ORDINANCE 78Br are to be reset, either in the old or new part of such building, then both such original, and such additional fixtures, and any altered plumbing whatever, must be made to conform in all respeots to the rules and reg- ulations prescribed in this Ordinance. SECTION 33. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIRJMNTS• Every building or structure of any kind in which there is any plumbing affecting the sanitary condition of �- such building or structure and every building or struo- ture of any kind used, occupied or inhabited as a dwelling, shall be furnished and provided with one or more water closets, and shall be separately connected with and drained into a public sewer when such sewer is constructed and ready for use in any street or alley immediatelydadjaoent to the lot on which such building or structure is situated. Every building or structure of azW kind in which there is any plumbing affecting -- the sanitary condition of such building or structure, and which is situated upon a lot which does not abut on any street or alley in which there is a newer con - struoted ready for use, shall be oonneoted with and drained into a cesspool or septic tank situated on the same lot and constructed as required by Section 34 of this Ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use, occupy or inhabit as a dwelling, or to suffer, or cause or permit to be used, occupied or inhabited any building or structure of any kind hereafter oonstructed in which has been placed or installed any plumbing affecting the sanitary condition of such building or structure, un- less such building or structure is separately 18- (-198 connected with and drained into a public sewer where there is such a sewer oonstraoted and ready for use on any street or alley immediately contiguous and adjacent to the lot on which such building or struo- ture is situated, or when there is no such sewer, with a cesspool or septic tank situated on said lot, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use, occupy or inhabit as a dwelling or let as a dwelling, or to suffer or permit to be used, occupied or inhabited as a dwelling any build- ing or structure of axW kind situated upon a lot which abuts upon any street or alley in which there is a public sewer ready for use unless such building or structure is furnished and provided with at least one water closet, and is separately connected with and drained into such public sewer; provided, however, that nothing in this Section contained shall be con- strued as requiring connection with such public sewer where the drain exit constructed according to good building practice is lower than the level of such existing sewer. Provided, however, that the Plumbing Inspector shall in cases of emergency where, in his opinion, the public health, safety and c onvenienoe would be subserved thereby,(approve and permit the maintenance and use of sanitary privies, pit privies or chemical toilets as in this Ordinance defined, but no such permit shall be given for a longer period than three months. No sanitary privy, pit privy or chemical toilets as in this ordinance defined shall be used after the expiration of the permit granted therefor, unless the matter of the further maintenance -19- f,29 and use of such sanitary privies, pit privies or ohem- ioal toilets shall have been submitted to the Board of Trustees of said City and their approval obtained for any subsequent permit or permits, and their approval expressed by a resolution of said Board. SECTION 34. CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TA 0 No cesspool or septic tank shall be constructed or main- tained nearer than four feet to any boundary line of the lot on which it is located, or closer than five feet to any building used as a dwelling. In case such distance cannot be obtained from the lot line, building or structure, such cesspool shall be located where directed by the Plumbing Inspector. Every cesspool or septic tank shall be sylindrioal in form and the walls of such cesspool shall be constructed of brick, all such brick to be laid flat, the two rows at the bottom to be laid solid. Every sixth course of such brick shall be laid solid and all open courses shall have not to exceed a one -half inch opening between the bricks in the same course. The top of such oess- pool shall be arched or drawn in jug shape and all brick used in arching said top shall be laid in cement mortar. The proportions of such mortar shall consist of ohs part cement to two parts of clean sharp sand. The minimum internal diameter of any cesspool shall be not less than three feet four inohes, and the bottom of said cesspool shall be not lose than ten feet below the inlet of said cesspool. The top of . ' the arch of any cesspool shall not be nearer tha our- 4020- C:3 - �qt, IN 631 face of the ground than two feet. The arch shall be started at not to exceed three feet measured vertically from the crown. Cesspools of( greater internal diameter than five feet shall have walls and the top not lose than eight-inches in thickness constructed as herein- above provided. No standpipe or vent pipes opening to the outer air shall be connected directly to any cess- pool but every cesspool shall be vented through the waste pipe leading thereto. In all other particulars said cesspools shall be constructed in accordance with the directions of the Plumbing Inspector of the City -�' of 81 Segundo, and shall be placed at locations to be designated by him. Septic tanks may be constructed and used within said city in lieu of cesspools, provided, how- ever, that all septic tanks constructed for use within the said City of E1 Segundo shall be constructed of briok mason 7, or concrete. The total capacity of every septic tank shall be at least ninety -six cubic feet for every ten persons or fraction thereof served thereby. All septic tanks shall be of impervious construction and shall have water tight joints. The overflow for the effluent of every septic tank shall be connected to a system of agricultural drain tile, said tile to be laid nat lose than one foot or more than three feet below the surface of the ground, and there shall be a sufficient amount of such drain tile to take oars of the effluent at all times with- out causing a nuisance. In all other particulars said septic tanks shall be constructed in acoordauos -21- f --r with the directions of the Plumbing Inspector of the City of El Segundo and shall be placed at locations to be designated by him. SECTION 36. CUT -OFF VALVES AND AIR CHARS. A gate valve shall be installed in an easily aooessible position in each water service line between the meter and the point where said service line first enters the build- ing or structure supplied with water thereby, so that the entire water supply of said bul]Aing or structure may be out off by said valve. An air *hember constructed of at least two inch galvanized iron pipe, not leas than two feet in length, shall be installed in a vertical position at some accessible place upon the water system of each water system having one or more fixtures connected thereto, and upon all systems having any quick closing faucets or tape thereon. Each sash air chamber shall be equipped with a one - quarter inch air cook at the top thereof, which can be opened for the purpose of admitting air to such chamber, for the purpose of recharging same. SACTICU 36. INSR'WTIOH OF GAS MSTALLA TIC . All gas- fitting work done under permit shall be sub- loot to the inspections and tests hereinaf ter. pre- scribed, and notice mgt be given to the Plumbing Inspector by the person, firm or corporation doing each work, or causing the same to be done, immediate- ly after said work is ready for inspection. such notice must be in writing, and no inspeotion shall -22- G32 be made by the Plumbing Inspector until such notice has been filed in his office with said permit number attached. The inspections of gas-fitting work done under permit shall be two, via.: A first inspection and a final inspection; except on unconneealed work, such as stove ran or fuel ran of pipe, then same shall be made at one inspection, first and final. The first inspection shall be made after all the piping authorized to be installed under the permit shall have been installed and before any of such piping has been covered or concealed, or an7 fix- tares bave been attached thereto. The final in- spection shall be made after the piping authorized to be installed under the permit is in place and has been covered or concealed. This inspection shall include the application of an air pressure test by which the pipes shall be gabjeated to a pressure of ten pounds to the square inch for a period of not less than thirty minutes, and such pressure test shall show no dimunition of such pres- sure during said testing period. Up to the time of the first inspection all work must be uncovered and convenient for examination. All inspections shall be made by the Plumbing Inspector after receipt of the notice hereinbefore mentioned. All the neces- sary tools, labor and assistance for the requisite tests in such inspection shall be furnished by the person, firm or corporation having control of the work _23- C 3 3 �J to be inspected. SECTIC9 57. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR GAS INS TART IM . When upon examination by the Plumbing Inspector it appears that any gas- fitting work is defective, either in construction or material, the same shall be altered or replaced to conform to the regulations set forth in this When any gas piping or gas fitting for the installation or alteration of which a permit has been issued shall be found on inspection to conform to the rules and regulations provided by this Ordinance, the Plumbing Inspector shall iseme a certificate of inspection certifying that such. piping or fittings have been inspected and found to oomply with the terms of this Ordinance; but no shah certificate shall be granted until emah piping or fittings respectively are found to conform to said roles, regulation$ and requirements. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any gas through or by means of any piping or fittings in any building, or to furnish or supply gas to be used through or by means of suoh pipes or fit- ttngs until the same shall have been inspected and - approved by the Plumbing Inspector and the certi- ficate hereinbefore provided shall have been issued therefor. r -24- G 3 4 9 SECT IEEE 39. MISCELLANEOUS 2ROQIS IONS. i The following rules and regulations are hereby pre- scribed in the construction of gas - fitting work in the City of El Segundo, and all such work must be oonstruoted in conformity therewith before the Plumb- ing Inspector shall grant a certificate of inspection therefor as herein provided, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or oorporatian to do any gas fitting or gene fitting work in such manner that the same shall not conform to all of said rules and reg- ulations, and all other provisions of this Ordinannce. (a) The size of the gas pipe used must vary with the length of the pipe and the number of the burners supplied thereby in conformity to the following table, to-wit: No . of Bmmers of 5 feet per hour Size of pipe. Length allowed consumption 3/8 -inch (vertical only) 15 feet 2 1/2 -inch 40 feet 8 3/4 -inch 80 feet 25 1 - inch 100 feet 45 1 1/4 -inoh 150 feet 80 1 1/2 -inch 250 feet 250 2 - inch 400 feet 500 2 1/2 -inch 600 feet 900 In estimating the number of burners for Mum - mating purposes, to determine the size of the riser 0 OM 635 pipe, allow three burners for each outlet in stores, parlors, bed - rooms, offices, public halls, eta. Allow one burner for each bracket outlet, one burner for each outlet in a kitchen, bath room, toilet room, hall, pantry or porch outlet. In estimating the number of burners for heat- ing or 000king purposes to determine the size of the river pipe, allow three burners for each gas grate or heating stove, ten burners for each instantaneous ` heater outlet, Deasey Heater outlet, cooking stove outlet, or so- called hot plate outlet. Outlets for automatic instantaneous heaters must be at least one size larger than the inlet pipe of heater. (b) All horizontal pipe must be at least one -half inch in diameter. go riser pipe shall be of smeller diameter than three- quarter -inah. The end of the riser pipe must be located at a point designa- ted by the Plumbing Inspector, and no inspection or test moist be made until the riser is extended to such designated points. (a) In conoealed Work where practical, all center outlets or drops shall be bent, in preference to drop pipes with straps soldered thereto. NO Center light or drop shall be used of smaller diameter than one-half inah. Bracket outlets must be bent and have an offset or have bracket elbows to prevent re- Moral. Fireplace and stove outlets shall be fitted in the same manner. Where drips are necessary, the and of the drip pipe mast be exposed and be easy of access. _26- 631 Outlets installed in grates and fireplace& shall, unless actually connected to a gas appliance used in said fireplace, be situated not less than two Inches nor more than four inches from the side of the fireplace nearest such outlet, and not lose than two inches nor more than four inches from the rear of such fireplace, nor shall the same extend through the finish of said fireplace more than two inches. No pipe smaller than 5/4 inch will be allowed for cook stoves, hot plates and instantaneous heaters. Drop pipes for centers and bracket outlets shall not project through the finish of ceiling or wall lines more than ( d ) All pipe must be well secured and must grade or incline toward the motor in all cases. There must not be any traps or depression where condensates Would remain. Pjping mast not be filled with water for the detection of leakage. Gas fitter's cement, sealing was, beeswax, or compositions of similar character, _ shall not be used for the stopping of leaks. Union joints or half union joints, running thread connections or flanges, are prohibited. All pipe laid in the ground which is used as an extension of the riser or risers shall not be lose in size than the riser or risers In the building and the mini=m size shall be one inch. (e) Gas fixtures shall not be hung or attached before the test hereinbefore provided in this Ordinance Is made. -27- 63 SECT ION Sg • YIATER HEATERS IN BED ROCKS C8 BATH ROCKS PBCHIBITED. Prom and after the date this Ordinance becomes effective, it shall be unlaw- fml for any person, firm or corporation to erect or Install or cause or permit to be erected or installed, any gas water heater in any bed roam or bath room of any building or other structure erected, constructed or maintained in the said City of E1 Segundo• dll floor furnaces shall be vented with terra cotta vent pipe or cement vent pipe where waid vent pipes are run in partitions or other concealed places, or in closets, and at all other places in gal- vanized iron vent pipes. ftere any gas vent passes through any wall except a masonry or concrete wall, f the same shall be surrounded by a terra cotta thimble. No gas vent shall be connected or discharge into any chimney from any stove, grate or fireplace. SECTICU 4D. IN GAS IGTSTALL&TION. DANGEROUS CR DEFECTIVE CCNDITICKS If the Plumbing Inspector shall find any part of any gar pipe or gas fittings in or about any building in the City of El Segundo to be In a condition dangerous to life or property, he shall notify the owner, tenant or occupant of the building in which such gas pipe or gas fittings are located to have the defects repaired immediately, and to refrain from using gas by means of said defective pipe or fittings until the same have been repaired and rendered safe. The Plumbing Inspector shall have the right and M:]z Power to cause the supply of gas to be shut off until the necessary repairs have been made. The Plumbing Inspector shall give written notice to the person, firm or corporation supplying gas to any such defective pipes or fittings to cease the supply until the neces- sary repairs have been made, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to furnish gas for use in or by means of any defective gas pipe or fittings after receiving such notice until the. neoes- nary repairs have been made. Before making any connection to supply gas to any buildings that has not already been supplied with gas prior to the taking of effect of this Ordinance, the person, firm or corpor- ation about to furnish gas thereto, shall ascertain whether a certificate of inspection has been issued for the gas fitting or gas piping to be supplied, and for that purpose may demand the production and exhib- ition. of such certificate by the owner, tenant or occupant of the building in which such gas piping or gas fitting is located before supplying gas therefor. SBCTICK 41. DLFINITICUS. In this Ordin- anee, the term soil pipe applies to any line of cast iron pipe receiving the discharge of one or more water closets; The term waste pipe applies to any pipe re- ceiving the discharge from any fixture or fixtures other than water closets; The term house drain or sewer applies to the -29- 4 F�e a •a tile pipe outside of building and which receives the total discharge from any fixture or set of fixtures; The term vent or vent pipe applies to any pipe provided to ventilate a system of piping, and to which other vents may be connected to prevent trap syphonage and back pressure; A top fixture is defined as one whioh has the waste Inlet at the waste staoX uppermost on the vertical line of pipe, and the discharge pipe to the inlet shall be exclusive of any other waste entering at any point other than below its level; The term indirect connection or system applies to any line of waste pipe that is not connected permanently to the house drain or sewer but discharges its waste into a hopper or other receiver that has a permanent connection through the house drain or sewer; The term human waste matter applies to the fecal and urinary discharges of the human body; The term pit privy applies to a pit directly in the earth and intended for the reception of human waste matter without a flush toilet or water closet system; The term sanitary privy applies to a privy provided with one or more water tight receptacles of about one bushel capacity for the reception of human waste matter, said receptacle being located in a box or compartment beneath the seat, which oompartment must be so constructed as to exclude flies, fowls or animals. This oompartment mast be further provided -30- _. (73 with a floor and a hinged door to permit the removal of the receptacles. Further, a ventilating flue of some kind extending from beneath the seat to the top of the building, or to a point just beneath the eaves of the building, shall be installed. Openings of the seat or seats shall be covered with well fitting lids, which shall cover seat openings, and so arranged as to clove the openings by their own weight. The recep- tacles and building therefor must be kept in a cleanly manner at all times; The term chemical toilet applies to a toilet provided with a water -tight metal container for the reception of human waste matter, said container to hold a chemical which will sterilize all waste matter. Every chemical toilet shall contain at all times a chemical of sufficient quantity and strength to completely sterilize all human wastes after being in contact with said chemical for one hour. Every chemical toilet shall be equipped with a mechanical agitator. Every chemical toilet shall be equipped with an anti - splash device under the seat where the top of the chemical rises to within two feet of the seat; The term septic tank applies to any tank or excavation into the earth having water tight walls and bottom, which is used for the reception of sewage or human waste matter, together with the water used in the carriage of said waste matter; The term cess pool applies to any tank or excavation into the earth v&iah is used for the reception -31- of sewage or human waste matter, together with the water used in carriage of said waste matter, but which does not have water -tight walls or bottom. The term sanitary water closet applies to a syphon type of water closet with an earthsnware bowl, and a seat of some non - absorbent material attached thereto; The term sewage applies to any and all waste water coming from any building used by human beings; The term small fixtures applies to all fixtures excepting toilets and four or more urinals connected in series to the same drain. SECTION 42. FM- The Plumbing Inspector shall charge and collect from the person, firm or corporation, to whom any permit for doing any gas - fitting work, or certificate of inspection for each work is issued, under the terms of this Ordinance,, the following fees, to wit: For issuing permit and making inspections of work, for ten outlets or under, 41.00; for each additional outlet, 5 cents; for each additional in- spection other than first or final inspection, 50 cents; for each duplicate certificate, 10 cents. Provided, however, that where the gas piping is installed as a part of the original installation of plumbing in any building or structure in this Ordinance referred to, no permit other than the original permit for plumbing work in said building or structure -32- r42 shall be required. SECTION 43. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than three hundred dollars; or by imprisonment In the County Jail of Los Angeles County, California, for not less than five days,, nor more than ninety days, or by both each fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during which any plumbing or house drainage done or any gas piping In- stalled by such person, f$rm or corporation in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance continues in smah oondition, and for every day during which any other violation of this Ordinance by such person, firm or cor- poration continuee, and shall be punishable therefor as herein provided. SECTION 44- PLUMB IffG IDTSPECTCH. The office of Plumbing Inspector is hereby created. The Plumbing Inspector shall be appointed. by and hold office during the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. He shall give a bond in the aura of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars payable to the City of El Segundo for the faithful performance of his duties and said bond shall be signed by two sureties, or by a surety company duly authorized _33- C-43 to do business within the State of California, approved by the said Board of Trustees. He shall take the constitutional oath of office. He shall perform the duties of Plumb-ing Inspector set forth in this Ordinance and such other duties as the Board of Trustees shall require of him. He shall receive each compensation as shall from time to time be determined by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 45. Ordinance No. 26 entitled: "An Ordinanoe of the City of El Segundo, California, regaldt#W the construction and installation of plumbing and house drainage and the installation of gas piping and fitting, within said City, and providing for the issuing of per- mits therefor, passed and adopted on the 19th day of December, 1917, and all Ordinances amending said Ordinance No. 26 are hereby repealed. SECTION 46. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, pub- lished and circulated within the said City and which is hereby designated for that purpose, This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after the final passage and adoption thereof* Passed and approved this 29tk day of Jun!_ A. D. 1921. rest en of e Board o sso i% Attest: of the City of $1 Segundo i y C er -34- 1� 1 h ii i �. Y �A J:'l F. Y .r�_ .✓ -i F,�T.. ' ,Z4; 2yi r , • r � � ' '�' V it ' 'i Jrk''f i STATE ar umpa TIA j t COUNTY (F WS AN6 GB9 ) si• CITY CP BS SEGUNDO F, Viator D. MoCartt►y, City Clem ot. 1 City of 21 Segundo, California; dC her*W *wUXr that the foregoing Ordinianoa, berUW O dimaoo Nx• was gassed by the Board of Trnstem of sail. Cilwo' sued by the President of said Booxd, and a'Cttot ;:y by the City Clerk, all at a regular motiag of Board held on the 29%k day of 1921, and that the semne was passed by the folL; vote: . ,1 �t AMM , TBUS TES - Bind or ECEST THUS TEEB Bone_ ABSMW THUS TEES Bona, j son City -35- AWPI i. ai . i. hsr,4 mm