ORDINANCE 72511� ORDINANCE NO. 72 AN ORDINANCE OF MIE CITY OF EL SEGUiJDO, CAI,I20RiTIA, ESTA31ISHING THE, GRADE OF A P02TICIT OF IUl1LE AVLTIUL ;;ITNITT THEd SAID CITY, ��,- T� ,l ^ r- �r '."1 F �T C7 f^, 5 L -.i�v ljl 'i �'r•, i T T'. 1,_,TT T11E E�ISTEIR i IFE i:` �Il� ST. AI THIS -.r .ZNrT111 ,L 1I_1E 0: v . Ii. , :D IT OI. N £7 OF FISI-1= 2=IVISIOIT AS P�P- E"'aORDI TH% ?.iIaCi,LI232dr;0Ua IIECO3DS Oi LOS 1;ITG ,I ;S COUI:TY, C��IJI_'0 =' I:�, OtT F II,�: I!, iiiE OF 'ICE OF i'I:S R�CO::D�i OF S «ID COUITTY. The Board. of Trustees of the City of El Segundo do Ordain as follovvs :- Section 1. That the official grade of that certain public street named and known as Maple Avenue, -.vithin the said City, between the Easterly line of Main Street and the westerly line of J. H. Fisher's Subdivision as per Map recorded in Book 22, page 87 of the Miscellaneous Records of the County of Loa Angeles, California on file in the office of the Reoorder, of said County, be, and the same is hereby established as fol- lows: 1. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue are where it intersects with the Easterly line of Llain Street, the grade shall be 91.51 feet. 2. At a point in the Northerly line of JIaple Avenue, 135 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Train Street the grade shall be 104.10 feet. 3. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue, 160 feet Easterly from the Easterl- line of Main Street the grade shall be 106.15 feet. 4. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue, 185 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Kain Street, the grade shall be 108.20 feet. 5. At a point in the Tortherly line of Maple Avenue, 210 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Main Street, the grade shall be 110.10 feet. cy ? 6. At a point in the Northerly line of I.aple Avenue, 235 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Main Street the grade shall be 111.90 feet. 7. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue 260 feet Easterly from the Easterly? line of Main Street the grade shall be 113.50. B. At a point in the northerly line of Maple Avenue, 285 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of lain Street, the grade shall be 115.05 feet. 9. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue, 310 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Main Street,the grade shall be 116.45 feet. 10. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue, 325 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 117.80. 11. At a point in the Maple Avenue, 300 the Westerly line the grade shall be Northerly line of feet '- desterly from of Eucalyptus Drive 119.05 feet. 12. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue, 275 feet :desterly from the Westerly line of yucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 120.25 feet. 13. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue, 250 feet -,iesterly from the : 5Ir 8 Dint in the Northerly line of 19. At a p Maple Avenue, 100 feet ,,. esterly from the �7esterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 126.75 feet. 20. At a point in the Northerly line of Maple Avenue where it intersects Stith the 'lesterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 129.0 feet. 21• At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue where it intersects ,jjth the Easterly line of Main Street the grade shall be 89.51 feet• point in the Southerly line of 2�. At a p from Ijaple Avenue 135 feet Easterly the Easterly line of L�iain Street, the grade shall I)e 102.50 feet. 23. At a point in the Southerly line of Llaple Avenue, 160 feet easterly from t1je Easterly line of Main Street, the grade shall be 104.60 feet. 24. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, 185 feet ; asterly f rthe the Easterly lint of Main Street, grade shall be 106.70 feet. 25. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, 210 feet :easterly from the Easterly line of Main street, the grade shall be 108.60 feet. Dint in the Southerly line of 26• At a p 235 feet Easterly from Maple Avenue, the Easterly line of Main Street, the grade shall be 110.40 feet. 27. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, 260 feet Easterly =rthe the Easterly line of Main Street, grade shall be 112.00 feet. 28. At a point in the Southerly line of 285 feet 'a.sterly from Ijaple Avenue, line of Main Street, the the Easterly grade shall be 113.55 feet. ^g. At a point in the Southerly line of ti Maple Avenue, 310 feet Easterly from M line of Mair Street, the the Easterly grade shall be 114.95 -feet. Dint in the Southe'rl;� line r of 30. At a T 325 feet Jesterly Kaple Avenue, zom e, tus Drive the ',iesterl� lire of ;;acul�p the grade shall be 116.30 feet. ` point in the Southerly line of �l• At a P 5 300 feet �desterly from Iaaple .venue, Drive, the Jesterly line of Eucalyptus the grade shall be 117.55 feet. - 3 - 32. At a point in the southerly line of Maple avenue, 275 feet ., esterly from the .iesterly line of Aucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 110.75 feet. 33. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple avenue. 250 feet Westerly from the :iesterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 119.87 feet. 34. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple avenue, 225 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 120.90 feet. 35. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple avenue, 200 feet ',iesterly from the 'Westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive the mrade shall be 121.93 feet. 36. At a point in the Southerly line of Laple Avenue, 175 feet -,iesterly from the 7esterly line of &ucalyl)tu-- Drive the -•rade shall be 122.85 feet. 37. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, 150 feet -.: esterly from the ; esterly line of Eucalyptu: Drive the -rade shall be 123.70 feet. 38. At a point in the Southerly line of Idaple Avenue, 125 feet Jesterly from the Westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive the Urade shall be 124.52 feet. 39. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, 100 feet ,iesterly from ,iesterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 1925.25 feet. 40. At a point in the Southerly line of iL:aple Avenue where it intersects with the Westerly line of Eucalyptus Drive, the grade shall be 128.00 feet. 41. At a point the Northerly line of Maple Avenue, where it intersects with the Easterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 131.06 feet. 42. At a point in the Northerly line of Iciaple Avenue, 40 feet Easterly from the Ea: ~terly line of acL31yptus Drive, the grade shall be 131.88. 43. _It a -point in the No- rtherly line of I:aple Avenue, 65 feet 1s'asterly fror, the Easterly line of E,_cal` -,)tus Drive the I-rude shall be 132.3`: feet. 44. alt a i�oint in the I trer17 line of :.:aple Avenue, 90 feet Easterly from the Easterl�r line of L "uc,- lypt-as Drive the Trade sh -11 be 132.60 feet. 5F 45. At a point in the Northerly line of L:aple Avenue, llb feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Sucalup- tus Drive the grade shall be 13.90 feet. 46. At a point in the northerly line of Liaple Avenue 140 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the ;ride shall be 133.20 feet. 47. At a point in the Tlortherly line of Maple Avenue, 165 feet .easterly from the Easterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 133.32 feet. 49. At a point in the Ilortherly line of yiaple Avenue, 190 feet ""asterly from the Easterly line of 3ucalyptus Drive the Grade shall be 13.38 feet. 49. At a point in the I ;orthorl7 line of Avenue. -.1� feet Eacterl; from the Easterly line of J;ucaly y)tu- Drive the zrado shall be 133.)0 feet. 50. l,t a point in the Tlortherly line of 1.1aple Avenue. 240 feet .13asterly from the Easte -,1,� line of Eucalyryotus Drive the ;trade shall be 1 -00.10 feet. 51. Zlt a point in the Tlortherly line of L:aple �Ivenue. 265 feet Ea „terly from the Easterly line of Eucalyptu- Drive the ;trade shall be 132.60 feet. 52.At a point in the Tlortherly line of maple Avenue. 290 feet Easterly iron the Easterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 134.35 feet. 53. At a point in the - lnortherly line of Llaple Avenue. 315 feet Easterly from the Eaoterly line of Eucalyptus. Drive the 3rade shall be 131.90 feet. 54.At a point in the Ilortherly line of l.Iaple Avenue. 310 feet 'iesterly from the ',7esterly line of Sheldon Street, the `rade shall be 131.30 feet. 55. At a point in the Northerly line of L:aple Avenue, 285 feet -.lesterly from the ,iesterld line of Sheldon Street the grade shall be 130.61 feet. 56.At a point in the Northerly line of : uaple Avenue where it intersects with the Vesterly line of Sheldon Street the L,rade shall be 14;,.£39 feet. 57.At a point on the Southerly line of LIaple Avenue, where it interuects With the Easterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 127.56 feet. 58. At a point in the Southerly line Of maple Avenue, 40 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Eucalyp- tus Drive the -rade shall be 130.38 feet. 59. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, 65 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of h``ucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 130.82 feet. 60. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue, 90 foet Easterly from the Easterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 131.10 feet. 61. At a point in the Southerly line of Idaple Avenue 115 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Eucalyptus Drive the grade shall be 131.40 feet. 62. At a point in the Iaaple Avenue, 140 the Easterly line the grade shall be 63. At a point in the Maple Avenue. 165 the Easterly line the grade shall be 64. At a point in the Maple Avenue, 190 the Easterly line the grade shall be 65. At a point in the : Japle Avenue, 215 the E�.:sterly line the grade shall be 66. At a point in the Maple Avenue, 240 the Easterly line the grade shall be 67. At a point in the I;Iaple Avenue, 265 the Easterly line the grade shall be 68. At a 7)oin4- in the :IapleyAvenue, Z90 the Easterly line the crrade shall be 69. At a point in the I,Iaple Avenue, 315 the Easterly line the grade shall be 70. At a point in the maple Avenue, 310 the -.lesterly line the grade shall be - 6 - Souther! y line of feet Easterly from of Eucalyptus Drive 131.70 feet. Southerly line of foot Easterly from of Lucal«yptus Drive 131:82 feet. Southerly line of feet Easterly from of Eucalyptus Drive 131.88 feet. Southerly line of feet Easterly from o Eucalyptus Drive 131.80 feet. Southerly line of feet Easterly from of Eucalyptus Drive 131.60 feet. Southerly line of feet Easterly from of ucalyptus Drive 131.30 feet. Southerly Line of feet, Easterly from of Euca�rptus Drive 130.85 feet. Southerly line of feet Ea Iterly from of eucalyptus Drive 130.40 feet. suutherl-T line of feet desterly from of Sheldon Street, 129.80 feet. 5CI 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. C'" t V 4_ • " At a point in the maple Avenue, 285 the !Jesterly line the grade shall be At a point in the Maple venue where the lJesterly line the grade shall be At a point in the Maple Avenue where the Easterly line the grade shall be At a point in the Maple 11venue, 140 the Easterly line the grade shall be At a point in the maple Avenue. 165 the masterly line the grade shall be At a point in the Maple Avenue, 190 the Easterly line the grade shall be Southerly line of feet Westerly from of Sheldon Street 129.11 feet. Southerly line of it intersects with of Sheldon Street 121.39 feet. Southerly line of it intersects with of Sheldon Street 119.89. Southerly line of feet Easterly from of Sheldon Street 115.63 feet. Southerly line of feet Easterly from of Sheldon Street 115.08 feet. Southerly line of feet Easterly from of Sheldon Street 114.62 feet. 77. At a point in the Southerly line of Maple Avenue 215 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Sheldon Street the grade shall be 114.17 feet. 73. At a point in the Maple avenue, 240 the Easterly line the grade shall be 79. At a point in the Haple Avenue, 265 the eauterly line the grade shall be southerly line of feet Easterly fiom of Sheldon Street 113.35 feet. southerly line of Beet ola:.terly from of Sheldon "street 114.02 feet. 80. At a point in the So -utherly line of I4aple 11venue, 293.58 feet 67esterly from the ,ieste2 ly line of the said J. ri. Fisher's Subdivision the grade shall be 114.52 feet. 81. At a point in the southerly line of Maple "venue 27.58 feet, ':esterly from the westerly line of the said J. H. Fisher's Subdivision the grade shall be 115.33 feet. 82. At a point in the southerly line of Maple dvenue, 248.58 feet '� esterly from the 'desterly line of the said J. H. Fisher's Subdivision the grade shall be 116.29 feet. - 7 - 83. At a point in the southerly line of Maple Avenue, 223.58 feet 'Jesterly from the westerly line of the said J. H. Fisher's Subdivision the grade shall be 117.32 feet. 84. At a point in the southerly line of Maple Avenue, 185.51 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of the said J. H. Fisher's Subdivision the grade shall be 119.00 feet. 85. At a point in the southerly line of h?apply Avenue where it intersects with the �,esterly line of the said J. H. Fisher's Subdivision the grade shall be 126.50 feet. 86. At a point in the northerly line of Maple Avenue, where it intersects with the Easterly line of Sheldon Street, the grade shall be 121.39 feet. 87. :• 89. At a point on the 11aple Avenue, 140 the easterly line the grade shall be i �t a point in the IJaple Avenue, 165 the easterly line the grade shall be At a point in the I,Iaple Avenue, 190 the easterly line the grade shall be northerly line of feet easterly from of Sheldon Street 115.93 feet. northerly line of feet .easterly from of Sheldon Street 115.15 feet. northerly line of feet easterly from of Sheldon Street 114.48 feet. 90. At a point in -northerly line of Maple Avenue, 188.00 feet westerly from the westerly i-LLu of ,:c__ ,,trees; the grade shall be 113.88 feet. 91. At a point in the northerly line of Maple Avenue 163.07 feet westerly from the westerly line of Penn Street the grade shall be 113.50 feet. 92. At a point in the no-rtheTl,r line of Ijaple Avenue, 138.00 _:cet ,rest ,3:7 1y from the westerly line of Penn Street the -rade shall e 113.51 feet. 93. At a point in the northerly line of maple Avenue 113.07 feet westerly ffom the -:esterl:i line of Pem� Street the `rade shall be 113.81 feet. 94. At a point in the northerly line of Liaple Avenue, '38.07 feet westerly fron� the -:7e:;terly line of Pe-Lm Street, the grade shall be 114.46 :7eet. - G - 5e, 4 95. At a point in the northerly line of I:iaple Avenue where it intersects with the Westerly line of Penn Street, the grade shall be 117.49 feet. 96. At a point e�4e northerly line of ;fat,le '.venu�i intersects -.7ith the easterly 'line of Penn Street, the `rade shall be 119.29 feet. 97. At a point in the northerly line of I:.aple Avenue where it intersects with the westerly line of the said J. H. 2isher's Subdivision, the grade shall be 12, 00 -feet. Elevations are in feet, and above the City datum plane and refer to the top of the curb at the point ,,7henro a line drawn at a right angle to the center line of I.:aple Avenue, from each point mentioned, intersects the curb. At all points bet:een the said described points the grade shall conform to a strai -ht line betreen said described points on the same side of LZaple Avenue. Section 2. The curb lines of Llaple Avenue bet -seen the easterly line of LI.ain Street and the ';lesterly line of the said J. H. j'i tier's 3 Ubr14 _I vision are hereby fixed and established at a distance of fifteen (15) feet n�)rtherly and so.l-therly o.f. c.nd parallel -with the center line of :,:aple Avenue. Section 3. The city clerk shall certify to the pas- sable of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be p,ablished by one insertion in the E1 Segundo Ho2ald, a :roekly ne rspaper of - eneral circulatiol., 1)2inted, iDabli hed and circulated :7ithin ±I.e :c.id City of E'l Se,-;undo, California, :hick io hereby cles- i-natec for that purpose. Mi:- Ors_ .-.once tP _e o_`fect thirty da� fro -and 'll per e ii: s_w JU r: a ?' h y pa e and �.dol� ioz. thereo_. 192D. iu:,sed, ap,lro :Ted and adopted this, _� _da -' oi_ _.aeze ,her president o� the Board of 2`ru,tees of the city o ;;l ,3eoundo. h lM1 1 it r !1 r11 L � `• i17 S 1Ji TE Old C13LIPu:tl +I� ) ) cou,L -a o� Los JIYTCLLj:c) Z CT 1Y a_,' LL i, victor D. idcCarthy, City Clerk of the City of 1 3e�-ur.do, do hereby certify that the fore oink; ordinance tieing Ordinance Y.O. _ 72 was passed by the Board of Trustees of said City, signed by the Dresident of said Board and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meetin,r; of said Board held on the 2:ith day of December 1920, and that the same was passed by the following vote: AYE,;: TrUY teen Binder, _3rys )n, Davis, Smiley and hueger. ;0 -,� rr 11one _ A3 ;LTi T: rr t1 nn P - - aEAL I • - Tv - city Clerk of tlze it of Z1 3e,�ui.do.