ORDINANCE 710._:, D I 14' , L.,' ✓ E -,L). 71. =T D T T -2' !'he -'_'o-_-rd of Trustees of the wit,,- of El Se---undo do ordain a2 _'ollow2: Sef:tion One. That t �fficis.l -r,-,de of th,3-U certain ,)ublic street c.,,,..-.aed _�,nd kno-,,,,a _.z PiCI-mond ^tre,-t the E,,icl ;;it: i be-,.-.ee,i the n-)-cl-herl- line of '-;l :;e '.undo c-nd V + -- - , b (j _.I,A - F_�- r-b-7 fixed and e stai,li shed as followz: .1 1. _'_'t a ooint in the ea terly line o- hichmond Street w, F I,e it in'_= ,rEects the -I-orIlherly line of it Se rundo _, verrae tI.e zr�ide S'.,:71 be 111.35 feet. xt a point in the ea,, terl,., line of Rich-o- 19t fcet ia,-,rth the j,orlherly line of El '--e-ando -.venue the ..rale shall be 1'3.8 -1 feet. 3. -.t 4 La t.-,,-e e,,-,-:terl,-,- line of street �­_13 feet of the ..�rtheriy line El Se= ,,,redo --.v-.Yi,,ie the q,,r,-tde shall be 12'5.215 feet. 4. ZiA s coint in the e. -�terly line of _,_4.c!_ir.ond_ Street 248 feet -_crth of the northerly line of E.1 1S,,­)na_o ,venue the -ride be 126.4 feet. 5. -, t � o3int in the eIr-Oterly line of -ic-nacnd Street 2775 --P-(-t ,a.)rth )f the lisie of Ell �-emndo -venue the _rr�de - be 127.30 feet. ' t a coin Z� ic hmond Street in the easterly line of 0 rlherl-,., line of !,�l Segundo _,-venue t--r-e _2 feet nc.rth of t',,e fic) L ,rade. scsll be 127.9 feet. 5 .51 7, At a point in the easterly line of Richmond Street 323 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo _venue the grade shall be 128.25 feet. S. At a ooint in the eacterl; line of zicrmond Street 348 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo .venue the grade shall be 128.35 feet. 9. At a ood nt in the easterly; line of Richmond Street 373 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo "venue the ;ride shall be 128.15 feet. 10. At a point in the easterly line of aichmond Street 398 feet north of the }tort _erly line of El Segundo Avenue the crrade shall be 127.6 feet. 11. =jt a point in the easterly line of Richmond Street 423 feet north of the as rtherly line of El Segundo Avenue the grade shall be 126.75 feet. 12. At a point in the easterly line of Richmond Street where it intersects with the southerly line of Franklin avenue the grade shall be 123.7 feet. 13. it a ooint in the westerly line of Richmond Street where it intersects with the northerly line of El Segundo "venue the grade shell be 112.12 feet. 14. _It ,- point in the we2terly line of Richmond Street 198 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo _venue the `rade shall be 1:4.85 feet. 15. 2t a point in the westerly line of Richmond Street 223 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo _venue the grade shall be 126.25 feet. 16. At a ooint in the westerly line of Richmond Street 248 feet north of the northerly line of El Se rund.o :venue the xrade shall be 127.4 feet. 552 17. it a point in the we4terly line of nichmond Street 273 feet north of the .northerly line of E1 Se •undo Avenue the grade ;hall be 128.3 feet. 18. kt a point in the westerly line of Richmond Street 298 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo "venue the grade shall be 128.9 feet. 19. J s point in the wecterly line of :ichmind Street 323 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo venue the grade shall be 129.25 feet. 20. At a ooint in the westerly line of Richmond Street 348 feet north of the northerly line of El SeTundo avenue the grade wall be 129.35 feet. 21. At a point in the ;fie2terl:i line of Richmond Street 373 feet north of the northerly line of El Segundo _venue the wrade shall be 129.15 feet. 22. At a point in the westerly line of Richmond Street 398 feet north of the aortherly line of El Segundo .avenue the Trade shall be 128.6 feet. 23. At e point in the :-:eaterly line of Richmond Street 423 feet north of the northerly line cf El Segundo venue the grade shall be 127.75 feet. 24. At a point in the westerly line of Vichmond Street where it intersects with the southerly line of Franklin Avenue the Trade shall be 124.70 feet. 25. At a ooint in the easterly line of Richmond Street where it intorseetc with the northerl; line of Franklin _venue the -ride shall be 122.2 feet. 26. At a point in the easterly line of Richmond Street 108 feet north of the northerly line of Franklin -venue the wrade shell be 117.76 feet. -3- 553 27. At a point in the easterly line of Richmond Street 133 feet north of the northerly line of Franklin .venue the grade shall be 116.8 feet. 28. At a ooint in the easterly line of Richmond Street 158 feet north of the northerly line of Franklin _venue the Grade shall be 116.00 feet. 29. At a point in the easterly line of lichmond Street where it intersects with the southerly line of Irand avenue the grade shall be 111.57 feet. 30. At a point in the westerly line of Richmond Street where it intersects with the northerly line of Franklin _venue the grade shall be 123.2 feet. 31. At a point ' in the wes-terly line of Richmond Street 108 feet north of the northerly line of Franklin *venue the grade shall be 118.58 feet. 32. At a point in the weEterly line of _.ichmond Street 133 feet north of the northerly,* line of Franklin avenue the trade shall be 117.6 feet. 33. At a point in the westerly line of Richmond Street 158 feet north of the Northerly line of Zranklin nv�nue the grade shall be 116.89 feet. 34. At a -point in the westerly line of 3ichmond Street ,.here it intersects with the southerly line of '3rand Avenue the trade shall be 113.00 feet. Elevations are in feet and above the City Datum 21ane, and refer to the too of the curb at the point where a line drawn at a right anzle to the center line of Richmond Street from eEch point mentioned, intersects the curb. it all points between the said described oointe, on t�e same side of Richmond Street, the _wade shall 3onforr_ to a straight line between the ewid joints. IM 554 Section Two. That the curb lines, of said Richmond Street, betv:een the .northerly line of El SeZundo .venue and the southerly line of sra,nd ,;venue are hereby fixed and es- tablished at a distance of t:rEnty (20) feet, me_, ured at right a.nzles easterly and westerly ot', and parallel '.;ith the center line o? said �,'ic =imond street. Section Three. she City Clerk shall certify to the oassa -e of t'-iis Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one in,ertion in the El Sezundo Herald, a :reekly ne soaper of seneral circulation, printed, oublished and cir- culated within the said Cit;Y of El Segundo, California, which is hereby desiYna,ted for that ou-roose. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty da7.Q from and after the final oa.ssaze and adoption t_-..ereof. gassed, anoroved and adopted this let day of December, 1920. (� - Preeident of the Board f Trustees lS?., -L of the Sity of El Senun o, California. City Cl rk. S a--E )P CALIFOR? ?I_t ) JOUL'_'x 02 LOS SV ) CILY OF _j S -TU DG ) I, Victor D. -L,.cCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Se= undo, California, do hereby certify that the foreToin,= Ordinance, being Ordinance !]o. 71 was gassed and adopted by the board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, ci -neI by the president of said Board and attested b;; the City Clerk all at a regular meeting of said Board held on the let day of December,1920 M11 and trigt the same was oaseed by the followinz vote: .Y,-;S: iruc-tees Binder,Bryeon,Davie,Smiley & Rueger. Trustees None. Lc 11-=:'y: trustees None. City Clerk of the of ( SE,.,L) El Eeiundo, California.