ORDINANCE 56I ORDINANCE DO. 56 AN ORDINANCE OF TfM CITY OF EL SLxUIdDO, NOALIFORidIri, DECLAYZING' VA";.NT FOR iUBLIC S1l�LLT YUriYUSES, r; �ER'i'tiIiT t'ORTIOii Or' COIdCU3D STREET .1ITHJiT THE SaID CITY. ; REAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, on the 17th day of September, 1919, at a regular meeting of said Board held on that date, dulIT passed and adopted a resolution, being reso- lution 1:o. 23 entitled:" " A R c.SOLUTI ON OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OI'' THE' CITY OF EL SECUNDO, CALIFO?d;IA, DEC.LbRITds T?IvIR INTE1yTI011 TO CLOSL UP, VACATE AND ABANDOid FOR 2UBLIC .`.' nt EET -PURPOSES, A P JRTIOIt OF CONCORD STRIB= .JITHI' TFD� S.iI -J CITY ", and :;HE.i�:S, the Street Superintendent of the said Ci �.1,7 of El Segundo, after the passage of said resolution, caused to be conspic- uousll; posted along the line of said contemplated improvement, at not more than three hundred feet in distance apart, upon said street, and not less than three in all upon said street, notices of the passage of said resolution, said notice being named "NOTICE OF PUBLIC ,.VORK," in letters not less than one inch in length, and stating the fact of the passage of said resolution, its date and briefly the work of improvement -proposed, being that of vacatin- the portion of the said Concord Street as hereinafter described, and the said notice herein mentioned, referred to said resolution for further particulars; said Street Superintendent having also caused a notice similar to that hereinbefore referred to, to be published by four successive insertions in the El Segundo Herald, a meekly newspaper printed and published and circulated in said City of El Segundo (there being no daily newspaper so published, printed and circulated in said city), and more than ten days after the expiration of the time of publication of said notice having elapsed, and no objection to the said improvement having been delivered to the City Clerk of t i1 the said City of El Segundo, and the said Board of Trustees having Ajurisdiction to order the vacation of the said portion of said street as hereinafter described, ITO'J TBER 'YORE, the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the oortion of the public street herein- after described within the said city, be closed up, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes; that the portion of the said street so closed uo, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes is described as follows: 1 that portion of Concord Street lying between the northerly line of �.Iariposa Avenue and the southerly line of Palm Avenue, as said street and avenuesare shown upon Sheet 3 of El Segundo on MaD recorded in Map Book 20, pages 22 and 23 of I'daps, records of Los "ngeles Coiinty, California, on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County. .`IN The purpose of these proceedings is to vacate the whole of the portion of said public street hereinabove described. Section 2. That the public work herein provided for is the closing up of the portion above described of the said public streetf hereinabove referred to in Section 1, and it appearing to the Board of Trustees of said City that there s_re no costs, damages or expenses occasioned by or arising out of said work, said Board hereby resolves that therefore no commissioners shall be appointed to assess benefits and damages. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published by one in- sertion in the El Segundo Herald a meekly newspaper of general circu- lation printed and published and circulated in said city and which is hereby designated for that purpose, and thereupon and theregfter the same shall take effect and be in full force. Passed and aoproved this 12thday of November 1919. (SEAL) Presi ent oA the Board of Trustees : of the City of E1 Segundo. E'rT Clerk STATE OF C ALIFORTTIA } SS. COUNTY OF LOO ANGELES ) CITY OF FIL SE s UNDO ) I, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 56 was passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, signed by the President of said Board and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on t1-.e 12th day of Noovember , 1919, and that the same was passed by the following vote: AYES: Trustees Bryson. Lard. l,j'ork. and iv[artin. NOES: Trustees None. ABSENT: Trustees Smiley. ity Clerk of the C El Segundo. A 174