joints or wires around the end of tubes or on outlet tubing. A sufficient number of knobs shall be used to prevent strain. SECTION 33. OUTLET REPAIR: When the surface 10. 68 at any outlet is broken it shall be repaired so as to leave no holes or open spaces at the outlet. SECTION 34. SWITCH BOXES: Switch boxes shall completely enclose the switch on sides and back, and shall provide a thoroughly substantial support for the same. The retaining screws for the box shall not be used to secure the switch in position. Switch boxes shall be supported between headers one inch by two inches in dimensions and the boxes shall be held in place by screws. SECTION 35. JOINTS: All joints must be soldered and at least two layers of tape (of both rubber and friction where rubber wires are used) shall be wrapped around all joints. SECTION 36. BLOCKS: Blocks nailed to side of joists at outlets shall not be used in place of 'header boards. SECTION 37. TWIN WIRES: Twin wires shall not be used except in conduits or where flexible conductors, not loom, are necessary. SECTION 38. INCANDESCENT LAMPS-. The wiring in any residence, flat or apartment shall be so installed that no set of incandescent lamps, whether grouped on one fixture or on several fixtures or pen- dants, shall have more than sixteen sockets or receptacles requiring more than 660 watts depending upon one cut -out; provided that no circuit which is connected or attached -- to any light outlet located in a dining room, breakfast room or kitchen shall have more than twelve sockets depending upon any such cut -out. Wiring in any building other than a residence, flat or apartment house, 11. �'g� E� except stores, shall be so installed that no set of incandescent lamps, whether grouped on a fixture or on several fixtures or pendants, shall have more than twelve sockets or receptacles depending upon one out- out. SECTION 99. FLEXIBLE CORD: Flexible cord shall not be used for extensions of circuits, other than in a vertical direction, shall not be supported independently of its outlet fitting, and shall not extend lower than to a point six feet from the floor, except where such cord is placed over a permanent desk or table. SECTION 40. THEATRES, ETC. All wires and apparatus installed in any building, used as a theatre, moving picture exhibition room, church, mission, school, parish hall, lodge room, dance hall, banquet hall, skating rink, hotel, lodging house, rooming house, club house, asylum, home for the aged, home for children, jail, police station, hospital, department store, office building or assembly hall for any purpose of worship, instruction or enternainment, where such hall has a floor space of more than fifteen hundred square feet or a seating capacity of more than two hundred persons, shall conform to the following specific requirements: 1. No wood moulding shall be allowed. All wires, whether concealed or exposed, shall be encased in effective iron conduits, armored cables or metal molding. Armored cables and metal molding shall be used for exposed work only. 2. In all conduit installation, branches and 12. a '8J entrance switches shall be enclosed in an effective .� iron box or cabinet. 3. All pipe shall be double look - nutted ._ to outlet boxes, flush switch boxes, junction boxes, cabinet boxes and panel boxes. Conduit bushing shall be placed at the end of pipes to protect the wires. All pipe work shall be complete and no wire shall be drawn in the same until after the mechanical work, which is liable to injure the pipe, is completed; and this provision shall also include all plaster work. 4. onduits shall be complete from outlet to outlet. The entire conduit system shall be permanently and mechanically grounded to water pipe so that a short circuit will operate the heaviest fuse or circuit breaker; and such ground shall be made as near as possible to the main line switch. 5. Conduits shall extend as close as possible to switch boards and shall be provided at the and of pipes with effective condulets or similar fittings. 61 Conduits shall be of sufficient size to permit of the easy insertion and withdrawal of all i necessary wires. Yo oil, grease or compound, detri- mental to insulation, shall be used in installing wires in conduits. 7. Switch and outlet boxes shall be fastened independently of the support afforded by the conduit r piping. A standard device shall be used for such purpose. 8. Conduits installed on brick, concrete, the or plaster, walls or ceilings, shall be attached I tnereto with toggle bolts, expansion bolts or some equally good device; and neither nails nor screws driven or 13 I screwed into wooden plugs shall be used for this purpose. 9. All conduit ends shall terminate in boxes of effective fitting, and shall be accessible at all times and shall not be concealed. 10. Service wires run in conduits shall have fused switches at entrances where the distance to the main switch is over twenty feet; and such fused switches shall be installed in effective metal boxes not more than seven feet from the ground. SECTION 41. WIRING IN FIRE DISTRICT N0.1: All wires installed in or on all buildings or other structures erected within fire district No.l of the City of El Segundo, which wires are used for the purpose of conducting electricity for light, heat or power, shall be enclosed in effective metal conduit. Metal molding may be used for exposed work only. SECTION 42. BATH ROOM LIGHTS: All bath -room lights on ceilings shall be controlled by a wall switch or switches, located as far as possible from the bath tub and other plumbing fixtures. SECTION 43. BRACKET LIGHTS: Bracket lights in bath- rooms, kitchens, laundries and other places within reach of pipes, stoves or similar grounds shall be controlled by switches, and shall not be controlled at sockets unless by means of a porcelain key socket or insulated chain. SECTION 44. DROP CORDS: Reinforced cord shall be used for all drop cords for lights other than in residences, fan motors and portable devices; for all drop cords in garages, store rooms and warehouses; and for all pendant switches, where knobbed on ceiling to clear shades of lamps. 14. 6!I' jP SECTION 45. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars, nor more than Two Hundred and Fifty 0250.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this ordinance is committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this ordinance. SECTION 46. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 47. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within the said City of E1 Segundo, California, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fall force and virtue thirty days from and after the final passage and adoption thereof. Passed,approved and adopted this 4th day of DanastT-;, g.D.1928. esident of e oard o rus eea of the City of E1 Segan o,California. • � I SEA l5e STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) s COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ; SS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 83 , was passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the said City of E1 Segundo, California, signed and approved by the President of said Board, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 4th day of ZMaary - -, A.D. 1=2, and that the same was passed by the following vote, to wit : - AYES :TRUSTEES: Bjnder Davis, Ruegor and Bryson. NOES : TRUSTEES: None. ABSENT :TRUSTEES: Smiley. SIC Ii. f El Segundo, California i t .. S 16.