KY JHDIDA:.CL 01 ! CKY ur EL UxW O, L _1 FulTtl� !,
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nS SHOJI U20T S7EZT 3 02 a�i. �'� i�DJ, _:ECOtDED Ii;
BuOT 20, 2WES 22 !!D 23 OF i. A2S, RECO_,DS 02 'LOS
ZGEL S COU:TY, CALI20n Iii 0:: 2IL;. IZ = 011IC! OF
T'iL UU:;l_ iti:(.O D_:n W „�W 000:i2Y, ,III .I ,._CIO 11L::xu
the Bo -rd of Trustees of the CitU of El Segundo,
� California, on the 5th day of Zovember, 1919, at a roSular meeting
of eaid Board held on that date, duly panned and adopted a
resolution, being• resolution Do. 24, and entitled:
"A resolution of the 3owd of Trustees of the City
of El Segundo, California, decicarins its intention
to close uo, vacate and abandon for eublic alle;-
puroosee, all of those certain public alleys in
3locks 83 and 84 of El Segundo, as rho „n upon Sheet
3 of Ll Segundo, recorded in °ook 20, pages 22 and
23 of Maps, records of Los "ng•elee County,
California, on file in the office of the County
�ecorder of saia County”.
W H=AS, the Street Superintendent of the eeid City
of ;El Segundo, : fter the oassaae of said resolution, caused to be
conspicuously posted along the lines of said contemplated improvement,
and not more than Three hundred feet in distance apart, upon said
alleys, and not less than three in all upon any one of said alleys,
notices of the passage of said resolution, said notices being
named, "POTICE 02 .PUBLIC aO ", in letters not less than one inch
in length, and stating; the fact of the passage of said resolution,
its date, briefly the work of im,)rovemelit proposed, being; that of
vacating all of the said public alleys, ^mod hereinafter described,
and the said notice herein mentioned rerlerred to said resolution
for further particulars; said Street Superintendent having also
caused a, notice, similar to that hereinbefore referred to, to be
published by four successive insertions in the El Segundo --emerald,
a weekly newspaper .)rinted and oublielled and circulated in said
City of 31 Segundo ( there being no daily newepa -)er so published,
printed and circulated in said city), and the said :street
Su)erintendent havin27 also oosted such notices along all streets
and alleys and parts of the streets and alle'TTs within the assessment
district described in the said resolution, and not less than three
notices in all upon any jSMI of such streets or alleys, all as
required by law, and more than ten days after the expiration of the
time of 3ublication of said notice having elapsed, and no objectijn
to said improvement having been delivered to the City Clerk of the
said City of 21 Segundo, or other-,vi.e made, and the said Board of
Trustees having acquired jurisdiction to order the vacating of
said alleys as hereinafter described,
I10'1 i'',L�i1: 0 E, the Bo,7.rd of Trustees of the City of E1
Segundo, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That all of the public alleys blocks 83
and 84 of 31 Segundo, as shown upon Sheet 3 of E1 Segundo, recorded
in 3ook 20, at pages 22' and 23 of 'Lua.-)s, records of Los _ {n�relcs
Jounty-, California, oa file in the office of the County Recorder
of said County, which said alleys are situated witLin said City of
?1 Se -undo, be closed up, vacated and abandoned for public alley
purposes; that the said oublic alleys so closed up, vacated and
abandoned for oublic alley purposes, are described as follows;
All of t_iat certain fifteen (15) foot alley, running
easterly and westerl.; throug_- said ;look 83, and being of a uniform
width of seven and
either side of the
a point in the vies
and one -half (3072 -
and running thence
line of said Block
one -half (7') feet, measured at right angles on
following described center line: Beginning at
terly line of said Block 83, 'Three hundred seven
feet north of the south line of said Block 83
easterly on a line parallel with the southerly
83 a distance of Three hundred (300) feet.
All of that certain fourteen (14) foot alley running
northerly and southerly in said Block 83, and being of a uniform
width of seven (7) feet measured at rignt angles on either side of
the following described center line; Beginning at a point in the
southerly line of said Block 83, distant One hundred and fifty
(150) feet east of the west line of said Block 83, and running thence
northerly on a line parallel with the westerly line of said Block
83, a distance of Three hundred (500) feet.
All of that certain fifteen (16) foot alley running easterly
and westerly in said Block 54 and being- of a uniform width of seven
and one -half ( 741) feet, measured at right angles on either side of
the following described center line; Beginning at a Joint in the
westerly line of said Block 84, distant Three hundred seven and
one -half (3071) feet north of the south line of said Block 84, and
running thence easterly, on a line parallel with the southerly line
of said Block 84, a distance of One hundred and sixt; feet (1601)
All of that certain twenty (20) foot alley running
northerly and southerly in said Flock 84, and being of a uniform
width of ten (10) feet measured at right angles, on either side of
the following described center line: Beginning at a point in the
southerly line of said Block 84, distant One hundred and fifty (150)
feet east of the west line of said Block 64, and running thence
northerly on a line parallel with the weeterl.y line of said Block
84, a distance of Three hundred (300) feet.
The purpose of these proceedings, is to vacate and abandon
for public alley purposes, all of the public alleys in Blocks 8::
and 84 of El Segundo, as shown upon Sheet 3 of E1 Segundo, recorded
- 3-
in Book 20, pages 22 and 23 of Maps, records of Los r—ngeles County,
California, on file ir; the office of the County Recorder of said
Count,-,• .
Section 2. That the publi6 work herein provided for is
the closing up of all of the ;public alleys hereinabove referred to
in Section 1, and it appearing to the Board of Trustees of said
City that there are no costs, damages or expenses occasioned b- or
arising out of said work, said Board hereby resolves that therefore
no commissioners shall be appointed to assess benefits, and
Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this Ordinance and shell cause the same to be published by one
insertion in the El Segundo Herald, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published and circulated in said city, and
which is hereby designated for that purpose, and thereupon and
thereafter the same shall take effect and be in full force.
Pawed and adopted this 5th day of Jamiary, 1920. , I=.
Presid nt of t e Board o Trustees
of the City of E1 Seo-undo.
t i
) ss.
CITY 02 . c':'sUi;D0 )
I, Victor D. 1,11cCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El
Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance, being Ordinance i1o. 57 was passed by the Board
of Trustees of the City of El Se, ~undo, signed by the President
of said Eoard, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular
meetin of the said Board held on the 5th d� -17 Of January,1920
I= and that the same -mas passed by the followina vote:
AYES: Trustees Bryson, Smiley, Vandervort, Ward, and Martin.
1�0E,S: True tees None.
ABS, ::T: T'ru�,:tees None.
City Clerk of the Cit yl eu.do