The Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, do ordain
as follows:
Section 1. That the official grade of Mariposa Avenue
within the said City between the west line of Lain Street and
the westerly line of Tract Number 1685 as per map recorded in
Map Book 21, page 98 of Maps, records of Los Angeles Oounty,
California, on file in the office of the County Recorder Qf
said County be, and the same is hereby established as follows:
1. At the Southwest corner of Hain Street and
Mariposa Avenue the grade shall be 92.00 feet.
2. At a point in the South line of Mariposa
Avenue, 120 feet west of the westerly line of
Main Street, the grade shall be 95.53 feet.
3. At a point in the South line of Mariposa Avenue
140 feet ;vest of the westerly line of Main
Street, which point is the East line of an alley,
the o-rade shall be 95.92 feet.
4. At a ooint in the South line of Mariposa Avenue,
140 feet East of the Easterly line of Richmond
Street, which point is the west line of an alley,
the -rade shall be 96.27 feet.
5. At a point in the South line of Mariposa Avenue
110 feet East of the easterly line of Richmond
Street, the grade shall be 96.55 feet.
6. At a ooint on the south line of mariposa Avenue,
80 feet east of the easterly line of Richmond
Street, the grade shall be 96.60 feet.
7. At a Point on the south line of 11ariposa avenue
where it intersects with the easterly line of
: ?ichmond Street, the grade shall be 96.00 feet.
At the Northwest
corner of Main Street and
Mariposa Avenue,
the grade shall be 91.00 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue
120 feet west of
the westerly line of Main
Street, the grade
shall be 94.53 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Pdariposa _.venue
140 feet west of
the westerly line of Main
Street, which point
is the easterly line of an
alley, the grade
shall be 94.92 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue,
140 feet east of
the easterly line of Richmond
Street which point
is the west line of bn alley,
the grade shall be
95.27 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue
110 feet east of
the easterly line of Richmond
Street, the grade
shall be 95.55 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue,
80 feet east of the easterly line of Richmond
Street, the grade
shall be 95.60 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Maripose, Avenue
where it intersectz
with the east line of
;ichmond Street,
the grade shall be 95.00 feet.
At a point in the
south line of Mariposa Avenue
where it intersects
with the west line of Richmond
Street, the grade
shall be 96.00 feet.
At a point in the
south line of Mariposa &venue,
140 feet west of
the westerly line of Richmond
Street, which point
is the east line of an alley,
the grade shall
be 88.53 feet.
At a point in the
south line of i;iariposa Avenue,
140 feet east of
the easterly line of Concord
Street, which point
is the west line of an alley,
the grade shall be
87.47 feet.
At a ooint in the
South line of 'Mariposa Avenue,
where it intersects
with the east line of Concord
Street, the grade
shall be 80.00 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue
where it intersects
with the west line of Richmond
Street, the grade
shall be 95.00.
At a point in the
north line of Yariposu Avenue
225 feet west of
the westerly line oi' Richmond
Street, the gr,,de
shall be 82.90 feet.
zt a point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue,
250 feet west of
the westerly lire of Richmond
Street, the a-rade
shall be 81.70 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Llariposa avenue,
275 feet west of
the westerly line of Richmond
Street, the grade
shall be 80.60 feet.
1 'i
23. At a point in the north line of Mariposa
Avenue, 300 feet west of the westerly line
of Richmond Street,
the grade shall be 79.65 feet.
At a point in the
north line of %ariposa Avenue,
325 feet west of
the westerly line of Ricliniond
Street, the grade
shall be 78.80 feet.
At a point in the
north line of 1dariposa Avenue,
350 feet west of
the westerly line of Richmond
Street, the grade
shall be 77.95 feet.
l,t a point in the
north line of Iriari posa Avenue,
275 feet Last of
the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade
shall be 77.25 feet.
At a point in the
north line of 'Uaripo2a Avenue,
260 feet east of
the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade
shall be 76.65 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Llari oos i .;venue,
225 feet east of
the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade
shall be 76.20 feet,
At Y point in the
north line of !,la.ri,:)osa ;.venue,
200 feet east of
the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the Trade
shall be 75.95 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Thla,riposa Avenue,
175 feet eaet of
the easterly line of Vir, -* a
Street, tkie grad ,
s:ii.11 -)e 75.8: feet.
At a point in the
north line of !a.ari Cosa Avenue,
150 feet east of
the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the ;rade
shall be 76.00 feet.
At a point in the
north line of i, ari posa Avenue,
125 feet east of
the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade
shall be 76.30 feet.
At a point in the
north line of !�Ia.riposa Avenue,
100 feet east of
the easterly line o� Virginia
Street, the grade
shall be 76.83 feet.
At a point in the
north line of L-Iariposa Avenue,
75 feet east of the
easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade
shall be 77.65 feet.
At a coint in the
north line of hla,riposa revenue
50 feet east of the
e,�Lsterly line of Virginia
Street, the -,r &de
shall be 78.60 feet.
At a ,point in the
north line of 11'ari-oosa ;venue,
25 feet east of the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade
shall be 79.7-2 feet.
At a point iii the
north line of Ma.ri oosa _venue,
where it intersects
with the easterly line of
Virginia Street,
the grade shall be 81.00 feet.
38. At a point in the south line of Mariposa ;venue,
where it intersects with the westerly line of
Concord Street, the grade stall be 78.50 feet.
39. At a point in the south line of lairiposa -L venue,
25 feet west of the westerly line of Concord
Street, the grade shall be 77.78 feet.
40. 'It a point in the south line of I.Iariposa revenue,
50 feet west of the westerly line of Concord
Street, the grade shall be 77.16 feet.
41. At a point in the south line of Mari -posa Avenue,
75 feet west of the westerly line of Concord
Street, the grade shall be 76.70 feet.
42. At a point in the south line of Mariposa Avenue,
100 feet west of the westerly line of Concord
street, the grade shall be 76.40 feet.
43. At a point in the south line of Liari posy avenue,
125 feet west of the westerly line of Concord
Street, the grade shall be 76.28 feet.
44. At a point in the south line of Ir:ariposa __venue,
143 feet west of the westerly line of Concord
Street, which point is the east line of an alley,
the grade shall be 76.30 feet.
45. At a point in the south line of Mariposa rvvenue,
143 feet east of the easterly line or Virginia
Street, which point is the .,est line of an alley,
the grade shall be 76.40 feet.
46. At a point in the south line of Mariposa Avenue,
125 feet east of the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade shall be 76.65 feet.
47. At a point in the south line of Mari -posy ;venue,
100 feet east of the easterly, lineof Virginia
Street, the grade shall be 77.22 feet.
48. At a ooint in the south line of L'arioosa Avenue,
75 feet east of the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade shall be 78.06 feet.
49. At a point in the south line of L'Lari oosa Avenue,
50 feet east of the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade shall be 79.13 feet.
50. At a point in the south line of I<iarioosa ,venue,
25 feet east of the easterly line of Virginia
Street, the grade shall be 80.50 feet.
51. At a ooint in the south line of Mariposa avenue,
where it intersects with the east line of
Virginia Street, the grade shall be 82.00 feet.
52. At a point in the north line of Mariposa revenue,
where it intersects with the west line of
Virginia Street, the grade shall be 83.00 feet.
53. At a Point in the north line of Lariposa Avenue,
where it intersects with the east line of
"Whiting Street, the grade shall be 120.00 feet.
54. At a point in the south line of Mariposa -Lvenue,
where it intersects with the west line of
Virginia Street, the grade shall be 84.00 feet.
55. At a point in the south line of Mariposa Avenue
where it intersects with the east line of
elhiting Street, the grade shall be 121.50 feet.
56. At a point in the south line of Mariposa ,venue,
where it intersects with the west line of
Whiting Street, the grade shall be 123.00 feet.
57. At a point in the south line of Iyiariposa .,venue,
25 feet west of the ,vest line of :'Whiting Street,
the grade shall be 123.25 feet.
58. At a point in the south line of ISariposa avenue,
50 feet west of the westerly line of Jhiting
Street, the grade shall be 123.30 feet.
59. At a point in the south line of Liariposa avenue,
75 feet west of the westerly line of ;dhiting
Street, the grade shall be 123.25 feet.
60. At a point in the south. 'Line of Liariposa Avenue,
100 feet west of the westerly line of -Jhiting
Street, the grade shall be 122.90 feet.
61. -�,t a ooint in the south line of Mariposa Avenue,
125 feet .re; t of the westerly line of 7.7hiting
street, the grade shall be 12121.55 feet.
62. At a -point in the south line of Laripos-a ;venue,
146 feet west of the westerly line of , Ihiting
Street, which point is the east line of an alley,
the grade shall be 1 -22.03 feet.
63. At a -ooint in the south line of I<<ariposa ,�venue ,
130 feet east of the easterly line of Loma Vista
Street, which point is the west line of an alley,
the grade shall be 121.60 feet.
64. At a point in the south line of Idari oosa Avenue,
115 feet east of the easterly line of Loma Vista
Street, the grade shall be 121.15 feet.
65. at a point in the south line of ;.ariposa ,venue,
90 feet east of the easterly line of Loma 7ista
Street, the grade shall be 120.18feet.
66. At a point in the south line of b:aripose Avenue,
65 feet east of the easterly line of Lol:ia Vista
Street, the grade shall be 113.85 feet.
67. At a ;point in the south line of Mariposa ;.venue,
40 feet east of the easterly line of Loza Vista
i w .\
Street, the grade shall be 117.35 feet.
68. Yt a point in the south line of Iaripoza Avenue,
81. At a point in the north:
162.96 feet east of the
Vista avenue, the Grade
82. At a point in the north
where it intersects with
Vista Avenue, the grade
line of Mariposa Avenue,
easterly line of Bonita
shall be 116.10 feet.
line of LIariposa Avenue,
the east line of Bonita
shall be 105.00 feet.
where it intersects with the east line of Loma
Vista Street, the
grade shall be 114.50 feet.
At a point in th-
north line of Mariposa venue,
where it intersects
with the west line of :Thiting
Street, the grade
shall be 121.45 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue,
25 feet west of the
westerly line of Whiting
Street, the grade
shall be 122.12 feet.
At a point in the
north line of IAariposa Avenue,
50 feet west of the westerly line of :'Ihitin,;
Street, the grade
shall be 122-.55 feet.
At a Point in the
north line of Mariposa avenue,
75 feet :pest of the
westerly line of 'Thiting
Street, the grade
shall be 122.63 feet.
At a point in the
north line of I, °o.ri oosa ,venue,
100 feet west of
the westerly line of , hiting
Street, the grade
shall be 122.70 feet.
At a ooint in the
north line of Alariposq Avenue,
125 feet west of
the westerly line of ";Thiting
Street, the grade
shall be 122.40 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mlariposa :venue,
146 feet west of
the westerly line of 'Thitin_7
Street, the grade
shall be 122.09 feet.
At a 1)oint in the
north line of I, ?arioosa Avenue,
160 feet west of
the westerly line of ,7hitin
Street, the grade
shall be 121.66 feet.
:it a ooint in the
north line of Mariposa ;venue,
175 feet west of
the westerly line of Whiting
Street, the tirade
shall be 121.20 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Lariposs Lvenue,
200 feet west of
the westerly- line of ';'Thiting
Street, the grade
shall be 120.25 feet.
At a Point in the
north line of Mariposa Avenue,
225 feet west of
the westerly line of Whitino,
Street, the grade
shall be 119.12 feet.
At a point in the
north line of Mariposa _venue,
187.96 feet east
of the east line of Bonita Vista
Avenue, the grade
shall be 117.70 feet.
81. At a point in the north:
162.96 feet east of the
Vista avenue, the Grade
82. At a point in the north
where it intersects with
Vista Avenue, the grade
line of Mariposa Avenue,
easterly line of Bonita
shall be 116.10 feet.
line of LIariposa Avenue,
the east line of Bonita
shall be 105.00 feet.
'i �4,
83. At a point in the south line of Mariposa Avenue,
91. At a point in the south
182.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
92. At a point in the south
157.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
93. At a point in the south
132.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
94. At a point in the south
107.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
95. At a point in the south
82.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
line of Mariposa Avenue,
east line of Hillcreet
be 90.53 feet.
line of I:- Mariposa .Avenue,
easterly line of Hillcrest
be 90.80 feet.
line of Mariposa
easterly line of
be 91.30 feet.
line of Mariposa
easterly line of
be 92.30 feet.
.lvenue ,
line of Mariposa Livenue,
easterly line of Hillcrest
be 93.70 feet.
96. At a point in the south line of I,Iariposa avenue,
57.96 feet east of the easterly line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade shall be 95.58 feet.
97. At a point in the south line of I,iari oosa :venue,
32.96 feet east of the easterly line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade shall be 96.05 feet.
96. At a point in the south line of Mariposa .venue,
where it intersects with the east line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade shall be 102.00 feet.
where it intersects with the west line of Loma
Vista Street, the
shall be 113.00 feet.
At a ooint in the
line of Maripoea revenue,
107.96 feet west
of the
westerly line of Loma
Vista Street, the
shall be 105.00 feet.
At a point in the
line of Ylariposa nvenue,
270 feet west of
the westerly line of Loma Vista
Street, the grade
be 94.81 feet.
It a point in the
line of Mariposa Avenue,
295 feet west of
the westerly line of Loma Vista
Street, the grade
be 93.60 feet.
At a point in the
line of ,mariposa :avenue,
282.96 feet east
of the
easterly line of
Hillc =eet Avenue,
the grade shall be 92.40 feet.
At a point in the
line of Idariposa Avenue,
257.96 feet east
of the
easterly line of
Hillcrest Avenue,
the grade shall be 91.60 feet.
At a point in the
line of Mariposa Avenue,
232.96 east of the
easterly line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade
be 91.05 feet.
At a point in the
line of I-iiariposa Avenue,
207.96 feet east
of the
east line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade
be 90.70 feet.
91. At a point in the south
182.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
92. At a point in the south
157.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
93. At a point in the south
132.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
94. At a point in the south
107.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
95. At a point in the south
82.96 feet east of the
Avenue, the grade shall
line of Mariposa Avenue,
east line of Hillcreet
be 90.53 feet.
line of I:- Mariposa .Avenue,
easterly line of Hillcrest
be 90.80 feet.
line of Mariposa
easterly line of
be 91.30 feet.
line of Mariposa
easterly line of
be 92.30 feet.
.lvenue ,
line of Mariposa Livenue,
easterly line of Hillcrest
be 93.70 feet.
96. At a point in the south line of I,Iariposa avenue,
57.96 feet east of the easterly line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade shall be 95.58 feet.
97. At a point in the south line of I,iari oosa :venue,
32.96 feet east of the easterly line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade shall be 96.05 feet.
96. At a point in the south line of Mariposa .venue,
where it intersects with the east line of Hillcrest
Avenue, the grade shall be 102.00 feet.
99. At a point in the north line of Iariposa Avenue,
where it intersects with the west line of Bonita
Vista Avenue,
shall be 103.50
At a point
in the
line of Mariposa
122.04 feet
of the
westerly line of
Vista Avenue,
shall be 94.96 feet.
At a point
in the
line of Mariposa
147.04 feet
of the
westerly line of
Vista Avenue,
shall be 93.60 feet.
At a point
in the
line of Mariposa
172.04 feet
of the
westerly line of
Vista Avenue,
shall be 82.40 feet.
At a point
in the
line of Mariposa
197.04 feet
of the
westerly line of
Vista ;venue,
shall be 91.55 feet.
At a point
in the
line of 11- ariposa
222.04 feet
of the
westerly line of
Vista Avenue,
shall be 90.80 feet,
At a point
in the
line of Iariposa
207.96 feet
of the
easterly line of
:Avenue, the
be 90.40 feet.
At a point
in the
line of ;,ariposa
182.96 feet
of the
easterly line of
Avenue, the
be 90.9-0 feet.
At a point
in the
line of Mariposa
157.96 feet
of the
easterly line of
Avenue, the
be 90.21 feet.
At a point
in the
line of Mariposa
132.96 feet
of the
easterly line of
Avenue, the
be 90.50 feet.
At a point
in the
line of Mariposa
107.96 feet
of the
easterly line of
Avenue, the
be 91.38 feet.
At a point
its the
line of Mariposa
82.96 feet
east of
easterly line of
Avenue, the
be 92.53 feet.
At a point
in the
line of :;Iariposa
57.96 feet
east of
easterly line of Hillerest
Avenue, the
be 94.25 feet.
At a point
in the
line of i:{ari-poea
32.96 feet
east of
easterly line of
avenue, the
be 96.40 feet.
At a point
in the
line of Mlariposa
where it intersects
with the easterly line of
Hillerest Avenue,
the grade shall be 100.50
114. At a point in the aouth line of Mariposa
Avenue, where it intersects with the west
line of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
104.00 feet.
115. At a point in the south line of Mariposa
Avenue, 177.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be 125.24
116. At a point in the south line of Mariposa
Avenue, 202.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
128.20 feet.
117. At a point in the south line of Mariposa
Avenue, 227.04 feet crest of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
130.28 feet.
118. At a point in the south line of Mariposa
Avenue, 252.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
132.05 feet.
119. At a -point in the south line of Mariposa
Avenue, 277.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
133.30 feet.
120. At a point in the south line of Mariposa.
Avenue, 302.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
134.30 feet.
121. At a point in the south line of Iariposa
Avenue, 327.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest hvenue, the grade shall be
134.95 feet.
122. At a point in the south line of IYlariposa
Avenue, 352.04 feet weet of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
135.30 feet.
123. At a point in the south line of I:lariposa
Avenue, 377.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
135.38 feet.
124. At a point in the south line of Mariposa
Avenue, 402.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcrest Avenue, the grade shall be
135.20 feet.
125. At a point in the south line of P:Iariposa
Avenue, 427.04 feet ;rest of the westerly line
of Hillcreat hvenue, the grade shall be
134.75 feet.
126. At a point in the south line of Mariposa
Avenue, 452.04 feet west of the westerly line
of Hillcreat Avenue, the grade shall be
134.00 feet.
Point in the south line of Yiariposa avenue,
127. At a p line of
543.12 feet west Of grade be 130.60 feet.
�iillerest ivenue,
128. At a point in the nO�itri theeslta line sof ` veneet.
where it intersect�ne trade shall be 102.50 f
Hillerest Avenue,
T.iariposa j venue,
129. At a point in the north line °f line of
177.04 feet west otheh- westerly
radeshall be 125.24 feet.
�illcTe$t Avenue,
oint in the north line of i.�ariposa :,venue
130. At a P line of
202,04 feet west Of 'be be 128.20 feet.
Hillerest Avenue,
131. At a point in the north line of ,arneosa venue, of
227 .04 feet venue of hehgradetshall be 130.26 feet.
?iillcrest Avenue,
orth line Of U
132. ;t a , ooint in the nlinr "venue,
52.04 feet viest of the r de t shall be 132.05 feet.
Hillerest Avenue, the g
7�iari Cosa :venue,
133• At a point in the north line of 1' "line of
277.04 fee t west °thehgrade shall be 133.30 feet.
'jillcrest Avenue,
134. lit a point in the north line of Uar eoof venue,
ijilic st8Avenue,othe the
gr dewesterly
sha.11 be 134.30 feet.
135. At a point in the north line of '1'Ilineo a
327.04 feet west othehgr detshall be 134.95 feet.
uillcrest Avenue,
136• At a point in the north line riposa Avenue,
352.04 feet West °thehgradetshall be 135.30 feet.
'sillcrest Avenue,
°sa. avenue,
137. At a point in the north line of I`Illine of
377.04 feet west °thehgradetshall be 175.38 feet•
qillcrest ;,venue,
135. yt a point in the north line Of Milne °p1f Venue,
402.04 feet west °thengradetshall be 135.50 feet•
Hillcrest Avenue,
osa ;venue,
1.39• At a point in the north line of Marie s"
427.04 feet west othehgradetshall be 134.75 feet. of
'3illorest Avenue,
140. At a point in the north line of JIari oof ':'revue,
452.04 feet west °thel�radrshall be 134.00 feet.
?iillcrest avenue,
141. .�t a point in the north line of �,, r
f .j* , .
Elevations are in feet and above the City Datum Plane,
and refer to the to;� of the curb at the point where a line
drawn at a right angle to the center line of Idariposa ,;venue
from each point mentioned, intersects the curb. At all points
between the said described points, on the same side of ILLariposa
Avenue, the grade shall conform to a straight line between the
said points.
Section 2. The curb lines of said I;,;ariposa ,;venue between
the west line of P;:ain Street and the westerly line of said Tract
No. 1685, are hereby fixed and established at a distance of
fifteen (15) feet, measured at right an?les northerly and south-
erly of, and parallel with the center line of said Mariposa
Section 3. she City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once
in the E.l Seo-undo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circu-
lation printed, published and circulated --ithin the said City of
El Se;undo, California, which is hereby designated for that pur-
oose and thereupon and thereafter it shall t€ke effect and be
in foil force.
Passed and approved this 14th day of January, 1920.
Presi ent of e Board o Trustees
of the City of. El Segundo.
:�t e t
City Clerk of the Ci gundo.