ORDINANCE 78A611 y, ORDINANCE NO. 78 ;t AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SNGUNDO, CAL- IFORNIA, RRGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF PLUKBING AND HOUSE DRAINAGE AND THE INSTALLATION OF GAS PIPING AND FITTING WITHIN SAID CITY, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUING OF PERMITS THEREFOR, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER $6 07 SAID CITY AND ALL ORDINANCES AM$NDING SAID ORDINANCE NUS 26. The Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. PERMIT. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to do or cause to be done, or to construct or cause to be constructed, any plumbing or house drainage affecting the sanitary condition of any house or building in the City of El Segundo, unless a per- mit has first been obtained from the Plumbing Inspector of the City of E1 Segundo so to do. , SECTION 8. APPLICATION FOR PMIT. Any person, r, firm or corporation desiring a permit to do any plumbing, or to construct amF house drainage affecting the sanitary .. condition of any house or building in the City of E1 Segundo ✓� shall make application in writing to the Plumbing Inspector for a permit so to do; such application shall set forth the ..w number of outlets and fixtures to be installed, and the ;< amount and character of the work to be done, the time with- -, in which such work will be completed, and such other infor- -1- .fW t mation, plans and specifications as said Plumbing In- spector may require; and if it appears therefrom that the work proposed to be done is to be done in accord - anoe with the rules and regulations contained in this Ordinance governing the construction of such work, and that the Building Inspector has issued, for the build- ing where such work is proposed to be done, a permit (when such permit is required by the Ordinances of said City), then, and not otherwise, the Plumbing In- speotor must issue a permit for such work setting forth the right of the applicant to do the work mentioned in his application and limiting the time within which the same is to be completed, upon the payment of the following fees, to-wit: 1 fee of fifty ( b0) cents for such permit; and in addition thereto, twenty -five (86) cents for each outlet, not exceeding twenty -five outlets, pro- posed to be roughed in or provided for in the work to be done under said permit, and ten (10) cents additional for each outlet in excess of twenty -five outlets. No permit will be deemed to be necessary in the case of any repair defined as follows: The stopping of leaks in drains, soil, waste, or vent pipee; provided, however, should any trap, drain pipe, soil, waste or vent pipe be or become defective and it be necessary to remove and replace the same with new material in any part or parts, the same shall be considered as new work, and a permit must be procured, as above required, and inspection made, as hereinafter provided. ..;;- C-7 j. 7 SECTION 3. INSPECTION. All work done under permit shall be subject to inspection and notice must be given in writing to the Plumbing Inspector by the person, firm or corporation doing said work, or causing the same to be done, immediately after said work is ready for inspection. Up to the time of the inspection all work must be uncovered and convenient for the Inspector's examination, and every facility must be given the Inspector to make a thorough exam- ination; that is, if any pipes are enclosed, or covered with flooring, siding, lath, dirt or other material, or covered in any way whatsoever so as to tend to obstruct a thorough inspection of the drain- age system, said obstruction must be removed, upon notice so to do from the Plumbing Inspector before he shall be required to inspect the work. In inspecting such work the Inspector shall apply the water test to all Plumbing above the lowest termination of the oast iron soil pipe; all the necessary tools, labor and assistance for such test shall be furnished by the person, firm or corporation having control of, or in charge of such work. When upon examination by the Inspector, if it appears that any such work is de- fective, either in the construction or material, the same shall be removed or alters& to conform to the regulations set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 4. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. When it appears to the satisfaction of the Plumbing Inspector that any work mentioned in this Ordinance -3- k: . " has been constructed according to, and meets the re- quirements of all provisions of this Ordinance, and that all the fees for inspection thereof have been paid, the Plumbing Inspector shall cause to be issued to the person, firm or corporation constructing such work a certificate of final inspection, which oertif- icate shall recite that such work as the permit was issued for has been constructed according to the Ordinances of said pity, and that said work is in a sanitary condition. The Plumbing Inspector shall not issue such certificate of final inspection unless the requirements of this Ordinance have been complied with. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use or occupy or inhabit, or to let or lease for the purpose of occupancy or inhabitation by human beings, any building hereafter constructed in which any plumbing or house drainage work has been � oonstructed or installed that affects the sanitary condition of such building, unless such plumbing or house drainage work has been constructed or installed according to the terms of this Ordinance, and a cer- tifioate of final inspection issued, as herein provided. SECTION 5. CERTIFICATE OF FINAL INSPECTION. The rules and regulations set forth in this Ordinance are hereby adopted as the standard for the construction and installation of plumbing and house drainage work affecting the sanitary condition of all buildings in the City of E1 Segundo, and all such work must be con - struoted or installed in accordance therewith before a -4- E r' 615 certificate of final inspection will be granted by said Plumbing Inspector. SECTION 6. KIND OF MATERIAL FOR DRAM Every soil pipe or waste pipe under or inside of any building shall be of cast iron, lead or brans* All joints in cast iron pipe, whether inside of the building line or otherwise, shall be made with oakum and molten lead and thoroughly caulked. When cast iron, lead or brass pipe is used for soil or waste, no grade lighter than standard shall be used. All changes in direction shall be made as required in Section 7 of this ordinance and all fittings need in the several angles shall be standard drainage fittings; ordinary malleable or cast iron fittings are prohibited and all fittings used in such work must be of the same internal diameter as the pipe line upon which it is used. SECTION 7. CLEA OUTS. Every vertical stack of soil pipe or waste pipe shall be provided with a brass olesnout plug at the foot or lower terminal of the stack, or with a combination iron body fitting with a brass plug, the same to be in- stalled either in horizontal lines where saay,of.aoaess and not concealed or in any angle where the inspeo- tor shall deem it necessary. Cleanout plugs shall be of the same diameter as waste or drain lines they serve. All oleanouts shall be accessible and when the same are situated within one foot of the -b- M (3 17 sewer, cesspool or septic tank. All angles or branch connections in outside drains must be governed by Section 7 of this Ordinance as hereinabove set forth. Outside drains shall not be covered or concealed in any way until they have been inspected and approved by the Plumbing Inspector. It shall be unlawful for arw person, firm or corporation to connect any pipe on private property with any pipe in the street connected with the public sewer of said city, or to construct any sewer, or oonneot with any private sewer, or con- neot any plumbing or house drain with any sewer drain, cesspool or septic tank without first obtaining a permit so to do from the Plumbing Inspector. SECTION 9. TRAPS. Every water closet, sink, slop hopper, bath tub, urinal, wash tray or set of not to exceed four wash trays, lavatory or set of not to exceed four lavatories, and every other vessel connected directly or indirectly to the street sewer, cesspool or septic tank, must be separately, independently and effectively trapped. Every fixture shall be separately trapped, and no trap shall drain more than one fixture, except as herein provided. The trap must be placed as near the fixture as possible and in no case further than two feet therefrom. J All hotels, boarding houses having six or more boarders, restaurants, meat markets and bakeries shall have in the sink waste line and in the slop hopper waste line a grease trap made of non - absorbent material, which shall be placed in the open or at such place as -7• the Plumbing Inspector may direct, where it can be cleaned at any time. SECTION 10. PROHIBITED FIXTURES. All plunger water closets, Philadelphia hopper closets, front wash out closets, or any other closet where the supply to the bowl or container is direct from the street service, are prohibited from installation or use in all instances, except as provided for in Section E6 of this Ordinance. No wooden wash tray or trays, sink or sinks, shall be maintained, used or constructed inside of any building or porch. All wash trays and sinks.maintained, used or constructed in any building or porch shall be of non- absorbent material. SECTION 11. VENTS. Every trap shall be effectively vented with an air pipe of diameter not lose than that of such trap, except in case of a trap larger than two inches in diameter, in which .--- case the air pipe shall not be less than two inches in diameter, provided that a single pipe may be used to vent two traps through the same fitting when such fitting has effective means to prevent the drainage from one trap entering the other trap and is made of 0s one piece of metal without loose or attached parts. All separate vent pipes within a radius of twenty feet may oonverge into one pipe, the size of.which shall be governed by the provisions of Sea- -- tions 14 and lb of this Ordinance. These vent pipes •8- 6. 18 shall be extended upto and through the roof and no vent pipe shall be allowed to open leas than ten feet from a window or opening in the building in which it is located, or within ten (10) feet from any window or opening in any adjoining house or building, unless it extends at least one foot above such opening. Any horizontal vent pipes above the water line of arW fixture vented by it shall not exceed twenty feet in length and shall have a fall of not lose than one - eighth inch per foot toward the fixture or fixtures it serves. SECTION 1E. PREV$NTINd WASTE WATER FROM ENTERING VENTS. In order to prevent waste water from entering vent pipes, every branch or branch fitting for a vent pipe shall, when leaving a hori- zontal or vertical line of waste pipe be taken from a "Y" branch lying in the direction from which the t waste water flows in such waste pipe, thus forming an angle of forty -five degrees with the waste pipe, and shall have a rise of not lose than 45 degrees; or may leave such horizontal waste pipe at right angles, provided that such vent pipe shall have a rise of at least forty -five degrsee, thus permitting the use of a "T ". No vent pipe shall intersect any other vent pipe unless such vent pipe shall have a vertical rise of at least six inches above the top of the fixture vented by it. Where vent pipes are exposed, "T'8" or "Y's" or crosses must be placed so that vertical waste pipes can be cleaned through -8- 619 such "Y's", "T's" or orosses. SECTION 13. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS RE WATER CLOSETS. In every building or structure where water closet or other fixture is installed or used or an outlet left for any such water closet or other fixture, so that the vertical stack or line of pipe is carried to the first floor level, this vertical stack or line of pipe shall be carried undiminished in size up to the roof as governed in Section 11 of this Ordinance. When two or more buildings or structures are connected with the house drain or house sewer, the drain system in each and every ouch building or structure shall conform to the rules and regulations prescribed by this Ordinance; provided, however, that when a water closet is installed or used or an outlet left for a yard closet exclusively, and there is a vent pipe of no less than two inches in diameter through the roof of the building on said lot, where such closet is provided, the vent from this water closet may be two inches in diameter. SECTION 14. SIZE OF VVITS ON SMALL FIZTUR'SS. The vent pipe of every small fixture shall be the same size as the trap used for said fixture, provided,, that if more than one trap shall be vented by the same pipe, the size of such pipe shall be as follows: For more than one, and not exceeding two fixtures, not less than a one and one -half inch vent -10- 621 pipe; for more than two, and not exceeding eight fixtures, not less than a two -inch vent pipe; for more than eight, and not exceeding sixteen fixtures, not less than a two and one- half*inoh vent pipe; for more than sixteen, and not exceeding twenty -eight fix- tures, not less than a three -inch vent pipe. SEOTION 15. SIZE OP VENTS ON TOILETS, SLOP HOPPERS AND SLOP SINKS. The vent from any water closet, slop hopper or slop sink shall not be smaller than two inches internal diameter, and where more than one such fixture is vented through the same pipe its internal diameter shall be as follows: For more than one, and not exceeding four closets, or slop hoppers or slop sinks, not lose than a two -inch vent pipe; if more than four, and not ex- ceeding eight such fixtures, not less than a two and one -half inch vent pipe; for more than eight, and not exceeding fourteen such fixtures, not less than a three -inoh vent pipe; for more than fourteen such fixtures, not less than a four -inch vent pipe; All vent pipes and fittings therefor must be either cast iron or standard galvanised iron. Half union or union coupling of any description shall not be used, main- tained or allowed in vent or waste pipes, where the work is covered or oanosaled, and when exposed they shall only be used on the house or structure side of the trap. -11- SECTION 16. SIZES OF VENTS ON BATTERIES OF URINALS. The vents from all batteries of urinals shall not be smaller than two inches for each such battery of three urinals or lose; two and one-half inches for batteries of more than three and not to exceed eight urinals; three inches for batteries of more than eight and not to exceed sixteen urinals; and four inches for batteries of more than sixteen urinals. Minh, SECTION 174. SIZE OF BASTE PIPE. All waste ( pipe shall be oast iron, brass or lead, not lose than standard weight, and of the following sizes: For each bath tub, laundry tray, urinal, wash basin, slop sink or slop hopper where the outlet is two inches or smaller, or for any other small fixture, not less than two inches internal diameter; and if outlet on any fixture is larger than two inches, the waste pipe shall not be smaller than three inches internal diameter; .,.kK1 for each water closet not lose than four inches in diameter; oast iron, when used as a waste pipe for the discharge of one or more kitchen sinks shall not be smaller than two inches internal diameter (trap to fix- ture excepted), and not more than six small fixtures shall waste through a two inch waste pipe; provided, however, that not more than four sinks, urinals or slop hoppers shall waste through one 2 -inoh sink waste pipe. SECTION 18. PIPE WEIGHTS. Oast iron soil pipe, either waste or vent, shall not be used in any plumbing work that is of less weight per length of five -12- G2a J 0 623 WWI., feet than is shown in the following table for the respective sizes of pipe, to -wit: Two inch pipe . . . . . . . . 17 1/2 lbs. Three inch pipe . . . . . . . 22 1/2 lbs. Pour inch pipe . . . . . . . 32 1/2 lbs. Five inch pipe . . . . . . . 42 1/2 lbs. Six inch pipe . . . . . . . . 52 1/2 lbs. Eight inch pipe . . . . . . . 90 lbs. Ten inch pipe . . . . . . . .125 lbs. .,. Twelve inch pipe . . . . . 150 lbs. All oast iron soil fittings or cast iron or galvanized iron vent fittings shall be of the weight commonly ]mown as standard. SECTION 19. MWWTIVE PIPE AND FITTINGS• Gas fitters' cement or other compound shall not be used in repairing defective fittings or pipes; any fitting or pipe will be considered defective and unreliable, •.� when upon examination by the Inspector Gay fracture or split is found, and any such fitting orlfittinge or pipe shall be removed immediately upon notice so to do. SECTION 20. TEST. Fixtures connected with the plumbing of any house or building, or any portion of the plumbing or drainage system that is covered or concealed from view, and the outlet of soil pipe and every opening into it below the top, shall be hermetic - ally sealed by the person, firm or sorporation doing the work, and the system shall then be filled with -- water to the highest point thereof. Every leak so dis- -13- closed must be repairs&, and every defective pipe or fitting of any kind mast be replaced with sound material* SECTION 21. CONNECTIONS BBT'w= LEAD, BRASS AND IRON. Every connection between lead piping shall be made by a wiped joint. Every connection between soil pipe and lead pipe shall be made with brass ferrules or brass solder nipples, and its joining shall be wiped. Bolted on copper bit, cup or flush soldered joint@ are prohibited in all oases. SECTION 229 SAND TRAP. Every carriage wash, area or oellar drain shall be trapped by a sand trap of not less than twelve by twelve by twelve inches inside dimension, and constructed of brick and cement, or vit- rified stone pipe not less than twelve inches in diameter and one and one -half feet in length, with cement bottom; the water seal of such trap shall be constructed by inverting its waste pipe,. Such trap need not to vented* A water seal of less than four inches is prohibited, and the minimum size of waste pipe shall be two inches, r where trap is not vented. SECTION 23. SATE WASTE. No safe waste pipe from any fixture shall connect with any waste pipe or \\`\ sewer, but such safe waste pipe shall discharge into a water- supplied sink or discharge outside of building. SECTION 24. REFRIGERATOR CONNECTIONS. The waste pipe from any refrigerator, or other receptacle in which provisions are stored, shall not be connected -14- :a. with a drain, soil pipe or other waste pipe unless such waste pipe is provide& with a trap suitably vented and in every case there shall be an open water - supplied sink between such trap and such refrigerator, or a discharge for same outside of building or struc- ture independent of the plumbing system of the building or structure. SECTION 25. FLUBS AND RAIN WATER LEADER. No brick, sheet metal earthenware or ohinney flue shall be used as a sewer ventilator or be used to ventilate any trap, drain, soil or waste pipe. No rain water leader or other conduit for rain water shall be connect- ad with any sewer, soil or waste pipe, except by per- mission first obtained from the Plumbing Inspector• SECTION 26• WATER SUPPLY TO TOILETS AND URINAL. No water closet shall be installed or used on any promisee or in any house or building, unless it be flushed with water contained in a tank holding not Mess than four gallons of water and supplied by a supply pipe of not less than one -half inch diameter; provided, how- ever, that a flushometer -valve may be used, which would, in the opinion of the Plumbing Inspector, conform to the requirements of this Ordinance. when the water anpply of any building is not sufficient for the proper flushing of all water closets and urinals in such build- ing, the Plumbing Inspector may order the erection of a tank system for supplying water to such closets and --- urinals, into which tank the water may flow or be pumped- � -16- Where the soil pipe is brought through the floor for a toilet waste it shall be provided with a cast iron or brass floor flange and shall be caulked onto the pipe with lead and oakum. SECTION 2T. TOP FIXTURE. A fixture known as a top fixture on a vertical pipe line which is located not more than two feet from the inlet to said pipe line, need not have its trap revented; provided, it does not discharge into the pipe line more than one j inch below the level of the seal or vent pipe. All traps shall be set true to their water seals; bell traps are prohibited in all oases. SECTION 28. REPLACING kXTURBS. When any water closet, sink, bath tub, basin or other fixture maintained in any house, porch or building is removed and replaced with another such fixture, or other fixture, such new fixture shall have its trap vented. SECTION 29. B1OWOFF OR ZMAUST FROM ENGINE. It shall be unlawful for arty person, firm or oorpor- ation to cause, suffer, allow or permit the exhaust from any engine, or the blowoff from any boiler to be connected with a house drain or sewer. SECTION 30. PRIVY VAULT. It shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation to maintain or use, or permit or cause to be maintained or used, -- a privy vault or cesspool on any premises in the City -16- E1G. -- z 62 'c -- of 31 Segundo for a longer period than three months after a public sewer exists and is ready for use in any street, or alley on which the property abuts; provided, however, that all premises using septic tanks within said city and fronting or abutting on such streets or alleys in which a sewer exists, shall have said septic tanks connected with said sewer, within a period of three months after the same is ready for use, so that the effluent therefrom shall be disoharged into said sewer. SECTION 31. SODA FOUNTAINSO BAR _FIXTURffi, DENTIST FIXTMMO, eta. When waste pipe connection are to be made to fixtures classified as follows: soda fountains, saloons or bar fixtures and their several appurtenancss,,,dentists' fountain, cuspidor, lavatories in barber shops, which in the opinion of the Plumbing Inspector cannot be practically constructed in conformity ;with the provisions of this Ordinance, a special permit may be issued by the Plumbing.Inspec- tor if in his judgment the conditions require it* SECTION 32. PLACING OF NEW FIXTURES. Upon the renewal or alteration of any building, or upon the mating of arty repairs or additions thereto, if ark► new plumbing fixture is placed in such building, either in the original or in the altered, repaired or added part thereof, every such new fixture must be properly can- noted with and attached to the waste pipes in the -. original parts of such building, and if any fixtures -17• outside surface of an outside wall of any building the same must be extended through said outside wall. All cleanout plugs shall be of brass. Where soil or waste pipe intersects or is branched into another waste pipe line whether it is perpendicular to a hor- izontal pipe line or both are lying in a horizontal position, the point of intersection shall be at an angle of 45 0 , thus forming a IV branch. Combination "2's" and one - eighth bends are permissible for these angles, but "T's" or sanitary "T's" are prohibited except in vertical staoks. SECTION 8. SEWER PIPE. Every drain pipe outside of any building and rani: property line, cesspool or septic first grade, vitrified iron stone iron, and where a water closet is roughed in, the internal diameter drain shall not be lase than four ag as far as the tank, shall be of pipe, or of cast installed or of such house inches; stoneware piping shall not be placed within one •foot of the exterior wall of any building or within three inches of the surface of the ground at azW part of its course. Each joint between sections of vitrified piping must be completely and uniformly filled with a cement composed of equal portions of Portland cement and clean sharp sand, and every joint must be thoroughly cleaned from the inside as as not to form any obstruction. Every outside drain must be water tight, and have a fall of not less than one- quarter of an inch to the foot toward the street -6- r, 16 i