ORDINANCE 67337 ORDINANCE NO. 07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL S3GUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A BUSINESS DISTRICT; AND REGULATING TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STRE$TS, AVENUES, ALLEYS A19D HIGHWAYS OF SAID CITY AND THE PARKING AND OPERATION OF MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICL3 8 THEREON. The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby fixed and established in and for the City of E1 Segundo, California, a business district to be known by the name of and designated by the words "Business District." That the said district shall consist of the territory within the exterior boundary lines thereof which are hereby fixed and established as follows: Beginning at a point where the center line of Pine Street intersects the center line of that certain public alley lying and being between the westerly line of Richmond Street and the easterly line of Concord Street; thence southerly along the center line of said public alley to a point where the southerly prolongation of said center line of said alley intersects the center line of 31 Segundo Avenue; thence easterly along the center line of said E1 Segundo Avenue to a point where the said center line of said E1 Segundo Avenue intersects the southerly prolongation of that certain public alley lying and being between the easterly line of Blain Street and the westerly line of Standard Street; thence northerly along the center line of said alley to a point where the said center line of said alley intersects with the center lire of Pine Street; thence westerly along said center line of Pine Street to the point of beginning. I ti Section 2. That the Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo is hereby instructed, authorized and directed to cause to be erected at the intersection of the boundary line of said district above designated with each of the public highways 538 of said city intersected by the same, signs on the right hand side of such highways within the meaning of Subdivision 5 of Section 1 of the Motor Vehicle Act of the State of California. Section 3. That it shall be, and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove from its place, or to tamper with, any barrier, light or other safeguard placed by the Street Superintendent of the City of E1 Segundo, or by any person subject to his orders, or by any contractor in pursuance of any contract for public improvement, at any place where the construction, improvement or repair of any public street, ditch, drain, excavation or other public work has been begun and is incomplete. Section 4. That it shall be, and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to travel in or upon any street or portion of any street, alley or other public highways or portion thereof within the City of E1 Segundo, when the same has been closed to traffic by the Street Superin- tendent of the City of E1 Segundo, the City Marshal thereof, or any of his deputies or any contractor in pursuance of any contract for public improvement or repairs at any place where the con- struction, improvement or repair of any public street, ditch, drain or excavation or other public improvement or repair work has been begun and is incomplete. Section 5. And it shall be, and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to park or to cause to be left standing, any motor vehicle or any vehicle of any description whatsoever ,4within fifteen feet of any fire hydrant within the City of El Segundo, California. Section 6. That it shall be, and it is hereby declared to be unlawful to park or leave standing for a longer period - 2 - 539 0 than five minutes, any motor vehicle, or any other vehicle what- soever on the south side of Al Segundo Avenue from the center line of Loma Vista. Street to the center line of Arena Street in said City, unless there shall be in said vehicle during such period a person fully capable of operating such vehicle and authorized so to do. Section 7. That it shall be, and it is hereby declared to be unlawful, to park or leave standing any motor vehicle or any other vehicle whatsoever, upon any portion of Franklin Avenue between the center line of Richmond Street and a point in the curb line of Richmond Street five feet westerly of the first alley westerly of Richmond Street. Section 8. That it shall be unlawful to park or leave standing any motor or other vehicle unattended by a competent driver for a longer period than five minutes on the northerly side of $1 Segundo Avenue between Richmond Street and Concord Street, within said city. Section 9. That it shall be, and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to park, or leave standing at any time on any public street, avenue, alley or high- way within said City, any motor vehicle or other vehicle within fifteen feet of the point of intersection of the nearest line of the nearest intersecting street and the line formed by the curb along which such vehicle is so parked or standing, provided however, that such point of intersection shall be indicated by a red line at least two inches wide painted on the curb. Section 10. That it shall be, and is hereby declared to be unlawful to park or leave standing in any public street, avenue, alley or highway, within said city, any motor vehicle or other vehicle, unless the same shall be so parked or left standing on the right hand side of the street in the direction in which said vehicle was progressing at the time the same was stopped or - 3 - F1 Li $4:0 parked, and both the front and rear right wheels of such vehicle shall be within one foot of the curb when so parked or stopped. Section 11. All police vehicles, fire engines and fire apparatus vehicles, and all amb, sions in motion within the said over all other traffic therein, declared to be unlawful for any fail to yield such right of way occasions. glances and all funeral proces- City, shall have right of way and it shall be, and is hereby person, firm or corporation to to such vehicles upon all Section 12. That it shall be, and it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to park or leave standing any motor vehicle or any other vehicle upon the west side of that certain public street within the said City, named and known as the Coast Boulevard, between its inter- section with the southerly city limits and its intersection with the southerly line of Section Eleven (11), Township Four (4 ) South, Range 2ifteen (15), West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Section 13. That it shall be, and it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to refuse or fail to obey any order or direction of the City Marshal of said City or any of his Deputies, given or made regarding traffic and travel upon the public streets, avenues, alleys and public highways of said city, and it shall be the duty of any and all traffic of any kind or character whatsoever, to stop upon order or command of said Marshal, or of any of his Deputies; or to proceed upon such order or command; or to proceed in any particular or certain manner or direction upon any such command or order. Section 14. That it shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to start or operate within the City of E1 Segundo any internal combustion engine or motor except airplane or tractor motors or engines - 4 - X41 unless there shall be upon such engine or motor a muffler or device to prevent excessive noise from the exhaust of such motor or engine, which such muffler or device shall be in readiness to prevent such excessive noise and shall be in constant operation to prevent the same when such motor or engine is running. Section 15. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of El Segundo, California, for a period not exceeding Bixty Days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Section 16. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one insertion in the E1 Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within the said city and hereby designated for that purpose. Passed and adopted this 7th day of July, 1920. President of the Board AV Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo. ATTEST: �erk. - 5 - J jlir;'Uoa: J. 'U.IT 'je]:�: D-' e I Ul _7 , I -L u a 542 r-itj li _�UhLl), C--lifDI'lliU, LLO -a,,--by cei:tify and decl a:- th—t the fore. L : )iii L) i-1 in, :J -i c e , ueiai_� L a(l oyj'u - d )7- 'u113 o -rustu s ,D-L* the . i3- oZ -,mil oe,;uoaD, si _:iied oy the 2-,�aideii-u if s ---ii -,,oa.,LL d aL'U-:,-6'jed ;-) 7- ,he --' i : 1 3 --,, �: t -L11 a 'L, a re-,ula--,- D-L the s-id -5oard, ciald on. L110 7ju-h d.;z.l of Jul.y, ;LiiCL 'U-'.,a-'u t- he --ai-ie wcis the f(:)llo-,-iin vote: f�,j lnastees Jdzidert 31:jSin, 1)'..L is, 'u e e .4i,dley and �:L JULo: gone. 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